Yes, illegal aliens do vote


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
There is no system to check citizenship, so it's easy for the left to claim the problem doesn't exist. How can it exist when they not only refuse to look for it, but make it difficult for anyone else to do so? I know the left likes to claim that minorities are so fucking stupid that registering to vote is just too hard for them. Doesn't stop illegal aliens through motor voter registration. When they do that, they appear legit and that's good enough for Dems since the illegals are wanting them to steal from tax payers on their behalf and grant amnesty for their crime of breaking immigration laws, stealing identities of citizens and who knows what else.

We need to stop motor voter registration. Aside from the fact that illegal benefit from it and appear legitimate, there are millions of legally registered voters who don't vote and those unused ballots are up for grabs. There is no way to determine how many legal registrations are being used illegally. There is no way to check for it, but the left wants to ensure that millions of available ballots are there to tilt an election if need be. When we saw over 100% of eligible votes going to Obama in certain areas, that is proof enough that the extra, unused ballots were filled out illegally and counted.

Minorities are not helpless and they are perfectly able to register. Forget photo ID since that won't begin to address the real problem with cheating.

We need to have every citizen who plans to vote re-register and end motor voter. That way, the only ones who register will be those who intend to use their own ballot and we won't have millions of ballots at the disposal of dishonest poll workers and others who will stop at nothing to forge ahead with the far left agenda.

Illegal Aliens Voting
Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Large Numbers | Top Right News
Do you have any real sources for this?

you're an idiot.

and predictable to boot. no wonder nobody cares what you post; and your reputation is almost nil.

it was a given you would try to trash the source; you hate anything that doesnt fit the left-wing narrative
Do you have any real sources for this?

you're an idiot.

and predictable to boot. no wonder nobody cares what you post; and your reputation is almost nil.

it was a given you would try to trash the source; you hate anything that doesnt fit the left-wing narrative
What left-wing narrative? 80% of American media are owned by 7 corporations, none of which are "leftist". That article quoted or whatever. The fact that you don't know that websites like suirrelzippers and World Net Daily are entirely retarded is the reason that you believe anything that you read from those sites.

Come up with a real source for this or stick it back up your ass where you found it.
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Do you have any real sources for this?

you're an idiot.

and predictable to boot. no wonder nobody cares what you post; and your reputation is almost nil.

it was a given you would try to trash the source; you hate anything that doesnt fit the left-wing narrative
What left-wing narrative? 80% of American media are owned by 7 corporations, none of which are "leftist". That article quoted or whatever. The fact that you don't know that websites like suirrelzippers and World Net Daily are entirely retarded is the reason that you believe anything that you read from those sites.

Come up with a real source for this or stick it back up your ass where you found it.
like i said idiot; because money isnt red or blue; it's green. so if the "corporate media" thinks it can make a buck feeding left-wing lemmings socialist agit-prop; it will do just that. you're a lemming and a useful idiot for rich gazillionaires that want socialism for you and capitalism for themselves
There is no system to check citizenship, so it's easy for the left to claim the problem doesn't exist. How can it exist when they not only refuse to look for it, but make it difficult for anyone else to do so? I know the left likes to claim that minorities are so fucking stupid that registering to vote is just too hard for them.

Jesus, look at this mountain of straw men fallacies! Holy shit!
There is no system to check citizenship, so it's easy for the left to claim the problem doesn't exist. How can it exist when they not only refuse to look for it, but make it difficult for anyone else to do so? I know the left likes to claim that minorities are so fucking stupid that registering to vote is just too hard for them.

Jesus, look at this mountain of straw men fallacies! Holy shit!

what part is a straw man?

what kind of idiot thinks it is an actual hardship to come up with $20 dollars for an ID?

i wonder if left-wing nutjobs actually know any poor people.
A reporter found ONE illegal alien who voted. Then take a look at what the idiots did from there:

Since investigators only checked a very small sample of jury forms, one can only imagine how many thousands, or tens of thousands of illegals statewide who may have voted since the Motor Voter law was passed in 1993.

