Yet another school shooting

Number of kids on meds, and number of kids who shoot and kill large number of peers or commit suicide = what %?

What % not on meds who shoot and kill large numbers of peers or commit suicide = what %?

The medication is the cause of mass shooting in schools is one more effort to blame something other than guns.

Lets take a look at your questions:

Number of kids on meds, and number of kids who shoot and kill large number of peers or commit suicide = what %?

8,000,000 american children are on these meds daily, the number of of kids that kill large numbers while on the drug are minuscule, but, although still minuscule, the number that commit murder or other violent crime is exponentially higher. They are 50% more likely to Murder or Commit other violent crimes than those not on the drug.

What % not on meds who shoot and kill large numbers of peers or commit suicide = what %?

90% of all school shootings are done by those on these Medications. But since not all school shooters have had these reports released, we can assume it to be higher.

less than 10% then would be those not on these meds.

more than 90% vs, less than 10%

But we can look at another damning statistic. 1000 to 1500 teen additional teen suicides each year are linked to this class of medication. That is larger than ALL SCHOOL SHOOTINGS COMBINED.

Hope this answered your questions.

Well, since there is no credible link, my answer is no, my question was not answered.

In statistics we learned that correlation does not equate to cause, so any study must take into consideration dozens of variables and even then test for the reliability and validity of their conclusions.

I knew your answer before I posted. Denial of the obvious is not a statisticians best attribute.

A gun is involved in more school mass murder than by knives, cars, bombs, arson, bow and arrows, poisons, cafeteria food and mustard gas. The probability of future mass killings is that a gun will be used, before anyone of these other means of murder are employed.
And mass illings account for about 1% of all murders

So why the obsession over 1% when even if you prevent them all there will be no meaningful reduction in the murder rate?

Murder is murder whether it happens individually or in a group whether it happens with a gun or a baseball bat.

Number of kids on meds, and number of kids who shoot and kill large number of peers or commit suicide = what %?

What % not on meds who shoot and kill large numbers of peers or commit suicide = what %?

The medication is the cause of mass shooting in schools is one more effort to blame something other than guns.

Wow, you are so illogical it is beyond comprehension.

Let's try to think LOGICALLY, shall we?

What has this nation ALWAYS had? GUNS.

And thus, mass shootings have always been extremely rare, so obviously guns are not the cause of mass shootings.

What has this nation NOT ALWAYS had? Drugging our youth to solve it's immediate problems.

I would argue with the passage of the ACA making health care more widely available to perfectly healthy low income youth, teachers and administrators are now more than willing than ever to turn to drugs to solve short term problems in huge over-crowded schools with kids, rather than have these kids do the work and deal with their emotions and work the old fashioned way.

Have a kid that is sad and blue, being bullied, and perhaps lagging behind in his work?

Throw him on some ADHD meds and some bi-polar meds. If he shoots up the school and kills a dozen kids? What the hell. . . just blame the guns.

I missed the logic you promised, your reasoning, so to speak, lacks substance.

It is reasonable to assume that the drugs in question (Ritalin & Adderall) are not handed out without a prescription written by a psychiatrist who has taken a patients history and interviewed - in this case - the child, his parents and the referring physician.

This is also true of Lithium and other meds used to treat bi-polar disorders.

Without these drugs, many of these kids will end up in a group home or juvenile hall, addicted on street drugs as a means of self medication, and/or become homeless when they have burned every bridge with their family.
Number of kids on meds, and number of kids who shoot and kill large number of peers or commit suicide = what %?

What % not on meds who shoot and kill large numbers of peers or commit suicide = what %?

The medication is the cause of mass shooting in schools is one more effort to blame something other than guns.

Lets take a look at your questions:

Number of kids on meds, and number of kids who shoot and kill large number of peers or commit suicide = what %?

8,000,000 american children are on these meds daily, the number of of kids that kill large numbers while on the drug are minuscule, but, although still minuscule, the number that commit murder or other violent crime is exponentially higher. They are 50% more likely to Murder or Commit other violent crimes than those not on the drug.

