Yes, Trump flip flopped


Gold Member
Mar 11, 2016
Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.
Who expects integrity from a President anyways?
Only morons. That's who!
It would be a good idea to ask him-------However---A pres does have the legal power to order the military to respond to a "situation" without asking congress
No no no, only Democrats can flip-flop. The Grabber in Chief had a Change of Heart!!!!

flip flops?

Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

Yo, Obama did the samething Trump did, Obama bombed Lybia, so maybe you are throwing more "PROPAGANDA" into the wind!!! On June 3, 2011 the United States House of Representatives passed H.Res. 292. The resolution stated the "President has failed to provide Congress with a compelling rationale" for the military campaign in Libya, and said the "President shall not deploy, establish, or maintain the presence of units and members of the United States Armed Forces on the ground in Libya unless the purpose of the presence is to rescue a member of the Armed Forces from imminent danger" and gave him, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Attorney General 14 days to explain his strategy in Libya and to convince Congress the attacks are justified by U.S. interests.

US domestic reactions to the 2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia

Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

All of this he should have asked blah blah...He did the right thing for those poisoned children..
Trump did the right thing and told trumped.stamped not to be a dick about it.

But . . .
Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

Somebody must have reminded Trump of something Rahm Emanuel said a few years ago: "Never let a good crisis go to waste." It was a good thing that he did this, but bear in mind he doesn't do ANYTHING that doesn't benefit him first. And firstly, he needed a win because his sorry ass is down to 35% approval, Nunes has driven himself off into a ditch with his stupidity in the ball of string called the Russian interference into our election, he lost the ACA repeal, Bannon is removed from the NSC, Flynn is outed as a foreign agent, etc. etc. etc.

AND...his personal spending to go to Florida is pissing everybody off. Why the fuck doesn't he stay in D.C?

Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

Why can't he do both ? There's no urgency . He just needed a day or two to go to congress.

Have those pansies do somthing for once .
Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.
I'd rather have a Democrat in the White House. If Republicans haven't been honest the last 8 years why the hell did we elect them? If Trump was wrong and full of shit all those years, maybe so too have you been?

This sort of vindicates us liberals don't you think? Of course you don't think.
Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

Why can't he do both ? There's no urgency . He just needed a day or two to go to congress.

Have those pansies do somthing for once .

The man has no idea what he is doing.
Trump did exactly what you Democrats said he should do and you're still piling your shit on him. Go fuck yourselves, assholes.

Yeah, finally after 2.5 months of a fucking circus act complete with handing over a large segment of our government ops to his preppie son-in-law who doesn't know jack, making his shoe-designer daughter a top adviser, and everybody else around him being investigated for treason, espionage and collusion...he finally takes OBAMA'S plan and deploys it, after criticizing it 4 years ago.
Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

Somebody must have reminded Trump of something Rahm Emanuel said a few years ago: "Never let a good crisis go to waste." It was a good thing that he did this, but bear in mind he doesn't do ANYTHING that doesn't benefit him first. And firstly, he needed a win because his sorry ass is down to 35% approval, Nunes has driven himself off into a ditch with his stupidity in the ball of string called the Russian interference into our election, he lost the ACA repeal, Bannon is removed from the NSC, Flynn is outed as a foreign agent, etc. etc. etc.

AND...his personal spending to go to Florida is pissing everybody off. Why the fuck doesn't he stay in D.C?


Big Butt Comrade Trump!
Trump did exactly what you Democrats said he should do and you're still piling your shit on him. Go fuck yourselves, assholes.
That's right kuntlips. Same shit you guys did to Obama. He couldn't do the right thing no matter what he did.

But we aren't saying Trump did the wrong thing you stupid fuck. We are pointing out your hypocricy. And we will do it every time Trump does the right thing because every time Obama did the right thing you said he did the wrong thing. If he didn't bomb Syria he was weak, but if he did without congresses approval, you would be calling to impeach him for being unconstitutional. This isn't about if bombing Syria was the right thing to do. It's all about you guys being full of shit. Well you won now eat shit for 4 years you fucking right wing hypocrite who doesn't even know he's a fucking hypocrite. Go fuck yourself.

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