You Can Not Be Civil

...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.


is this another threat of violence?

is it a MENACING incitement to violence?

tell me, you have a mental list of liberals you plan to go medieval on?

projection, nice job.

dodging....nice job....
HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.


is this another threat of violence?

is it a MENACING incitement to violence?

tell me, you have a mental list of liberals you plan to go medieval on?

projection, nice job.

dodging....nice job....

dodging? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:I'm still waiting for a link that shows a conservative MOB. show me one otherwise you're just projecting.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.


The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

hate is all they have....

"fuk you snowflake" is the reason they voted for trump....

Trump and his support is about one thing; "sticking it" to someone. That is it. The Tariffs are the most obvious example of this. If solving a major economic problem be it unemployment or growth was as easy as taxing imports, previous presidents would have done it. There are very few votes in foreign policy and they are always a convenient prop for any politician. Now, you either have to believe that every President since McKinley was just ignorant of economics and Trump is the only one who saw what others missed or you have to believe that there was a good reason to not slap a tax on imports. Trump is an Idiot according to his own chief of staff and has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader according to his Defense Secretary. So it's a good possibility that the tariffs are being done for another reason. I think it is that he and his base like inflicting pain on others.

The Democrats have been sticking it to everyone for decades. They are pissed and having a meltdown that Trump was elected by the people not picked by the Democratic party and that Trump is liberating America while making it great again.


"Trump was elected by the people "

he LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million....

cons are bad at math....
HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.


The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

hate is all they have....

"fuk you snowflake" is the reason they voted for trump....

Trump and his support is about one thing; "sticking it" to someone. That is it. The Tariffs are the most obvious example of this. If solving a major economic problem be it unemployment or growth was as easy as taxing imports, previous presidents would have done it. There are very few votes in foreign policy and they are always a convenient prop for any politician. Now, you either have to believe that every President since McKinley was just ignorant of economics and Trump is the only one who saw what others missed or you have to believe that there was a good reason to not slap a tax on imports. Trump is an Idiot according to his own chief of staff and has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader according to his Defense Secretary. So it's a good possibility that the tariffs are being done for another reason. I think it is that he and his base like inflicting pain on others.

The Democrats have been sticking it to everyone for decades. They are pissed and having a meltdown that Trump was elected by the people not picked by the Democratic party and that Trump is liberating America while making it great again.


"Trump was elected by the people "

he LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million....

cons are bad at math....

no he didn't, he won the state support 30 to 20, that is more popular votes that count. sorry to inform you again and again the electoral goes by the popular vote per state, not one state.
HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.


The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

hate is all they have....

"fuk you snowflake" is the reason they voted for trump....

Trump and his support is about one thing; "sticking it" to someone. That is it. The Tariffs are the most obvious example of this. If solving a major economic problem be it unemployment or growth was as easy as taxing imports, previous presidents would have done it. There are very few votes in foreign policy and they are always a convenient prop for any politician. Now, you either have to believe that every President since McKinley was just ignorant of economics and Trump is the only one who saw what others missed or you have to believe that there was a good reason to not slap a tax on imports. Trump is an Idiot according to his own chief of staff and has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader according to his Defense Secretary. So it's a good possibility that the tariffs are being done for another reason. I think it is that he and his base like inflicting pain on others.

The Democrats have been sticking it to everyone for decades. They are pissed and having a meltdown that Trump was elected by the people not picked by the Democratic party and that Trump is liberating America while making it great again.


"Trump was elected by the people "

he LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million....

cons are bad at math....

Taking your 'logic' a little further...subtract the illegal vote and Trump wins the popular vote easily. In case you weren't aware, illegals aren't legally allowed to vote. It has been this way since 1787. Secondly, the popular vote has not been the determining factor since 1787. Please get informed.