What % not on meds who shoot and kill large numbers of peers or commit suicide = what %?

90% of all school shootings are done by those on these Medications. But since not all school shooters have had these reports released, we can assume it to be higher.

less than 10% then would be those not on these meds.

more than 90% vs, less than 10%

But we can look at another damning statistic. 1000 to 1500 teen additional teen suicides each year are linked to this class of medication. That is larger than ALL SCHOOL SHOOTINGS COMBINED.

Hope this answered your questions.

Well, since there is no credible link, my answer is no, my question was not answered.

In statistics we learned that correlation does not equate to cause, so any study must take into consideration dozens of variables and even then test for the reliability and validity of their conclusions.

I knew your answer before I posted. Denial of the obvious is not a statisticians best attribute.

A gun is involved in more school mass murder than by knives, cars, bombs, arson, bow and arrows, poisons, cafeteria food and mustard gas. The probability of future mass killings is that a gun will be used, before anyone of these other means of murder are employed.

Wrong, the root of the problem is the Drug that brings the weapon into play in the first place.

Well thanks so much for sharing, next time a kid murders another with one of his pills let us know.
Number of kids on meds, and number of kids who shoot and kill large number of peers or commit suicide = what %?

What % not on meds who shoot and kill large numbers of peers or commit suicide = what %?

The medication is the cause of mass shooting in schools is one more effort to blame something other than guns.

Lets take a look at your questions:

Number of kids on meds, and number of kids who shoot and kill large number of peers or commit suicide = what %?

8,000,000 american children are on these meds daily, the number of of kids that kill large numbers while on the drug are minuscule, but, although still minuscule, the number that commit murder or other violent crime is exponentially higher. They are 50% more likely to Murder or Commit other violent crimes than those not on the drug.

What % not on meds who shoot and kill large numbers of peers or commit suicide = what %?

90% of all school shootings are done by those on these Medications. But since not all school shooters have had these reports released, we can assume it to be higher.

less than 10% then would be those not on these meds.

more than 90% vs, less than 10%

But we can look at another damning statistic. 1000 to 1500 teen additional teen suicides each year are linked to this class of medication. That is larger than ALL SCHOOL SHOOTINGS COMBINED.

Hope this answered your questions.

Well, since there is no credible link, my answer is no, my question was not answered.

In statistics we learned that correlation does not equate to cause, so any study must take into consideration dozens of variables and even then test for the reliability and validity of their conclusions.

I knew your answer before I posted. Denial of the obvious is not a statisticians best attribute.

A gun is involved in more school mass murder than by knives, cars, bombs, arson, bow and arrows, poisons, cafeteria food and mustard gas. The probability of future mass killings is that a gun will be used, before anyone of these other means of murder are employed.
And mass illings account for about 1% of all murders

So why the obsession over 1% when even if you prevent them all there will be no meaningful reduction in the murder rate?

Murder is murder whether it happens individually or in a group whether it happens with a gun or a baseball bat.

2 is 2 except when it is not (you can look it up). I'm mostly certain this response goes way over you head, so I suggest you do some homework before responding.
Lets take a look at your questions:

8,000,000 american children are on these meds daily, the number of of kids that kill large numbers while on the drug are minuscule, but, although still minuscule, the number that commit murder or other violent crime is exponentially higher. They are 50% more likely to Murder or Commit other violent crimes than those not on the drug.

90% of all school shootings are done by those on these Medications. But since not all school shooters have had these reports released, we can assume it to be higher.

less than 10% then would be those not on these meds.

more than 90% vs, less than 10%

But we can look at another damning statistic. 1000 to 1500 teen additional teen suicides each year are linked to this class of medication. That is larger than ALL SCHOOL SHOOTINGS COMBINED.

Hope this answered your questions.

Well, since there is no credible link, my answer is no, my question was not answered.

In statistics we learned that correlation does not equate to cause, so any study must take into consideration dozens of variables and even then test for the reliability and validity of their conclusions.

I knew your answer before I posted. Denial of the obvious is not a statisticians best attribute.

