Yes, illegal aliens have constitutional rights

Yes, and that includes "illegal aliens" on American soil according to the OP - as stated in Section One of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

Which did not include the Native Americans who were here before we came.

What about blacks and women. BTW, early whites didn't even consider Native Americans as human beings.

I've already told you, interjecting blacks and women as well, doesn't help your "all inclusive" OP argument. It actually contradicts it. You're still not explaining to me, if it means what you claim, why did it not apply to Native Americans... or blacks... or women?

So we didn't believe Native Americans were humans until 1968? :dunno:

Dear dumbass, the OP is not an "argument" - it is fact. Section One of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution is clear for all to see.

The 14th Amendment’s tortuous relationship with American Indians
When signed... it has since been interpreted to include Indians because they are people. Are you saying Indians aren't people? Is that your argument?

No I am saying when was the 14 ever said criminal non citizens were covered?

Are criminal non-citizens people? Yes or no. Easy fucking question. Yes or no?

In there own country...

Are prisoners people in ours? No. They have no rights while in prison.


That's the dumbest fucking statement I have ever read on this forum. Please show proof. Are you taking my bet?

Go to prison tell me what rights you have?

I STUDY THIS SHIT... I KNOW ALL THE RIGHTS THEY HAVE. You keep making the statement they don't have any... prove it.

One of the most widely used rights of prisoners is the 8th Amendment which protects them from Cruel and Unusual punishment... have you heard of that one? They also have the 1st Amendment right to practice their religion... They have the 4th Amendment right to Due Process in having their complaints with how they are treated in prison heard. Want me to keep going?
As pointed out the 14th when signed didn't include Indians


When signed... it has since been interpreted to include Indians because they are people. Are you saying Indians aren't people? Is that your argument?

No I am saying when was the 14 ever said criminal non citizens were covered?

Are criminal non-citizens people? Yes or no. Easy fucking question. Yes or no?

In there own country...

Are prisoners people in ours? No. They have no rights while in prison.

Yes, prisoners have rights.

Go to prison and report back
No I am saying when was the 14 ever said criminal non citizens were covered?

Are criminal non-citizens people? Yes or no. Easy fucking question. Yes or no?

In there own country...

Are prisoners people in ours? No. They have no rights while in prison.


That's the dumbest fucking statement I have ever read on this forum. Please show proof. Are you taking my bet?

Go to prison tell me what rights you have?

I STUDY THIS SHIT... I KNOW ALL THE RIGHTS THEY HAVE. You keep making the statement they don't have any... prove it.

One of the most widely used rights of prisoners is the 8th Amendment which protects them from Cruel and Unusual punishment... have you heard of that one? They also have the 1st Amendment right to practice their religion... They have the 4th Amendment right to Due Process in having their complaints with how they are treated in prison heard. Want me to keep going?

I know reality, all you know is fantasy.

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. Clear and to the point. Applies to citizens only.

nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law: Not a citizen, so don't have the privileges of citizens. Liberty is if you're undocumented you're FREE to leave. You just can't stay. Property will vary on circumstances. All within due process of law. Additionally, they may have felt the reader had an attention span over two seconds, (i.e., citizen leading to person).

nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Protection meaning it's illegal to commit a crime against a non-citizen. That's not to say we offer free stuff, because free stuff aren't laws, they're administered regulations.

It's also up for some interpretation. For example, you must be a birth citizen to run for POUS. Based on the amendment cited, I could liberally argue that's a violation (i.e., life, liberty or property).
Are criminal non-citizens people? Yes or no. Easy fucking question. Yes or no?

In there own country...

Are prisoners people in ours? No. They have no rights while in prison.


That's the dumbest fucking statement I have ever read on this forum. Please show proof. Are you taking my bet?

Go to prison tell me what rights you have?

I STUDY THIS SHIT... I KNOW ALL THE RIGHTS THEY HAVE. You keep making the statement they don't have any... prove it.

One of the most widely used rights of prisoners is the 8th Amendment which protects them from Cruel and Unusual punishment... have you heard of that one? They also have the 1st Amendment right to practice their religion... They have the 4th Amendment right to Due Process in having their complaints with how they are treated in prison heard. Want me to keep going?

I know reality, all you know is fantasy.


