You Can Fly An F-22 From Washington D.C. To Libya

on retrospect it seems like a sound decision, you can't save everyone.

My you are a vile, repulsive reptile. It makes me sick that I lost squadron mates who swore the oath and wore the uniform for ingrates like you who could never understand service to our country. They died in their 20's.

"You can't save everyone". You little shit. I hate everything you stand for but you know what? If you were in danger and I had the means to save your miserable life, I'd do it. So would every serviceman active and retired. We'd risk our lives to save an American. You never give up even when it appears hopeless. Like I said earlier, even if you arrive too late, you arrive exhausted from the race to get there.

You are truly disgusting.
on retrospect it seems like a sound decision, you can't save everyone.

My you are a vile, repulsive reptile. It makes me sick that I lost squadron mates who swore the oath and wore the uniform for ingrates like you who could never understand service to our country. They died in their 20's.

"You can't save everyone". You little shit. I hate everything you stand for but you know what? If you were in danger and I had the means to save your miserable life, I'd do it. So would every serviceman active and retired. We'd risk our lives to save an American. You never give up even when it appears hopeless. Like I said earlier, even if you arrive too late, you arrive exhausted from the race to get there.

You are truly disgusting.

Thank you for your service from a proud Navy brat.
on retrospect it seems like a sound decision, you can't save everyone.

My you are a vile, repulsive reptile. It makes me sick that I lost squadron mates who swore the oath and wore the uniform for ingrates like you who could never understand service to our country. They died in their 20's.

"You can't save everyone". You little shit. I hate everything you stand for but you know what? If you were in danger and I had the means to save your miserable life, I'd do it. So would every serviceman active and retired. We'd risk our lives to save an American. You never give up even when it appears hopeless. Like I said earlier, even if you arrive too late, you arrive exhausted from the race to get there.

You are truly disgusting.

You're a better person than me. I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire. Funny how they compare a war with a terrorist attack where we were ON THE PHONE with the victims. How these brain dead asshats can even attempt to compare the two is beyond me. I like your description, "reptile" is very accurate.
on retrospect it seems like a sound decision, you can't save everyone.

My you are a vile, repulsive reptile. It makes me sick that I lost squadron mates who swore the oath and wore the uniform for ingrates like you who could never understand service to our country. They died in their 20's.

"You can't save everyone". You little shit. I hate everything you stand for but you know what? If you were in danger and I had the means to save your miserable life, I'd do it. So would every serviceman active and retired. We'd risk our lives to save an American. You never give up even when it appears hopeless. Like I said earlier, even if you arrive too late, you arrive exhausted from the race to get there.

You are truly disgusting.
What a sanctimonious piece of hypocritical shit you are yourself. George Bush had 89 deaths involved with embassies during his presidency and you didn't have one single crocodile tear for any of them. You can't do the impossible and you not only need to recognize that you need to savor it. We don't waste lives unnecessarily in this country and when we think there is the remotest possibility we rally to action. You want something that was impossible to do and every senior officer in the DOD and the Pentagon agreed it was too late for action.

I served my country and I am proud of my service, I left blood on the ground so don't lecture me.
I served my country and I am proud of my service


The "you can't save everyone" quote for which you will be eternally damned on this site makes your claim impossible to believe.

You nauseate me. Enjoy your trip to ignore island. You're not worth the time of day.
I served my country and I am proud of my service


The "you can't save everyone" quote for which you will be eternally damned on this site makes your claim impossible to believe.

You nauseate me. Enjoy your trip to ignore island. You're not worth the time of day.

LOL, you people will argue Benghazi until the end of time no matter how many times it is investigated and no matter how many times they vindicate. You are unhinged and there honestly doesn't seem to be any point engaging people who cannot take the facts and accept them. Benghazi and its investigations are over, done, finished, kaput. There will be no more, America won't hear of it. I expect you to be wearing a sandwich board on some street corner in the future babbling about injustice. Get over it, you aren't special or worth the time of day either.
I served my country and I am proud of my service


The "you can't save everyone" quote for which you will be eternally damned on this site makes your claim impossible to believe.