A gun is involved in more school mass murder than by knives, cars, bombs, arson, bow and arrows, poisons, cafeteria food and mustard gas. The probability of future mass killings is that a gun will be used, before anyone of these other means of murder are employed.

Wrong, the root of the problem is the Drug that brings the weapon into play in the first place.

Well thanks so much for sharing, next time a kid murders another with one of his pills let us know.

You want to see the list again?

You claim to be a statistician. You know they use past performance to gauge future performance, right?

This one does. One of the reasons that this one not only picked the 2016 election, but posted the math behind it and argued that the National Polls were actually right, but not understood. Ask Statistikhengst cuz I made him look foolish on that one.
Lets take a look at your questions:

8,000,000 american children are on these meds daily, the number of of kids that kill large numbers while on the drug are minuscule, but, although still minuscule, the number that commit murder or other violent crime is exponentially higher. They are 50% more likely to Murder or Commit other violent crimes than those not on the drug.

90% of all school shootings are done by those on these Medications. But since not all school shooters have had these reports released, we can assume it to be higher.

less than 10% then would be those not on these meds.

more than 90% vs, less than 10%

But we can look at another damning statistic. 1000 to 1500 teen additional teen suicides each year are linked to this class of medication. That is larger than ALL SCHOOL SHOOTINGS COMBINED.

Hope this answered your questions.

Well, since there is no credible link, my answer is no, my question was not answered.

In statistics we learned that correlation does not equate to cause, so any study must take into consideration dozens of variables and even then test for the reliability and validity of their conclusions.

I knew your answer before I posted. Denial of the obvious is not a statisticians best attribute.

A gun is involved in more school mass murder than by knives, cars, bombs, arson, bow and arrows, poisons, cafeteria food and mustard gas. The probability of future mass killings is that a gun will be used, before anyone of these other means of murder are employed.
And mass illings account for about 1% of all murders

So why the obsession over 1% when even if you prevent them all there will be no meaningful reduction in the murder rate?

Murder is murder whether it happens individually or in a group whether it happens with a gun or a baseball bat.

2 is 2 except when it is not (you can look it up). I'm mostly certain this response goes way over you head, so I suggest you do some homework before responding.

Once again a non-answer to a very simple question

Number of kids on meds, and number of kids who shoot and kill large number of peers or commit suicide = what %?

What % not on meds who shoot and kill large numbers of peers or commit suicide = what %?

The medication is the cause of mass shooting in schools is one more effort to blame something other than guns.

Wow, you are so illogical it is beyond comprehension.

Let's try to think LOGICALLY, shall we?

What has this nation ALWAYS had? GUNS.

And thus, mass shootings have always been extremely rare, so obviously guns are not the cause of mass shootings.

What has this nation NOT ALWAYS had? Drugging our youth to solve it's immediate problems.

I would argue with the passage of the ACA making health care more widely available to perfectly healthy low income youth, teachers and administrators are now more than willing than ever to turn to drugs to solve short term problems in huge over-crowded schools with kids, rather than have these kids do the work and deal with their emotions and work the old fashioned way.

Have a kid that is sad and blue, being bullied, and perhaps lagging behind in his work?

Throw him on some ADHD meds and some bi-polar meds. If he shoots up the school and kills a dozen kids? What the hell. . . just blame the guns.

I missed the logic you promised, your reasoning, so to speak, lacks substance.

It is reasonable to assume that the drugs in question (Ritalin & Adderall) are not handed out without a prescription written by a psychiatrist who has taken a patients history and interviewed - in this case - the child, his parents and the referring physician.

This is also true of Lithium and other meds used to treat bi-polar disorders.

Without these drugs, many of these kids will end up in a group home or juvenile hall, addicted on street drugs as a means of self medication, and/or become homeless when they have burned every bridge with their family.

The drugs require constant monitoring for their use. They require responsibly adhering to the requirements as instructed by the physician. The problem is that these are being prescribed to our least responsible (teens), who will often miss a dose, take too much, quit taking them without telling the parent, or bow to peer pressure and drink while on them. They will also take them along with aderall or illegal drugs.