Voter ID rubes love to make up fantasies in their pointy heads.
While President Barack Obama scolded corporate America, his service as an attorney for ACORN in the past prevents him from even once mentioning local, state and federal investigations of that organization as a result of numerous voter fraud allegations.

When voters discover fraud by a candidate they react. For example, in a 2006 congressional race in southern California between Republican Brian Bilbray and Democrat Francine Busby, Busby told a room full of illegal aliens that they didn't need "papers" — meaning identification — to vote. Thank goodness it was recorded and played on talk radio shows across the nation. Busby lost because she got caught saying what many other Democrats may tell illegal aliens.

A recent study released by the conservative think-tank the Heritage Foundation provides proof that illegal aliens and immigrants with green cards are committing rampant voter fraud in the United States.
Reports of ineligible persons registering to vote have raised concerns about state processes for verifying voter registration lists. States usually base voter eligibility on the voter's age, US citizenship, mental competence, and felon status.

Although individual states run elections, Congress has authority to affect the administration of the elections. The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) had set a deadline for states to have a statewide voter registration list and list verification procedures.

For example, the methods used in seven selected states to verify voter eligibility and ensure accuracy of voter registration lists were varied and include relying on registrant self attestation, return mailings, and checking against lists of felony convictions or deceased individuals. Some states, for instance, failed to do any more than ask on their application forms if the registrant was a US citizen. The applicant will merely check off the "Yes" box, but there is no action taken to verify the authenticity of that answer.

"The voter registration officials simply take the word of the registrant with no follow-up," said conservative political strategist Michael Baker.

"Some states that require some backup documentation merely ask for a utility bill or a driver's license — neither of which prove citizenship. In other words, legal or illegal aliens can easily register to vote in local and national elections," warns Baker.

According to a Congressional study of voter fraud, other challenges such as identifying duplicate registrations in other states or having insufficient information to match other data sources with voter registration lists may continue to be issues. < www, >

While federal data sources have the potential to help state election officials identify registrants who may be convicted felons or non-citizens, few states communicate with federal agencies such as the Homeland Security Department's immigration section.

Many government officials &#8212; mostly liberals &#8212; claim that illegal aliens voting is not a major problem, conservative activists respond that while the potential number identified may be small, an election can be decided by a few votes. In 2000, the presidential race between Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush was decided by a few hundred votes in Florida.

"While the news media perpetuated the assertion that Bush and the GOP 'stole' the election, it could very well have been illegal aliens voting in Florida that made the outcome so close," said former NYPD cop, now security firm owner, Sid Francis.

"Bush may have beaten Gore by more votes if illegals were excluded, since immigrants tend to vote for Democrats. Or Gore could have won decisively had there been prior screening before people were allowed into the voting booths," said Det. Francis.

"There was absolutely no mention in the mainstream media regarding suspected voter fraud by illegal or legal aliens. It was much easier for the agenda-driven newspeople to accuse Republicans of stealing the election," added Baker.

"Florida is not unique. Thousands of non-citizens are registered to vote in some states, and tens if not hundreds of thousands in total may be present on the voter rolls nationwide. These numbers are significant: Local elections are often decided by only a handful of votes, and even national elections have likely been within the margin of the number of non-citizens illegally registered to vote," said Hans A. von Spakovsky, a researcher at the Heritage Foundation.

"There is no reliable method to determine the number of non-citizens registered or actually voting because most laws to ensure that only citizens vote are ignored, are inadequate, or are systematically undermined by government officials. Those who ignore the implications of non-citizen registration and voting either are willfully blind to the problem or may actually favor this form of illegal voting," said Spakovsky, an expert on the subject of illegal aliens and immigration law, during an interview on Fox News Channel.

As far as felons, US Attorneys are required to notify state election officials of federal felony convictions, but the information is not always easy for election officials to interpret or complete, according to New Jersey GOP strategist Janice Martin.

