Yes, Trump flip flopped

Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

All of this he should have asked blah blah...He did the right thing for those poisoned children..

Oh the irony of it all.... he did the right thing for those poisoned children.

by killing nine innocent civilians, including children.

stop the world let me get off.
The funny thing is that the left is too fucking dumb to realize why they lost the election, and are constantly doubling down on their own stupidity.

All the lefties are butt hurt that Trump did what Obama didn't have the nuts to do, and people are loving him for it.
Someone who gets ALL the information and then sticks to his goddamn guns because he just FUCKED HIMSELF with the very base that elected him! Enjoy 2020!
It's not just the Syria thing, b,ut also healthcare, and DeVos that wants to make all education private (although I doubt she'll succeed). I doubt the coal miners will get much help either.

Trump has played a huge Con Game on this Country.
The funny thing is that the left is too fucking dumb to realize why they lost the election, and are constantly doubling down on their own stupidity.

All the lefties are butt hurt that Trump did what Obama didn't have the nuts to do, and people are loving him for it.
I think it is Trump and his followers who think he is campaigning right now against Clinton and Obama.
Everybody knew going in Trump was rich enough not to owe anybody anything. Those that voted for him were especially trusting of that and so I suppose they didn't expect to be owed anything for their vote. They simply expect him to do what he thinks is best for America. Thus I wonder if it is relevant to call him a flip-flopper concerning any decision he makes on military action, immigration, trade policies, healthcare, or anything else? After all, he's never before had the information resources he now has on hand.
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Everybody knew going in Trump was rich enough not to owe anybody anything. Those that voted for him were especially trusting of that and so I suppose they didn't expect to be owed anything for their vote. They simply expect him to do what he thinks is best for America. Thus I wonder if it is relevant to call him a flip-flopper concerning any decision he makes on military action, immigration, trade policies, healthcare, or anything else? After all, he's never before had the information resources he now has on hand.
His brain seemed to work better 20 years ago, he had more than an 11-year-old's vocabulary at least.

Watch at 3:48 especially and compare the two speeches (o.k. that one is more than 20 years ago):
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If it was just once it could be chalked up to the view being different from the top, but...

Donald Trump is trolling Donald Trump on Twitter -

A lesson in negotiations -- and what to do if they fail

After Republicans agreed with Democrats on a deal to avert the fiscal cliff in 2013, Trump registered his dismay, saying of the GOP, "Just shows that you can have all the cards and lose if you don't know what you're doing."

More than four years later, those words were rehashed by Democrats delighting in the demise of Trumpcare. When Trump publicly blamed House Freedom Caucus members for derailing the widely unpopular bill, another old tweet -- quoting a Trump favorite, Henry Ford -- resurfaced:

"'Don't find fault. Find a remedy.' --Henry Ford"

Protests for me but not for thee

Trump initially believed that Republican challenger Mitt Romney had won the the popular vote on the night Obama secured re-election in 2012. This perceived injustice upset Trump mightily. So he called for a protest.

"We can't let this happen," he tweeted. "We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"

But Trump, then president-elect, changed his tune four years later, condemning protesters in the aftermath of his own election.

"Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting," he tweeted. "Very unfair!"

About the electoral college...

Compounding the irony, of course, is that Trump himself won under precisely the circumstances -- with the popular vote winner losing the election -- he called a "travesty" four years earlier.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy," he declared that night in 2012.

Reflecting on his triumph, Trump offered a revised take in 2016.

"The Electoral College is actually genius," he tweeted, "in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is much different!"
If it was just once it could be chalked up to the view being different from the top, but...

Donald Trump is trolling Donald Trump on Twitter -

A lesson in negotiations -- and what to do if they fail

After Republicans agreed with Democrats on a deal to avert the fiscal cliff in 2013, Trump registered his dismay, saying of the GOP, "Just shows that you can have all the cards and lose if you don't know what you're doing."

More than four years later, those words were rehashed by Democrats delighting in the demise of Trumpcare. When Trump publicly blamed House Freedom Caucus members for derailing the widely unpopular bill, another old tweet -- quoting a Trump favorite, Henry Ford -- resurfaced:

"'Don't find fault. Find a remedy.' --Henry Ford"

Protests for me but not for thee

Trump initially believed that Republican challenger Mitt Romney had won the the popular vote on the night Obama secured re-election in 2012. This perceived injustice upset Trump mightily. So he called for a protest.

