Yes it is great that Trump was the elected candidate of the right.

It's not a opinion unless you can prove the statements I gave you are not what he did or said. You just another monomind from the right that breaths and lives by Fox Crap News and that fat guy . You are just as bad because your supporting his hate and bigotry.

Uhm, no... I'm pretty sure it is still an opinion. None of the statements clearly indicate anything regarding racial superiority or inferiority. You can INFER that but that is your opinion. This is the typical mindset of rabid liberals... you literally believe everything you say is correct and you're never wrong in your opinions. Ergo: Your opinions become "facts!"
You people live in a fucking made up world "The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people" So you mr stupid says quote"the Justice Department didn't sue anybody. Your government cannot sue you." I wonder what this means then ---
UPDATE: Justice Department suing to block Humana-Aetna merger
Jul 21, 2016, 10:40am EDT Updated Jul 21, 2016, 1:23pm EDT or how about this stupid ---
Compliance & Regulation
Justice Dept. Sues Guild Mortgage in False Claims Case

By Brian Collins
Now try this on for size stupid --Lawsuits brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, 18 states, and the District of Columbia in two separate actions were resolved through a Consent Decree that took effect in 2001 and a Final Judgment entered in 2002. or if that doesn't do it for you heres a whole article Titled How the US Government sues companies. sorry buddy it says that the justice dept sues companies How can the U.S. government sue a business?
NOw to keep this straight we will add your quote again so people understan that you know shit and just blowing smoke, Heres Stupids Quote==="the Justice Department didn't sue anybody. Your government cannot sue you" That was to a response by someone who knows (me)that the pile of Shit Trump is a massive bigot. MY QUOTE YOU RESPONDED TO ""The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people""
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By the way love your excuses for him.

Pull your head out of your ass... I don't make excuses for Trump. I'm getting raked over the coals daily by the Trumpbots for not marching in lockstep behind their Orange Jesus.

There is no "excuse" in me saying he is not a racist. He's had over 40 years in public life working with all sorts of minorities, marrying immigrants, living and operating in the most diverse city in America and until he decided to run for president, no claim had ever been made that he was racist. It is a little suspicious this allegation comes up now. Especially since no clear evidence can be presented and we have to interject opinionated meanings and interpretations of things he has said to find racism.

Simply put, this tells even a moron that you are out of ideas. You simply can't find anything that sticks with Trump and so you've decided to go nuclear on the racist claims and hope that it steers a few voters away from him.
Idiot he has been sued by the government multiple time for racist action and found guilty and fined in everyone. I listed two of them in my list.
It's not a opinion unless you can prove the statements I gave you are not what he did or said. You just another monomind from the right that breaths and lives by Fox Crap News and that fat guy . You are just as bad because your supporting his hate and bigotry.

Uhm, no... I'm pretty sure it is still an opinion. None of the statements clearly indicate anything regarding racial superiority or inferiority. You can INFER that but that is your opinion. This is the typical mindset of rabid liberals... you literally believe everything you say is correct and you're never wrong in your opinions. Ergo: Your opinions become "facts!"
You people live in a fucking made up world "The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people" So you mr stupid says quote"the Justice Department didn't sue anybody. Your government cannot sue you." I wonder what this means then ---
UPDATE: Justice Department suing to block Humana-Aetna merger
Jul 21, 2016, 10:40am EDT Updated Jul 21, 2016, 1:23pm EDT or how about this stupid ---
Compliance & Regulation
Justice Dept. Sues Guild Mortgage in False Claims Case

By Brian Collins
Now try this on for size stupid --Lawsuits brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, 18 states, and the District of Columbia in two separate actions were resolved through a Consent Decree that took effect in 2001 and a Final Judgment entered in 2002. or if that doesn't do it for you heres a whole article Titled How the US Government sues companies. sorry buddy it says that the justice dept sues companies How can the U.S. government sue a business?
NOw to keep this straight we will add your quote again so people understan that you know shit and just blowing smoke, Heres Stupids Quote==="the Justice Department didn't sue anybody. Your government cannot sue you" That was to a response by someone who knows (me)that the pile of Shit Trump is a massive bigot. MY QUOTE YOU RESPONDED TO ""The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people""

The DOJ brought a suit on behalf of a plaintiff against Trump's company. I know the concept of corpus delicti is lost on you, so I won't bother explaining. There are thousands and thousands of anti-discrimination suits handled by the DOJ every year and it's the primary reason there is no basis for the current 'black lives matter' claims of oppression. .