8,000,000 doses are prescribed daily to those that can't be trusted to follow these instructions. That is a recipe for Murder.

More at this link: Drugging children/teens | SSRI Stories

Just look at the extremely long list of Murders, Suicides and more associated with this Drug and Teens and tell us again, there is no link.
like I said you dont know any of the facts about the case other then he had his parents firearms

Like I said the fact is he took his father's guns without the father's knowledge/

Even a moron can figure out the guns were not secured

only a moron would make that claim without the facts

FACT The kid took his father's guns and murdered 10 people
FACT the father was unaware that his minor child took his guns
FACT if the guns were secured properly the minor child would not have been able to take them and murder 10 people

fact 2 - adds to my position not yours

fact 3 is not a fact at at this point

you have no facts about how he obtained them

he may have broken a lock

you simply are making assumptions again
If he could have simply broken a cheap lock the guns were not properly secured

I suppose you think securing a gun rack with a paper clip is OK right?

now you are still just guessing find some facts will ya


you might be right but as of now you are just as bad as the liberals with the guessing

I suppose you think securing a gun rack with a paper clip is OK right?

no unlike you i am not jumping to conclusions
Went to school overseas 0 mass shooting, heck 0 shooting...God damn it 0 shooting outside school...fuck 0 shooting in malls, streets, or public know why? Because it was a gun free country. I dont know anyone who knew anyone who saw a gun. Its doable Merica , it ain't the 1800s.
Pure fantasy. Completely made up.
I know for those who never lived in s gun free country.
Some people want massive illegal immigration. Some want to be able to defend themselves and others. Love legal citizenship.

Please post a factual link about the people who love massive immigration (other than opinions from RW extremists, including Fox news)
Acting obtuse is not helpful. I am sorry you are so poorly informed. Please educate yourself on this topic and then we can talk

It is quite clear that you have nothing to talk about.
And how well does a guy carrying a fucking shotgun blend in anywhere?

I am happier than ever that I don't have kids knowing that idiots like you are running the show at public schools

He carried it under his black trench coat in 90 degree weather.

Dustin Severin, a 17-year-old student, told NBC affiliate KPRC that he saw Pagourtzis in the hallway shortly before the bullets started flying — and that he was wearing his usual outfit. "He wears a trenchcoat every day, and it's like 90 degrees out here," Severin said.​

You are failing BIGLY today Skull - DERP ;-)
Gee a trench coat nothing suspicious there

I guess we need to ban trench coats. But when we do that, only outlaws will have trench coats!
Government school security programs suck. They have failed over and over. When are you lazy fucks going to take security seriously? we should just get used to it....I agree. School shootings are the new normal in this country. #MAGA!

They have been the norm since we started drugging our kids into zombies that lack the emotion that stops them in the first place.
i do feel there is a huge connection here. in my high school days in the 80s people had shotguns and rifles in their trucks back window on a rack. never an issue.

something in society changed along the way as guns have been a part of it for a long long time.

I was alarmed when I found out that the school actually drugs kids for their parents.

I didn't know this.

When I was raising my son, some of his friends told him that the school would actually administer doses of medicine to them at school . . .

Then, when they didn't like the way my kid was acting at school, they actually wanted his mom and I to start him on their drugs. The STATE creates the problems. Just about all the boys in this neighborhood were being drugged by the school system. Those insane fucks. . . . . Usually those drugs lead to starting on anti-depressants, and then, sometimes to bi-polar. . brain chemistry is very tricky, you don't want to mess with it when kids are developing.

Attention Disorder or Not, Pills to Help in School
Attention Disorder or Not, Children Prescribed Pills to Help in School

But it was all bullshit. I did some reading and research, and discovered I needed to improve his diet and make sure he got more exercise. Now he is a straight A student and a starter for the Basketball team. I don't want to tell you what happened to his peers they put on those drugs, let just say, if anyone turned out to be mass shooters in the school system. . . . Just b/c we are poor doesn't mean he needed to be put on drugs.

