You Can Fly An F-22 From Washington D.C. To Libya

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
In 8 hours. Hillarious went home to bed and Obamakov loaded up on Air Farce One and went to Vegas to party. Our patriots were left there to die.

That's all you need to know about the Queens.
Helpin' Libya helps our nat'l. security...

Obama: 'It's in America's National Security Interests' to Help Libya Defeat ISIL
August 2, 2016 | President Obama said on Tuesday the United States military is helping Libya's fledgling government get rid of Islamic State terrorists who have established a stronghold in the city of Sirte because it's in U.S. national security interests.
"And at the request of that (Libyan) government, after they had already made significant progress against ISIL and had essentially pushed ISIL into a very confined area in and around Sirte, it is in America's national security interests in our fight against ISIL to make sure that they're able to finish the job," Obama said. "And so we're working in partnership with them to assure that ISIL does not get a stronghold in Libya, even as a long process begins to establish a strong government and security system there.

"So the good news is that they recognize this terrorist organization in their midst is contrary to their national interests as well as the world's, and we're hopeful that having completed this process in driving ISIL out, they will then be in a position to start to bring the parties together inside that country, and not only us but the Europeans and other countries around the world have a great interest in seeing stability in Libya because that -- the absence of stability has helped to fuel some of the challenges that we've seen in terms of the migration crisis in Europe and some of the humanitarian tragedies that we've seen in the open seas between Libya and Europe."

At a joint news conference with the leader of Singapore, Obama was asked by a reporter if the U.S. airstrikes on ISIL targets in Libya are a "direct result" of his decision to topple Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi. "I have said on several occasions that we did the right thing in preventing what could have been a massacre, a bloodbath, in Libya, and we did so as part of an international coalition and under U.N. mandate," Obama replied.

"But I think that all of us collectively were not sufficiently attentive to what had to happen the day after and the day after and the day after that in order to ensure that there were strong structures in place to assure basic security and peace inside of Libya. "I think the good news is, we now have the beginnings of a government, the GNA, they are serious about trying to bring all the factions together to start creating a basic security structure and to begin to monitor these borders and to cooperate internationally to deal with issues like ISIL penetration of their territory."

Obama: 'It's in America's National Security Interests' to Help Libya Defeat ISIL

See also:

Pentagon: 'We Don't Have an End Point' for 'Precision' Airstrikes in Libya
August 2, 2016 | In the effort to defeat Islamic State terrorists wherever they spread, the U.S. military is now conducting "precision" airstrikes on targets in Sirte, Libya -- targets identified by Libya's Government of National Accord (GNA) and vetted by the U.S. Military.
Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said the goal is to "eliminate ISIL from Sirte and the country," but it's not clear how long that might take: "We don't have an end point at this particular moment in time," Cook told reporters on Monday. "But we'll be working closely with the GNA, and we certainly hope that this is something that does not require a lengthy amount of time." Cook said the GNA has requested U.S. assistance and the GNA will determine the "pace" of the campaign. He noted that U.S. forces on Monday struck a tank in one airstrike and two ISIS vehicles in another. "There is a collaborative process -- very closely coordinated process that we've engaged with the GNA in terms of assessing and determining the precise locations to hit. And yes, the United States military will be rigorously involved in every step of this process. We will be reviewing and deciding those list of targets after, again, close consultation with the GNA."

Cook said the GNA has made "great progress" on its own in reducing ISIL's numbers in Libya: "And we think that this precision airstrike capability, this unique capability that we can provide to their ongoing efforts, can make a difference in this campaign." President Obama authorized the air campaign in Libya following a recommendation from Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Joint Chiefs Chairman Joseph Dunford. A reporter asked Cook if there are U.S. troops on the ground helping to spot targets. "We have have close coordination with the GNA, but there are no U.S. boots on the ground," Cook responded.

He later clarified that "we do not expect U.S. forces to be part of this specific operation" in Sirte. But U.S. Special Forces have been rotating in and out of Libya in recent months to "establish communications and contacts" in that country. Cook said he would not discuss the status of those troops. "We don't talk about their -- their disposition. We have indicated in the past, we have had forces on the ground getting a picture there. And -- and that's been helpful and successful. But that's separate and apart from this operation." Cook said the number of ISIS terrorists in Libya is now estimated at "about one thousand," which is lower than it was.

A reporter asked Cook, "So, the United States has outsourced its counter-terrorism efforts to the Libya government, is that what you're saying?" "No," Cook said, "We're acting in support of the internationally recognized government of Libya helping their effort to target an enemy that poses a threat as well to the United States. And we are doing that with capable, motivated local partners, just as we are in Iraq and Syria, and -- and so, we are honoring that request and carrying out something that we think is not only in Libya's interest, but also in U.S. interest as well."