You dipshit I worked at a prison for 5 years. I've studied the different case law that gives inmates rights... here is just an example of some of the rights.

Rights of Inmates - FindLaw
Yes, and that includes "illegal aliens" on American soil according to the OP - as stated in Section One of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

Which did not include the Native Americans who were here before we came.

Exactly you idiots

The 14th didn't include Indians

Right... The wording is SO clear, don't you see? It didn't apply to Native Americans because they weren't humans.... but it also didn't apply to "Mexican Bandits" who crossed our borders routinely and were shot. It didn't apply to Japanese-Americans during WWII. It didn't apply to women until 1920. It didn't really apply to blacks until 1964. But somehow... some way... it clearly always applied to illegal aliens!

The left is just fucking bonkers. :cuckoo:
Yes, and that includes "illegal aliens" on American soil according to the OP - as stated in Section One of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

Which did not include the Native Americans who were here before we came.

Exactly you idiots

The 14th didn't include Indians

Right... The wording is SO clear, don't you see? It didn't apply to Native Americans because they weren't humans.... but it also didn't apply to "Mexican Bandits" who crossed our borders routinely and were shot. It didn't apply to Japanese-Americans during WWII. It didn't apply to women until 1920. It didn't really apply to blacks until 1964. But somehow... some way... it clearly always applied to illegal aliens!

The left is just fucking bonkers. :cuckoo:

Are illegal aliens people?
Are illegal aliens people?

They are but they do not have full Constitutional rights. They are not assured Constitutional rights. We benevolently grant them some limited rights to due process because we're decent people.

They either are or they are not. The Constitution specifically states that a person gets rights.

It's sad that we should be embracing how far our country has come in understanding that people of all colors, races, genders, religions, and sexual orientations are people, but here in this thread people instead want to use the fact that we used to not feel that way as an excuse to act that way again with people just because they are Muslim or from countries they fear.
Are illegal aliens people?

They are but they do not have full Constitutional rights. They are not assured Constitutional rights. We benevolently grant them some limited rights to due process because we're decent people.

Correct. Illegals do have due process. They are given a chance to prove their citizenship, when they can't, a judge orders them to be deported. That is due process.
Have they passed immigration ?

These people have already gotten their Visas through the process... and Trump wants to void them based on their country of origin.

He has that authority.

No, no he doesn't, thus why the judge was able to block his ban.

Again.... when was there ever a ban? 90 days, is not a 'ban'. Is the California gun purchase waiting period, called a 'gun ban' in your world?

Where is this "ban" idea coming from?

And WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ILLEGALS?! Nothing being said fits with the title of thread!

Illegal is illegal.... are you saying Trump banned something already illegal? If so.... WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!? Gah.... mind numbing ignorance flying around this thread.

Illegals ARE STILL PEOPLE. It clearly fucking states in the Constitution they have rights. Can you fucking read? lost the argument snowflake.....
Are illegal aliens people?

They are but they do not have full Constitutional rights. They are not assured Constitutional rights. We benevolently grant them some limited rights to due process because we're decent people.

Correct. Illegals do have due process. They are given a chance to prove their citizenship, when they can't, a judge orders them to be deported. That is due process.

They are also given the opportunity to file for political asylum.
These people have already gotten their Visas through the process... and Trump wants to void them based on their country of origin.

He has that authority.

No, no he doesn't, thus why the judge was able to block his ban.

Again.... when was there ever a ban? 90 days, is not a 'ban'. Is the California gun purchase waiting period, called a 'gun ban' in your world?

Where is this "ban" idea coming from?

And WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ILLEGALS?! Nothing being said fits with the title of thread!

Illegal is illegal.... are you saying Trump banned something already illegal? If so.... WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!? Gah.... mind numbing ignorance flying around this thread.

Illegals ARE STILL PEOPLE. It clearly fucking states in the Constitution they have rights. Can you fucking read? lost the argument snowflake.....

How the fuck did I lose the argument? The Trump ban has been halted...
Are illegal aliens people?

They are but they do not have full Constitutional rights. They are not assured Constitutional rights. We benevolently grant them some limited rights to due process because we're decent people.

They either are or they are not. The Constitution specifically states that a person gets rights.