I call BULLSHIT! At least in CA no school teacher, nurse or administrator can by law give even an aspirin to any student without the knowledge and permission of the parent or guardian.

Ritalin and other drugs*** of this kind are Schedule II drugs, and carefully controlled.

***Examples of Schedule IIN stimulants include: amphetamine (Dexedrine, Adderall), methamphetamine (Desoxyn), and methylphenidate (Ritalin).

Drugs & Medications

I didn't say they were doing it with out the permission of parents.

But what idiot parent lets a stranger poison their kid?

Of course they are getting parents on board. It is a terrible state of circumstances where parents think that school personnel know what is better for their own kids than they do.


I'm not your teacher, but if I was I'd put you the the dunces corner.
More children dying in classrooms than in military!!!
100,000 shootings a year & Dead Kids are just the price we pay to have fun with guns.
And how well does a guy carrying a fucking shotgun blend in anywhere?

I am happier than ever that I don't have kids knowing that idiots like you are running the show at public schools

He carried it under his black trench coat in 90 degree weather.

Dustin Severin, a 17-year-old student, told NBC affiliate KPRC that he saw Pagourtzis in the hallway shortly before the bullets started flying — and that he was wearing his usual outfit. "He wears a trenchcoat every day, and it's like 90 degrees out here," Severin said.​

You are failing BIGLY today Skull - DERP ;-)
Gee a trench coat nothing suspicious there

I guess we need to ban trench coats. But when we do that, only outlaws will have trench coats!

Government school security programs suck. They have failed over and over. When are you lazy fucks going to take security seriously?

When fools like you pay for it. Do you think - of course not - do you believe an armed and trained security officer is willing to put him or her self in harms way & works for free?

Do you think an off duty police officer, deputy sheriff or probation/parole agent will work for free. Do you think, ooops, but I digress, understand (not likely) there are turf issues on which agency pays for such security? Is it the school district, which in many places cannot afford pencils, paper and teachers who not only are expected to teach, but to put themselves in harms way too (but the record shows many of them do, and yet get no credit for those acts of bravery), or the LE Agency? But of course it would be paid for by the Taxpayer, and that is anathema to the conservative movement.
When fools like you pay for it. Do you think - of course not - do you believe an armed and trained security officer is willing to put him or her self in harms way & works for free?

Do you think an off duty police officer, deputy sheriff or probation/parole agent will work for free. Do you think, ooops, but I digress, understand (not likely) there are turf issues on which agency pays for such security? Is it the school district, which in many places cannot afford pencils, paper and teachers who not only are expected to teach, but to put themselves in harms way too (but the record shows many of them do, and yet get no credit for those acts of bravery), or the LE Agency? But of course it would be paid for by the Taxpayer, and that is anathema to the conservative movement.

Here in Idaho we pay our teachers so poorly that they are leaving for other states like Oregon and Washington where the pay is 30% higher. I actually had to pull my daughter out of high school her senior year because the class sizes were ridiculous. She completed her senior year online prior to heading off to college.

And in middle school and first 3 years of high school the only way teachers were able to get all the school supplies they needed was parent donations.

Republicans hate teachers. They think it's a cushy part time, overpaid job. And when it's obvious that we have a teacher shortage nationally or when teachers go on strike the attitude is: "Fuck 'em - fire 'em .. we'll just replace 'em".

Right - replace them. Can't even find qualified teachers willing to take a 30k per year for a job requiring 4 or 5 years of college. They can take a sales or business admin job paying 3 times that right out of the box which comes with a lot less stress.

Teacher haters are shortsighted idiots
More children dying in classrooms than in military!!!
100,000 shootings a year & Dead Kids are just the price we pay to have fun with guns.

The 100,000 mostly are in the way of Suicide and Gang, drug related crime.

Q. Why do posts like this ^^^, always lack evidence and sources, and yet believe they are posting something substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking

A.. Hard to say, some echo others, some need attention, some lack the education and training on how to compose an expository essay, some are willfully ignorant and some are biddable and believe anything which supports their biases.
More children dying in classrooms than in military!!!
100,000 shootings a year & Dead Kids are just the price we pay to have fun with guns.

