Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

It was from the link you gave.

Pretty simple math. 2.1 million divided by 12 comes out to 175,000.

If the math is too hard for you I have a few 3rd graders I know that can explain it to you.
From the link I provided,

“The labor market cooled off earlier and faster than previously reported.”
As your link affirms,
"the economy gained about 2.1 million jobs from April 2023 to March 2024."

(Under Trump, the economy lost 2.7 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.7% to 6.4%.)
You dishonestly failed to provide a timeframe. Are you referencing the timeframe during the Wuhan virus?

You dishonest hack.
It’s ridiculous. They are wiping out the life savings of the middle class within a few years.

There is one across the street that is much nicer, and MUCH cheaper. Modern kitchens, a full-scale movie theater, a more luxurious dining room. When I inquired about moving Mom there, they said it was subsidized by the government and available only to the lower-income. So, we have to keep Mom in the “OK” one so the money doesn’t run out, while the low-income get the fancy place. If the money DOES run out, then she’ll get the nicer place.

Do you see ANY problem with that?

Democrats hate responsible people. My grandmother was in a nursing home for about 10 years after her stroke. Her room was right beside a Medicaid patient who didn't have to pay a dime, meanwhile much much of her estate was liquidated over the course of those 10 years. Democrats wouldn't want her to pass that along to her family anyway so it works out for them. Democrats promote fiscal irresponsibility because it creates more government dependency. In part, it's probably why they have such vitriol for Jews. Jewish people are not known to be frivolous spenders, but rather savy and intelligent when it comes to finances.
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My net worth has increased, but no more so than it was increasing under Trump pre-COVID.


My net worth increased under Obama and Trump and Biden and will do so under whomever wins in Nov.

. I do not have as much money to spend as I did inder Trump

sounds like a personal problem. Between my wife and I we have far more, even with the cost of goods going up.

They live pay check to pay check.

a lot of people do that, even those making 6 figures.

There is NO metric that has those people better off than under Trump's 3 years.

Trump had 4 years in office.
sounds like a personal problem. Between my wife and I we have far more, even with the cost of goods going up.

Is that because of investment income? Real wages have most certainly not kept up with inflation under Biden/Harris.

Trump had 4 years in office.

Yes, and when he left office inflation was very low and the economy was recovering from a black swan event. 16 months later it was over 9% and the stock market plummeted.
Democrats hate responsible people. My grandmother was in a nursing home for about 10 years after her stroke. Her room was right beside a Medicaid patient who didn't have to pay a dime, meanwhile much much of her estate was liquidated over the course of those 10 years. Democrats wouldn't want her to pass that along to her family anyway so it works out for them. Democrats promote fiscal irresponsibility because it creates more government dependency. In part, it's probably why they have such vitriol for Jews. Jewish people are not known to be frivolous spenders, but rather savy and intelligent when it comes to finances.
Exactly! And besides that, Jews as a group are more successful, better educated, and with higher incomes than the average. They HATE that.

I am SO glad I did not take my Mom on the tour of the luxury subsidized senior facility. She would have seen their gorgeous dining room, their INDOOR pool, the updated kitchens, the full movie theater - only to be told that this luxury living is only for low-income.

We are in a similar spot to what your family was. We (as in my parents) had a large next egg that would pay for 10 to 12 years of assisted living, and we are more than half-way through. I should tell my mom not to worry, because if she DOES run through all the money, she can then move to the luxurious place for poor people.

This is the upside-down world of liberal values.
I have already refuted the stuff posted in this link.
No, you were refuted. Stop gaslighting.
You post a lot of ridiculous stuff. Trump is 78, and in better shape physically & mentally than most people that age.

The 14.8 unemployment was not Trump's. It belongs to Obama, Biden, Pelosi, & Democrat governors who created and maintained the pandemic.

If by death rate per month, you are referring the Democrat Covid pandemic, Trump REDUCED the death rate from over 17,000/week in April, to about 2000/week in June, and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did..
He will be 82 when he leaves office if elected, too old.

His monthly death total for covid was three times that of Biden.,

Obama has nothing to do with Trump's 14.8% rate almost four years after Obama left office.

Trump is going to lose.
Is that because of investment income? Real wages have most certainly not kept up with inflation under Biden/Harris.

Ours have, it is not even close.

es, and when he left office inflation was very low and the economy was recovering from a black swan event.

Which is why inflation was low.

16 months later it was over 9% and the stock market plummeted.

