YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!

The only "lie" being told here, that any of the investigations into the IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal or the Clinton email scandal was ever done by the Obama Justice Department "fully"!.

They were fully investigating by the republican congress.

Did the DOJ listen..........Obama's DOJ.......

OOPs sorry she was busy taking the 5th amendment......

well then they can look into the witch hunt of mueller's eh?

The Witches abound in the Trump White House, but an assassin has been hired to get rid of them. When I listen to Anthony Scaramucci my mind's eye sees and hears Francisco Scaramanga, the Assassin in The man with the golden gun.

Would anyone buy a Time Share from the new communications director?
You snowflakes wanted to root out crime, protect US elections from foreign interference...HERE YA GO!

When all else fails, launch a distraction.
No one on the thtee 'russian collusion' investigations is going to be "distracted" from doing their job you idiot!
Only the LIB MSM will be "distracted".
Wait until the 'leaks' begin when the 3rd investigation begins.
You'll have blood coming out your eyes.
Word is Rudi is going to be named as the second SC.
sarah huckabee sanders said it best yesterday, things like this exist for only a moment in their world, it's the media that stays on it forever.
Trump can't work with anybody but himself. Trump can bark out orders, but he can't negotiate a deal he can't bully his way through.

WTF are you smoking............get over yourself............LOL

Name a deal the great "art of the deal" maker has done in his presidency.

Did he make a deal on healthcare?
Did he make a deal on paying for the wall?
Did he make a deal on anything?
The only "lie" being told here, that any of the investigations into the IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal or the Clinton email scandal was ever done by the Obama Justice Department "fully"!.

They were fully investigating by the republican congress.
congress needed the DOJ to open up a grand jury. they wouldn't. nice try, but the biasing saved their asses. it's what swamp creatures do.
Trump can't work with anybody but himself. Trump can bark out orders, but he can't negotiate a deal he can't bully his way through.

WTF are you smoking............get over yourself............LOL

Name a deal the great "art of the deal" maker has done in his presidency.

Did he make a deal on healthcare?
Did he make a deal on paying for the wall?
Did he make a deal on anything?
Deflecting from the accomplishments I posted................................In regards to paying for the wall......that is a matter of opinion..................since Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers a lot of money.........................that pays for the wall....................but people like you think Mexico is gonna hand over money directly to build a wall by the Trump meaning............

You crack me up.....................
Kangaroo investigations

As an agnostic I can still wish there is a hell, a special place for Easy65 and others like him!
You are so full of shit.

You had no problem with the Democrats running a proven criminal as their candidate, having to help her take the nomination because she could not do it on her own, protecting her from prosecution because she was the 'chosen one', and it was 'her turn'.

You have had no problem with the continues exposing of Democrat crimes, defending, justifying, and attempting to explain them away.

You have had no problem with a candidate who should have been forced out of the race because of multiple investigations of crimes already proven she committed.

You have had no problem with the fake news all-in, false, Russia / Ukraine Propaganda supported accusations and ensuing Witch Hunt Investigations that have produced no crime, no criminal activity, no collusion, no obstruction, and a whole lot of evidence of Democrat crime!

You had no problem with a Special Counsel made up of unprecedentedly partisan Trump Haters and Clinton lawyers sent out to take down the GOP President who defeated your criminal candidate...'for the good of the country' (you meand for the good of the DNC!).

So finally the Democrats are being called out for those exposed crimes...and you're whining like a little bitch because the snowflake crimes, scandals, and schemes have blown up in your faces, because it is the Democrats who are now under the judicial microscope.

You wanted Special Counsels to investigate crimes....I said be careful what you ask you got what you wanted.

F* you, you little hypocritical, partisan crime-enabling bit@h! You and your criminal party called down the thunder with your criminal, seditious law breaking. Now you can SUCK IT!
Your lies and hatred towards Hillary has played one too many hands....No one buys your bull crud about her anymore.....except the willingly deceivable....
The bull dyke is going to face federal prison time. Same as Lynch and Comey.
Ain't gonna happen, the establishment won't allow it.
Do you remember that time when Obama refused to enforce DOMA? Yeah, me neither.
The only "lie" being told here, that any of the investigations into the IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal or the Clinton email scandal was ever done by the Obama Justice Department "fully"!.

They were fully investigating by the republican congress.

Winger just claimed that they were fully investigated by the Obama Justice Department! That's complete bullshit and you know it!
well then they can look into the witch hunt of mueller's eh?

The Witches abound in the Trump White House, but an assassin has been hired to get rid of them. When I listen to Anthony Scaramucci my mind's eye sees and hears Francisco Scaramanga, the Assassin in The man with the golden gun.

Would anyone buy a Time Share from the new communications director?
I give two shits about anthony. really, it matters very little what he says. It is what is done in congress and by the president I care about. so you take your little distractions to your bathtub and continue playing with yourself.
You snowflakes wanted to root out crime, protect US elections from foreign interference...HERE YA GO!

When all else fails, launch a distraction.
No one on the thtee 'russian collusion' investigations is going to be "distracted" from doing their job you idiot!
Only the LIB MSM will be "distracted".
Wait until the 'leaks' begin when the 3rd investigation begins.
You'll have blood coming out your eyes.
Word is Rudi is going to be named as the second SC.
sarah huckabee sanders said it best yesterday, things like this exist for only a moment in their world, it's the media that stays on it forever.
she is dreamy, eh?
Coming into office, Donald Trump offered Democrats an olive branch telling them that he didn't favor going after Hillary Clinton for the violations of the law she committed while Secretary of State! He was willing to let it all go if that made it easier to gain cooperation from the left. So what did you poor losers do? You attacked Trump with a made up narrative about Russian "collusion" nonstop with zero proof that it took place.

