Yes, The Democrats Can Legally Access The Pres's Tax Returns, & Yes, The Info Will Be Made Public

As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.

Who cares? It's no one's business. If it was all that important then why is it not a requirement? I have always been one that give me the rules and I'll play the game however don't change them in the middle of the game, it is dishonest.
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.
Why not pass a law that every candidate for office has to turn over their tax receipts

I would agree with that.
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.

Who cares? It's no one's business. If it was all that important then why is it not a requirement? I have always been one that give me the rules and I'll play the game however don't change them in the middle of the game, it is dishonest.

The law has been shown to you. Your opinion is moot.

Should there be a refusal to comply whoever refuses will be in Contempt of Congress
-- It is officially the authority of the Treasury Secretary to decide if those tax returns are released or not. The President will undoubtedly 'pressure' the Treasury Secretary NOT to release them, appropriately pointing out the request is politically motivated....

Trump won't do this, for he knows if he does, the Democrats will try to impeach him for obstruction.

He could pull a Hillary and refuse, then destroy evidence. I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem.
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?
I've been waiting for a Constitutional crisis, looks like the Dems are going to hand us one.
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.
Why not pass a law that every candidate for office has to turn over their tax receipts
Think Trump would sign it?
Not In a million years

He would in his second term.
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.

Who cares? It's no one's business. If it was all that important then why is it not a requirement? I have always been one that give me the rules and I'll play the game however don't change them in the middle of the game, it is dishonest.

The law has been shown to you. Your opinion is moot.

Should there be a refusal to comply whoever refuses will be in Contempt of Congress
Meaningless, as the Obama administration proved.
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.

Who cares? It's no one's business. If it was all that important then why is it not a requirement? I have always been one that give me the rules and I'll play the game however don't change them in the middle of the game, it is dishonest.

The law has been shown to you. Your opinion is moot.

Should there be a refusal to comply whoever refuses will be in Contempt of Congress
You’re an attorney? (serious question)
I believe it was after Nixon that it was legally determined that tax forms and returns are personal, not public, information. Congress would need an extremely compelling legal reason to get them (which they don't have). Then it is up to the IRS, Treasury Department, and President Trump if they get them or not. Not looking good for the desperate Dems on that front.
During his investigation, Robert Mueller reportedly investigated a $150 THOUSAND DOLLAR donation a Ukraine Billionaire gave to the Trump Foundation.....

One Hundred and Fifty THOUSAND dollars......... Kind of interesting that in his investigation of 'Russian Interference and Collusion' Mueller never investigated the $145 MILLION given to the Clinton Foundation or the $500 THOUSAND paid to Bill Clinton by the KGB Bank as a 'speaking fee'. If 8 years anyone's taxes needed to be pulled it is the Clintons...but of course we have all read about the exposed collaboration between Obama's DOJ and FBI to protect her....NEVER going to happen.

Bill and Hillary Clinton should be investigated

"The New York Times reported in 2015 that "shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, [former President Bill] Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock." In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum."
That’s because Russia never gave the Clinton Foundation $145 million.

Don’t ever forget... you’re a raging imbecile and everything you post stems from that foundation.
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As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.

Who cares? It's no one's business. If it was all that important then why is it not a requirement? I have always been one that give me the rules and I'll play the game however don't change them in the middle of the game, it is dishonest.

The law has been shown to you. Your opinion is moot.

Should there be a refusal to comply whoever refuses will be in Contempt of Congress

Who said it wasn’t legal? I’m saying it is BS, there is no reason other than a witch hunt, it is wrong. Trump was elected President, and you claim by popular vote he isn’t President, the law is shown to you, and your opinion is moot.

Just like the Kavanaugh BS, it has now bit your own and many lefties that were all over Kavanaugh are defending Biden, you know what it sucks but when idiots play stupid games, you will get burned and the next Democratic President with a Republican House will get what they give. So just remember your opinion, it will be moot.
So having failed on Russian baloney the vengeful emotionally addled liberals jump to the tax bandwagon.
Bitter, small people.
The 4th amendment right was written for this exact situation>>> Political Persecutions
The Dems are making the Venezuelan government look clean.
The Founding Fathers were smart.

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