YES! John Kasich has a CLEAR path to the White House!

Here it is in a GIF format:


He basically said as much last night in his interview with Bill O'Reilly

Wow, I have been saying this for a few weeks

I want to see this happen

What he actually said was that they 'will pick the adult in the room' if we get a brokered convention

He needs to be president, and he would beat Hillary running away in November...
What makes Kasich a RINO?
He's a career politician, and a Obama yes man much like John huntsman...

and this is what proves you wingers are this stupid.;....

huntsman wasn't anyone's "yes man". he served his country as ambassador to china because he was qualified.

and you imbeciles would have won if he was your nominee.

Huntsman was Barry's lapdog, not a conservitive bone in his body...
In other words a nutter...
he's right.... and he could win.

but "the base" would have a nervous breakdown and the Donald would run as an independent.

Trump pledged to not do that last night - will he keep his word? And does he even have enough time to get on most state ballots?

The real question is, could Kasich cut a deal that would appease Donald Trump? Secretary of State with authority to negotiate trade deals & build his wall?

Trump also said early on that there were "a few" candidates in the republican race that he respected, we know that Christie was one of them, I'd bet anything that Kasich is another...
he's right.... and he could win.

but "the base" would have a nervous breakdown and the Donald would run as an independent.

Trump pledged to not do that last night - will he keep his word? And does he even have enough time to get on most state ballots?

The real question is, could Kasich cut a deal that would appease Donald Trump? Secretary of State with authority to negotiate trade deals & build his wall?

Trump also said early on that there were "a few" candidates in the republican race that he respected, we know that Christie was one of them, I'd bet anything that Kasich is another...

and then he'll say, I made a promise but they didn't keep their bargain because "they didn't treat me right".

if you think he'd do anything else, I think you're misunderstanding what he is.
I think that conservative talk radio brands someone a RINO and that's that.
There no way anyone can prove Kasich is a conservitive, he compromised that away a long time ago by becoming a career politician...
I think that conservative talk radio brands someone a RINO and that's that.

and the loony base thinks if they don't get their way then they want to take their ball and go home.

they're extremists hijacking a once noble party.
Kasich is the only candidate in the race I'd consider voting for, but he won't get the nod. He's a likely VP pick though
I think that conservative talk radio brands someone a RINO and that's that.
There no way anyone can prove Kasich is a conservitive, he compromised that away a long time ago by becoming a career politician...
Yet the only example you could provide was a vague reference to Medicare.

Are you saying a person can't be a real conservative and a career politician at the same time?
Here it is in a GIF format:


He basically said as much last night in his interview with Bill O'Reilly

Wow, I have been saying this for a few weeks

I want to see this happen

What he actually said was that they 'will pick the adult in the room' if we get a brokered convention

He needs to be president, and he would beat Hillary running away in November...
What makes Kasich a RINO?
He's a career politician, and a Obama yes man much like John huntsman...

and this is what proves you wingers are this stupid.;....

huntsman wasn't anyone's "yes man". he served his country as ambassador to china because he was qualified.

and you imbeciles would have won if he was your nominee.

Huntsman was Barry's lapdog, not a conservitive bone in his body...
In other words a nutter...

and that perception on your part, again, proves what morons the base are.
What makes Kasich a RINO?
He's a career politician, and a Obama yes man much like John huntsman...
Can you get more specific?

What stands on issues does he have that makes him a RINO, as compared to positions he has that are right in line with the GOP?
Medicare issue for one...
Him being a career politician means he will compromise... To point of defeat
That's not very much. He was known as a true-blue conservative up until now.

The problem is that true-blue conservatives used to be willing to cooperate to get things done. Including Reagan.

This is crazy. Trump himself says he's going to make deals. This party has gone completely off the rails.
Progressives have had all the power in Washington the last century or so, look at the shape the country is in...
Why go back to what has been a proven failure time and time again??
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and then he'll say, I made a promise but they didn't keep their bargain because "they didn't treat me right".

if you think he'd do anything else, I think you're misunderstanding what he is.

I DO NOT like Trump, I think he is an assclown. But he would know going in that he couldn't win, and he DOES play to win. The question is, would he sabotage the race?

I don't know, things are going to be interesting moving forward, I do know that...
I think that conservative talk radio brands someone a RINO and that's that.
There no way anyone can prove Kasich is a conservitive, he compromised that away a long time ago by becoming a career politician...
Yet the only example you could provide was a vague reference to Medicare.

Are you saying a person can't be a real conservative and a career politician at the same time?
He gave in on Medicare enrollment, which he said he would not do...
What makes Kasich a RINO?
He's a career politician, and a Obama yes man much like John huntsman...
Can you get more specific?

What stands on issues does he have that makes him a RINO, as compared to positions he has that are right in line with the GOP?
Medicare issue for one...
Him being a career politician means he will compromise... To point of defeat
That's not very much. He was known as a true-blue conservative up until now.

The problem is that true-blue conservatives used to be willing to cooperate to get things done. Including Reagan.

This is crazy. Trump himself says he's going to make deals. This party has gone completely off the rails.
Progressives have all the power in Washington the last century or so, look at the shape the country is in...
Why go back to what has been a proven failure time and time again??

at some point you have to acknowledge that you aren't mainstream anything.

and the country isn't populated with extremist loons.... well, it is, but not by any sort of majority. figure about 30% of the population.
I think that conservative talk radio brands someone a RINO and that's that.
There no way anyone can prove Kasich is a conservitive, he compromised that away a long time ago by becoming a career politician...
Yet the only example you could provide was a vague reference to Medicare.

Are you saying a person can't be a real conservative and a career politician at the same time?
He gave in on Medicare enrollment, which he said he would not do...

that's right nutter... because he's an actual Christian who said when he dies and has to meet his maker he has to answer for how he treated the poor

only among the loser "base" can anyone think that giving people healthcare is a bad thing.
What makes Kasich a RINO?
He's a career politician, and a Obama yes man much like John huntsman...

and this is what proves you wingers are this stupid.;....

huntsman wasn't anyone's "yes man". he served his country as ambassador to china because he was qualified.

and you imbeciles would have won if he was your nominee.

Huntsman was Barry's lapdog, not a conservitive bone in his body...
In other words a nutter...

and that perception on your part, again, proves what morons the base are.
Huntsman is a little appeaser the worst type of moderate, Barry knew what he was doing. Lol
'Clear' path? What HE, the guy not even in the top 3 right now, said? :p
and then he'll say, I made a promise but they didn't keep their bargain because "they didn't treat me right".

if you think he'd do anything else, I think you're misunderstanding what he is.

I DO NOT like Trump, I think he is an assclown. But he would know going in that he couldn't win, and he DOES play to win. The question is, would he sabotage the race?

I don't know, things are going to be interesting moving forward, I do know that...

I didn't say anywhere in that post that you like trump. go look.

I said you are misunderstanding what he is. and I don't think he'd support another GOP nominee if he had a plurality of delegates.

and he would absolutely sabotage the race, imo.

I think it's pretty clear from how he's handled this entire race

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