Yet another blatant Trump hypocrisy that will go unnoticed by Trumpsters......

Flynn resigned (was fired) so it was dealt with by President Trump. Now it's time to go after the people who illegally leaked the info. If you're thinking rationally then that's the best outcome. If you're a partisan hack then you start a thread on an anonymous forum and whine like a little butt hurt bitch about the president.
Since when does resigned mean fired? Besides in your head.
Ask a guy standing in a fuckin unemployment line, how he got there....he's still out of a job, dummy!!
Flynn resigned (was fired) so it was dealt with by President Trump. Now it's time to go after the people who illegally leaked the info. If you're thinking rationally then that's the best outcome. If you're a partisan hack then you start a thread on an anonymous forum and whine like a little butt hurt bitch about the president.
Since when does resigned mean fired? Besides in your head.
Ask a guy standing in a fuckin unemployment line, how he got there....he's still out of a job, dummy!!
Again, no meaningful response.
If there is an ounce of objectivity among the Trumpsters on here, follow this bit of logic......

Trump and his brainwashed GOPers in congress are calling for investigations on the intelligence communities LEAKS, but NOT the essence of what those leaks reveal; basically stating, "we CANNOT allow the truth to come out into the open...."

Now, compare the above with this "rationale" had the anti-Trump contingency had stated this:

"We should completely DISREGARD what is coming out of Wikileaks and, instead, concentrate on placing a gag on Assange and his leaks obtained from Russia"........

Always remember how MUCH the orange clown expressed his LOVE of Wikileaks...

When was it proven that Assange obtained his leaks from Russia?
What's that? NO proof? Again?

So damn early to be drunk, don't you think?
Where's the proof?
Proof? Mike, you mindless meatless mini brain fuck nuts wouldn't notice proof if it came gift wrapped in a Klan box with Malonia in it..buck fuckin naked!!
In other words, you have no proof like the rest of the addle brained dims.
What ever you say Mike, you so not worth the time of day!!
Still no way to back up your claim? I'd say what we have here, and not just with you, is mass brainwashing of a scale that is almost unbelievable. You people make these outlandish claims and then when cornered for the details, you deflect and run. Why is that?
If there is an ounce of objectivity among the Trumpsters on here, follow this bit of logic......

Trump and his brainwashed GOPers in congress are calling for investigations on the intelligence communities LEAKS, but NOT the essence of what those leaks reveal; basically stating, "we CANNOT allow the truth to come out into the open...."

What are you babbling about, snowflake? You are talking about the 'Flynn' issue, right...the one the FBI has already come out and declared NOTHING ILLEGAL HAPPENED?! opposed to the continued Illegal leaks coming from Obama holdovers and the Intel Community....

Congratulations - today is your lucky day. You win:

Its always humorous watching you partisans in damage control.
Its never about the intel, its always about the leak itself. Unless its your side..

Speaking of Hypocrisy, who needed a leak when Obama was President.

SEOUL — In their joint statement to reporters here, President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev spoke carefully about continuing discussions on the sensitive issues of European missile defense.

But in an unscripted moment picked up by camera crews, the American president was more blunt: Let me get reelected first, he said; then I’ll have a better chance of making something happen.

“On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space,” Obama can be heard telling Medvedev, apparently referring to incoming Russian president — and outgoing prime minister — Vladimir Putin.

“Yeah, I understand,” Medvedev replies, according to an account relayed by an ABC News producer, who said she viewed a recording of the discussion made by a Russian camera crew. “I understand your message about space. Space for you . . .”

“This is my last election,” Obama interjects. “After my election, I have more flexibility.”

Medvedev, who last week demanded written proof that Russia is not the intended target of U.S. missile defense efforts, responded agreeably.

“I understand,” he told the U.S. president. “I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

Caught on open mike, Obama tells Medvedev he needs ‘space’ on missile defense
If there is an ounce of objectivity among the Trumpsters on here, follow this bit of logic......

Trump and his brainwashed GOPers in congress are calling for investigations on the intelligence communities LEAKS, but NOT the essence of what those leaks reveal; basically stating, "we CANNOT allow the truth to come out into the open...."

Now, compare the above with this "rationale" had the anti-Trump contingency had stated this:

"We should completely DISREGARD what is coming out of Wikileaks and, instead, concentrate on placing a gag on Assange and his leaks obtained from Russia"........

Always remember how MUCH the orange clown expressed his LOVE of Wikileaks...
You are simply lying. The entire left said it was not a leak, but rather it was Russian hacking.
If there is an ounce of objectivity among the Trumpsters on here, follow this bit of logic......

Trump and his brainwashed GOPers in congress are calling for investigations on the intelligence communities LEAKS, but NOT the essence of what those leaks reveal; basically stating, "we CANNOT allow the truth to come out into the open...."

Now, compare the above with this "rationale" had the anti-Trump contingency had stated this:

"We should completely DISREGARD what is coming out of Wikileaks and, instead, concentrate on placing a gag on Assange and his leaks obtained from Russia"........

Always remember how MUCH the orange clown expressed his LOVE of Wikileaks...

Your joking right? After months of ignoring WikiLeaks substance and whining about the leaks you are going to say trump is ignoring the substance of the leaks?

News flash! Trump didn't ignore the substance of the leak. He found that Flynn had been lying and fired the man.

That is the very definition if not ignoring it!

Meanwhile you are still ignoring that the democrats were subverting their own primary.

