Yes, Trump flip flopped

To be a true Trump supporter, you cannot have but one principle -

Trump is always right.[To be a true Trump supporter, you cannot have but one principle -

Trump is always right/QUOTE]

Not True
To be a true Trump supporter today, you cannot have but one principle -

"Trump is better than the Hildabeast"
To be a true Trump supporter, you cannot have but one principle -

Trump is always right.
"I am Negan"
To be a true Trump supporter, you cannot have but one principle -

Trump is always right.[To be a true Trump supporter, you cannot have but one principle -

Trump is always right/QUOTE]

Not True
To be a true Trump supporter today, you cannot have but one principle -

"Trump is better than the Hildabeast"

I think that rationalization is telling.
Trump campaigned as a non interventionist, campaigned that the US would no longer pursue regime change in foreign countries.
That is what separated him from all the other candidate from both parties. To be honest that is what got him elected.
Now we see that he is no different that all the other neocons. You know something is wrong when the Hildabeast, John Kerry, John McCain and Netanyahu are all praising his intervention in Syria.

That and the protectionist position he took on trade. There doesn't appear to be much evidence he'll ultimately stick to either position.
Trump campaigned as a non interventionist, campaigned that the US would no longer pursue regime change in foreign countries.
That is what separated him from all the other candidate from both parties. To be honest that is what got him elected.
Now we see that he is no different that all the other neocons. You know something is wrong when the Hildabeast, John Kerry, John McCain and Netanyahu are all praising his intervention in Syria.

That and the protectionist position he took on trade. There doesn't appear to be much evidence he'll ultimately stick to either position.

One bombing run is not conclusive that he is going to be an interventionalist.
Trump tweeted that it would be a mistake for Obama to bomb Syria without congressional approval. Yes he did.

What would you rather have, a guy who is willing to eat those words and do the right thing, or be afraid to make the call because it makes that tweet look stupid?

If you say the latter you can promptly fuck the hell off.

The Loons of the Left will always look for something to throw a tantrum about and most of the time there will be no logic behind it...learn to allow it to entertain you. I remember when my kids went through that stage at around two or three years of age where they would throw a fit, screaming and crying making no sense and running around in circles...the wife and I learned to just sit and watch smiling and entertained.

It makes no sense to these wackos that maybe, just maybe Trump had an opinion of things based on what he thought he knew from the outside looking in...he gets inside, becomes privy to more information and intelligence and his opinion changes. A simple explanation for anyone sane and logical.
Barrage From a Mirage

On his visit to Satan's Sandcastle in Saudi Arabia, Trump was fed rotten camel meat. That's what gave him a bout of Hillarrhea, which made him attack the Saudis' enemy, Assad.

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