The fact a case was brought is not evidence Trump himself is a racist. Anyone can be sued by anyone. Guilt can even be found in an anti-discrimination suit against a company and this doesn't prove racism of an individual. That is an inference you are making, which you are entitled to do... but it's an opinion and not a fact.
I think it clarified the potential destruction of this country, that is the only thing offered by the right and it clearly shows how dangerous , hateful and evil the right has become. They are by far a bigger threat to this country than any terrorist group. The hate can destroy our values and this country in many ways but I think the thing that will destroy us the fastest is totally taking away the incentive of capitalism with their distribution of wealth to the top.
Ironic that a hate filled rant is accusing the Right of being hateful and fails to show any proof except a baseless accusation. Upholding our laws is characterized by the Left as hate. Which goes to show the standard for hate is pretty low for the radical Left.
I'll take democrats any day over fascists.
More irony. The Left is fascists as practice by today's liberals.. It's the definition of Political Correctness.
PC is a right wing thing. They cry about it, as they try to shove their own version down out throats. Nice try, but Trump is closer to being a fascist than any mainstream liberal
I think it clarified the potential destruction of this country, that is the only thing offered by the right and it clearly shows how dangerous , hateful and evil the right has become.

It clarified two things. 1) The Republican party needs to reevaluate their nomination process to both narrow the band of candidate and to give the party establishment greater influence to determine who will represent the party as candidate for President; and 2) Eliminate low class trailer park fodder morons from their membership roles.
...has been sued by the government multiple time for racist action...

I already clearly explained why your name was stupid because you don't know what your talking about. What do you think this means stupid---------

"Our project found about 3,500 legal actions involving Trump, including 1,900 where he or his companies were a plaintiff and about 1,300 in which he was the defendant. Due to his branding value, Trump is determined to defend his name and reputation. Kelly Jordan, USA TODAY" or this--------"
Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it.or "The Daily Beast reports that Trump and his family told building superintendents to attach a note with the letter “C” for “Colored” to application forms if an African American came looking for one of Trump’s apartments. Yup. Racist" or New York Times Quote “[Trump] discriminated against blacks in the terms and conditions of rental, made statements indicating discrimination based on race and told blacks that apartments were not available for inspection and rental when, in fact, they are.” Or "
1978: Trump Found In Contempt Of Consent Decree, Brought Back To Court

The Justice Department Found Trumps On Contempt Of Consent Decree, Brought Them Back To Court" Lets add the whole trump disposition on his Con Job and stealing with his now famous Trump University. This is the whole fricken transcript simply to support my premise that he is a piece of shit. .OK Now I've proven that he is a piece of shit and again let every one know that your just a bul shitter. Lets see what he is doing now. --------"
The organization was not an accredited university or college. It did not confer college credit, grant degrees, or grade its students.[4] In 2011, the company became the subject of an inquiry by the New York Attorney General's office for illegal business practices that resulted in a lawsuit filed in 2013, which remains ongoing.[5][6][7][8]

Trump University is also subject to two ongoing class action lawsuits in federal court. The lawsuits center around allegations that Trump University defrauded its students by using misleading marketing practices and engaging in aggressive sales tactics. The company and the lawsuits against it have received renewed interest due to Trump's candidacy in the 2016 presidential election." It looks like this piece of shit will have to pay back every dollar to the students that went to that fake colledge.

He is a piece of shit , it's as simple as that. Also you have no clue and I wont be able to educate you, so to get rid of the name change to stupid , you better do a little research on your own. You just respond with out having a clue.
I think it clarified the potential destruction of this country, that is the only thing offered by the right and it clearly shows how dangerous , hateful and evil the right has become. They are by far a bigger threat to this country than any terrorist group. The hate can destroy our values and this country in many ways but I think the thing that will destroy us the fastest is totally taking away the incentive of capitalism with their distribution of wealth to the top.
Ironic that a hate filled rant is accusing the Right of being hateful and fails to show any proof except a baseless accusation. Upholding our laws is characterized by the Left as hate. Which goes to show the standard for hate is pretty low for the radical Left.
Upholding the law, who said anything about that, that simply is FOX CRAP RHETORIC better known as bull shit.
I think it clarified the potential destruction of this country, that is the only thing offered by the right and it clearly shows how dangerous , hateful and evil the right has become.

It clarified two things. 1) The Republican party needs to reevaluate their nomination process to both narrow the band of candidate and to give the party establishment greater influence to determine who will represent the party as candidate for President; and 2) Eliminate low class trailer park fodder morons from their membership roles.
Ya that would be just dandy, have the party decide instead of the voters. They are the hate party, so I would expect worse choices from them, then from the voters. The party is dead and it doesn't know it yet, it will disappear because of Demographics and that would definitely be a national holiday.
What do you think this means stupid---------

Sounds like it means you're outta ammo. Because The Daily Beast reports something, doesn't mean it's true or implicate Trump as a racist in any way. No wonder you're such a fucking moron... do you believe everything the media tells you? Apparently, you realize you have no real basis for your argument because you suddenly shifted to arguing something about Trump University. So now, this becomes a hodgepodge of your opinions regarding Trump.

