Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
To an extent not seen in a century, America's two major parties have gone to battle over the rules that govern voting — an intensifying fight that threatens to dominate and embitter the country's politics.

Skirmishes along the battle line flared repeatedly this week:

At the Supreme Court, Republican and Democratic lawyers clashed over part of the landmark Voting Rights Act. A court ruling that would broadly define the reach of that law "puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats," attorney Michael Carvin, who represented the Arizona Republican Party, bluntly told the justices.

"Politics is a zero-sum game," he said.

Democracy in America is under attack by the Republican Party, a Party which seeks to prevent legal citizens from voting. This effort to suppress the vote of minority citizens - people of color, people of non Western European ancestry and Felons who have already completed their sentence* will be denied the right to express their support for candidates who are empathetic to their needs.

It's clear that the Republican Party has become a party opposed to civil rights and equal opportunities for minorities'; a party which grants the wealth of our nation to the few, and denies to the middleclass, the working poor, the destitute, aged, infirm and women equal justice and an equal share of the GDP; those whose labor produces our nation's wealth.
Unconstitutional as hell.

Election rules are the exclusive provence of the states.
To an extent not seen in a century, America's two major parties have gone to battle over the rules that govern voting — an intensifying fight that threatens to dominate and embitter the country's politics.

Skirmishes along the battle line flared repeatedly this week:

At the Supreme Court, Republican and Democratic lawyers clashed over part of the landmark Voting Rights Act. A court ruling that would broadly define the reach of that law "puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats," attorney Michael Carvin, who represented the Arizona Republican Party, bluntly told the justices.

"Politics is a zero-sum game," he said.

Democracy in America is under attack by the Republican Party, a Party which seeks to prevent legal citizens from voting. This effort to suppress the vote of minority citizens - people of color, people of non Western European ancestry and Felons who have already completed their sentence* will be denied the right to express their support for candidates who are empathetic to their needs.

It's clear that the Republican Party has become a party opposed to civil rights and equal opportunities for minorities'; a party which grants the wealth of our nation to the few, and denies to the middleclass, the working poor, the destitute, aged, infirm and women equal justice and an equal share of the GDP; those whose labor produces our nation's wealth.
thats a great spin considering its the dems trying to take control of all voting in the country,,
It's clear that the Republican Party has become a party opposed to civil rights and equal opportunities for minorities'; a party which grants the wealth of our nation to the few, and denies to the middleclass, the working poor, the destitute, aged, infirm and women equal justice and an equal share of the GDP; those whose labor produces our nation's wealth.

It's clear that you haven't a single, solitary shred of self-awareness....And probably never have.
Unconstitutional as hell.

Election rules are the exclusive provence of the states.View attachment 464080
Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
To an extent not seen in a century, America's two major parties have gone to battle over the rules that govern voting — an intensifying fight that threatens to dominate and embitter the country's politics.

Skirmishes along the battle line flared repeatedly this week:

At the Supreme Court, Republican and Democratic lawyers clashed over part of the landmark Voting Rights Act. A court ruling that would broadly define the reach of that law "puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats," attorney Michael Carvin, who represented the Arizona Republican Party, bluntly told the justices.

"Politics is a zero-sum game," he said.

Democracy in America is under attack by the Republican Party, a Party which seeks to prevent legal citizens from voting. This effort to suppress the vote of minority citizens - people of color, people of non Western European ancestry and Felons who have already completed their sentence* will be denied the right to express their support for candidates who are empathetic to their needs.

It's clear that the Republican Party has become a party opposed to civil rights and equal opportunities for minorities'; a party which grants the wealth of our nation to the few, and denies to the middleclass, the working poor, the destitute, aged, infirm and women equal justice and an equal share of the GDP; those whose labor produces our nation's wealth.
Why are wackos for open illegal voting? Do you all simply just hate America that badly? If so why not leave?
In our state of Mizzouri the Repubs are trying to make it harder to get ballot initiatives to vote on , want to have the ability to parity of ballots that pass popular vote by legislative over ride and the voter ID law was struck down as unconstitutional but you are required to use a picture ID to vote.
To an extent not seen in a century, America's two major parties have gone to battle over the rules that govern voting — an intensifying fight that threatens to dominate and embitter the country's politics.