Additionally..since the popular vote has NEVER been the requirement for winning the office, citing it makes you a dummy and a dupe of the ruling class.
wish the left would find them.

right now we're in a bullshit stalemate as each side blames the other and never sees their own actions falling under what they themselves want changed from the other side.
ice, I'm not sure what you think happens in a political fight. one side says one thing, the other side says something else. why is that so obnoxious to you?

For me, I want them to at least talk in factual statements. The GOP is much much more honest in their talk. that is just a fact.

Really. Have you seen the check from Mexico to pay for the border wall?

Do you think Trade Wars are easy to win?

Yesterday the blob called Democrats the party of crime; as 5 of his campaign/admin officials have pled or been found guilty of felonies.
how does 5 repubs found guilty have anything to do with the criminal behavior of demoRats? please, that's just stupid.
It doesn't. However when the guy who hired them accuses others of being criminals it sounds as stupid as he is.

Mexico will pay. Not to worry.
You've been saying that for over 2 years. Are you just delusional or are you lying again?

Trade wars are not easy to win. why do you think they would be?
Ask Trump...he's the one who said it.

Trump tweets: 'Trade wars are good, and easy to win' | Reuters

Trump has prevailed on three battles so far, the war is with China. that is still ongoing. China is suffering because of it. Their behavior has to stop.

Really? Which ones were those?
It doesn't.,

Then why post it? one doesn't have shit to do with the other. thanks for admitting it.
Sure it does... When you have 5 felons--all Republicans hired by the current administration you can't call the other major party the "party of crime" unless you're ignorant or a liar. Trump and you happen to be both.

You've been saying that for over 2 years.

I thought his term was four years? hmmmmmm premature ejaculation eh?
Sure...this is why the House is talking about funding the wall with taxpayer money. They don't believe him either.

Ask Trump...he's the one who said it

Again, he is winning? I gave you who he's already got on board. are you be silly?

Are you be silly? Try English next time.

Nobody is on board. We're bailing out farmers, our markets are falling, and Inflation is rising.
Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

hate is all they have....

"fuk you snowflake" is the reason they voted for trump....

Trump and his support is about one thing; "sticking it" to someone. That is it. The Tariffs are the most obvious example of this. If solving a major economic problem be it unemployment or growth was as easy as taxing imports, previous presidents would have done it. There are very few votes in foreign policy and they are always a convenient prop for any politician. Now, you either have to believe that every President since McKinley was just ignorant of economics and Trump is the only one who saw what others missed or you have to believe that there was a good reason to not slap a tax on imports. Trump is an Idiot according to his own chief of staff and has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader according to his Defense Secretary. So it's a good possibility that the tariffs are being done for another reason. I think it is that he and his base like inflicting pain on others.
The Democrats have been sticking it to everyone for decades. They are pissed and having a meltdown that Trump was elected by the people not picked by the Democratic party and that Trump is liberating America while making it great again.


"Trump was elected by the people "

he LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million....

cons are bad at math....
Taking your 'logic' a little further...subtract the illegal vote and Trump wins the popular vote easily. In case you weren't aware, illegals aren't legally allowed to vote. It has been this way since 1787. Secondly, the popular vote has not been the determining factor since 1787. Please get informed.

Additionally..since the popular vote has NEVER been the requirement for winning the office, citing it makes you a dummy and a dupe of the ruling class.
Oh? Let’s see your proof that more than 3 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary...
hate is all they have....

"fuk you snowflake" is the reason they voted for trump....

Trump and his support is about one thing; "sticking it" to someone. That is it. The Tariffs are the most obvious example of this. If solving a major economic problem be it unemployment or growth was as easy as taxing imports, previous presidents would have done it. There are very few votes in foreign policy and they are always a convenient prop for any politician. Now, you either have to believe that every President since McKinley was just ignorant of economics and Trump is the only one who saw what others missed or you have to believe that there was a good reason to not slap a tax on imports. Trump is an Idiot according to his own chief of staff and has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader according to his Defense Secretary. So it's a good possibility that the tariffs are being done for another reason. I think it is that he and his base like inflicting pain on others.
The Democrats have been sticking it to everyone for decades. They are pissed and having a meltdown that Trump was elected by the people not picked by the Democratic party and that Trump is liberating America while making it great again.


