Yet another black man killed by police

Why are white men, who are daily killed by the police, no news?

I dunno, no one here seems to care until someone brings up a black person being shot.

Let not even use race.

Cats go online to discuss the latest forced cat neutering. Cats hold protests, demand justice etc etc.

Dogs are neutered as well but the only time dogs bring up their neutering is when cats are complaining about theirs.

So are the cats more concerned with it than dogs? Seems like it, right?
Why are white men killed by the police no news?
They are. Just doesnt happen as often.

Never read any headlines about white men killed by the police, which happens almost every day.

Whats even funnier is whenever someone posts about a white dude rights being violated other whites comment on it with a self fulfilling prophecy. They say something like "He's white so no one will care"

And then they disappear. Do they care? Doesnt seem like it, right?
Why are white men killed by the police no news?
They are. Just doesnt happen as often.

Never read any headlines about white men killed by the police, which happens almost every day.

Whats even funnier is whenever someone posts about a white dude rights being violated other whites comment on it with a self fulfilling prophecy. They say something like "He's white so no one will care"

And then they disappear. Do they care? Doesnt seem like it, right?
You haven't explained why it is that when ever a black person is killed by a cop it is national news but when ever a far more often white person is killed it is not news at the national level.
Why are white men killed by the police no news?
They are. Just doesnt happen as often.

Never read any headlines about white men killed by the police, which happens almost every day.

Whats even funnier is whenever someone posts about a white dude rights being violated other whites comment on it with a self fulfilling prophecy. They say something like "He's white so no one will care"

And then they disappear. Do they care? Doesnt seem like it, right?
You haven't explained why it is that when ever a black person is killed by a cop it is national news but when ever a far more often white person is killed it is not news at the national level.

I cant explain that because its not true. I hope that helps.

Whenever a case is a national story its because blacks push the story. Like I said about the cat and dog analogy above. Whites dont, then complain when their inaction isnt national news.
Why are white men killed by the police no news?
They are. Just doesnt happen as often.

Never read any headlines about white men killed by the police, which happens almost every day.

Whats even funnier is whenever someone posts about a white dude rights being violated other whites comment on it with a self fulfilling prophecy. They say something like "He's white so no one will care"

And then they disappear. Do they care? Doesnt seem like it, right?
You haven't explained why it is that when ever a black person is killed by a cop it is national news but when ever a far more often white person is killed it is not news at the national level.

I cant explain that because its not true. I hope that helps.

Whenever a case is a national story its because blacks push the story. Like I said about the cat and dog analogy above. Whites dont, then complain when their inaction isnt national news.
It isn't true? Whites are killed almost twice as often then blacks care to remind us of the last national news story on a dead white guy killed by cops?
They are. Just doesnt happen as often.

Never read any headlines about white men killed by the police, which happens almost every day.

Whats even funnier is whenever someone posts about a white dude rights being violated other whites comment on it with a self fulfilling prophecy. They say something like "He's white so no one will care"

And then they disappear. Do they care? Doesnt seem like it, right?
You haven't explained why it is that when ever a black person is killed by a cop it is national news but when ever a far more often white person is killed it is not news at the national level.

I cant explain that because its not true. I hope that helps.

Whenever a case is a national story its because blacks push the story. Like I said about the cat and dog analogy above. Whites dont, then complain when their inaction isnt national news.
It isn't true? Whites are killed almost twice as often then blacks care to remind us of the last national news story on a dead white guy killed by cops?

No because white people didnt push the story. Who fault is that?
Then when Al Sharpton shows up they complain about the story getting publicity.

And whites do nothing for other whites killed by police and complain about NOT getting publicity.
The thread title is inaccurate. The proper version is:

Yet Another Race Baiting Thread
I cant explain that because its not true.

Can you prove that this is not true?
Do you have the independent statistics?

Can I prove his opinion as not true? Sure I'll give it a shot. He said:

[QUOTE="RetiredGySgt, post: 11246804, member: 5176"]You haven't explained why it is that when ever a black person is killed by a cop it is national news but when ever a far more often white person is killed it is not news at the national level.[/QUOTE]

I would put money against anyone who says that 100% of the stories about blacks being killed by white cops become national news. Wouldnt you?

100% is kinda unreasonable so it cannot be true
Never read any headlines about white men killed by the police, which happens almost every day.

Whats even funnier is whenever someone posts about a white dude rights being violated other whites comment on it with a self fulfilling prophecy. They say something like "He's white so no one will care"

And then they disappear. Do they care? Doesnt seem like it, right?
You haven't explained why it is that when ever a black person is killed by a cop it is national news but when ever a far more often white person is killed it is not news at the national level.

