Yet another blatant Trump hypocrisy that will go unnoticed by Trumpsters......

If there is an ounce of objectivity among the Trumpsters on here, follow this bit of logic......

Trump and his brainwashed GOPers in congress are calling for investigations on the intelligence communities LEAKS, but NOT the essence of what those leaks reveal; basically stating, "we CANNOT allow the truth to come out into the open...."

Now, compare the above with this "rationale" had the anti-Trump contingency had stated this:

"We should completely DISREGARD what is coming out of Wikileaks and, instead, concentrate on placing a gag on Assange and his leaks obtained from Russia"........

Always remember how MUCH the orange clown expressed his LOVE of Wikileaks...

You have to somewhat defer to OP on this subject.
He is the epitome of hypocrisy, so his expertise is unparalleled.

All one has to do is look at his posts from prior to he election.

He is a hypocrite to the core. Utterly full of shit.

OP claimed Trump would block a peaceful transfers of power once he lost the election. Turns out it was cvnt snowflake Hillary supporters that blocked a peaceful transfer of power.

OP claimed that obstructionist strategy by Congressional Republicans had Hillary won is TREASON. Turns out the Dems are obstructionist since Trump won......amazing!!! All of a sudden, obstructionism isn't TREASON when Dems do it!

OP is full of shit all day every day. He is a waste of time to engage.
Its always humorous watching you partisans in damage control.
Its never about the intel, its always about the leak itself. Unless its your side..

"Thank you" for so squarely addressing the O/P...........LOL

Attack the poster but NOT the content of the post......
I didn't personally attack you, I was attacking all the drones like you. I agree with the OP. I just happen to not be a fucking hypocrite while thinking it :thup:

A failure to understand (challenged by reality) is not about you, it's about all trump voter's denial. To paraphrase Orwell for 2017:

Chaos is Stability

Tweets are Truth

Judges lack Justice

Simple phrases for simple people.
Kinda like whining about being hacked because the hacks expose corruption and ineptness that costs you an election?

PRECISELY, moron.....Whether you know it or not (probably too dumb to know it) YOU ARE MAKING MY POINT.

If leaks caused Clinton to lose..........Why can't leaks ALSO cause the Trump administration to crumble....Trump LOVED the leaks when they were about Clinton......but now HATES the leaks when they expose HIS administration's sedition.
Sedition? Do you have any proof of anything seditious, or are you a lonely snowflake still living in moms basement? Stop spouting what Soros tells you.
You are completely clueless. The downloaded select intelligence committee info to external servers. How does that help Trump?

I'm starting to "worry" about your increasing stupidity .....
Let's see, does sabotaging the DNC offer "some help" to Trump's aspirations? Yes or No?
Your daily cry fest is getting old. This is not going to turn out the way you hope. It will end with the purge of traitors that are releasing half assed reports that include top secret info.

Why, thank you there, Blondie.........and yet, here you are, bitching that I'm involved in a "cry fest" because I try to hold up a mirror to scum buckets.......BTW, "top secret info." has been released????
Shouldn't you then be hiding under your bed?

And you are holding up a mirror to yourself superbly
OP is full of shit all day every day. He is a waste of time to engage.

.....and YET, Cpt. you are....LOL

(and thank you for addressing the O/P so thoroughly.......go check with Hannity for some help.)
Kinda like whining about being hacked because the hacks expose corruption and ineptness that costs you an election?

PRECISELY, moron.....Whether you know it or not (probably too dumb to know it) YOU ARE MAKING MY POINT.

If leaks caused Clinton to lose..........Why can't leaks ALSO cause the Trump administration to crumble....Trump LOVED the leaks when they were about Clinton......but now HATES the leaks when they expose HIS administration's sedition.
Leaks did not cause Clinton to lose.
You are completely clueless. The downloaded select intelligence committee info to external servers. How does that help Trump?

I'm starting to "worry" about your increasing stupidity .....
Let's see, does sabotaging the DNC offer "some help" to Trump's aspirations? Yes or No?
Tell us what Trumps aspirations are? What? You don't know? You sure sound like you know every move he makes. What's the matter with you?
Kinda like whining about being hacked because the hacks expose corruption and ineptness that costs you an election?

PRECISELY, moron.....Whether you know it or not (probably too dumb to know it) YOU ARE MAKING MY POINT.

If leaks caused Clinton to lose..........Why can't leaks ALSO cause the Trump administration to crumble....Trump LOVED the leaks when they were about Clinton......but now HATES the leaks when they expose HIS administration's sedition.
Leaks did not cause Clinton to lose.

No. Corruption did
Sedition? Do you have any proof of anything seditious, or are you a lonely snowflake still living in moms basement? Stop spouting what Soros tells you.

Well, sedition" occurs when someone [Mike Flynn] indulges in acts AGAINST an established authority....
Like the Obama administration placement of sanctions against Russia......

You can thank me later for the definition.
You are completely clueless. The downloaded select intelligence committee info to external servers. How does that help Trump?

I'm starting to "worry" about your increasing stupidity .....
Let's see, does sabotaging the DNC offer "some help" to Trump's aspirations? Yes or No?
The Muslim spy ring had nothing to do with the DNC. It downloaded dem leadership info from their congressional systems. Are you drunk right now?
Sedition? Do you have any proof of anything seditious, or are you a lonely snowflake still living in moms basement? Stop spouting what Soros tells you.

Well, sedition" occurs when someone [Mike Flynn] indulges in acts AGAINST an established authority....
Like the Obama administration placement of sanctions against Russia......

You can thank me later for the definition.
Umm, you are out of your mind. Making up wild shit hoping the other loons believe you is juvenile.
Sedition? Do you have any proof of anything seditious, or are you a lonely snowflake still living in moms basement? Stop spouting what Soros tells you.

Well, sedition" occurs when someone [Mike Flynn] indulges in acts AGAINST an established authority....
Like the Obama administration placement of sanctions against Russia......

You can thank me later for the definition.

Which statute uses your definition?

And which part of the phone call does Flynn do that?
Tell us what Trumps aspirations are? What? You don't know? You sure sound like you know every move he makes. What's the matter with you?

have another drink.....
Umm, you are out of your mind. Making up wild shit hoping the other loons believe you is juvenile.

Does that mean that I will not get a "thank you" from you for defining "seditious acts"???......LOL
I'm still waiting for The Intelligence Community to show us THE PROOF they had regarding WMDs in Iraq. luck with your Jihad & your soft coup.

Did you pick out a new flag for your new country and a new name for America if you can pull this off?

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