You nauseate me. Enjoy your trip to ignore island. You're not worth the time of day.

LOL, you people will argue Benghazi until the end of time no matter how many times it is investigated and no matter how many times they vindicate. You are unhinged and there honestly doesn't seem to be any point engaging people who cannot take the facts and accept them. Benghazi and its investigations are over, done, finished, kaput. There will be no more, America won't hear of it. I expect you to be wearing a sandwich board on some street corner in the future babbling about injustice. Get over it, you aren't special or worth the time of day either.

Yes, we will. The record is very clear that we have never received all of the evidence. In fact not even close to it. Only brain dead fools like yourself can accept an investigation where the fox investigates itself. So yes, you are indeed a fool. The evidence that the embassy staff were abandoned to their fate is overwhelming. There is enough evidence about assets actually in theatre, that could have responded, that refutes your assertions. The report you provided does nothing to support you. In fact it merely detailed the level of obfuscation that hilary and her minions engaged in to prevent a complete investigation.

If we actually get a decent POTUS in, who will allow a real investigation to happen, we may figure out what happened. The odds of that are not good considering the State Dept. and hilary's gang has had years to destroy whatever evidence there was. A thinking person would care. A "useful idiot", like you, will merely parrot what your masters tell you.
Really? Cause ya know , thousands of Americans died in the Mid East prior to Benghazi . And no one seems to give a shit .

No, it's only you progressives who don't seem to care about our losses. You all make that clear every time you post.

Playa please ! Benghazi was nothing more than a bullshit excuse to smear Obama . When that failed , the GOP moved targets to Hillary .

Funny how you asshats ignore the four dead and only whine about obummer. Last I checked he's still alive. The abandoned men aren't. That's what matters. Not your bullshit.

How about the thousands dead from two stupid wars ??? Let's investigate that !

It's bad what happened I'm Benghazi . Terrorists attacked the group , and you act like the Feds knew exactly what was going on when it was going on .

Well hell Timmy let's go back to 58,000 dead in a democrat war that was for nothing...OK? Stop the delfection
Tell us all you know about that little dust up in SEA! Of course you know that Eisenhower (R) was the first to send in "military advisors" into that fucking armpit, which started as a trickle and grew to nearly 550,000 in 1969.

And of course you know also that Eisenhower (R) in 1953 initiated Operation Ajax in Iran leading eventually to the Shah's placement and rise to power as a US puppet. That 1953 Eisenhower (R) operation not only initiated the US adventurism in the ME, but set the stage for what came afterward, which we are confronting today in the ME. So Eisenhower (R) had a direct and substantial influence in both theaters setting up the circumstances for further escalation in those regions and moving the heaping pile of shit closer to the fan blades!

Your reference to Vietnam and the 58, 220 deaths in that war are directly attributable to multiple circumstances just as the cockups in the ME are! Your partisan pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey (D) routine doesn't stand up to closer scrutiny without ignoring a shit pot full of related facts. Yet those facts are inconvenient for your desired narrative so you simply ignore them, and when challenged dodge like a lamb being chased by a coyote.
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.
his bitch huh? lovely...

Uhhhhh, since when, was Hillary our Secretary of Defense?

And since when did the Secretary of State have any control of our Nation's defense over and above the Secretary of Defense? Was Rumsfeld not in charge of Defense throughout the world and NOT Powell, the Sec of State, under Bush?
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.
his bitch huh? lovely...

Uhhhhh, since when, was Hillary our Secretary of Defense?

And since when did the Secretary of State have any control of our Nation's defense over and above the Secretary of Defense? Was Rumsfeld not in charge of Defense throughout the world and NOT Powell, the Sec of State, under Bush?
Yo dumbass...who did the ambassador ask for increased protection? Hint: it was the bitch. GFY.
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.
his bitch huh? lovely...