You are such a partisan, you don't even check to see what is really going on-
GOP senator calls for exhaustive investigation into Trump-Russia connections
If there is an ounce of objectivity among the Trumpsters on here, follow this bit of logic......
Trump and his brainwashed GOPers in congress are calling for investigations on the intelligence communities LEAKS, but NOT the essence of what those leaks reveal; basically stating, "we CANNOT allow the truth to come out into the open...."

Now, compare the above with this "rationale" had the anti-Trump contingency had stated this:

"We should completely DISREGARD what is coming out of Wikileaks and, instead, concentrate on placing a gag on Assange and his leaks obtained from Russia"........

Always remember how MUCH the orange clown expressed his LOVE of Wikileaks...
If there is an ounce of objectivity among the Trumpsters on here, follow this bit of logic......

Trump and his brainwashed GOPers in congress are calling for investigations on the intelligence communities LEAKS, but NOT the essence of what those leaks reveal; basically stating, "we CANNOT allow the truth to come out into the open...."

Now, compare the above with this "rationale" had the anti-Trump contingency had stated this:

"We should completely DISREGARD what is coming out of Wikileaks and, instead, concentrate on placing a gag on Assange and his leaks obtained from Russia"........

Always remember how MUCH the orange clown expressed his LOVE of Wikileaks...
A constant pattern with this white house and the GOP.....what is treason and devastating when a democrat does just another motherfuckin day in the neighborhood with these lying dishonest to the fuckin bone conservative shit heads. Hypocrite is too good of a word for these people, they are beyond contempt!!

A pattern?? He hasn't been in office a month yet. There has been no time to establish a pattern.

Here is a pattern I see. Clinton sends classified emails on an illegal server. She should be president! Flynn lies to the VP. Gets fired.

Democrats freak out calling treason. And then make ridiculous posts about the GOP calling treason for the same activity.
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If there is an ounce of objectivity among the Trumpsters on here, follow this bit of logic......

Trump and his brainwashed GOPers in congress are calling for investigations on the intelligence communities LEAKS, but NOT the essence of what those leaks reveal; basically stating, "we CANNOT allow the truth to come out into the open...."

Now, compare the above with this "rationale" had the anti-Trump contingency had stated this:

"We should completely DISREGARD what is coming out of Wikileaks and, instead, concentrate on placing a gag on Assange and his leaks obtained from Russia"........

Always remember how MUCH the orange clown expressed his LOVE of Wikileaks...

Kinda like whining about being hacked because the hacks expose corruption and ineptness that costs you an election?

Speaking of irony.
Democrats freak out calling treason. And then make ridiculous posts about the GOP calling treason for the same activity.
These are the same snowflakes who were just calling for a military coup and for Trump's assassination a week ago. :p
Kinda like whining about being hacked because the hacks expose corruption and ineptness that costs you an election?

PRECISELY, moron.....Whether you know it or not (probably too dumb to know it) YOU ARE MAKING MY POINT.

If leaks caused Clinton to lose..........Why can't leaks ALSO cause the Trump administration to crumble....Trump LOVED the leaks when they were about Clinton......but now HATES the leaks when they expose HIS administration's sedition.
Honey, if you think that the investigation will not involve all that, I have a bridge to sell ya. And if you think the Obama administration had found anything untoward and didn't shout it out to the hills showing their evidence to prevent his legacy from being destroyed, you are only fooling yourself. And you might be careful what you do wish for.
You are such a partisan, you don't even check to see what is really going on-
GOP senator calls for exhaustive investigation into Trump-Russia connections

Don't be an ass, ONE senator calls for investigation......51 more to go???
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If there is an ounce of objectivity among the Trumpsters on here, follow this bit of logic......

Trump and his brainwashed GOPers in congress are calling for investigations on the intelligence communities LEAKS, but NOT the essence of what those leaks reveal; basically stating, "we CANNOT allow the truth to come out into the open...."

Now, compare the above with this "rationale" had the anti-Trump contingency had stated this:

"We should completely DISREGARD what is coming out of Wikileaks and, instead, concentrate on placing a gag on Assange and his leaks obtained from Russia"........

Always remember how MUCH the orange clown expressed his LOVE of Wikileaks...

What exactly came out ? Anyone seen a transcript? A whistle blower? A whistle blower would be best as there are laws to protect them. Why none? Largely because you on the left are to busy lapping up yalls talking points and keeping colored in line to go look for facts. Stop being so suggestible. It's not befitting an American.
I asked for an OUNCE of objectivity from right wingers, and...APPARENTLY......not an ounce exists.

Let me ask even more simply for the simple minded conservatives:

Were the Wikileaks exposures acceptable to republicans? ..........Yes or No?

Are the current leaks exposing the seditious acts of the Trump administration acceptable? ...Yes or No?
Of course, you really need to be asking Sanders supporters that question.
I asked for an OUNCE of objectivity from right wingers, and...APPARENTLY......not an ounce exists.

Let me ask even more simply for the simple minded conservatives:

Were the Wikileaks exposures acceptable to republicans? ..........Yes or No?

Are the current leaks exposing the seditious acts of the Trump administration acceptable? ...Yes or No?
Of course, you really need to be asking Sanders supporters that question.
I asked for an OUNCE of objectivity from right wingers, and...APPARENTLY......not an ounce exists.

Let me ask even more simply for the simple minded conservatives:

Were the Wikileaks exposures acceptable to republicans? ..........Yes or No?

Are the current leaks exposing the seditious acts of the Trump administration acceptable? ...Yes or No?

In other words, you simply dodge the questions......Fine, I understand.

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