"We can't let this happen," he tweeted. "We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"

But Trump, then president-elect, changed his tune four years later, condemning protesters in the aftermath of his own election.

"Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting," he tweeted. "Very unfair!"

About the electoral college...

Compounding the irony, of course, is that Trump himself won under precisely the circumstances -- with the popular vote winner losing the election -- he called a "travesty" four years earlier.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy," he declared that night in 2012.

Reflecting on his triumph, Trump offered a revised take in 2016.

"The Electoral College is actually genius," he tweeted, "in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is much different!"

The ramblings of a narcissistic lunatic.
Trump followers all along. Were we don't care about Syria, let them kill each other, America first, let's no allow them here, now that the US got involved you guys are doing a U turn? Lol you guys are hillarious.
Trump besides being a conman he is not a conservative, his kids aren't he just used you guys to arrive to what he wants.....oh and no he did drain the swamp....wake up!!! Both parties are robbing you in day light.
An Objection Is Not a Rejection

Just because Trump betrayed us on this doesn't mean he'll betray us on anything else. I have no desperate and childish need for infallible father figures, so I neither support this attack nor regret voting for Trump because of this one ignorant mistake.
Trump followers all along. Were we don't care about Syria, let them kill each other, America first, let's no allow them here, now that the US got involved you guys are doing a U turn? Lol you guys are hillarious.
Trump besides being a conman he is not a conservative, his kids aren't he just used you guys to arrive to what he wants.....oh and no he did drain the swamp....wake up!!! Both parties are robbing you in day light.
An Objection Is Not a Rejection

Just because Trump betrayed us on this doesn't mean he'll betray us on anything else. I have no desperate and childish need for infallible father figures, so I neither support this attack nor regret voting for Trump because of this one ignorant mistake.

Please admit the Orange Clown does not know what he is doing. You people are really clueless, aren't you?
Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

Why can't he do both ? There's no urgency . He just needed a day or two to go to congress.

Have those pansies do somthing for once .

Maybe he figured they wouldn't back him because of his name,

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Trump followers all along. Were we don't care about Syria, let them kill each other, America first, let's no allow them here, now that the US got involved you guys are doing a U turn? Lol you guys are hillarious.
Trump besides being a conman he is not a conservative, his kids aren't he just used you guys to arrive to what he wants.....oh and no he did drain the swamp....wake up!!! Both parties are robbing you in day light.
An Objection Is Not a Rejection

Just because Trump betrayed us on this doesn't mean he'll betray us on anything else. I have no desperate and childish need for infallible father figures, so I neither support this attack nor regret voting for Trump because of this one ignorant mistake.

Perfectly said.
Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

The Loons of the Left will always look for something to throw a tantrum about and most of the time there will be no logic behind it...learn to allow it to entertain you. I remember when my kids went through that stage at around two or three years of age where they would throw a fit, screaming and crying making no sense and running around in circles...the wife and I learned to just sit and watch smiling and entertained.

It makes no sense to these whackos that maybe, just maybe Trump had an opinion of things based on what he thought he knew from the outside looking in...he gets inside, becomes privy to more information and intelligence and his opinion changes. A simple explanation for anyone sane and logical.
DJ Trump felt that speed was important, so he got the leadership of the Congress to agree with him, to go ahead.

As long as the leadership is on his side then there will be no impeachment.

Personally and technically speaking I think DJT needed Congress' permission. That's what the Constitution says.

There was no risk to the US.
Trump campaigned as a non interventionist, campaigned that the US would no longer pursue regime change in foreign countries.
That is what separated him from all the other candidate from both parties. To be honest that is what got him elected.
Now we see that he is no different that all the other neocons. You know something is wrong when the Hildabeast, John Kerry, John McCain and Netanyahu are all praising his intervention in Syria.
Trump campaigned as a non interventionist, campaigned that the US would no longer pursue regime change in foreign countries.
That is what separated him from all the other candidate from both parties. To be honest that is what got him elected.
Now we see that he is no different that all the other neocons. You know something is wrong when the Hildabeast, John Kerry, John McCain and Netanyahu are all praising his intervention in Syria.

You're super confused bud...that's not at all what got him elected.
Nepotism rules, but besides that all presidents do both good and bad things for the country if we educated our self more on how government works we would make better choices. 80% of congress needs to go. yet we vote back in the same self serving greedy bastards over & over again why?
Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

So the Trumptards are flip flopping on flip flopping?

Goddam that's funnier than any joke I could make up about them.

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