You Can Fly An F-22 From Washington D.C. To Libya

Is lying through their teeth. I have many friends in the military and they know the truth. And so do we. The government is covering fro shrilary and no matter what facts are presented you drones will ignore them. We get it. You don't care.

"I have many friends in the military and they know the truth." Do you have any idea just how nutty that sounds? You obviously have your mind made up what's the point even discussing this with you? The tinfoil is wrapped so high you probably can't read a word said.

So what. It is a fact. One of them is with Delta. I guarantee you he knows more than you, or I do, about our capabilities. Yes, my mind is made up. So is yours. One thing that we do know, is there was a force in place that could have dealt with the attack. We KNOW this. What we don't know is why weren't they sent. We also know that the administration is covering shrilary's butt. We KNOW this.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if you have a force in Italy, it's a mere three hours away to Benghazi. You're a propagandist. We also KNOW this to be true. So, stop wasting our time.

What a croc. The flying time is 2 hours from Sigonella and fueling, getting a crew, planning the op, and fitting it with appropriate ammo is time consuming. The people in Benghazi were dead by the time anyone could have responded. End of story.

Should there been better preparedness? yes and that's the real story.

lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

They didn't have anybody with communication equipment to control the aircraft once they got there. What are they supposed to do drop ordnance next to the embassy and hope the fragmentation doesn't kill everybody?

Once again, bullshit. You really have no clue what you're talking about other than your pre-programmed talking points do you?
Is lying through their teeth. I have many friends in the military and they know the truth. And so do we. The government is covering fro shrilary and no matter what facts are presented you drones will ignore them. We get it. You don't care.

"I have many friends in the military and they know the truth." Do you have any idea just how nutty that sounds? You obviously have your mind made up what's the point even discussing this with you? The tinfoil is wrapped so high you probably can't read a word said.

So what. It is a fact. One of them is with Delta. I guarantee you he knows more than you, or I do, about our capabilities. Yes, my mind is made up. So is yours. One thing that we do know, is there was a force in place that could have dealt with the attack. We KNOW this. What we don't know is why weren't they sent. We also know that the administration is covering shrilary's butt. We KNOW this.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if you have a force in Italy, it's a mere three hours away to Benghazi. You're a propagandist. We also KNOW this to be true. So, stop wasting our time.

What a croc. The flying time is 2 hours from Sigonella and fueling, getting a crew, planning the op, and fitting it with appropriate ammo is time consuming. The people in Benghazi were dead by the time anyone could have responded. End of story.

Should there been better preparedness? yes and that's the real story.

Bullshit. They were fighting for a minimum of eight hours. Thanks for making it plain that there was at least a three hour window to deal with the situation.
Everyone who died did so in the first 4 1/2 hours. It was impossible to respond that quickly. Asked, answered, and published in not one, two congressional reports to the people.

Untrue. Based on the timeline we KNOW there was still fighting going on 8 hours in. Who were they fighting? Themselves?
"I have many friends in the military and they know the truth." Do you have any idea just how nutty that sounds? You obviously have your mind made up what's the point even discussing this with you? The tinfoil is wrapped so high you probably can't read a word said.

So what. It is a fact. One of them is with Delta. I guarantee you he knows more than you, or I do, about our capabilities. Yes, my mind is made up. So is yours. One thing that we do know, is there was a force in place that could have dealt with the attack. We KNOW this. What we don't know is why weren't they sent. We also know that the administration is covering shrilary's butt. We KNOW this.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if you have a force in Italy, it's a mere three hours away to Benghazi. You're a propagandist. We also KNOW this to be true. So, stop wasting our time.

What a croc. The flying time is 2 hours from Sigonella and fueling, getting a crew, planning the op, and fitting it with appropriate ammo is time consuming. The people in Benghazi were dead by the time anyone could have responded. End of story.

Should there been better preparedness? yes and that's the real story.

lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

They didn't have anybody with communication equipment to control the aircraft once they got there. What are they supposed to do drop ordnance next to the embassy and hope the fragmentation doesn't kill everybody?

Once again, bullshit. You really have no clue what you're talking about other than your pre-programmed talking points do you?

Stop! If you have a counterpoint put it out there. You accused me of trolling and that's exactly what you're doing right now.
all you really need to know is Licky Retardo is a dumbass.

an F-22 has a 1600 NM range ... 1600 miles in 8 hours or 1600 miles before it runs out of fuel

Specifications · Lockheed Martin

oh yeah, it doesn't hurt to know there are other dumbasses who believe his bullshit.

have a nice evening, DUMBASSES.