It's sad that we should be embracing how far our country has come in understanding that people of all colors, races, genders, religions, and sexual orientations are people, but here in this thread people instead want to use the fact that we used to not feel that way as an excuse to act that way again with people just because they are Muslim or from countries they fear.

And again, I have demonstrated, in spite of what you claim it clearly says, many persons did not get their constitutional rights until many years later after further legislation was passed and in some cases, actual constitutional amendments. So what's clear is, it doesn't clearly mean what you claim.

In NO case have you made ANY argument that these rights apply to persons who aren't here, who are on foreign soil in foreign nations. You want to declare Akmehd in Syria has a constitutional right to travel freely to America.... yet Akmehd's wife doesn't have the constitutional right to vote, go to school, or not have her clit removed so she doesn't experience sexual gratification. As you said, they either have rights or they don't. Since we cannot enforce our Constitution in Syria, they don't have Constitutional rights.

No one here has said any damn thing about kicking out Muslims who are US citizens. No one has said that Muslims can't come to the US. Trump applied a temporary ban on travel from countries we have a problem with vetting individuals. It is so that we can get some kind of system in place which we can rely on. It's not a permanent ban, it's not against Muslims. 85% of the Muslims abroad are unaffected.

As for illegal aliens, they also don't have Constitutional rights because they are not citizens or legal foreign nationals with valid visas. They are criminals who have broken the law. Because we are civilized people who believe in basic human rights, we ensure these people are afforded due process rights. This isn't mandated by our Constitution, it's simply a matter of public policy. In fact, it is a statutory law passed by Congress, the same as the statutory law Trump followed for his EO.
He has that authority.

No, no he doesn't, thus why the judge was able to block his ban.

Again.... when was there ever a ban? 90 days, is not a 'ban'. Is the California gun purchase waiting period, called a 'gun ban' in your world?

Where is this "ban" idea coming from?

And WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ILLEGALS?! Nothing being said fits with the title of thread!

Illegal is illegal.... are you saying Trump banned something already illegal? If so.... WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!? Gah.... mind numbing ignorance flying around this thread.

Illegals ARE STILL PEOPLE. It clearly fucking states in the Constitution they have rights. Can you fucking read? lost the argument snowflake.....

How the fuck did I lose the argument? The Trump ban has been halted...
His ban on illegal immigrants? Or the airport people that don't exist? Or will you deflect again to hide your loss.....
No, no he doesn't, thus why the judge was able to block his ban.

Again.... when was there ever a ban? 90 days, is not a 'ban'. Is the California gun purchase waiting period, called a 'gun ban' in your world?

Where is this "ban" idea coming from?

And WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ILLEGALS?! Nothing being said fits with the title of thread!

Illegal is illegal.... are you saying Trump banned something already illegal? If so.... WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!? Gah.... mind numbing ignorance flying around this thread.

Illegals ARE STILL PEOPLE. It clearly fucking states in the Constitution they have rights. Can you fucking read? lost the argument snowflake.....

How the fuck did I lose the argument? The Trump ban has been halted...
His ban on illegal immigrants? Or the airport people that don't exist? Or will you deflect again to hide your loss.....

The airport people DID exist... until the ban was lifted. You clearly have some kind of mental illness.
Again.... when was there ever a ban? 90 days, is not a 'ban'. Is the California gun purchase waiting period, called a 'gun ban' in your world?

Where is this "ban" idea coming from?

And WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ILLEGALS?! Nothing being said fits with the title of thread!

Illegal is illegal.... are you saying Trump banned something already illegal? If so.... WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!? Gah.... mind numbing ignorance flying around this thread.

Illegals ARE STILL PEOPLE. It clearly fucking states in the Constitution they have rights. Can you fucking read? lost the argument snowflake.....

How the fuck did I lose the argument? The Trump ban has been halted...
His ban on illegal immigrants? Or the airport people that don't exist? Or will you deflect again to hide your loss.....

The airport people DID exist... until the ban was lifted. You clearly have some kind of mental illness.
Double down....I didn't take your for being a complete fucking idiot.....I stand corrected...:lol:
These words, from Section One of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution rank along with the Constitution's Bill of Rights as — in these precincts — the most important in world and American history:

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.​

The critics all claim that undocumented workers or immigrants or migrants — whichever label is the flavor of the day — don't have legal rights because they are lawbreakers by entering the country illegally and owe no loyalty to the United States. They claim that only U.S. citizens (natural born or naturalized) are protected by the Constitution. The critics are not only wrong — they are really, truly and sincerely wrong.