"Americans would be shocked to discover that hundreds of thousands of general election voters are illegal aliens, green-card immigrants, and criminals who've murdered, raped and robbed US citizens. And guess which political party benefits the most from their votes? The one that's pushing for amnesty and a bag full of free goodies," said Martin.

Dr. von Spakovsky believes many government officials and politicians are complicit in the voter fraud problem.

"To keep non-citizens from diluting citizens' votes, immigration and election officials must cooperate far more effectively than they have to date, and state and federal officials must increase their efforts to enforce the laws against non-citizen voting that are already on the books," he wrote in his Heritage Foundation study on illegal alien voter fraud. < Conservative Policy Research and Analysis >

Just last month, in an extremely close race in Minnesota between incumbent Senator Norm Coleman and comedian Al Franken, Franken was finally declared a winner months after the actual election. While the recount battle raged, no one within the government or within the news media gave a thought to investigating whether or not illegal aliens or legal immigrants voted in the Minnesota for that contested senate seat. Franken's win gives the Democrats something they dreamed of achieving -- a 60 seat majority that would ward off any Republican filibuster of their liberal-left legislation.
"While the liberal media and the liberal establishment ignore what is a huge scandal, American voters are having their rights violated. When an illegal alien or felon or other person prohibited by law to vote, their votes cancels out those of American citizens," warns Baker.

"Liberals want illegal aliens and felons to vote. They benefit from such rampant fraud."

Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he's a staff writer for the New Media Alliance ( In addition, he
There is no system to check citizenship, so it's easy for the left to claim the problem doesn't exist. How can it exist when they not only refuse to look for it, but make it difficult for anyone else to do so? I know the left likes to claim that minorities are so fucking stupid that registering to vote is just too hard for them.

Jesus, look at this mountain of straw men fallacies! Holy shit!

what part is a straw man?

what kind of idiot thinks it is an actual hardship to come up with $20 dollars for an ID?

i wonder if left-wing nutjobs actually know any poor people.

I'm a conservative and as the President of a faith-based non-profit I know more about the plight of the poor than someone as idiotic as you does.

I like how you switched your straw man from "the left likes to claim that minorities are so fucking stupid that registering to vote is just too hard for them" to the completely different "what kind of idiot thinks it is an actual hardship to come up with $20 dollars for an ID". Did you think I would not notice, or do you suffer from schizophrenia and did not hear what the other voice in your head just said?
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A reporter found ONE illegal alien who voted. Then take a look at what the idiots did from there:

Since investigators only checked a very small sample of jury forms, one can only imagine how many thousands, or tens of thousands of illegals statewide who may have voted since the Motor Voter law was passed in 1993.

Voter ID rubes love to make up fantasies in their pointy heads.

lol you're the same kind of left-wing idiot that insists the IRS targeted liberal groups the same as conservative and Tea Partry groups because a whole 7 or so liberal groups got attention from the IRS

idiots and hypocrites

even though 100% of the groups who actually got audited among those scrutinized were conservative groups

idiots and hypocrites
Jesus, look at this mountain of straw men fallacies! Holy shit!

what part is a straw man?

what kind of idiot thinks it is an actual hardship to come up with $20 dollars for an ID?

i wonder if left-wing nutjobs actually know any poor people.

I'm a conservative and as the President of a faith-based non-profit I know more about the plight of the poor than someone as idiotic as you does.

I like how you switched your straw man from "the left likes to claim that minorities are so fucking stupid that registering to vote is just too hard for them" to the completely different "what kind of idiot thinks it is an actual hardship to come up with $20 dollars for an ID". Did you think I would not notice, or do you suffer from schizophrenia and did not hear what the other voice in your head just said.

i didnt switch anything idiot; one example is from me; and the other is from another poster.. geesh ur stupid
Do you have any real sources for this?

you're an idiot.

and predictable to boot. no wonder nobody cares what you post; and your reputation is almost nil.

it was a given you would try to trash the source; you hate anything that doesnt fit the left-wing narrative
What left-wing narrative? 80% of American media are owned by 7 corporations, none of which are "leftist". That article quoted or whatever. The fact that you don't know that websites like suirrelzippers and World Net Daily are entirely retarded is the reason that you believe anything that you read from those sites.