In 8 hours. Hillarious went home to bed and Obamakov loaded up on Air Farce One and went to Vegas to party. Our patriots were left there to die.

That's all you need to know about the Queens.
I keep hearing this but wasn't it like 3 in the afternoon when it all started? Why would she goto bed at that time?
US Bombing Missions in Libya pick up...

US Bombing Missions in Libya Now Total Nine over Three Days
Aug 04, 2016 | U.S. Africa Command said Thursday that there have been nine U.S. bombing missions over three days in the new Operation Odyssey Lightning in support of the Libyan Government of National Accord.
The latest strike on Wednesday hit a pickup truck carrying a recoilless rifle in the port city of Sirte, which GNA forces have been trying to take back from fighters affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria since May, AFRICOM said in a statement. On Tuesday, U.S. manned and unmanned aircraft targeted one rocket launcher, an excavator and a pickup truck with a recoilless rifle. The first strikes on Monday hit a Soviet-era T-72 tank, a T-55 tank, two military support vehicles, an enemy fighting position and two pieces of heavy engineering equipment, AFRICOM said.

Pentagon officials have declined to say where the strikes originated from, but the missions reportedly were carried out by Marine Harrier jump jets flying off the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp off the coast in Libya's Gulf of Sidra and by drones equipped with Hellfire missiles flying out of a U.S. base in Jordan. In announcing the first strikes Monday, Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said the airstrikes backing the GNA were expected to be of short duration and limited to assisting local forces in retaking Sirte.


MQ9 Reaper drone​

The opening of the new front against ISIS in Libya, and the involvement of the U.S. in yet another Mideast civil war, was expected to be at the top of the agenda in closed meetings Thursday at the Pentagon with President Obama and his national security team on the overall progress of the war against ISIS. Obama was to hold a rare Pentagon news conference following the meetings.

In giving air support to the GNA, which has been endorsed by the United Nations as the legitimate government, the U.S. was stepping into a three-sided civil war that has raged off and on since the late dictator Moammar Gadhafi was killed in 2011 in the Arab Spring uprisings. The GNA, based in Tripoli and led by Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj, is opposed by the Islamist-dominated Government of National Salvation, also based in Tripoli, and by a rival parliament based in Tobruk near the Egyptian border.

US Bombing Missions in Libya Now Total Nine over Three Days |
Apparently Hussein ordered pizza for the show that he was watching in real time. If the media was doing it's job instead of protecting Hillary the whole sorry administration would have been laughed out of town a long time ago.
all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin

oh yeah, it doesn't hurt to know there are other dumbasses who believe his bullshit.

have a nice evening, DUMBASSES.
Last edited:
all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.
all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.

Mach2 x 8 hours is 12,000 miles / 1600 = 7.5

7.5 fill ups ... assuming you knew your heading and had 8 refueling tankers stationed along the way ...

Licky Retardo and his pals are DUMBASSES

but I repeat myself.

and kiss my ass Lass ! math dont work! fueling logistics dont work ... your pea brain dont work.
all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.
all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.

Mach2 x 8 hours is 12,000 miles / 1600 = 7.5

7.5 fill ups ... assuming you knew your heading and had 8 refueling tankers stationed along the way ...

Licky Retardo and his pals are DUMBASSES

but I repeat myself.

and kiss my ass Lass ! math dont work! fueling logistics dont work ... your pea brain dont work.
Langley to Lybia is 5400 miles.....three refuelings..
all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.
all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.

Mach2 x 8 hours is 12,000 miles / 1600 = 7.5

7.5 fill ups ... assuming you knew your heading and had 8 refueling tankers stationed along the way ...

Licky Retardo and his pals are DUMBASSES

but I repeat myself.

and kiss my ass Lass ! math dont work! fueling logistics dont work ... your pea brain dont work.
Langley to Lybia is 5400 miles.....three refuelings..

Aviano Italy to Benghazi....1100 milles
all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.
all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin
Refueling...Mach 2...piece of cake.

Mach2 x 8 hours is 12,000 miles / 1600 = 7.5

7.5 fill ups ... assuming you knew your heading and had 8 refueling tankers stationed along the way ...

Licky Retardo and his pals are DUMBASSES

but I repeat myself.

and kiss my ass Lass ! math dont work! fueling logistics dont work ... your pea brain dont work.

Except we had F-16s based in Italy, 1100 miles away, so kiss my ass. You don't have the first clue you're just flapping your yapper
Before you dumbasses bring up Aviamo that was debunked also by not one but two congressional investigations.

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