You Can Not Be Civil

what does heather hyer have to do with the right causing violence? please explain that one to me. Charlottesville, really, omg, such stupidity. Antifa created the violence, nice that you abandon that fact.
i never brought her into it so go back to the one who did.
well you commented on it. it wasn't one. yet you commented he responded like you thought. hmmmmmm if there isn't one, then his response was wrong.
the look of confusion on my face says it all, even if you can't see it.

have fun storming the castle.
well again, no one on the right is storming any castle. the castle, the capitol, was stormed by leftists. All the dude asked for was for one similar action by the group on the right.

Now sir, I respect you in here, you have always been a fair minded person. But you keep including people on the right in these sorts of incidents, yet no one can name one incident created by the right. And one can't name Charlottesville, because Antifa instigated the violence, no matter how hard anyone wishes to say otherwise.

To conclude, since no one can give absolutely no examples, the people on the right do not engage in violence or storming of the castle. That statement was made without cause.
No ANTIFA didn't instigate it, or at least not all of it.
4 California Men Charged With Rioting At Last Year's Rally In Charlottesville, Va.
So you're defending Antifa. How cool is that.
So what do we as Americans enact to change policies? How are we supposed to go about it?

I don't see how this question is relevant to the actual question I posed earlier in the thread. I really just wanted an answer about what kind of treatment of Democrats was appropriate that wouldn't be appropriate towards human beings or friendly dogs!
what does heather hyer have to do with the right causing violence? please explain that one to me. Charlottesville, really, omg, such stupidity. Antifa created the violence, nice that you abandon that fact.
i never brought her into it so go back to the one who did.
well you commented on it. it wasn't one. yet you commented he responded like you thought. hmmmmmm if there isn't one, then his response was wrong.
the look of confusion on my face says it all, even if you can't see it.

have fun storming the castle.
well again, no one on the right is storming any castle. the castle, the capitol, was stormed by leftists. All the dude asked for was for one similar action by the group on the right.

Now sir, I respect you in here, you have always been a fair minded person. But you keep including people on the right in these sorts of incidents, yet no one can name one incident created by the right. And one can't name Charlottesville, because Antifa instigated the violence, no matter how hard anyone wishes to say otherwise.

To conclude, since no one can give absolutely no examples, the people on the right do not engage in violence or storming of the castle. That statement was made without cause.
No ANTIFA didn't instigate it, or at least not all of it.
4 California Men Charged With Rioting At Last Year's Rally In Charlottesville, Va.
militant group from alt-right.

lob their asses in jail 10 years for each violation. we can put anti-fa in there with them as they break the law and then make a reality tv show of how they get along in jail.
Why am I not surprised that you have no idea what I'm talking about? I'm mainly talking about dem elected officials, and dems brag about their immunity to prosecution.

You're saying you're not surprised that I didn't understand you because you changed the topic to something completely different? The post I originally responded to was not talking about elected officials or people bragging about immunity to prosecution. It said that that there was no reason to treat Democrats as human beings. It appeared to mean all Democrats, not just whichever subset you felt like discussing.

Antifa doesn't seem overly concerned with the law either, or the city officials that let them run wild.

A lot of people who participate in Antifa events are very likely to hate the Democratic party just slightly less than you do (and a bit more than I do :p). But again, most Democrats are not participants in antifa rallies.

Letting repeat offenders out of prison because 'prisons are bad' isn't helping a whole lot either. A major dem platform is illegal immigration is just dandy. It appears democrat voters are complicit with lawlessness.

Support for various kinds of immigration reform is not support for illegal immigration or lawlessness. This is, of course, a really big topic and I'm not going to try to address it in detail here. We could discuss it elsewhere at some point if you were interested.
A lot of people who participate in Antifa events are very likely to hate the Democratic party just slightly less than you do (and a bit more than I do :p). But again, most Democrats are not participants in antifa rallies.

The issue is that the dems don't denounce them. so either you're with them or not. I'd ask to see which demoloser denounced antifa or BLM for that matter. just provide a name and I'll shut up.
So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.

I already DO speak out against LEFTIST violence.


now.....will you do the same for violence from the right? I bet not....
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?

according to fascist murderous conservatives (redundant)......conservatives killing liberals is NOT is "JUSTIFIED defense of their beliefs".....
If a leftist gets in my face and shakes his fist at me and I flatten his nose, you bet that's not violence. That's self defense.

and if a right winger shakes his fist at me and punch him in the nose is THAT violence or self defense?
1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.