You seem like an intelligent person, do you think all of the money spent in 2020, all of the money given away to people, had any effect at all on the inflation that followed?
You dishonestly failed to provide a timeframe. Are you referencing the timeframe during the Wuhan virus?

You dishonest hack.
Contriving excuses now? According to Trump, the global pandemic was never a problem for Trump:

Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 5.10.12 PM.png

A timeline of Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic​

Exactly! And besides that, Jews as a group are more successful, better educated, and with higher incomes than the average. They HATE that.

I am SO glad I did not take my Mom on the tour of the luxury subsidized senior facility. She would have seen their gorgeous dining room, their INDOOR pool, the updated kitchens, the full movie theater - only to be told that this luxury living is only for low-income.

We are in a similar spot to what your family was. We (as in my parents) had a large next egg that would pay for 10 to 12 years of assisted living, and we are more than half-way through. I should tell my mom not to worry, because if she DOES run through all the money, she can then move to the luxurious place for poor people.

This is the upside-down world of liberal values.

On a similar note, several years ago, a subsidized apartment complex was built in my area of town. The complex was built right beside an existing, upscale complex. The subsidized one looks just as nice as the non-subsidized one. I guess it wasn't fair that those who don't make enough money couldn't live in a nice area like this that do. Why work hard to get here when you can do less and enjoy the same benefits. In fairness, there has not been any uptick in crime or anything like that. These are not government projects, just partially subsidized, but I still have a hard time wrapping my head around why they should be able to live next door, in just as nice of an apartment, to people who are paying three times the rent, in large part, due to location.
Ours have, it is not even close.

Good for you, but that is not the norm. Wages have most certainly not kept up with inflation. Real wages are down.

Which is why inflation was low.

It was low pre-COVID.

You seem like an intelligent person, do you think all of the money spent in 2020, all of the money given away to people, had any effect at all on the inflation that followed?

No more or less than the "Inflation Reduction Act"
On a similar note, several years ago, a subsidized apartment complex was built in my area of town. The complex was built right beside an existing, upscale complex. The subsidized one looks just as nice as the non-subsidized one. I guess it wasn't fair that those who don't make enough money couldn't live in a nice area like this that do. Why work hard to get here when you can do less and enjoy the same benefits. In fairness, there has not been any uptick in crime or anything like that. These are not government projects, just partially subsidized, but I still have a hard time wrapping my head around why they should be able to live next door, in just as nice of an apartment, to people who are paying three times the rent, in large part, due to location.
Do you live near me?! Same thing here.

We (as in libs) have a rule in my county that any new rental development must have 15% of the units as “workforce housing” (more PC than low-income, since I was part of the workforce too!), to be subsidized by taxpayers. The builder wanted to build the set-aside apartments with more mid-range finishes and a bit smaller units, but the libs threw a fit: “why,” they asked with indignation, “do people have to live in smaller apartments and give up stainless steel appliances just because they are poor”? They insisted the poor people are entitled to live such as nicely as those paying full market rate.
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I agree 100%, yet only one side gets blamed for the bout of inflation.
I didn't agree with all the stimulus checks that we were giving out during COVID. Why would someone who has not even not lost their job need to get a check? My parents are on a fixed income and got a check and thought it was pretty stupid and reckless.
You must not really follow the markets. 2022 was terrible.

Just How Badly Did Stock Markets Perform In 2022? | The Motley Fool

It was not great year, but my investments are pretty S&P heavy so it was not awful.

I didn't agree with all the stimulus checks that we were giving out during COVID. Why would someone who has not even not lost their job need to get a check? My parents are on a fixed income and got a check and thought it was pretty stupid and reckless.

I agree 100%. We got the first one as we had not yet filed our taxes thanks to the Govt moving the date back. We did not need it, my wife as an RN was getting a ton of OT and I was 95% remote. So we put them in our savings.

A lot of people that did not need them got them and just held onto it since there was not much to spend it on. Then when COVID was clear they spent it...leading to inflation when coupled with all the supply chain issues.

Yet the GOP/Trump get none of the blame. You might recall that Trump was pushing for a check twice as big as even the Dems wanted in the last go around.
Most working Americans are better off now than they were when the reign of Trumpery ended with a dismal 34% public approval.

According to my organization’s analysis, working-class Americans’ wages, adjusted for inflation, have just edged higher than they were on Election Day, 2020. The average working-class American can now answer “Yes” to the question, “Are you better off now than you were under Trump?”

Ah yes… leave it to the most recent Democrat to tell 3/4 of the struggling public that they are wrong, and their tightening budgets don’t actually exist!

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