Yet ANOTHER Obamacare delay

Surprise! White House To Delay 'Firm' Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Past March 31 - Forbes

Why the hell isn't he being challenged on this shit. The sooner the law goes into full effect the sooner it fails and we can proceed with the real work of fixing the system Obama has destroyed.

HITTING people over the head doesn't seem to work ANY more then trying to get people to comprehend THERE NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured!
This gigantic LIE was what passed by ONLY 7 votes ACA!
I don't understand the intelligence of most people when even after reading these facts:
1) Census says of the 46 million counted as supposedly "uninsured" 10 million are not citizens!
2) Census agrees that there were 14 million people eligible and need only register with Medicaid BEFORE ACA are counted as "uninsured'.
3) 18 million people don't need (under 34,) can afford employers' health plan but pay less in out of pocket health expenses are still counted as "uninsured"!
42 million bogus counted as "uninsured" of the 46 million leaves only 4 million truly need health insurance.

So these 4 million could be covered for less the 10% of a tax on lawyers $270 billion a year and if ACA taxes tanning salons as tanning causes cancer,
why not tax lawyers which 90% of doctors say because of "fear of lawsuits" $850 billion a year is WASTED in duplicate tests,etc.!

Simple solution that I've yet heard ANYONE refute!
The Obama lies are nothing more than a communication method that clearly depicts his method of ruling instead of governing. But hey, Obama is just a little turd that is not even the shadow of a man. Moreover, he will just be a footnote during a period of darkness and lawlessness from the Oval Office.

Lol. What a deal. Looks like frankenstein at this point. Since precedent has been set in changing laws without congressional consent, I fully expect the next repub president to mold obamacare in his image.
No one should be surprised at how f*cked up it is...what should surprise everyone that there are still people (many right here in this forum) who still defend Obamacare as something that is good.
THAT is what blows your mind.
No one should be surprised at how f*cked up it is...what should surprise everyone that there are still people (many right here in this forum) who still defend Obamacare as something that is good.
THAT is what blows your mind.

I was watching a debate between two strategists regarding Obamacare.

The democratic strategist went on a rant of how the GOP:

1) blasted the ACA before it was passed
2) refused to vote for it
3) did their best to defund it
4) Voted dozens of times to repeal it....

And then what does she say?

The GOP has not offered a single idea to fix it.


The ones who said it will never work and did their best to stop it in its tracks are the ones who are held responsible to fix it?

And criticized for not?

I they hear themselves?
Except the gop did try to fix it BEFORE it was passed by offering up alternatives that were outright dismissed.

Fuck the Dems, they own this shit. Hang it around their collars

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