I already DO speak out against LEFTIST violence.


now.....will you do the same for violence from the right? I bet not....
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?
Yes, that was violence. However, he acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob. The right doesn't gather to harass people.

did ya see the video clip of the woman standing at a trump rally holding the "no hate" sign?.....

LOTS of trumpsters harassed her....

so......why do cons like hate so much?
what does heather hyer have to do with the right causing violence? please explain that one to me. Charlottesville, really, omg, such stupidity. Antifa created the violence, nice that you abandon that fact.
i never brought her into it so go back to the one who did.
well you commented on it. it wasn't one. yet you commented he responded like you thought. hmmmmmm if there isn't one, then his response was wrong.
the look of confusion on my face says it all, even if you can't see it.

have fun storming the castle.
well again, no one on the right is storming any castle. the castle, the capitol, was stormed by leftists. All the dude asked for was for one similar action by the group on the right.

Now sir, I respect you in here, you have always been a fair minded person. But you keep including people on the right in these sorts of incidents, yet no one can name one incident created by the right. And one can't name Charlottesville, because Antifa instigated the violence, no matter how hard anyone wishes to say otherwise.

To conclude, since no one can give absolutely no examples, the people on the right do not engage in violence or storming of the castle. That statement was made without cause.
No ANTIFA didn't instigate it, or at least not all of it.
4 California Men Charged With Rioting At Last Year's Rally In Charlottesville, Va.
well sure they did. to say otherwise only makes you the stupoid. I'll tell you what, you tell me how the two got into it? The alt right folks had a permit, did the antifa? nope. Antifa showed up to shut the alt right protest down. yes or no? If you say no, then why else would they be there. dudette, please your lack of observation skills is noted.
1. just today i've seen 3 examples of conservatives on this board advocating murder.

2. limbaugh says "leave only some liberals left alive"

3. ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

4. you can buy "liberal hunting permit: no limit" on line
do you have yours?

5. conservative sites sell "make america great: shoot a liberal" bumper you have yours?
So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.

I already DO speak out against LEFTIST violence.


now.....will you do the same for violence from the right? I bet not....
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?
Yes, that was violence. However, he acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob. The right doesn't gather to harass people.
BS Filter what evidence is there that the dude was someone on the right? anything? he came across country in his own car alone. he was not part of any protest. stop giving ground to these assholes. you're wrong.
why do demolosers want to stop conservatives? do you have that answer?

They want to see different policies enacted. I'm not sure where you're going with this...
why do they feel the need of violence to try and make that point? hmmm, most humans don't behave like that to other humans. so are they really human? that was the point.
I support decent people everywhere.
I'm Hetero but have made many homosexual friends over the years.

Careful...those people tend to be crazy and have high rates of suicide.

well I knew that cons are crazy but I wasn't aware of the high rate of suicide.....

WTF does that have to do with the high rate of homo suicide?

I would imagine that gays might have higher rates of suicide based on years of hatred from conservatives....

but i'm not sure the rates are as high as they use to be or even as high as you suggest (source? other than alex jones or rush limbaugh)


I know MANY gays.....and all of them are decent hard working and industrious people who tend to be MUCH NICER than most conservatives.....
So you would imagine that homos have a higher rate of suicide because conservatives hate them. The left hates me and has done vile nasty things to me, yet I've never contemplated suicide. The fact is the homo lifestyle is a miserable lie. Homos are angry and lost. Angry and lost people kill themselves.

"So you would imagine that homos have a higher rate of suicide because conservatives hate them. "

do you need EVERYTHING explained to you?

I imagine that things are different now and their suicide rates are down from the past. In the PAST, however, EVERYONE (not cons, not libs) was anti-gay.

So the typical closeted homosexual would read and hear anti-gay remarks all the time....

this, i'm sure, had a deleletious affect on gays.....

but since MOST people (and all decent people) don't care any more I would NOT be surprised to find that their suicide rates are down.
why do they feel the need of violence to try and make that point? hmmm, most humans don't behave like that to other humans. so are they really human? that was the point.

There is very little politically-motivated violence in the US, thankfully. You're arguing in favor of treating tens of millions of people worse than you would treat a dog on the basis of a wildly over-generalized and unsupportable accusation that you made up out of whole cloth. Not only that, but of the politically-motivated violence that has occurred in the US over the last few years, quite a bit -- perhaps even the majority -- was committed by people who held more right-wing views. Charlottesville is one example, but also the church shooting in Charleston, the 2014 shootings in Santa Barbara, and other examples.