Uhhhhh, since when, was Hillary our Secretary of Defense?

And since when did the Secretary of State have any control of our Nation's defense over and above the Secretary of Defense? Was Rumsfeld not in charge of Defense throughout the world and NOT Powell, the Sec of State, under Bush?
Yo dumbass...who did the ambassador ask for increased protection? Hint: it was the bitch. GFY.
Yo dumbass.... security requests never hit Clinton's desk. They went through a chain of command.
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.
his bitch huh? lovely...

Uhhhhh, since when, was Hillary our Secretary of Defense?

And since when did the Secretary of State have any control of our Nation's defense over and above the Secretary of Defense? Was Rumsfeld not in charge of Defense throughout the world and NOT Powell, the Sec of State, under Bush?
Yo dumbass...who did the ambassador ask for increased protection? Hint: it was the bitch. GFY.
Yo dumbass.... security requests never hit Clinton's desk. They went through a chain of command.
Yo dumbass...she was the boss...if she had a shifty chain of command...that's on her. GFY.
This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.
his bitch huh? lovely...

Uhhhhh, since when, was Hillary our Secretary of Defense?

And since when did the Secretary of State have any control of our Nation's defense over and above the Secretary of Defense? Was Rumsfeld not in charge of Defense throughout the world and NOT Powell, the Sec of State, under Bush?
Yo dumbass...who did the ambassador ask for increased protection? Hint: it was the bitch. GFY.
Yo dumbass.... security requests never hit Clinton's desk. They went through a chain of command.
Yo dumbass...she was the boss...if she had a shifty chain of command...that's on her. GFY.

Nope the state department had a protocol and they went by it. I did enjoy this paragraph though, all those budget cuts did cause problems.

"For many years the State Department has been engaged in a struggle to obtain the resources necessary to carry out its work, with varying degrees of success. This has brought about a deep sense of the importance of husbanding resources to meet the highest priorities, laudable in the extreme in any government department. But it has also had the effect of conditioning a few State Department managers to favor restricting the use of resources as a general orientation. There is no easy way to cut through this Gordian knot, all the more so as budgetary austerity looms large ahead. At the same time, it is imperative for the State Department to be mission-driven, rather than resource-constrained – particularly when being present in increasingly risky areas of the world is integral to U.S. national security."
Speztnaz of property damage


Posted: Yesterday 11:32:30 AM EDT

No you couldn't.

Tell me who was going to prosecute?
No DA would have entertained a charge
Who was going to make an arrest?
Posted: Yesterday 11:37:19 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Yesterday 11:38:19 AM EDT by dorobuta]
You have to pre-position the KC's to be able to refuel. They take time to get on station.

nobody was going to risk an F-22.

The logistics of getting F-16's from Italy were much simpler and were in fact doable, at least in hindsight.

they could have flown into Libya, done a hot refuel and been over target while the fun and games were sill going on.

there are many reasons this was not done. Some bullshit and some legit.

I'm of the mindset that you do it and worry about the optics and politics later.

but I wasn't in charge of anything, so I can Monday morning quarterback all I want.

If not for physics and law enforcement, I'd be unstoppable.

Posted: Yesterday 11:39:14 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Yesterday 12:33:30 PM EDT by Beach]
In Super Cruise you probably in theory could accomplish that...but you would need a series of tankers staged across the Atlantic. The Lie thats been told over and over is the F16's at Aviano couldn't reach them in time...or the Super Hornets on the Carrier couldn't extend...HORSE SHIT..."Do you even Tanker Bro?" They didnt want to...optics bro...the election was just weeks away...the US striking out at Libya and bombing them would mean the Obama Doctrine was a failure. They were that O could win again...plain and simple.

FIXED IT...WAS NOT AWARE THE S6 and A6 tankers were no longer operating.