The 100,000 mostly are in the way of Suicide and Gang, drug related crime.

Q. Why do posts like this ^^^, always lack evidence and sources, and yet believe they are posting something substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking

A.. Hard to say, some echo others, some need attention, some lack the education and training on how to compose an expository essay, some are willfully ignorant and some are biddable and believe anything which supports their biases.

Google broke today:

Mass Shootings Are A Bad Way To Understand Gun Violence

2/3rds of all are suicide chief.

And because I didn't want you wondering about the rest:

Putting Gun Death Statistics in Perspective

Gang Violence Driving Force of Gun Violence
To hear gun control advocates speak, one would be led to believe that gun violence is a widespread problem whereby the mere existence of a gun is as much a problem as the person who intends to wield it. But the reality is that gun homicides are overwhelmingly tied to gang violence. In fact, a staggering 80% of gun homicides are gang-related. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), gang homicides accounted for roughly 8,900 of 11,100 gun murders in both 2010 and 2011. That means that there were just 2,200 non gang-related firearm murders in both years in a country of over 300 million people and 250 million guns.
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Like I said the fact is he took his father's guns without the father's knowledge/

Even a moron can figure out the guns were not secured

only a moron would make that claim without the facts

FACT The kid took his father's guns and murdered 10 people
FACT the father was unaware that his minor child took his guns
FACT if the guns were secured properly the minor child would not have been able to take them and murder 10 people

fact 2 - adds to my position not yours

fact 3 is not a fact at at this point

you have no facts about how he obtained them

he may have broken a lock

you simply are making assumptions again
If he could have simply broken a cheap lock the guns were not properly secured

I suppose you think securing a gun rack with a paper clip is OK right?

now you are still just guessing find some facts will ya


you might be right but as of now you are just as bad as the liberals with the guessing

I suppose you think securing a gun rack with a paper clip is OK right?

no unlike you i am not jumping to conclusions

No you refuse to admit if a minor child can take his father's guns that the guns were not secured
But you don't seem to have any ideas on how to keep people with rifles and shotguns from walking into a school do you?

I guess of it's not spelled out for you in a lesson plan with step by step instructions you can't do it huh?

Yes, I do know how. Put an armed teacher at the door and stop anyone who looks like they don't belong. At present, the shooter would just pull out a gun and start shooting because nothing that that teacher can do will prevent them from doing so.

All our students at our middle school entered through one door, so anyone older would stick out like a sore thumb!

I just want to know why you think that schools do not have procedures in place and plans on how to react to these active shooter situations after you have been told repeatedly that they do. Columbine was 19 years ago in case you missed it. Are you just stupid or is being an asshole more fun?
Seems to me that a lot of people with guns are walking into schools and shooting so not all schools are doing anything to prevent it as you say they are

and how well did those policies work in Parkland or in TX last week?

Don't try telling me every single school has procedures to stop people with guns from entering

How much will it require to make every school in America a hard target, surrounded by razor wire, equipped with cameras and warning buzzers, single portals with a sally port the only way to enter and exit the walls of a neighborhood school, and in every classroom a steel door, automatically locked when the walls are breached?

How far do we go to protect an archaic 2nd A., which by any measure is the source of mass murder at school, movie theaters, concerts, malls and even military bases?

Common sense has shown prayers and false pathos have proved to be worthless non efforts to come to grips with horrific events which (it has been reported) this year have taken the lives of more kids in schools than deaths in our military service?

Isn't it time for the Congress to review our nation's gun policies, as past members of Congress did after the assassination of JFK, the assassination of MLK and RFK, and the attempt on the life of President Reagan?

In this century alone, we have seen mass murders by gun as the new normal, and even when members of the Republican Party were shot at a ball field, the NRA's hold on that party remains strong.

What is it with you people?

How do you make the gargantuan leap from controlling access and 2 very simple procedures like bag checks and asking people to remove their coats before entering with razor wire, metal detectors and trained G men?