That said, I think it would be absolutely abhorrent and horrifying for leftists to suggest that conservatives deserved to be treated as sub-human on the basis of this kind of argument. I think we all ought to avoid dehumanizing language about our political opponents, and really about any large and and diverse group of people. We ought to avoid that kind of stereotyping and over-generalization. I've chided liberals in the past for veering a little too far in that direction for my comfort. I think it's a result of increasing polarization, and an unfortunate cognitive bias that we all have to watch out for.
I support decent people everywhere.
I'm Hetero but have made many homosexual friends over the years.

Careful...those people tend to be crazy and have high rates of suicide.

well I knew that cons are crazy but I wasn't aware of the high rate of suicide.....

WTF does that have to do with the high rate of homo suicide?

I would imagine that gays might have higher rates of suicide based on years of hatred from conservatives....

but i'm not sure the rates are as high as they use to be or even as high as you suggest (source? other than alex jones or rush limbaugh)


I know MANY gays.....and all of them are decent hard working and industrious people who tend to be MUCH NICER than most conservatives.....
So you would imagine that homos have a higher rate of suicide because conservatives hate them. The left hates me and has done vile nasty things to me, yet I've never contemplated suicide. The fact is the homo lifestyle is a miserable lie. Homos are angry and lost. Angry and lost people kill themselves.

"Homos are angry and lost. Angry and lost people kill themselves"

have you ever met a homosexual?

I've known many.....not one of them was either angry or lost. In fact.....the only angry people I meet these days are conservatives....

"Angry and lost people kill themselves"

or others.....
why do they feel the need of violence to try and make that point? hmmm, most humans don't behave like that to other humans. so are they really human? that was the point.

There is very little politically-motivated violence in the US, thankfully. You're arguing in favor of treating tens of millions of people worse than you would treat a dog on the basis of a wildly over-generalized and unsupportable accusation that you made up out of whole cloth. Not only that, but of the politically-motivated violence that has occurred in the US over the last few years, quite a bit -- perhaps even the majority -- was committed by people who held more right-wing views. Charlottesville is one example, but also the church shooting in Charleston, the 2014 shootings in Santa Barbara, and other examples.

That said, I think it would be absolutely abhorrent and horrifying for leftists to suggest that conservatives deserved to be treated as sub-human on the basis of this kind of argument. I think we all ought to avoid dehumanizing language about our political opponents, and really about any large and and diverse group of people. We ought to avoid that kind of stereotyping and over-generalization. I've chided liberals in the past for veering a little too far in that direction for my comfort. I think it's a result of increasing polarization, and an unfortunate cognitive bias that we all have to watch out for.
yes you are right, because most of those millions of demolosers won't denounce those doing the political violence. therefore they wish they were there. I can see two points and draw a line.

Do you denounce all violoence?
Careful...those people tend to be crazy and have high rates of suicide.

well I knew that cons are crazy but I wasn't aware of the high rate of suicide.....

WTF does that have to do with the high rate of homo suicide?

I would imagine that gays might have higher rates of suicide based on years of hatred from conservatives....

but i'm not sure the rates are as high as they use to be or even as high as you suggest (source? other than alex jones or rush limbaugh)


I know MANY gays.....and all of them are decent hard working and industrious people who tend to be MUCH NICER than most conservatives.....
So you would imagine that homos have a higher rate of suicide because conservatives hate them. The left hates me and has done vile nasty things to me, yet I've never contemplated suicide. The fact is the homo lifestyle is a miserable lie. Homos are angry and lost. Angry and lost people kill themselves.

"So you would imagine that homos have a higher rate of suicide because conservatives hate them. "

do you need EVERYTHING explained to you?

I imagine that things are different now and their suicide rates are down from the past. In the PAST, however, EVERYONE (not cons, not libs) was anti-gay.

So the typical closeted homosexual would read and hear anti-gay remarks all the time....

this, i'm sure, had a deleletious affect on gays.....

but since MOST people (and all decent people) don't care any more I would NOT be surprised to find that their suicide rates are down.

Nah....they're just mentally ill.
well I knew that cons are crazy but I wasn't aware of the high rate of suicide.....

WTF does that have to do with the high rate of homo suicide?

I would imagine that gays might have higher rates of suicide based on years of hatred from conservatives....

but i'm not sure the rates are as high as they use to be or even as high as you suggest (source? other than alex jones or rush limbaugh)


I know MANY gays.....and all of them are decent hard working and industrious people who tend to be MUCH NICER than most conservatives.....
So you would imagine that homos have a higher rate of suicide because conservatives hate them. The left hates me and has done vile nasty things to me, yet I've never contemplated suicide. The fact is the homo lifestyle is a miserable lie. Homos are angry and lost. Angry and lost people kill themselves.