Posted: Yesterday 11:42:28 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Beach:
In Super Cruise you probably in theory could accomplish that...but you would need a series of tankers staged across the Atlantic. The Lie thats been told over and over is the F16's at Aviano couldn't reach them in time...or the Super Hornets on the Carrier couldn't extend...HORSE SHIT..."Do you even Tanker Bro?" Even USAF F16s can tank off of a USN tanker and vice versa...they didnt want to...optics bro...the election was just weeks away...the US striking out at Libya and bombing them would mean the Obama Doctrine was a failure. They were that O could win again...plain and simple.
Please explain how an F-16 can tank off of an F-18 buddy tanker.

Tell me who was going to prosecute?
No DA would have entertained a charge
Who was going to make an arrest?
Posted: Yesterday 11:46:13 AM EDT

Originally Posted By SmilingBandit:
Originally Posted By Beach:
In Super Cruise you probably in theory could accomplish that...but you would need a series of tankers staged across the Atlantic. The Lie thats been told over and over is the F16's at Aviano couldn't reach them in time...or the Super Hornets on the Carrier couldn't extend...HORSE SHIT..."Do you even Tanker Bro?" Even USAF F16s can tank off of a USN tanker and vice versa...they didnt want to...optics bro...the election was just weeks away...the US striking out at Libya and bombing them would mean the Obama Doctrine was a failure. They were that O could win again...plain and simple.
Please explain how an F-16 can tank off of an F-18 buddy tanker.

I didn't read that as he was implying a 16 could plug into a 18.

(_@___]]~~ It is better to smoke here, than here after. Grab a cigar.


Posted: Yesterday 11:47:23 AM EDT

The lack of response to the security assessments tells you all you need to know. The people in Libya were considered expendable.

"Imposing a totalitarian regime on a whole people depends on the leader first collecting round him a group which is prepared to submit to that which they are to impose by force " ~F.A. Hayek.

Posted: Yesterday 12:15:41 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Chris_C:
Originally Posted By SmilingBandit:
Originally Posted By Beach:
In Super Cruise you probably in theory could accomplish that...but you would need a series of tankers staged across the Atlantic. The Lie thats been told over and over is the F16's at Aviano couldn't reach them in time...or the Super Hornets on the Carrier couldn't extend...HORSE SHIT..."Do you even Tanker Bro?" Even USAF F16s can tank off of a USN tanker and vice versa...they didnt want to...optics bro...the election was just weeks away...the US striking out at Libya and bombing them would mean the Obama Doctrine was a failure. They were that O could win again...plain and simple.
Please explain how an F-16 can tank off of an F-18 buddy tanker.

I didn't read that as he was implying a 16 could plug into a 18.

He said they can tank off of Navy tankers. What else would the hit?

Tell me who was going to prosecute?
No DA would have entertained a charge
Who was going to make an arrest?
Posted: Yesterday 12:29:42 PM EDT

IMHO, the optics of a MANPAD shooting down a US jet over Libya would look fat worse than loosing an ambassador.

Posted: Yesterday 12:34:07 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Yesterday 12:40:09 PM EDT by Chris_C]
Originally Posted By SmilingBandit:
Originally Posted By Chris_C:
Originally Posted By SmilingBandit:
Originally Posted By Beach:
In Super Cruise you probably in theory could accomplish that...but you would need a series of tankers staged across the Atlantic. The Lie thats been told over and over is the F16's at Aviano couldn't reach them in time...or the Super Hornets on the Carrier couldn't extend...HORSE SHIT..."Do you even Tanker Bro?" Even USAF F16s can tank off of a USN tanker and vice versa...they didnt want to...optics bro...the election was just weeks away...the US striking out at Libya and bombing them would mean the Obama Doctrine was a failure. They were that O could win again...plain and simple.
Please explain how an F-16 can tank off of an F-18 buddy tanker.

I didn't read that as he was implying a 16 could plug into a 18.

He said they can tank off of Navy tankers. What else would the hit?