Skirmishes along the battle line flared repeatedly this week:

At the Supreme Court, Republican and Democratic lawyers clashed over part of the landmark Voting Rights Act. A court ruling that would broadly define the reach of that law "puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats," attorney Michael Carvin, who represented the Arizona Republican Party, bluntly told the justices.

"Politics is a zero-sum game," he said.

Democracy in America is under attack by the Republican Party, a Party which seeks to prevent legal citizens from voting. This effort to suppress the vote of minority citizens - people of color, people of non Western European ancestry and Felons who have already completed their sentence* will be denied the right to express their support for candidates who are empathetic to their needs.

It's clear that the Republican Party has become a party opposed to civil rights and equal opportunities for minorities'; a party which grants the wealth of our nation to the few, and denies to the middleclass, the working poor, the destitute, aged, infirm and women equal justice and an equal share of the GDP; those whose labor produces our nation's wealth.
Why are wackos for open illegal voting? Do you all simply just hate America that badly? If so why not leave?
No one is open to illegal voting. They allowed expansion of the mail in voting rules for the pandemic and I doubt any will be renewed for 2022.
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To an extent not seen in a century, America's two major parties have gone to battle over the rules that govern voting — an intensifying fight that threatens to dominate and embitter the country's politics.

Skirmishes along the battle line flared repeatedly this week:

At the Supreme Court, Republican and Democratic lawyers clashed over part of the landmark Voting Rights Act. A court ruling that would broadly define the reach of that law "puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats," attorney Michael Carvin, who represented the Arizona Republican Party, bluntly told the justices.

"Politics is a zero-sum game," he said.

Democracy in America is under attack by the Republican Party, a Party which seeks to prevent legal citizens from voting. This effort to suppress the vote of minority citizens - people of color, people of non Western European ancestry and Felons who have already completed their sentence* will be denied the right to express their support for candidates who are empathetic to their needs.

It's clear that the Republican Party has become a party opposed to civil rights and equal opportunities for minorities'; a party which grants the wealth of our nation to the few, and denies to the middleclass, the working poor, the destitute, aged, infirm and women equal justice and an equal share of the GDP; those whose labor produces our nation's wealth.
How many times have we watched you libs here scream that elections are run by the states...and now you are ok with Ice Cream Nancy rigging the system? ain't going to happen...
To an extent not seen in a century, America's two major parties have gone to battle over the rules that govern voting — an intensifying fight that threatens to dominate and embitter the country's politics.

Skirmishes along the battle line flared repeatedly this week:

At the Supreme Court, Republican and Democratic lawyers clashed over part of the landmark Voting Rights Act. A court ruling that would broadly define the reach of that law "puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats," attorney Michael Carvin, who represented the Arizona Republican Party, bluntly told the justices.

"Politics is a zero-sum game," he said.

Democracy in America is under attack by the Republican Party, a Party which seeks to prevent legal citizens from voting. This effort to suppress the vote of minority citizens - people of color, people of non Western European ancestry and Felons who have already completed their sentence* will be denied the right to express their support for candidates who are empathetic to their needs.

It's clear that the Republican Party has become a party opposed to civil rights and equal opportunities for minorities'; a party which grants the wealth of our nation to the few, and denies to the middleclass, the working poor, the destitute, aged, infirm and women equal justice and an equal share of the GDP; those whose labor produces our nation's wealth.

The republicans have killed democracy in the Senate.

Unfortunately the chance of this getting past the republican non stop filibuster is zero.

The last thing that republicans are going to do is vote for a bill that helps remove the barriers for people to vote.

The republicans put those barriers in place for a reason. They know that very few republicans can win a fair election.
Unconstitutional as hell.

Election rules are the exclusive provence of the states.View attachment 464080
Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
It says alter, not take them over, Karl.
Joe will have to sign anything that gets past the GOP...and his poll numbers are down 4 pts. in one week....if you want to kill any chance of a second term for the dems and keeping both houses under their thumb keep this election shit up....the people are against it 1000 -1....
“Politics is a zero sum game”

No argument from me...

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