You Are A Bigot If You Think The NYC Mosque is Inappropriate.

The proposed Mosque is an exercise in Muslim hypocrisy.

Muslims constantly whine that we're not sensitive to them or their arcane beliefs but when an opportunity comes along for Muslims to exhibit the very same sensitivity and tolerance they demand, they fail miserably.
The proposed Mosque is an exercise in Muslim hypocrisy.

Muslims constantly whine that we're not sensitive to them or their arcane beliefs but when an opportunity comes along for Muslims to exhibit the very same sensitivity and tolerance they demand, they fail miserably.
You're right. It's not a very wise decision on their behalf. It just can't be legally stopped because of insensitivity.

side bar question: how much do you suppose it will cost to insure this property? I wouldn't want to underwrite their policy! And what about the premiums for the adjoining properties?
When it is used as a base of operations for killing people and gathering recruits and resources for attacks. When it promotes its religious laws be incorporated into our legal system. When they suggest violent overthrow of governments.

Sure, if they do that, but "prior restraint" is unconstitutional.

We weren't taking about the Constitution, thanks for playing.

The governor of Illinois was basically prosecuted before the fact. We try to arrest most terrorists before the act. You fail.

You fail as an American. Who cares if you weren't talking about the Constitution? You elect yourself moderator. LOL!!! I'm not playing a game and I don't care much about what one of bin Laden's "useful idiots" has to say on the topic. I go for the thoughtful, NOT the knee-jerk, we're-so-weak-we-have-to-quarantine-ourselves weenies. :cool:
Christmas was never a bad thing either but you libturds tried to destroy Christmas.

YEA! Baby jesus cries every time you walk into a Wal Mart on your way to the toy isle and are not repeatedly reminded that baby jesus is crying!

what Christians do is none of your fucking business now is it?
What exactly are you talking about? Ramadan decorations in Walmart? Shopkeepers wishing everyone a Happy Ramadan?
The proposed Mosque is an exercise in Muslim hypocrisy.

Muslims constantly whine that we're not sensitive to them or their arcane beliefs but when an opportunity comes along for Muslims to exhibit the very same sensitivity and tolerance they demand, they fail miserably.
You're right. It's not a very wise decision on their behalf. It just can't be legally stopped because of insensitivity.

side bar question: how much do you suppose it will cost to insure this property? I wouldn't want to underwrite their policy! And what about the premiums for the adjoining properties?

That said, it is within the control of the politicians if they want it to be. So, if it becomes unpopular enough and enough hell is raised, I bet it doesn't get built.
Cordoba House iss a community center, not a mosque. It's like the YMCA or Jewish Community Center.
YEA! Baby jesus cries every time you walk into a Wal Mart on your way to the toy isle and are not repeatedly reminded that baby jesus is crying!

what Christians do is none of your fucking business now is it?
What exactly are you talking about? Ramadan decorations in Walmart? Shopkeepers wishing everyone a Happy Ramadan?

no, I'm talking about you fucking hypocrites demanding the same thing of muslims that you demand of Christians.
well, you know.. if ISRAEL can get away with throwing their unwanted muslims behind a wall.....
The proposed Mosque is an exercise in Muslim hypocrisy.

Muslims constantly whine that we're not sensitive to them or their arcane beliefs but when an opportunity comes along for Muslims to exhibit the very same sensitivity and tolerance they demand, they fail miserably.
You're right. It's not a very wise decision on their behalf. It just can't be legally stopped because of insensitivity.

side bar question: how much do you suppose it will cost to insure this property? I wouldn't want to underwrite their policy! And what about the premiums for the adjoining properties?

That said, it is within the control of the politicians if they want it to be. So, if it becomes unpopular enough and enough hell is raised, I bet it doesn't get built.
What grounds do the politicians have to prevent it?

Remember, it's the unpopular positions that need the protection of the law. If it's just a popularity contest, there would be no need to codify rights in the constitution.
what Christians do is none of your fucking business now is it?
What exactly are you talking about? Ramadan decorations in Walmart? Shopkeepers wishing everyone a Happy Ramadan?

no, I'm talking about you fucking hypocrites demanding the same thing of muslims that you demand of Christians.

WHO THE FUCK is out demanding that muslims stop screaming Happy Ramadan at you in the vestible of a wal mart? No one. WHY? Because your silly fucking attempt to find equivalence fails. Here, let me take a look around... hmmm.. Nope.. No inundation of baby mohammed imagery and forced observation of their holiday, like your annual martyr fest, anywhere in sight.
Cordoba House iss a community center, not a mosque. It's like the YMCA or Jewish Community Center.

The point is they want to use it as propaganda to show off their glorious victory for Allah and his martyrs. And, use it as a center for muslims to come and visit the site of the glorious victory.

This is not bullshit. This is existential. If you don't understand why, if you truly think this is just like the JCC or the Y then you don't understand what's going on. You need to read more deeply on this issue.
On the eve of Ramadan on August 11, the National Council of Churches, its Interfaith Relations Commission and Christian participants in the National Muslim-Christian Initiative, issued a strong call for respect for our Muslim neighbors.

“Christ calls us to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ (Matthew 22:39,” the statement said. “It is this commandment, more than the simple bonds of our common humanity, which is the basis for our relationship with Muslims around the world.”

The statement supported building Cordoba House “as a living monument to mark the tragedy of 9/11 through a community center dedicated to learning, compassion, and respect for all people.”

Now the National Council of Churches reaffirms that support and calls upon Christians and people of faith to join us in that affirmation.

The alternative to that support is to engage in a bigotry that will scar our generation in the same way as bigotry scarred our forebears.

Three-hundred years ago, European settlers came to these shores with a determination to conquer and settle at the expense of millions of indigenous peoples who were regarded as sub-human savages. Today, we can’t look back on that history without painful contrition.

One-hundred and fifty years ago, white Americans subjugated black Africans in a cruel slavery that was justified with Bible proof-texts and a belief that blacks were inferior to whites. Today, we look back on that history with agonized disbelief.

Sixty years ago, in a time of war and great fear, tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans were deprived of their property and forced into detention camps because our grandparents feared everyone of Japanese ancestry. Today that decision is universally regarded as an unconscionable mistake and a blot on American history.

Today, millions of Muslims are subjected to thoughtless generalizations, open discrimination and outright hostility because of the actions of a tiny minority whose violent acts defy the teachings of Mohammed.

How will we explain our ignorance and our compliance to our grandchildren?

It’s time to turn away from ignorance and embrace again the words of Christ: Love your neighbor as yourself.

In that spirit, we welcome the building of Cordoba House and Mosque near Ground Zero.

MIchael Kinnamon is the General Secretary of National Council of Churches of the US.
Cordoba House and Mosque at Ground Zero | Spero News
A mosque built to commemorate a victory? That must be where the Spanish conquistadors learned how to build missions whenever the indigenous people were conquered.
well, you know.. the spanish are not inherently evil like muslims are. If you dab a wet cloth on any given muslim you'll see the "sand ****** brown" wipe right off of the reptile scales underneath.

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