Right, but not the Hornets

I am not aware of any USN/USNC tanker or pod that isn't basket and drogue..



(_@___]]~~ It is better to smoke here, than here after. Grab a cigar.

Marine Battleherks


Posted: Yesterday 12:35:12 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Yesterday 12:36:30 PM EDT by Beach]
Please explain how an F-16 can tank off of an F-18 buddy tanker.

Your right Navy used a dick and USAF uses a pussy.

Posted: Yesterday 1:09:11 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Yesterday 1:10:45 PM EDT by rabidus]
Do the USAF and USN use the same jet fuel?

It seems logistically speaking, poor to not have an interchangeable mid air refueling system between US armed forces.

B-1 Lancers take off from Guam to hit some targets in China. A CVN is the only fuel source anywhere near the flight path of the B1's. It is a time sensitive operation and the kc-135 would not make it in time but a f-18 could top them off.

Vise versa, a flight of F-18's from a CVN just bombed a target and the catapult from the carrier is down and the refueling f-18 cannot make it in time, However, a KC-135 is nearby and can top them off so they can make it back.

Before someone says, both forces are stubbern and think their refueling method is superior, look at which method has the safest and most reliable history and make it universal.

Posted: Yesterday 1:26:10 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Yesterday 1:26:46 PM EDT by Chris_C]
Originally Posted By rabidus:
Do the USAF and USN use the same jet fuel?

It seems logistically speaking, poor to not have an interchangeable mid air refueling system between US armed forces.

B-1 Lancers take off from Guam to hit some targets in China. A CVN is the only fuel source anywhere near the flight path of the B1's. It is a time sensitive operation and the kc-135 would not make it in time but a f-18 could top them off.

Vise versa, a flight of F-18's from a CVN just bombed a target and the catapult from the carrier is down and the refueling f-18 cannot make it in time, However, a KC-135 is nearby and can top them off so they can make it back.

Before someone says, both forces are stubbern and think their refueling method is superior, look at which method has the safest and most reliable history and make it universal.

All jet fuel is the same, simply.

An F18 with a pod, a drop and it's own stores isn't doing shit for fuel with a Lancer.

USAF tankers can fuel both USAF and USN/USMC aircraft capable if fueling in flight. The USN and USMC only are not capable of doing anything BUT aircraft that are Drogue to Probe.

(_@___]]~~ It is better to smoke here, than here after. Grab a cigar.

Marine Battleherks


Posted: Yesterday 9:14:32 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Beach:
Please explain how an F-16 can tank off of an F-18 buddy tanker.

Your right Navy used a dick and USAF uses a pussy.
Compared to a boom the Navy has micropenises.

Tell me who was going to prosecute?
No DA would have entertained a charge
Who was going to make an arrest?

Posted: Yesterday 9:21:23 PM EDT

Originally Posted By rabidus:
Do the USAF and USN use the same jet fuel?

It seems logistically speaking, poor to not have an interchangeable mid air refueling system between US armed forces.

B-1 Lancers take off from Guam to hit some targets in China. A CVN is the only fuel source anywhere near the flight path of the B1's. It is a time sensitive operation and the kc-135 would not make it in time but a f-18 could top them off.

Vise versa, a flight of F-18's from a CVN just bombed a target and the catapult from the carrier is down and the refueling f-18 cannot make it in time, However, a KC-135 is nearby and can top them off so they can make it back.

Before someone says, both forces are stubbern and think their refueling method is superior, look at which method has the safest and most reliable history and make it universal.
The probe and drogue gives you at best 400 gallons per minute of flow rate but can be put on a fighter as a buddy tanker.

The flying boom can get 1000 gallons per minute.

And we both can burn the same gas. The Navy uses JP5 which is safer for on carrier operations. Everyone else uses JP8, actually we use Jet-A in the states because it's a couple cents cheaper per gallon. It's all interchangeable and we use whatever the local base stocks when we operate out of it.