Look.... you are fully entitled as an American to have any opinion you wish. You don't even need to provide evidence to support your opinions. But to prove to ME that someone is a racist, you need more than you've presented here. You don't have that, all you keep doing is presenting your opinion and calling me names because I don't accept that.

Now, I can find all kinds of fault with Trump... read a few of my recent threads if you need some examples. But the man is simply NOT a racist... or at least, that is not my opinion of him. I see no evidence to suggest that he is and you've not presented any.
I think it clarified the potential destruction of this country, that is the only thing offered by the right and it clearly shows how dangerous , hateful and evil the right has become.

It clarified two things. 1) The Republican party needs to reevaluate their nomination process to both narrow the band of candidate and to give the party establishment greater influence to determine who will represent the party as candidate for President; and 2) Eliminate low class trailer park fodder morons from their membership roles.
Ya that would be just dandy, have the party decide instead of the voters. They are the hate party, so I would expect worse choices from them, then from the voters. The party is dead and it doesn't know it yet, it will disappear because of Demographics and that would definitely be a national holiday.

No moron, the GOP is not the party of hate. The GOP is the party of pragmatism, responsibility, strength, and thoughtfulness. You have confused us with the small portion of loud morons who think Obama was born in Kenya. That is, with exactly the people we need to get rid of.

But thank you for confirming that Democrats want to reduce our country to a one party state.
I think it clarified the potential destruction of this country, that is the only thing offered by the right and it clearly shows how dangerous , hateful and evil the right has become.

It clarified two things. 1) The Republican party needs to reevaluate their nomination process to both narrow the band of candidate and to give the party establishment greater influence to determine who will represent the party as candidate for President; and 2) Eliminate low class trailer park fodder morons from their membership roles.
Ya that would be just dandy, have the party decide instead of the voters. They are the hate party, so I would expect worse choices from them, then from the voters. The party is dead and it doesn't know it yet, it will disappear because of Demographics and that would definitely be a national holiday.

No moron, the GOP is not the party of hate. The GOP is the party of pragmatism, responsibility, strength, and thoughtfulness. You have confused us with the small portion of loud morons who think Obama was born in Kenya. That is, with exactly the people we need to get rid of.

But thank you for confirming that Democrats want to reduce our country to a one party state.
How many parties do we have now moron, even if the regressive hate party died like i said ,without using your right wing bull shit thinking how many parties would there still be, doesn't look like one, does it idiot. Haters always turn comments into shit. Like you just did, never said I wanted one party didn't even suggest it. When they die, which they will, another conservative party will step forward but the name Republican will be so poisoned by what it is doing now, that they will have to change their name, you know something make believe like the Christian Patriot flag wavers. They won't be able to come back as the hate party that they are now. They will have to work with the other party no matter who it is and they have to quit with their prime motive, that is moving the increased wealth of the richest country in the world to their chosen few. As they have done for the last 35 years. Demographics will have to destroy them quick though because if this country finds out the fact clearly, that every increase of wealth in those 35 years went to those chosen few. This country will self implode by taking away the main needed ingredient that makes capitalism work. Incentive. Being able to get ahead. When you say your not the hate party all I have to say is Trump.
....but the name Republican will be so poisoned by what it is doing now, that they will have to change their name...

Like the Democratic Party did when it condoned and endorsed slavery? Or maybe, like the Democratic Party did when it upheld decades of Jim Crow laws? Or maybe, like the Democratic Party did after invoking Japanese internment? Or maybe, like the Democratic Party did after embracing segregation? Yeah... 'cause political parties have often had to change their names to escape the stigma of their past... right?
....but the name Republican will be so poisoned by what it is doing now, that they will have to change their name...

Like the Democratic Party did when it condoned and endorsed slavery? Or maybe, like the Democratic Party did when it upheld decades of Jim Crow laws? Or maybe, like the Democratic Party did after invoking Japanese internment? Or maybe, like the Democratic Party did after embracing segregation? Yeah... 'cause political parties have often had to change their names to escape the stigma of their past... right?
Like the Romans did in 200 Ad, like half the people that wrote the declaration of independents and and Constitution. By the way Einstein Your comments now does nothing about the point that your party is the party of hate, torture, Trickle up economics, bigotry, Homophobia, Chauvinism with a list as long as your arm of the things and people you have to hate to be a good regressive. Now add in the fact that your hate party couldn't/wouldn't exist without lies and distortion and the add in the fact that the prerequisite to be a regressive is paranoia.And for the good of this country, not just the wealthy,everyone, the end of the regressive party , is way past do

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