You are a climate denier if....


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2012
Great article over at WUWT...Seems that you are a real climate denier if you believe:

  • That the atmosphere has continued to warm for the past 17 years
  • That Antarctica is melting
  • That the melting in West Antarctica is caused by a warming atmosphere
  • That 97% of scientists are in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2
  • That models accurately represent the climate of the earth
  • That climate models accurately model the behavior of so called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
  • That around the turn of the century CO2 decided to warm the oceans instead of the air
  • That manmade CO2 is responsible for climate "disasters"

There are plenty of climate deniers here on this board....and we all know who you are.
Most people would be ashamed to admit they depend on the WUWT cult for their information. But not cultists. They're proud to announce their cult affiliation.
Great article over at WUWT...Seems that you are a real climate denier if you believe:

  • That the atmosphere has continued to warm for the past 17 years
  • That Antarctica is melting
  • That the melting in West Antarctica is caused by a warming atmosphere
  • That 97% of scientists are in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2
  • That models accurately represent the climate of the earth
  • That climate models accurately model the behavior of so called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
  • That around the turn of the century CO2 decided to warm the oceans instead of the air
  • That manmade CO2 is responsible for climate "disasters"

There are plenty of climate deniers here on this board....and we all know who you are.
this !!!!!
I don't have to ask if it bothers you that the whole planet considers you to be a proud liar for your cult, since it so clearly does bother you.

So, how do you plan to change that? You've tried cranking up the lying, but that just caused people to laugh at you louder. Do you have a plan B?
I don't have to ask if it bothers you that the whole planet considers you to be a proud liar for your cult, since it so clearly does bother you.

So, how do you plan to change that? You've tried cranking up the lying, but that just caused people to laugh at you louder. Do you have a plan B?
didn't have a plan A. I know that you all are on plan Z and still not seeing any results. WiNNiNg
Irrelevant semantic BS. And if that qualifies in your mind as an effective putdown... I can only shake my head. Puh - thetic.
I don't have to ask if it bothers you that the whole planet considers you to be a proud liar for your cult, since it so clearly does bother you.

So, how do you plan to change that? You've tried cranking up the lying, but that just caused people to laugh at you louder. Do you have a plan B?

I'm afraid that it is you who is the liar for the cult...did you hear that NPR has gutted its environmental reporting staff?....Seems that even liberals tune out when the climate hoax is does it feel to know that even NPR, the bastion for liberal broadcasting thinks that you have become so marginalized that you aren't worth reporting to?
Great article over at WUWT...Seems that you are a real climate denier if you believe:

  • That the atmosphere has continued to warm for the past 17 years
  • That Antarctica is melting
  • That the melting in West Antarctica is caused by a warming atmosphere
  • That 97% of scientists are in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2
  • That models accurately represent the climate of the earth
  • That climate models accurately model the behavior of so called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
  • That around the turn of the century CO2 decided to warm the oceans instead of the air
  • That manmade CO2 is responsible for climate "disasters"

There are plenty of climate deniers here on this board....and we all know who you are.

Earth: the ultimate DENIER!!!!!! If refuses to validate the AGWCult's False "Theory"
Great article over at WUWT...Seems that you are a real climate denier if you believe:

  • That the atmosphere has continued to warm for the past 17 years
  • That Antarctica is melting
  • That the melting in West Antarctica is caused by a warming atmosphere
  • That 97% of scientists are in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2
  • That models accurately represent the climate of the earth
  • That climate models accurately model the behavior of so called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
  • That around the turn of the century CO2 decided to warm the oceans instead of the air
  • That manmade CO2 is responsible for climate "disasters"

There are plenty of climate deniers here on this board....and we all know who you are.

Earth: the ultimate DENIER!!!!!! If refuses to validate the AGWCult's False "Theory"

and still they believe..
Great article over at WUWT...Seems that you are a real climate denier if you believe:

  • That the atmosphere has continued to warm for the past 17 years
  • That Antarctica is melting
  • That the melting in West Antarctica is caused by a warming atmosphere
  • That 97% of scientists are in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2
  • That models accurately represent the climate of the earth
  • That climate models accurately model the behavior of so called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
  • That around the turn of the century CO2 decided to warm the oceans instead of the air
  • That manmade CO2 is responsible for climate "disasters"

There are plenty of climate deniers here on this board....and we all know who you are.

The atmosphere and the surface of the continents and the oceans has continued to warm at a reduced rate. The rate of warming of the oceans has accelerated. The radiative imbalance at the ToA has increased over this time period.

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized and is slowly crumbling in to the Southern Ocean. This is primarily due to warmed ocean waters and that has been the position of scientists in the field for some time now.

97% (or more) of active climate scientists accept AGW as a valid description of the behavior of the Earth's climate.

GCMs are the ONLY way to represent the future of the Earth's climate. Their accuracy varies, but is generally much better than deniers claim. Some folks, like Roy Spencer, have out and out lied on this topic.

The behavior of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is thoroughly, but not perfectly, understood.

