You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot


Platinum Member
Stop hiding behind NRA talking points.

Demand your elected officials work diligently TOGETHER for comprehensive gun control

US Citizens will only put up with these senseless killings for so long.

Eventually the MAJORITY of the people will demand the RADICAL action be taken. The MAJORITY will have ZERO interest in your requests at that point.

You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot by not DEMANDING your election officials take action now.

Protect the 2A, don't let guys like me get ahold of it.
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I think the NRA is a corrupt cesspool. I do not own a gun. I recognize the 2nd gives people that right and until you are able to overturn that (I won't be voting to do that) I'll support the people's right.
Do you even know the meaning of the word "literally"?
Should we all be limping by now?

Not limp wristing, we'll leave that to the gun grabbing bed wetters afraid of a tool
In the not too distant future the "gun grabbing bed wetters afraid of a tool" will be the majority :smoochEE:
I'm afraid the senseless killings will continue even if we completely ban guns ... to be frank, we're safer putting guns into these peoples hands ... they've terrible marksmanship ... fewer people die before we can cap the shooter ...

Less than $100 at Walmart and we can get our kill-counts into the hundreds ... easy ... what's an AR-15 gonna set you back? ... more than a C-note that's for sure ...
Stop hiding behind NRA talking points.

Demand your elected officials work diligently TOGETHER for comprehensive gun control

US Citizens will only put up with these senseless killings for so long.

Eventually the MAJORITY of the people will demand the RADICAL action be taken. The MAJORITY will have ZERO interest in your requests at that point.

You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot by not DEMANDING your election officials take action now.

Protect the 2A, don't let guys like me get ahold of it.
Nah, we arent going to do anything about it. We have the 2nd Amendment and we arent ever going to give it up. There would literally be a civil war between the states before that happened, but most likely half the states would just secede from the US and that would be the end of this great experiment. Either way, trying to get rid of guns will shoot DEMOCRATS in the foot.
Stop hiding behind NRA talking points.

Demand your elected officials work diligently TOGETHER for comprehensive gun control

US Citizens will only put up with these senseless killings for so long.

Eventually the MAJORITY of the people will demand the RADICAL action be taken. The MAJORITY will have ZERO interest in your requests at that point.

You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot by not DEMANDING your election officials take action now.

Protect the 2A, don't let guys like me get ahold of it.
….shall not be infringed

Did you post ANYTHING about the weekly killing in Chicago?
Guns have been around and part of the US culture since its inception. Only 50
Years ago, it was nothing for students to bring their guns to school in order to go hunting afterwards.

What has changed? The guns or their availability has not changed. I think it is how we as a culture have changed; particularly in how we manage mental health and how we have and continue to abdicate personal accountability.

Take away the guns from law abiding citizens and watch what happens.
Stop hiding behind NRA talking points.

Demand your elected officials work diligently TOGETHER for comprehensive gun control

US Citizens will only put up with these senseless killings for so long.

Eventually the MAJORITY of the people will demand the RADICAL action be taken. The MAJORITY will have ZERO interest in your requests at that point.

You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot by not DEMANDING your election officials take action now.

Protect the 2A, don't let guys like me get ahold of it.

I doubt that it’s the 2nd amendment that “guys like you” actually want to “get ahold of”

Just sayin.
Take away the guns from law abiding citizens and watch what happens.
They can't turn into bad guys with a gun in the blink of an eye?

"The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes, so I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side, and she had no face." — Heartbreaking firsthand account from Steven Spainhouer, first on the scene at the Allen Premium Outlets mass shooting

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