"So you would imagine that homos have a higher rate of suicide because conservatives hate them. "

do you need EVERYTHING explained to you?

I imagine that things are different now and their suicide rates are down from the past. In the PAST, however, EVERYONE (not cons, not libs) was anti-gay.

So the typical closeted homosexual would read and hear anti-gay remarks all the time....

this, i'm sure, had a deleletious affect on gays.....

but since MOST people (and all decent people) don't care any more I would NOT be surprised to find that their suicide rates are down.

Nah....they're just mentally ill.
sorry, someone who wishes to stick his unit into a poop hole is sick. I'm sorry, that is as gross a thing that exists in this world.
why do they feel the need of violence to try and make that point? hmmm, most humans don't behave like that to other humans. so are they really human? that was the point.

There is very little politically-motivated violence in the US, thankfully. You're arguing in favor of treating tens of millions of people worse than you would treat a dog on the basis of a wildly over-generalized and unsupportable accusation that you made up out of whole cloth. Not only that, but of the politically-motivated violence that has occurred in the US over the last few years, quite a bit -- perhaps even the majority -- was committed by people who held more right-wing views. Charlottesville is one example, but also the church shooting in Charleston, the 2014 shootings in Santa Barbara, and other examples.

That said, I think it would be absolutely abhorrent and horrifying for leftists to suggest that conservatives deserved to be treated as sub-human on the basis of this kind of argument. I think we all ought to avoid dehumanizing language about our political opponents, and really about any large and and diverse group of people. We ought to avoid that kind of stereotyping and over-generalization. I've chided liberals in the past for veering a little too far in that direction for my comfort. I think it's a result of increasing polarization, and an unfortunate cognitive bias that we all have to watch out for.

"you're arguing in favor of treating tens of millions of people worse than you would treat a DOG on the basis of a wildly over-generalized and unsupportable accusation that you made up "
"That said, I think it would be absolutely abhorrent and horrifying for leftists to suggest that conservatives deserved to be treated as sub-human on the basis of this kind of argument. I think we all ought to avoid dehumanizing language about our political opponents, "

are you serious?
here's a comment from a conservative.....posted ......

Yesterday at 8:24 PM #2 (oct-9-18)
There is no reason for Republicans to be civil toward Democrats. Nor, to treat them as human beings or even friendly dogs.
any comments?
why do they feel the need of violence to try and make that point? hmmm, most humans don't behave like that to other humans. so are they really human? that was the point.

There is very little politically-motivated violence in the US, thankfully. You're arguing in favor of treating tens of millions of people worse than you would treat a dog on the basis of a wildly over-generalized and unsupportable accusation that you made up out of whole cloth. Not only that, but of the politically-motivated violence that has occurred in the US over the last few years, quite a bit -- perhaps even the majority -- was committed by people who held more right-wing views. Charlottesville is one example, but also the church shooting in Charleston, the 2014 shootings in Santa Barbara, and other examples.

That said, I think it would be absolutely abhorrent and horrifying for leftists to suggest that conservatives deserved to be treated as sub-human on the basis of this kind of argument. I think we all ought to avoid dehumanizing language about our political opponents, and really about any large and and diverse group of people. We ought to avoid that kind of stereotyping and over-generalization. I've chided liberals in the past for veering a little too far in that direction for my comfort. I think it's a result of increasing polarization, and an unfortunate cognitive bias that we all have to watch out for.

"you're arguing in favor of treating tens of millions of people worse than you would treat a DOG on the basis of a wildly over-generalized and unsupportable accusation that you made up "
"That said, I think it would be absolutely abhorrent and horrifying for leftists to suggest that conservatives deserved to be treated as sub-human on the basis of this kind of argument. I think we all ought to avoid dehumanizing language about our political opponents, "

are you serious?
here's a comment from a conservative.....posted ......

Yesterday at 8:24 PM #2 (oct-9-18)
There is no reason for Republicans to be civil toward Democrats. Nor, to treat them as human beings or even friendly dogs.
any comments?
what's the issue?
any comments?

I know it's a long thread and it's hard to keep track of everything, but I literally started this conversation by quoting that post and asking tipsycatlover about it (post #15). AFAIK they haven't responded. I thought it was obvious -- but I realize that was probably assuming too much -- that the premise of the post of mine you quoted is that I think that post is abhorrent and horrifying, and I also think it's horrific that other posters are trying to find disingenuous ways to justify it.

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