Around the turn of the century, the rate of accumulation of thermal energy in the deep ocean - between 700 and 2000 meters, accelerated. At the same time, warmed surface waters were replaced by cooler water from the depths. CO2 didn't "decide" to do anything.

Increased free energy in the Earth's climate system will increase the energy available for extreme weather events.

WUWT continues to demonstrate their ignorance and unsupportable bias.
Great article over at WUWT...Seems that you are a real climate denier if you believe:

  • That the atmosphere has continued to warm for the past 17 years
  • That Antarctica is melting
  • That the melting in West Antarctica is caused by a warming atmosphere
  • That 97% of scientists are in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2
  • That models accurately represent the climate of the earth
  • That climate models accurately model the behavior of so called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
  • That around the turn of the century CO2 decided to warm the oceans instead of the air
  • That manmade CO2 is responsible for climate "disasters"

There are plenty of climate deniers here on this board....and we all know who you are.

Earth: the ultimate DENIER!!!!!! If refuses to validate the AGWCult's False "Theory"

and still they believe..

They have faith that makes the Roman Centurion at Capernaum look like Doubting Thomas
Great article over at WUWT...Seems that you are a real climate denier if you believe:

  • That the atmosphere has continued to warm for the past 17 years
  • That Antarctica is melting
  • That the melting in West Antarctica is caused by a warming atmosphere
  • That 97% of scientists are in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2
  • That models accurately represent the climate of the earth
  • That climate models accurately model the behavior of so called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
  • That around the turn of the century CO2 decided to warm the oceans instead of the air
  • That manmade CO2 is responsible for climate "disasters"

There are plenty of climate deniers here on this board....and we all know who you are.

The atmosphere and the surface of the continents and the oceans has continued to warm at a reduced rate. The rate of warming of the oceans has accelerated. The radiative imbalance at the ToA has increased over this time period.

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized and is slowly crumbling in to the Southern Ocean. This is primarily due to warmed ocean waters and that has been the position of scientists in the field for some time now.

97% (or more) of active climate scientists accept AGW as a valid description of the behavior of the Earth's climate.

GCMs are the ONLY way to represent the future of the Earth's climate. Their accuracy varies, but is generally much better than deniers claim. Some folks, like Roy Spencer, have out and out lied on this topic.

The behavior of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is thoroughly, but not perfectly, understood.

Around the turn of the century, the rate of accumulation of thermal energy in the deep ocean - between 700 and 2000 meters, accelerated. At the same time, warmed surface waters were replaced by cooler water from the depths. CO2 didn't "decide" to do anything.

Increased free energy in the Earth's climate system will increase the energy available for extreme weather events.

WUWT continues to demonstrate their ignorance and unsupportable bias.

And you can point to these meticulous turn of the century records of thermal energy in the deep ocean - between 700 and 2000 meters?
Do you have memory issues? How many times do you have to be shown this diagram?

Great article over at WUWT...Seems that you are a real climate denier if you believe:

  • That the atmosphere has continued to warm for the past 17 years
  • That Antarctica is melting
  • That the melting in West Antarctica is caused by a warming atmosphere
  • That 97% of scientists are in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2
  • That models accurately represent the climate of the earth
  • That climate models accurately model the behavior of so called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
  • That around the turn of the century CO2 decided to warm the oceans instead of the air
  • That manmade CO2 is responsible for climate "disasters"

There are plenty of climate deniers here on this board....and we all know who you are.

The atmosphere and the surface of the continents and the oceans has continued to warm at a reduced rate. The rate of warming of the oceans has accelerated. The radiative imbalance at the ToA has increased over this time period.

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has irreversibly destabilized and is slowly crumbling in to the Southern Ocean. This is primarily due to warmed ocean waters and that has been the position of scientists in the field for some time now.

97% (or more) of active climate scientists accept AGW as a valid description of the behavior of the Earth's climate.

GCMs are the ONLY way to represent the future of the Earth's climate. Their accuracy varies, but is generally much better than deniers claim. Some folks, like Roy Spencer, have out and out lied on this topic.

The behavior of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is thoroughly, but not perfectly, understood.

Around the turn of the century, the rate of accumulation of thermal energy in the deep ocean - between 700 and 2000 meters, accelerated. At the same time, warmed surface waters were replaced by cooler water from the depths. CO2 didn't "decide" to do anything.

Increased free energy in the Earth's climate system will increase the energy available for extreme weather events.

WUWT continues to demonstrate their ignorance and unsupportable bias.
"Active climate scientists"


"Ancient Alien Theorists"

Moon-pies from the same box!
The data in BTK's graphic there is the output of a model that was reset to measured (empirical) values, from thousands of bathythermograph measurements, every ten days. Do you understand? You could remove ALL the modeled data and all that would happen is that the solid lines would become dots. They would not move.

Smoothing data is a common procedure as is adjusting data with known biases. If BT&K were lying to their public, they wouldn't have told us all about it in the text, now would they.

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