He said nothing about mid-air refueling in his dig...Stop covering the boi's azz...

It's part of it, runt. Go troll a thread you have a clue about. You dumbass leftists are obviously clueless on this one
The LibSpin on Benghazi falls apart at the most casual review. They look back in hindsight and count the hours from the start of the attack until the end. Then they conclude that since there was not enough time to coordinate an attack, it would be futile to even try.

Without their magical time machine they think allows them to make this type of revisionist excuse, their lame spin is just that, an excuse for doing nothing.

Obama went to bed. Skipped his morning intel brief and jetted off to Vegas for a campaign fundraiser. Meanwhile, Hillary was telling foreign heads of state and her daughter this was a terrorist attack while lying to the American people about some bogus video being the cause of the peaceful demonstration that turned ugly.

Obama and Hillary put those Americans in an untenable situation. They ignored pleas for more security. They ignored the British and Red Cross pulling their people out due to the unacceptable risk. And when the SHTF, they did nothing.

When Americans are in danger, you run to their aid. "We may not get there in time before they're dead" said no military commander in history. Obama was the commander in chief that day. Dereliction of duty. Hillary: Gross negligence.
"I have many friends in the military and they know the truth." Do you have any idea just how nutty that sounds? You obviously have your mind made up what's the point even discussing this with you? The tinfoil is wrapped so high you probably can't read a word said.

So what. It is a fact. One of them is with Delta. I guarantee you he knows more than you, or I do, about our capabilities. Yes, my mind is made up. So is yours. One thing that we do know, is there was a force in place that could have dealt with the attack. We KNOW this. What we don't know is why weren't they sent. We also know that the administration is covering shrilary's butt. We KNOW this.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if you have a force in Italy, it's a mere three hours away to Benghazi. You're a propagandist. We also KNOW this to be true. So, stop wasting our time.

What a croc. The flying time is 2 hours from Sigonella and fueling, getting a crew, planning the op, and fitting it with appropriate ammo is time consuming. The people in Benghazi were dead by the time anyone could have responded. End of story.

Should there been better preparedness? yes and that's the real story.

Bullshit. They were fighting for a minimum of eight hours. Thanks for making it plain that there was at least a three hour window to deal with the situation.
Everyone who died did so in the first 4 1/2 hours. It was impossible to respond that quickly. Asked, answered, and published in not one, two congressional reports to the people.

Untrue. Based on the timeline we KNOW there was still fighting going on 8 hours in. Who were they fighting? Themselves?

Perhaps it's time for you to read those reports considering how much was vested in them.
Is lying through their teeth. I have many friends in the military and they know the truth. And so do we. The government is covering fro shrilary and no matter what facts are presented you drones will ignore them. We get it. You don't care.

"I have many friends in the military and they know the truth." Do you have any idea just how nutty that sounds? You obviously have your mind made up what's the point even discussing this with you? The tinfoil is wrapped so high you probably can't read a word said.

So what. It is a fact. One of them is with Delta. I guarantee you he knows more than you, or I do, about our capabilities. Yes, my mind is made up. So is yours. One thing that we do know, is there was a force in place that could have dealt with the attack. We KNOW this. What we don't know is why weren't they sent. We also know that the administration is covering shrilary's butt. We KNOW this.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if you have a force in Italy, it's a mere three hours away to Benghazi. You're a propagandist. We also KNOW this to be true. So, stop wasting our time.

What a croc. The flying time is 2 hours from Sigonella and fueling, getting a crew, planning the op, and fitting it with appropriate ammo is time consuming. The people in Benghazi were dead by the time anyone could have responded. End of story.

Should there been better preparedness? yes and that's the real story.

lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

In the two hours of flying time they gather what intel they can. They deploy a bridgehead on the ground away from that actual combat area. They then use their NODS to infiltrate in to the combat area. They engage the obvious targets, thus relieving the pressure on the defenders. The FO's on the ground, in concert with the defenders inside use the laser designator's to drop precision ordnance on the bigger assemblies of attackers, thus blowing them to hell, and then, under cover of the Spectre gunships, they rescue the
Ambassador and his security detail.

Easy? no. Of course not., But certainly possible.

These tools have no idea what an AC-130 Spectre is capable of...they can literally walk gunfire up an alley.
"I have many friends in the military and they know the truth." Do you have any idea just how nutty that sounds? You obviously have your mind made up what's the point even discussing this with you? The tinfoil is wrapped so high you probably can't read a word said.