Come up with a real source for this or stick it back up your ass where you found it.

I love this, apparently left wingers don't get involved in business, they don't own corporations. Naaahh

The New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS are all right wing companies...LOLOLOLOLOLOL

libtards are funny
Reports of ineligible persons registering to vote have raised concerns about state processes for verifying voter registration lists. States usually base voter eligibility on the voter's age, US citizenship, mental competence, and felon status.

I have said many times we need to fix the things that are actually broken, such as the voter registration process and insituting proper maintenance of the voter registration rolls. Key word: proper.

Voter ID would accomplish nothing so far as cleaning up voter fraud. There has never once been provided any evidence it would do so. Just imaginary fantasies.

Despite this all being said, idiots like the person who started this topic claim Voter ID opponents say there is no fraud or that we support fraud.
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you're an idiot.

and predictable to boot. no wonder nobody cares what you post; and your reputation is almost nil.

it was a given you would try to trash the source; you hate anything that doesnt fit the left-wing narrative
What left-wing narrative? 80% of American media are owned by 7 corporations, none of which are "leftist". That article quoted or whatever. The fact that you don't know that websites like suirrelzippers and World Net Daily are entirely retarded is the reason that you believe anything that you read from those sites.

Come up with a real source for this or stick it back up your ass where you found it.
like i said idiot; because money isnt red or blue; it's green. so if the "corporate media" thinks it can make a buck feeding left-wing lemmings socialist agit-prop; it will do just that. you're a lemming and a useful idiot for rich gazillionaires that want socialism for you and capitalism for themselves
Do you have any idea what your own political beliefs are? The Tea Party is all about the 1%. How can you claim otherwise? You're pissed at Obama for not creating any jobs while you insist that the government can't create jobs, so that moves responsibility to the private sector to create jobs. The private sector is doing FUCKING GREAT, and yet there is still high unemployment. Why is that? Could it be that "trickle down" economics is a flaming load of bullshit, and cutting taxes to the wealthy elite just allows them to transfer even more money to untaxable overseas accounts? Why aren't job creators creating any jobs?

Before you try to accuse someone else of being a "useful idiot for gazillionaires", take a look at your relationship with Rupert Murdoch or Rush Limbaugh.
Presidents of non-profits dont even know what's going on. ur a joke

one of my best friends is a case-worker at a non-profit. she can tell you all the ways illegals scam the system and take advantage of gullible idiots like you. the higher ups just go to fundraisers and brag how compassionate they are
What left-wing narrative? 80% of American media are owned by 7 corporations, none of which are "leftist". That article quoted or whatever. The fact that you don't know that websites like suirrelzippers and World Net Daily are entirely retarded is the reason that you believe anything that you read from those sites.

Come up with a real source for this or stick it back up your ass where you found it.
like i said idiot; because money isnt red or blue; it's green. so if the "corporate media" thinks it can make a buck feeding left-wing lemmings socialist agit-prop; it will do just that. you're a lemming and a useful idiot for rich gazillionaires that want socialism for you and capitalism for themselves
Do you have any idea what your own political beliefs are? The Tea Party is all about the 1%. How can you claim otherwise? You're pissed at Obama for not creating any jobs while you insist that the government can't create jobs, so that moves responsibility to the private sector to create jobs. The private sector is doing FUCKING GREAT, and yet there is still high unemployment. Why is that? Could it be that "trickle down" economics is a flaming load of bullshit, and cutting taxes to the wealthy elite just allows them to transfer even more money to untaxable overseas accounts? Why aren't job creators creating any jobs?

Before you try to accuse someone else of being a "useful idiot for gazillionaires", take a look at your relationship with Rupert Murdoch or Rush Limbaugh.

the Tea Party is hardly about the 1%. and the !% are doing MUCH MUCH better under obama; than they did under Bush and Republicans

ur a joke; a hypocrite, and clueless

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