Yikes: McCarthy & Taylor-Greene warn telecom companies not to turn over Jan 6 phone records

That isnt what they are saying though and I suspect that you are wrong. The perps are threatening the phone companies with repercussions after they regain power. That is mob justice.

Following your logic all they have to do is assert their supposed legal right to privacy. Criminals do not have the right to hide evideence.

So what if the phone companies refuse and they make a threat against them. That's okay with you and not mob justice, huh?

What the commies want is messages by other opposing congress people. That's a violation of our Constitution unless they get a court order. They have zero evidence that anybody on the Republican side did anything wrong, which means they have no grounds to demand anything--not even in their Nazi world.
I wonder why they think they have that right. This is political and nothing else. How about Pelosi phone records from that day? I say Greene should trade hers for Nancy's

Democrats are stupid. What goes around comes around, and 2022 is right around the corner. When Republicans want their private records, watch how they cry like a bitch given there is no cause to ask for them.

well isn't that special? seems both kevin AND Qanon betty can be looking at obstruction of justice charges. let's go nancy..................
chop chop.


Assault on process server.
Resistance to extradition agent.
Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally.
Influencing juror by writing.
Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees.

Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail.
Picketing or parading.
Recording, listening to, or observing proceedings of grand or petit juries while deliberating or voting.
Obstruction of court orders.
Obstruction of criminal investigations. [ FBI investigations ]

Obstruction of State or local law enforcement.
Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant.

Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant.
Civil action to restrain harassment of a victim or witness.
Civil action to protect against retaliation in fraud cases.
Definitions for certain provisions; general provision.
Obstruction of Federal audit.
Obstructing examination of financial institution.
Obstruction of criminal investigations of health care offenses.
Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy.
Destruction of corporate audit records.
Retaliating against a Federal judge or Federal law enforcement officer by false claim or slander of title.

So lots of you here are for letting congress go get private phone records anytime they want? You don't have a problem with that? That's a law enforcement activity that requires a subpoena and a cause. You can't just go trolling the opposition's phone records because you have a majority. Having said that, if they are allowed to do that, then they need to add the Democrats to the list.

Here is McCarthy's statement;
So lots of you here are for letting congress go get private phone records anytime they want? You don't have a problem with that? That's a law enforcement activity that requires a subpoena and a cause. You can't just go trolling the opposition's phone records because you have a majority. Having said that, if they are allowed to do that, then they need to add the Democrats to the list.

Here is McCarthy's statement;

Nope, not anytime they want. Just when their investigating treasonous activities like trying to overthrow our Democratic institutions.
So what if the phone companies refuse and they make a threat against them. That's okay with you and not mob justice, huh?

What the commies want is messages by other opposing congress people. That's a violation of our Constitution unless they get a court order. They have zero evidence that anybody on the Republican side did anything wrong, which means they have no grounds to demand anything--not even in their Nazi world.
Well we saw the speeches by goppers inciting the riot so its not unreasonable to look into the actions of the gops who were present. It would hardly be an enquiry unless they did that.

Surely you want the truth of this business exposed ?

As to the legitimacy of the request that would be a matter for the courts to decide and I am sure that they will.

What isnt acceptable is leading goppers trying to intimidate private companies with threats that are embarrassing in a democracy.

I am sure that shareholders in telecoms firms affected will be watching this closely. They will be in touch with M'learned friends if there is any nonsense that affects the share prices.
McCarthy warns that releasing private communications is dangerous and "the republican majority won't forget". MSN spins it to McCarthy threatens phone companies. No surprises here.
Well we saw the speeches by goppers inciting the riot so its not unreasonable to look into the actions of the gops who were present. It would hardly be an enquiry unless they did that.

Surely you want the truth of this business exposed ?

As to the legitimacy of the request that would be a matter for the courts to decide and I am sure that they will.

What isnt acceptable is leading goppers trying to intimidate private companies with threats that are embarrassing in a democracy.

I am sure that shareholders in telecoms firms affected will be watching this closely. They will be in touch with M'learned friends if there is any nonsense that affects the share prices.

So name me one Republican Congress person who incited any riot. It's bullshit. The GOP can't do anything to these companies unless they violated federal law, so it's not unreasonable for them to warn these communication companies that they will be held responsible if such laws are breached.

The commies didn't say they want to see everybody's text, they only want to see Republicans. So I want to see Piglosi's text as well, and Shoemaker's and Waters, and......... I want to know when the Capital Chief told them that this could likely take place, why they were denied the national guard for protection, or at least be ready at a moments notice. I want to know why it took hours to get the national guard after the Chief called for help. I want to know what the FBI warned the Speaker about and why she didn't do anything about it.

Like I said, what comes around goes around. If they want these communications companies to not erase records, then have them not erase the records of everybody. You do want the truth of this matter exposed, don't you?
I saw this last night. These are bullying mafioso tactics - "Put a dead fish in MY bed, I'll put a horse head in yours!" MTG and Kevin are using Trump tactics to avoid a lawful subpoena. It ain't gonna work.

And besides, what are they so afraid of if they did nothing wrong? I'll bet you dollars to donuts that all the buttholes who's phone records were ordered to be protected had conversations with criminal insurgents on 1/6 and prior.
So name me one Republican Congress person who incited any riot. It's bullshit. The GOP can't do anything to these companies unless they violated federal law, so it's not unreasonable for them to warn these communication companies that they will be held responsible if such laws are breached.

The commies didn't say they want to see everybody's text, they only want to see Republicans. So I want to see Piglosi's text as well, and Shoemaker's and Waters, and......... I want to know when the Capital Chief told them that this could likely take place, why they were denied the national guard for protection, or at least be ready at a moments notice. I want to know why it took hours to get the national guard after the Chief called for help. I want to know what the FBI warned the Speaker about and why she didn't do anything about it.

Like I said, what comes around goes around. If they want these communications companies to not erase records, then have them not erase the records of everybody. You do want the truth of this matter exposed, don't you?
The companies should not be threatened. The courts are the best way to handle this and not threats.
It all makes it look very much like a cover up. Not unlike the antics they used to protect trump from impeachment. But times have changed.
The companies should not be threatened. The courts are the best way to handle this and not threats.
It all makes it look very much like a cover up. Not unlike the antics they used to protect trump from impeachment. But times have changed.
What does the investigations into fraud tell you? Does absolutely no cooperation from the states in question make that look like a cover up?
Do you mean this?

democrats spying on trump phone records?

No I posted 4 links to what trump did and you had absolutely no problem with trump doing it.

Why am I not surprised you're trying to change the subject?

You are nothing but a coward.
What does the investigations into fraud tell you? Does absolutely no cooperation from the states in question make that look like a cover up?
The investigations are politically motivated and not prompted by any actual evidence. Only in the heads of crazies like yourself is there anything worth looking at.

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