So what. It is a fact. One of them is with Delta. I guarantee you he knows more than you, or I do, about our capabilities. Yes, my mind is made up. So is yours. One thing that we do know, is there was a force in place that could have dealt with the attack. We KNOW this. What we don't know is why weren't they sent. We also know that the administration is covering shrilary's butt. We KNOW this.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if you have a force in Italy, it's a mere three hours away to Benghazi. You're a propagandist. We also KNOW this to be true. So, stop wasting our time.

What a croc. The flying time is 2 hours from Sigonella and fueling, getting a crew, planning the op, and fitting it with appropriate ammo is time consuming. The people in Benghazi were dead by the time anyone could have responded. End of story.

Should there been better preparedness? yes and that's the real story.

lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

In the two hours of flying time they gather what intel they can. They deploy a bridgehead on the ground away from that actual combat area. They then use their NODS to infiltrate in to the combat area. They engage the obvious targets, thus relieving the pressure on the defenders. The FO's on the ground, in concert with the defenders inside use the laser designator's to drop precision ordnance on the bigger assemblies of attackers, thus blowing them to hell, and then, under cover of the Spectre gunships, they rescue the
Ambassador and his security detail.

Easy? no. Of course not., But certainly possible.

These tools have no idea what an AC-130 Spectre is capable of...they can literally walk gunfire up an alley.

You have no idea as to the preparedness necessary to get a gunship into the air and C-130 are never kept on readiness alert. Neither do you have any idea who is going to control that gunship once it gets there.
So what. It is a fact. One of them is with Delta. I guarantee you he knows more than you, or I do, about our capabilities. Yes, my mind is made up. So is yours. One thing that we do know, is there was a force in place that could have dealt with the attack. We KNOW this. What we don't know is why weren't they sent. We also know that the administration is covering shrilary's butt. We KNOW this.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if you have a force in Italy, it's a mere three hours away to Benghazi. You're a propagandist. We also KNOW this to be true. So, stop wasting our time.

What a croc. The flying time is 2 hours from Sigonella and fueling, getting a crew, planning the op, and fitting it with appropriate ammo is time consuming. The people in Benghazi were dead by the time anyone could have responded. End of story.

Should there been better preparedness? yes and that's the real story.

lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

In the two hours of flying time they gather what intel they can. They deploy a bridgehead on the ground away from that actual combat area. They then use their NODS to infiltrate in to the combat area. They engage the obvious targets, thus relieving the pressure on the defenders. The FO's on the ground, in concert with the defenders inside use the laser designator's to drop precision ordnance on the bigger assemblies of attackers, thus blowing them to hell, and then, under cover of the Spectre gunships, they rescue the
Ambassador and his security detail.

Easy? no. Of course not., But certainly possible.

These tools have no idea what an AC-130 Spectre is capable of...they can literally walk gunfire up an alley.

You have no idea as to the preparedness necessary to get a gunship into the air and C-130 are never kept on readiness alert. Neither do you have any idea who is going to control that gunship once it gets there.

From orders to spool up is 25 minutes. Add another 10 minutes for taxi and rotation and you can easily get airborne in 45 minutes. I find it amusing you think that our troops are so incompetent. Remember, they're NOT politicians!
Perhaps it's time for you to read those reports considering how much was vested in them.

Let me ask you an honest question. It's hypothetical.

Tonight, you're the CiC. You have a campaign fundraiser scheduled for tomorrow. You've just been alerted that our embassy in Goatfukestan is under attack. The ambassador is feeding you minute by minute updates. It doesn't look good. A real Alamo situation if help doesn't arrive soon.

That's the situation. That's all the information you have.

Your question: When will the attack end?

What a croc. The flying time is 2 hours from Sigonella and fueling, getting a crew, planning the op, and fitting it with appropriate ammo is time consuming. The people in Benghazi were dead by the time anyone could have responded. End of story.

Should there been better preparedness? yes and that's the real story.

lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

In the two hours of flying time they gather what intel they can. They deploy a bridgehead on the ground away from that actual combat area. They then use their NODS to infiltrate in to the combat area. They engage the obvious targets, thus relieving the pressure on the defenders. The FO's on the ground, in concert with the defenders inside use the laser designator's to drop precision ordnance on the bigger assemblies of attackers, thus blowing them to hell, and then, under cover of the Spectre gunships, they rescue the
Ambassador and his security detail.

Easy? no. Of course not., But certainly possible.

These tools have no idea what an AC-130 Spectre is capable of...they can literally walk gunfire up an alley.

You have no idea as to the preparedness necessary to get a gunship into the air and C-130 are never kept on readiness alert. Neither do you have any idea who is going to control that gunship once it gets there.

