Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

When Trump takes over in 2025 and the economy soars, the progressives will be speechless.
This is what they really fear- economic success in 2025 with Trump as president.
Your fixation on Israel has no bearing on U.S. economic recovery.

A comparative analysis: The Definitive Answer to the Question “Are You Better Off Today Than You Were Four Years Ago?”

Au contraire, the US taxpayer spending on Israel and the Zionist war in Ukraine is contributing to a worsening of the National Debt and hence both inflation and higher interest rates.

Are you proud that Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala?

Any idea why Dick Cheney would endorse Kamala?

Maybe because he doesn't want the 911 investigation reopened.... and neither do you....

The Dems are desperate to hide the harm the Biden-Harris Administration has done to the middle and working classes, and that’s what we have all these liberal media articles telling us how great things are.

The problem the libs have is…..people GO into grocery stores and GO to the gas station and GET utilities bills.
And worst of all, we pay out monthly rents, up HUNDREDS$$$$ if $$$ a month. Mine went up from $600/mo to $1600/mo.

This is = to going out in the street, and being mugged for $1000 once evey month, ongoing. And liberals expect people to say we're now better off. They are very sick people.
Yes, in the U.S., unemployment is down considerably as well as incomes rising since Trump was booted with 34% approval, Mr Shitbird.

Global inflation has been a serious problem in recent years, but Trump appointee Powell is dealing with it in the U.S.

How much influence does the President have on the economy and the rate of inflation?
In short, very little. The bulk of economic performance and the inflation rate is determined by factors outside the President’s control in particular – market forces, private business, productivity growth, the state of the global economy, and policies of the Federal Reserve (who set interest rates). This is not to say the President has no influence over the economy. At certain times, the President can give have significant influence, primarily through the use of fiscal policy, such as a large tax cut or higher public spending. In 1932, Roosevelt’s New Deal and more optimistic outlook played a role in helping the US economy to recover from recession. Hoover’s paralysis from 1929-32 where he seemed unwilling to step in and help the economy, undeniably played a major role in worsening the Great Depression and leading to a long period of deflation.
14.8% UE rate when Trump left office, Simp.
FALSE! It was 6.4% when Trump left office (Jan 2021), but that was related to the Democrat pandemic, initiated by Obama's NIH funding of the Wuhan lab, perpetuated by Pelosi's blockage of stimulus checks, and businesses shut down by Democrat governors.

Before the pandemic, for 3 YEARS, Trump had unemployment between 3.5% and 4.6%. It was 3.5% when the Democrat pandemic hit in Feb. 2020. Unemployment rates for blacks, Hispanics, & Asians were lowest in US history during the Trump administration.

The 14.8% number was the height of the pandemic, again caused by Democrats.

If you don't like the empirical data, that is unfortunate.
The data shows Biden/Harris to have been a complete TRAIN WRECK for this country. 3 recessions, 2 quarters of below zero GDP, gigantic inflation, violet crime up, migrants destroying cities everywhere they go, and wars replacing the peace of the Trump administration.

Total Violent Crime (per 1000 population)
2019 - 16.4
2023 - 22.5

Non-Domestic (Stranger) Violence
2019 - 8.1
2023 - 11.4

Violent Crime with a weapon
2019 - 4.0
2023 - 5.3

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Trump's highest UE was 14.8 and over 6 when he left office.

His death rate per month was three times that of Biden.

He added $8 billion to the debt.

He is 82, failing in mental health, and gone emotionally.

He will lose.
Trump's highest UE was 14.8 and over 6 when he left office.

His death rate per month was three times that of Biden.

He added $8 billion to the debt.

He is 82, failing in mental health, and gone emotionally.

He will lose.
You post a lot of ridiculous stuff. Trump is 78, and in better shape physically & mentally than most people that age.

The 14.8 unemployment was not Trump's. It belongs to Obama, Biden, Pelosi, & Democrat governors who created and maintained the pandemic.

If by death rate per month, you are referring the Democrat Covid pandemic, Trump REDUCED the death rate from over 17,000/week in April, to about 2000/week in June, and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did..
Most working Americans are better off now than they were when the reign of Trumpery ended with a dismal 34% public approval.

According to my organization’s analysis, working-class Americans’ wages, adjusted for inflation, have just edged higher than they were on Election Day, 2020. The average working-class American can now answer “Yes” to the question, “Are you better off now than you were under Trump?”

I don't know what world you are living in, but it isn't mine. I'm retired and on a fixed income and between, groceries, utilities and gas, my situation is financially worse than during the Trump period.
I don't know what world you are living in, but it isn't mine. I'm retired and on a fixed income and between, groceries, utilities and gas, my situation is financially worse than during the Trump period.

But schmidlap the dumbass said so. And he has empiracle data to prove it.

Only it does not prove it.

It says, wages finally caught up with inflation (and even inched ahead).

Of course, as you have indicated, peope on fixed incomes are screwed.

People living on savings (who, if they follow the advice of most planners....have less than 30% in the market) now have less buying power.

And even those earning wages have 3 to 4 years of offset to get out from under.

schmidlap is full of Schmid.

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