The U.S. Supreme Court settled the issue well over a century ago. But even before the court laid the issue to rest, a principal author of the Constitution, James Madison, the second president of the United States, wrote: "that as they [aliens], owe, on the one hand, a temporary obedience, they are entitled, in return, to their [constitutional] protection and advantage."

More recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Zadvydas v. Davis (2001) that "due process" of the 14th Amendment applies to all aliens in the United States whose presence maybe or is "unlawful, involuntary or transitory."

In summary, the entire case of illegal aliens being covered by and protected by the Constitution has been settled law for 129 years and rests on one word: "person." It is the word "person" that connects the dots of "due process" and "equal protection" in the 14th Amendment to the U.S Constitution and it is those five words that make the Constitution of the United States and its 14th amendment the most important political document since the Magna Carta in all world history.

"Aliens," legal and illegal, have the full panoply of constitutional protections American citizens have with three exceptions: voting, some government jobs and gun ownership (and that is now in doubt) — Glenn Beck and others notwithstanding.

More w/Supporting Cases: Yes, illegal aliens have constitutional rights

That should be clear enough for everyone to understand.

It means that we will abide by the law and follow due process when it comes to upholding our immigration laws. All people have rights, including criminals.

It doesn't allow them to have anything other than fair treatment as they are processed and deported.

Some sanctuary cities seem to think it means allowing them all the benefits of citizens. It doesn't. If someone is in this country illegally, they do not have the right to work, rent, buy a home, collect any welfare or be counted in our census.

The left gives them welfare, tax refunds, housing, in-state tuition, and counts them as citizens needing representation to allow more electoral votes for some states. The left ignores the other laws they break, such as stolen or fake IDs and other documents.

They have a right to be treated like anyone else here when they get arrested. They'll have their rights read to them and get jailed for breaking immigration laws. If they want to waste more tax payer money, they can go to court and have a lawyer paid by the tax payers. They'll get a ride to the border. After that, they have whatever rights Mexico or other countries are willing to grant them.
Are illegal aliens people?

They are but they do not have full Constitutional rights. They are not assured Constitutional rights. We benevolently grant them some limited rights to due process because we're decent people.

They either are or they are not. The Constitution specifically states that a person gets rights.

It's sad that we should be embracing how far our country has come in understanding that people of all colors, races, genders, religions, and sexual orientations are people, but here in this thread people instead want to use the fact that we used to not feel that way as an excuse to act that way again with people just because they are Muslim or from countries they fear.

And again, I have demonstrated, in spite of what you claim it clearly says, many persons did not get their constitutional rights until many years later after further legislation was passed and in some cases, actual constitutional amendments. So what's clear is, it doesn't clearly mean what you claim.

In NO case have you made ANY argument that these rights apply to persons who aren't here, who are on foreign soil in foreign nations. You want to declare Akmehd in Syria has a constitutional right to travel freely to America.... yet Akmehd's wife doesn't have the constitutional right to vote, go to school, or not have her clit removed so she doesn't experience sexual gratification. As you said, they either have rights or they don't. Since we cannot enforce our Constitution in Syria, they don't have Constitutional rights.

No one here has said any damn thing about kicking out Muslims who are US citizens. No one has said that Muslims can't come to the US. Trump applied a temporary ban on travel from countries we have a problem with vetting individuals. It is so that we can get some kind of system in place which we can rely on. It's not a permanent ban, it's not against Muslims. 85% of the Muslims abroad are unaffected.

As for illegal aliens, they also don't have Constitutional rights because they are not citizens or legal foreign nationals with valid visas. They are criminals who have broken the law. Because we are civilized people who believe in basic human rights, we ensure these people are afforded due process rights. This isn't mandated by our Constitution, it's simply a matter of public policy. In fact, it is a statutory law passed by Congress, the same as the statutory law Trump followed for his EO.

Why are you trying to turn back the clock to when people were not seen as people? WTF is your problem? Do you have a problem with people being seen as people? I'm seriously asking why the fuck you would make an argument about people not being recognized as people in 2017.

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