From orders to spool up is 25 minutes. Add another 10 minutes for taxi and rotation and you can easily get airborne in 45 minutes. I find it amusing you think that our troops are so incompetent. Remember, they're NOT politicians!

Providing you have a pilot on duty, providing you have planned the mission, providing everyone up the line has been notified, providing those people have approved the operation, provided it is fueled and ready to go, provided there is medical assistance and medevac approved and those personnel are available, etc.

Yes, they can get the job done pretty quickly, but a long range op is special and requires a lot more planning than a simple mission.Keep in mind you have to have ground control or you risk killing our own and that is a very important point to note, the op can't go forward without some ground guidance.
Perhaps it's time for you to read those reports considering how much was vested in them.

Let me ask you an honest question. It's hypothetical.

Tonight, you're the CiC. You have a campaign fundraiser scheduled for tomorrow. You've just been alerted that our embassy in Goatfukestan is under attack. The ambassador is feeding you minute by minute updates. It doesn't look good. A real Alamo situation if help doesn't arrive soon.

That's the situation. That's all the information you have.

Your question: When will the attack end?


As Commander in Chief you tell them to get it done and you expect the military with all of their experience to get the job done. The CIC doesn't need to be there, most likely he just gets in the way while those decisions are made.

The end result of Benghazi is in the report. Too far away, wrong assets in place, and a skirmish that didn't seem so serious to send assets that could be lost or compromised. The toll was high but the losses occurred before anyone could save them, a harsh reality but a true story.
So what. It is a fact. One of them is with Delta. I guarantee you he knows more than you, or I do, about our capabilities. Yes, my mind is made up. So is yours. One thing that we do know, is there was a force in place that could have dealt with the attack. We KNOW this. What we don't know is why weren't they sent. We also know that the administration is covering shrilary's butt. We KNOW this.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if you have a force in Italy, it's a mere three hours away to Benghazi. You're a propagandist. We also KNOW this to be true. So, stop wasting our time.

What a croc. The flying time is 2 hours from Sigonella and fueling, getting a crew, planning the op, and fitting it with appropriate ammo is time consuming. The people in Benghazi were dead by the time anyone could have responded. End of story.

Should there been better preparedness? yes and that's the real story.

lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

In the two hours of flying time they gather what intel they can. They deploy a bridgehead on the ground away from that actual combat area. They then use their NODS to infiltrate in to the combat area. They engage the obvious targets, thus relieving the pressure on the defenders. The FO's on the ground, in concert with the defenders inside use the laser designator's to drop precision ordnance on the bigger assemblies of attackers, thus blowing them to hell, and then, under cover of the Spectre gunships, they rescue the
Ambassador and his security detail.

Easy? no. Of course not., But certainly possible.

These tools have no idea what an AC-130 Spectre is capable of...they can literally walk gunfire up an alley.

You have no idea as to the preparedness necessary to get a gunship into the air and C-130 are never kept on readiness alert. Neither do you have any idea who is going to control that gunship once it gets there.

The AC-130 in Sigonella Italy was on call that night, it was ready to fly at a moments notice. You're doing badly on this
What a croc. The flying time is 2 hours from Sigonella and fueling, getting a crew, planning the op, and fitting it with appropriate ammo is time consuming. The people in Benghazi were dead by the time anyone could have responded. End of story.

Should there been better preparedness? yes and that's the real story.

lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

In the two hours of flying time they gather what intel they can. They deploy a bridgehead on the ground away from that actual combat area. They then use their NODS to infiltrate in to the combat area. They engage the obvious targets, thus relieving the pressure on the defenders. The FO's on the ground, in concert with the defenders inside use the laser designator's to drop precision ordnance on the bigger assemblies of attackers, thus blowing them to hell, and then, under cover of the Spectre gunships, they rescue the
Ambassador and his security detail.

Easy? no. Of course not., But certainly possible.

These tools have no idea what an AC-130 Spectre is capable of...they can literally walk gunfire up an alley.

You have no idea as to the preparedness necessary to get a gunship into the air and C-130 are never kept on readiness alert. Neither do you have any idea who is going to control that gunship once it gets there.

The AC-130 in Sigonella Italy was on call that night, it was ready to fly at a moments notice. You're doing badly on this

lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

In the two hours of flying time they gather what intel they can. They deploy a bridgehead on the ground away from that actual combat area. They then use their NODS to infiltrate in to the combat area. They engage the obvious targets, thus relieving the pressure on the defenders. The FO's on the ground, in concert with the defenders inside use the laser designator's to drop precision ordnance on the bigger assemblies of attackers, thus blowing them to hell, and then, under cover of the Spectre gunships, they rescue the
Ambassador and his security detail.

