Yet another hate crime hoax

Hey faggot: what is worse, posting a link or abusing animals to perpetuate a lie for political reasons?
Gee. I wonder why the liberals on here are avoiding this topic like the plague.

Another deviant, mentally defective lefty who will stop at no means to further their agenda.

Didn't something like this happen just a few years ago? Some lesbian faked an assault on herself somewhere?

Jews forgive, but we never forget.

Yes, in Nebraska. She even carved a cross into her chest to make it look like christians had done it to her. Once again, liberals had to manufacture hatred where none existed.
There are plenty of websites who cover hoaxes. These stories are quickly forgotten like the vassar tranny who posted anti black and anti tranny graffiti .
The poor animal. This VERMIN should never be allowed around any animals and should have every joint in her body broken, as a suitable punishment.

There is something about homosexuality that lends itself to other more serious mental illnesses. Have you noticed, many of them have other mental or emotional problems in addition to being homosexual. For years gays have been saying that many have been committing suicide because of bigotry. If truth were told, it wasn't bigotry but some underlying mental defect. Which is probably why homosexuality was considered a mental illness to begin with.
Here we go.. The left has infiltrated the Police...

Police tell beating victim's mother: 'Hate crimes don't happen to white people' - Tampa Bay Conservative |

The cousins were on their way home from the boardwalk between 1:00 and 2:00 am when they walked past a group Herring described as “five Hispanic men between the ages of 25-35.” One of the men said, "You don't belong here," and asked some "strange questions," as reported first by Sean Streicher of the Cape May County Herald.

The young men attempted to walk away, but instead were both viciously attacked and beaten for no apparent reason. Neither of the boys were robbed.

Jonathan suffered a “bump on his head,” and torn ligaments in his jaw and neck. A teary Cecelia said Jonathan could “only eat soft food for three weeks.”

Bobby’s injuries, however, were quite severe. At the time of the beating, Deeanna and Robert could not get an immediate flight from their home in Florida, so they drove to New Jersey.

Deeanna described her son's physical and emotional injuries (his sinus cavity was crushed as shown in his x-ray [see slideshow] and his left eye is now kept in place by a mesh plate attached to titanium that was screwed into his skull). Before the beating, Bobby was a confident young man who was three weeks away from getting his electrician's license. He was very trusting and “would talk to anybody,” Deeanna said, something that always made her a bit nervous.


The case was assigned to Detective Rivera. When Deeanna mentioned the comment made by the Hispanic attackers that her son and his cousin "did not belong" in the area, he cut her off by saying, "Hate crimes don't happen to white people." Deeanna said, "I couldn't believe a police officer said that."
It takes a special kind of deviant to abuse animals, I highly doubt this is remotely common with gays

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