I cant explain that because its not true. I hope that helps.

Whenever a case is a national story its because blacks push the story. Like I said about the cat and dog analogy above. Whites dont, then complain when their inaction isnt national news.
It isn't true? Whites are killed almost twice as often then blacks care to remind us of the last national news story on a dead white guy killed by cops?

No because white people didnt push the story. Who fault is that?
So you think the press writes stories based on who pushes them to? Most of the main stream press are white and liberal.
Whats even funnier is whenever someone posts about a white dude rights being violated other whites comment on it with a self fulfilling prophecy. They say something like "He's white so no one will care"

And then they disappear. Do they care? Doesnt seem like it, right?
You haven't explained why it is that when ever a black person is killed by a cop it is national news but when ever a far more often white person is killed it is not news at the national level.

I cant explain that because its not true. I hope that helps.

Whenever a case is a national story its because blacks push the story. Like I said about the cat and dog analogy above. Whites dont, then complain when their inaction isnt national news.
It isn't true? Whites are killed almost twice as often then blacks care to remind us of the last national news story on a dead white guy killed by cops?

No because white people didnt push the story. Who fault is that?
So you think the press writes stories based on who pushes them to? Most of the main stream press are white and liberal.

No what I think is that if whites cared they would push the story or do anything to put a focus on it.

Since you dont, and actions speak louder than words the only logical conclusion is that you dont really care.

Or maybe you really do care but not enough to do anything about it
You haven't explained why it is that when ever a black person is killed by a cop it is national news but when ever a far more often white person is killed it is not news at the national level.

I cant explain that because its not true. I hope that helps.

Whenever a case is a national story its because blacks push the story. Like I said about the cat and dog analogy above. Whites dont, then complain when their inaction isnt national news.
It isn't true? Whites are killed almost twice as often then blacks care to remind us of the last national news story on a dead white guy killed by cops?

No because white people didnt push the story. Who fault is that?
So you think the press writes stories based on who pushes them to? Most of the main stream press are white and liberal.

No what I think is that if whites cared they would push the story or do anything to put a focus on it.

Since you dont, and actions speak louder than words the only logical conclusion is that you dont really care.

Or maybe you really do care but not enough to do anything about it
So it is the publics responsibility to brow beat the national news outlets on what they should report on?
Interesting statistics:

"Black officers account for a little more than 10 percent of all fatal police shootings. Of those they kill, though, 78 percent were black.
White officers killed 91percent of the whites who died at the hands of police. And they were responsible for 68 percent of the people of color killed. Those people of color represented 46 percent of all those killed by white officers".

Deadly Force in Black and White - ProPublica

It seems that black men are just more likely to be criminal and more likely to endanger policemen.
I cant explain that because its not true. I hope that helps.

Whenever a case is a national story its because blacks push the story. Like I said about the cat and dog analogy above. Whites dont, then complain when their inaction isnt national news.
It isn't true? Whites are killed almost twice as often then blacks care to remind us of the last national news story on a dead white guy killed by cops?

No because white people didnt push the story. Who fault is that?
So you think the press writes stories based on who pushes them to? Most of the main stream press are white and liberal.

No what I think is that if whites cared they would push the story or do anything to put a focus on it.

Since you dont, and actions speak louder than words the only logical conclusion is that you dont really care.

Or maybe you really do care but not enough to do anything about it
So it is the publics responsibility to brow beat the national news outlets on what they should report on?

No its not the publics "responsibility" its totally voluntary depending on how much you care. Do you have anymore excuses why doing something about something you consider important isnt possible?
It isn't true? Whites are killed almost twice as often then blacks care to remind us of the last national news story on a dead white guy killed by cops?

No because white people didnt push the story. Who fault is that?
So you think the press writes stories based on who pushes them to? Most of the main stream press are white and liberal.

No what I think is that if whites cared they would push the story or do anything to put a focus on it.

Since you dont, and actions speak louder than words the only logical conclusion is that you dont really care.

Or maybe you really do care but not enough to do anything about it
So it is the publics responsibility to brow beat the national news outlets on what they should report on?

No its not the publics "responsibility" its totally voluntary depending on how much you care. Do you have anymore excuses why doing something about something you consider important isnt possible?
So again you claim I as a private citizen with no access or connection to any Newsman or organization should be able to know about all the whites killed by cops and then somehow force the same news organizations to report on them?

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