So guess what? After six months of non stop attacks by you snowflakes...Trump has had enough! You want to appoint Special Prosecutors to investigate every business deal that Trump or anyone he knows has done in the last twenty years? Fine...let's do that! But you better be sure that YOUR house is in order because two can play at that game!

For eight years, the Obama White House used the Justice Department as cover for their illegal activities. There isn't an Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch running interference for you anymore...blocking investigations into things like the IRS scandal, Benghazi and the Clinton email scandal!

People like the Clinton's and Debbie Wasserman Schultz should get ready for their worst nightmare...people like Trey Gowdy with subpoena powers and a Justice Department ready to prosecute.

"For eight years, the Obama White House used the Justice Department as cover for their illegal activities. There isn't an Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch running interference for you anymore...blocking investigations into things like the IRS scandal, Benghazi and the Clinton email scandal!"

What illegal activities do you claim Obama and his White House Staff engaged in? Post them, allegations need facts, otherwise they are nothing but partisan bullshit by an ignorant fool.

The IRS scandal was fully vetted by Congress, Benghazi was full investigated, and the e-mail issue ad nausea. No misfeasance or nonfeasance was ever found.

Keep on lying, since it is all you've got, I suppose you have no choice but to continue to do so.

The only "lie" being told here, that any of the investigations into the IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal or the Clinton email scandal was ever done by the Obama Justice Department "fully"! Barack Obama used the Justice Department to prevent investigations into the scandals that rocked his administration. Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were not the American people's Attorney Generals...they were Barack Obama's Attorney Generals! They were not there to provide justice to the American people...they were there to provide cover for an administration that used the IRS against political opponents...used our intelligence agencies to spy on political opponents...and lied to the American people about scandals like Benghazi.

The AG did Obama's personally bidding, shielding his administration. But as soon as Trump won the left demanded Trump's AG be completely independent of the president. Just the same old Dem double standards.
Do you remember that time when Obama refused to enforce DOMA? Yeah, me neither.
I did see when obummer refused to enforce his little red line in the sand. what a wimp and traitor
You snowflakes wanted to root out crime, protect US elections from foreign interference...HERE YA GO!

When all else fails, launch a distraction.
No one on the thtee 'russian collusion' investigations is going to be "distracted" from doing their job you idiot!
Only the LIB MSM will be "distracted".
Wait until the 'leaks' begin when the 3rd investigation begins.
You'll have blood coming out your eyes.
Word is Rudi is going to be named as the second SC.
sarah huckabee sanders said it best yesterday, things like this exist for only a moment in their world, it's the media that stays on it forever.
she is dreamy, eh?
ten times better than debbie wasserman shits
Coming into office, Donald Trump offered Democrats an olive branch telling them that he didn't favor going after Hillary Clinton for the violations of the law she committed while Secretary of State! He was willing to let it all go if that made it easier to gain cooperation from the left. So what did you poor losers do? You attacked Trump with a made up narrative about Russian "collusion" nonstop with zero proof that it took place.

So guess what? After six months of non stop attacks by you snowflakes...Trump has had enough! You want to appoint Special Prosecutors to investigate every business deal that Trump or anyone he knows has done in the last twenty years? Fine...let's do that! But you better be sure that YOUR house is in order because two can play at that game!

For eight years, the Obama White House used the Justice Department as cover for their illegal activities. There isn't an Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch running interference for you anymore...blocking investigations into things like the IRS scandal, Benghazi and the Clinton email scandal!

People like the Clinton's and Debbie Wasserman Schultz should get ready for their worst nightmare...people like Trey Gowdy with subpoena powers and a Justice Department ready to prosecute.

"For eight years, the Obama White House used the Justice Department as cover for their illegal activities. There isn't an Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch running interference for you anymore...blocking investigations into things like the IRS scandal, Benghazi and the Clinton email scandal!"

What illegal activities do you claim Obama and his White House Staff engaged in? Post them, allegations need facts, otherwise they are nothing but partisan bullshit by an ignorant fool.

The IRS scandal was fully vetted by Congress, Benghazi was full investigated, and the e-mail issue ad nausea. No misfeasance or nonfeasance was ever found.

Keep on lying, since it is all you've got, I suppose you have no choice but to continue to do so.

The only "lie" being told here, that any of the investigations into the IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal or the Clinton email scandal was ever done by the Obama Justice Department "fully"! Barack Obama used the Justice Department to prevent investigations into the scandals that rocked his administration. Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were not the American people's Attorney Generals...they were Barack Obama's Attorney Generals! They were not there to provide justice to the American people...they were there to provide cover for an administration that used the IRS against political opponents...used our intelligence agencies to spy on political opponents...and lied to the American people about scandals like Benghazi.

The AG did Obama's personally bidding, shielding his administration. But as soon as Trump won the left demanded Trump's AG be completely independent of the president. Just the same old Dem double standards.

The Obama Justice Department had a palpable stench of corruption throughout his two terms. Appointing Eric Holder as your Attorney General...a man who orchestrated the Marc Rich pardon for the outgoing Clinton Administration...made it quite clear that Barack Obama wasn't looking for an AG to provide justice for all Americans...he was looking for someone who was willing to do really sleazy things when told to do so.
Name a deal the great "art of the deal" maker has done in his presidency.

Did he make a deal on healthcare?
Did he make a deal on paying for the wall?
Did he make a deal on anything?
Deflecting from the accomplishments I posted.......

All of Trumps accomplished you mentioned can be summed up as Trump the "auto-pen" president. The only thing Trump had to do with them, was his signature. Trump can't negotiate anything. Every negotiation he's been in as president has failed.

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