Easy? no. Of course not., But certainly possible.

These tools have no idea what an AC-130 Spectre is capable of...they can literally walk gunfire up an alley.

You have no idea as to the preparedness necessary to get a gunship into the air and C-130 are never kept on readiness alert. Neither do you have any idea who is going to control that gunship once it gets there.

From orders to spool up is 25 minutes. Add another 10 minutes for taxi and rotation and you can easily get airborne in 45 minutes. I find it amusing you think that our troops are so incompetent. Remember, they're NOT politicians!

Providing you have a pilot on duty, providing you have planned the mission, providing everyone up the line has been notified, providing those people have approved the operation, provided it is fueled and ready to go, provided there is medical assistance and medevac approved and those personnel are available, etc.

Yes, they can get the job done pretty quickly, but a long range op is special and requires a lot more planning than a simple mission.Keep in mind you have to have ground control or you risk killing our own and that is a very important point to note, the op can't go forward without some ground guidance.

Providing the pilot isn't drunk he has to be within an hour of the base. If they are detailed to the QRF, as these aircraft were, then they have to be an ALERT status. That can be anywhere from 5 minutes, to one hour. It depends on the aircraft. Amazingly enough, one of the AC-130's was on Alert status, funny that. You plan the mission in the air, gosh golly they have to actually do the job they were trained to do.

Like I said, you progressives seem to think that our military is made up of morons like you. Guess what, they aren't. They are made up of highly trained and qualified people. People who can do their jobs blindfolded. The QRF HAS a dedicated medical team. My gosh where do they find you idiots. THEY are ALREADY THERE! That's what it means to be a QRF you twit.
Why didn't they just send in the Avengers ? Lol!

This thread is so dumb . Libya is a sovereign nation we are trying to be friends with. And y'all just want to send in fighter jets like its nothing .
lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

In the two hours of flying time they gather what intel they can. They deploy a bridgehead on the ground away from that actual combat area. They then use their NODS to infiltrate in to the combat area. They engage the obvious targets, thus relieving the pressure on the defenders. The FO's on the ground, in concert with the defenders inside use the laser designator's to drop precision ordnance on the bigger assemblies of attackers, thus blowing them to hell, and then, under cover of the Spectre gunships, they rescue the
Ambassador and his security detail.

Easy? no. Of course not., But certainly possible.

These tools have no idea what an AC-130 Spectre is capable of...they can literally walk gunfire up an alley.

You have no idea as to the preparedness necessary to get a gunship into the air and C-130 are never kept on readiness alert. Neither do you have any idea who is going to control that gunship once it gets there.

The AC-130 in Sigonella Italy was on call that night, it was ready to fly at a moments notice. You're doing badly on this


The report you kindly provided is one source of that info. There are others.
lets say there was a QRA wing ready, and could be in the air in 5-10 minutes ... what do they do when they get there? Random bomb and rockets?
where was Stevens? in the middle of the shitheads that the planes were targeting ? wait for the contractors to get there so they could bomb them too?

do what, how. when, why?

only Bugs Bunny knows for sure.

In the two hours of flying time they gather what intel they can. They deploy a bridgehead on the ground away from that actual combat area. They then use their NODS to infiltrate in to the combat area. They engage the obvious targets, thus relieving the pressure on the defenders. The FO's on the ground, in concert with the defenders inside use the laser designator's to drop precision ordnance on the bigger assemblies of attackers, thus blowing them to hell, and then, under cover of the Spectre gunships, they rescue the
Ambassador and his security detail.

Easy? no. Of course not., But certainly possible.

These tools have no idea what an AC-130 Spectre is capable of...they can literally walk gunfire up an alley.

You have no idea as to the preparedness necessary to get a gunship into the air and C-130 are never kept on readiness alert. Neither do you have any idea who is going to control that gunship once it gets there.

The AC-130 in Sigonella Italy was on call that night, it was ready to fly at a moments notice. You're doing badly on this


Here you go.
Hillary’s Benghazi Stand-Down Order Exposed
Why didn't they just send in the Avengers ? Lol!

This thread is so dumb . Libya is a sovereign nation we are trying to be friends with. And y'all just want to send in fighter jets like its nothing .

No timmy, the only dummy is you. That is not what we are talking about as you should very well know. Crawl back under your rock.
Why didn't they just send in the Avengers ? Lol!

This thread is so dumb . Libya is a sovereign nation we are trying to be friends with. And y'all just want to send in fighter jets like its nothing .

They were Americans, you do something and you tell Libya to sit the fuck down

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