KC-10s and a handful of KC-135s (as well as the new KC-46) can refuel boom and drogue in the same sortie. The standard KC-135 without the wingtip pods takes about an hour or two on the ground to switch between boom and probe operations.

Tell me who was going to prosecute?
No DA would have entertained a charge
Who was going to make an arrest?
Interesting posts and the only thing I take exception to is the fact that the Navy was concentrated in the Persian Gulf at the time and could give little help to Benghazi.Let's not forget that Aviano is only 1043 miles from Benghazi and could have sent a couple F-16's from Aviano and had them refuel in Sigonella which is only 468 miles from Benghazi, sounds sensible? the problem is we forget that a fully loaded F-16 is too heavy to fly supersonic for any length of time and a subsonic flight would have gotten them to Benghazi too late to be effective. The last point is important because with all the best intentions there wasn't any ground control to direct fire. Also the biggest threat was mortars, which are very hard to target because of their quick setup and dash method of attack and was probably why senior officers concluded a response wouldn't have done what they desired to accomplish.
We have A-10's and F-16's in Italy.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.
his bitch huh? lovely...

Uhhhhh, since when, was Hillary our Secretary of Defense?

And since when did the Secretary of State have any control of our Nation's defense over and above the Secretary of Defense? Was Rumsfeld not in charge of Defense throughout the world and NOT Powell, the Sec of State, under Bush?
Yo dumbass...who did the ambassador ask for increased protection? Hint: it was the bitch. GFY.
Yo dumbass.... security requests never hit Clinton's desk. They went through a chain of command.
Captain is personally responsible for every single thing that happens or does not happen on his ship. If you want to insist she has no leadership skills, I can't argue.

This question was asked and answered in hearings. Refueling tankers were not guaranteed, ground support was not available for support, bombing a foreign country that was not at war is not a good option and last, time was the most important factor. This event was over before even the fastest plane could be on line, making everything else irrelevant.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.
his bitch huh? lovely...

Uhhhhh, since when, was Hillary our Secretary of Defense?

And since when did the Secretary of State have any control of our Nation's defense over and above the Secretary of Defense? Was Rumsfeld not in charge of Defense throughout the world and NOT Powell, the Sec of State, under Bush?
Yo dumbass...who did the ambassador ask for increased protection? Hint: it was the bitch. GFY.
Yo dumbass.... security requests never hit Clinton's desk. They went through a chain of command.
Captain is personally responsible for every single thing that happens or does not happen on his ship. If you want to insist she has no leadership skills, I can't argue.


so join the Navy.

I doubt you can find one Republican who places the blame on 43 for 911.

Benghazi is OVER. Close the book.
So the best defense you can come up with is the Magic and his bitch were unprepared...we all know that.
his bitch huh? lovely...

Uhhhhh, since when, was Hillary our Secretary of Defense?

And since when did the Secretary of State have any control of our Nation's defense over and above the Secretary of Defense? Was Rumsfeld not in charge of Defense throughout the world and NOT Powell, the Sec of State, under Bush?
Yo dumbass...who did the ambassador ask for increased protection? Hint: it was the bitch. GFY.
Yo dumbass.... security requests never hit Clinton's desk. They went through a chain of command.
Captain is personally responsible for every single thing that happens or does not happen on his ship. If you want to insist she has no leadership skills, I can't argue.


so join the Navy.

I doubt you can find one Republican who places the blame on 43 for 911.

Benghazi is OVER. Close the book.
Hillary quit the race?
Then :anj_stfu:
No, Hillary didn't quit the race and you won't compel anything that Bush wasn't called to task for. As Siete said, Benghazi is over chump they all went home and closed up shop.
No, Hillary didn't quit the race and you won't compel anything that Bush wasn't called to task for. As Siete said, Benghazi is over chump they all went home and closed up shop.
Then her proven track record of inability to lead is an active topic.

Exhibit 32,483: Benghazi

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