A simple thing such as controlling access to the building needs none of what you describe

And you may think it's archaic to own a firearm for self defense but until you can guarantee that I will never be the victim of a crime I'm going to keep my guns

YOU ALWAYS default to a Straw Man! Why not be honest and admit that I have never been a gun grabber. Why do you lie about this all of the time.? Being a liar does not help your position, it only makes you less credible and your opinions foolish.

One example of this foolish notion, which many do all of the time, is to make the claim "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", when the fact is laws prevent many types of arms, from small arms to nuclear bombs, to be possessed by "the people".

From Brass knuckles to nunchucks to sawed off shotguns and fully automatic hand and long guns we have seen laws passed and enforced by state legislators and city/county boards of supervisors who outlaw 'arms'. We have seen laws and regulations to restrict some arms, and some require a license to legally own certain arms.

It's time to grow up and support common sense gun regulations and controls. Magical thinking is for young children, and the belief shall not infringe is a fantasy.
The idea that anyone would confiscate guns is both a straw man fallacy and a lie.
Yes, I do know how. Put an armed teacher at the door and stop anyone who looks like they don't belong. At present, the shooter would just pull out a gun and start shooting because nothing that that teacher can do will prevent them from doing so.

All our students at our middle school entered through one door, so anyone older would stick out like a sore thumb!

I just want to know why you think that schools do not have procedures in place and plans on how to react to these active shooter situations after you have been told repeatedly that they do. Columbine was 19 years ago in case you missed it. Are you just stupid or is being an asshole more fun?
Seems to me that a lot of people with guns are walking into schools and shooting so not all schools are doing anything to prevent it as you say they are

and how well did those policies work in Parkland or in TX last week?

Don't try telling me every single school has procedures to stop people with guns from entering

How much will it require to make every school in America a hard target, surrounded by razor wire, equipped with cameras and warning buzzers, single portals with a sally port the only way to enter and exit the walls of a neighborhood school, and in every classroom a steel door, automatically locked when the walls are breached?

How far do we go to protect an archaic 2nd A., which by any measure is the source of mass murder at school, movie theaters, concerts, malls and even military bases?

Common sense has shown prayers and false pathos have proved to be worthless non efforts to come to grips with horrific events which (it has been reported) this year have taken the lives of more kids in schools than deaths in our military service?

Isn't it time for the Congress to review our nation's gun policies, as past members of Congress did after the assassination of JFK, the assassination of MLK and RFK, and the attempt on the life of President Reagan?

In this century alone, we have seen mass murders by gun as the new normal, and even when members of the Republican Party were shot at a ball field, the NRA's hold on that party remains strong.

What is it with you people?

How do you make the gargantuan leap from controlling access and 2 very simple procedures like bag checks and asking people to remove their coats before entering with razor wire, metal detectors and trained G men?

A simple thing such as controlling access to the building needs none of what you describe

And you may think it's archaic to own a firearm for self defense but until you can guarantee that I will never be the victim of a crime I'm going to keep my guns

YOU ALWAYS default to a Straw Man! Why not be honest and admit that I have never been a gun grabber. Why do you lie about this all of the time.? Being a liar does not help your position, it only makes you less credible and your opinions foolish.

One example of this foolish notion, which many do all of the time, is to make the claim "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", when the fact is laws prevent many types of arms, from small arms to nuclear bombs, to be possessed by "the people".

From Brass knuckles to nunchucks to sawed off shotguns and fully automatic hand and long guns we have seen laws passed and enforced by state legislators and city/county boards of supervisors who outlaw 'arms'. We have seen laws and regulations to restrict some arms, and some require a license to legally own certain arms.

It's time to grow up and support common sense gun regulations and controls. Magical thinking is for young children, and the belief shall not infringe is a fantasy.
The idea that anyone would confiscate guns is both a straw man fallacy and a lie.

Yep, gun confiscation is a fraud, since we know from experience prohibition does not work, and the number of guns in circulation in the US makes any effort to take them costly and near to impossible.

But Skull Pilot and others still make that claim, a claim that is absurd and yet works on the biddable and easily led lemmings, who vote against their own best interests on this singular issue.

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