"Trump was elected by the people "

he LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million....

cons are bad at math....
Taking your 'logic' a little further...subtract the illegal vote and Trump wins the popular vote easily. In case you weren't aware, illegals aren't legally allowed to vote. It has been this way since 1787. Secondly, the popular vote has not been the determining factor since 1787. Please get informed.

Additionally..since the popular vote has NEVER been the requirement for winning the office, citing it makes you a dummy and a dupe of the ruling class.
Oh? Let’s see your proof that more than 3 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary...
Just google illegal vote California. You will have weed through the leftist hits, before finding accurate information.
Trump and his support is about one thing; "sticking it" to someone. That is it. The Tariffs are the most obvious example of this. If solving a major economic problem be it unemployment or growth was as easy as taxing imports, previous presidents would have done it. There are very few votes in foreign policy and they are always a convenient prop for any politician. Now, you either have to believe that every President since McKinley was just ignorant of economics and Trump is the only one who saw what others missed or you have to believe that there was a good reason to not slap a tax on imports. Trump is an Idiot according to his own chief of staff and has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader according to his Defense Secretary. So it's a good possibility that the tariffs are being done for another reason. I think it is that he and his base like inflicting pain on others.
The Democrats have been sticking it to everyone for decades. They are pissed and having a meltdown that Trump was elected by the people not picked by the Democratic party and that Trump is liberating America while making it great again.


"Trump was elected by the people "

he LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million....

cons are bad at math....
Taking your 'logic' a little further...subtract the illegal vote and Trump wins the popular vote easily. In case you weren't aware, illegals aren't legally allowed to vote. It has been this way since 1787. Secondly, the popular vote has not been the determining factor since 1787. Please get informed.

Additionally..since the popular vote has NEVER been the requirement for winning the office, citing it makes you a dummy and a dupe of the ruling class.
Oh? Let’s see your proof that more than 3 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary...
Just google illegal vote California. You will have weed through the leftist hits, before finding accurate information.
Nah, I don’t have to do shit if you’re incapable of proving your bullshit isn’t bullshit.
HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.

This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.

The Supreme Court is the same as it was...5 conservatives and 4 Liberals.

So you are such a derp that you think Kennedy was a conservative? I guess you never looked at his voting record. If you think Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are no more conservative than Scalia and Kennedy, you got another thing coming, Bud. At BEST, Kennedy was a middle-man.

His voting record reveals he voted with conservatives more than 70% of the time in close cases that leaned right.

Is all your research so faulty? Kennedy (green line) was about as much dead center as you can get.

The Democrats have been sticking it to everyone for decades. They are pissed and having a meltdown that Trump was elected by the people not picked by the Democratic party and that Trump is liberating America while making it great again.


"Trump was elected by the people "

he LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million....

cons are bad at math....
Taking your 'logic' a little further...subtract the illegal vote and Trump wins the popular vote easily. In case you weren't aware, illegals aren't legally allowed to vote. It has been this way since 1787. Secondly, the popular vote has not been the determining factor since 1787. Please get informed.

Additionally..since the popular vote has NEVER been the requirement for winning the office, citing it makes you a dummy and a dupe of the ruling class.
Oh? Let’s see your proof that more than 3 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary...
Just google illegal vote California. You will have weed through the leftist hits, before finding accurate information.
Nah, I don’t have to do shit if you’re incapable of proving your bullshit isn’t bullshit.
It is difficult to get to the truth on this issue and others that the DNCMSM has no interest in. If you only believe what the D Party tells you about illegals voting, you won’t get to the facts.

Maybe is will help.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
Last edited:
"Trump was elected by the people "

he LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million....

cons are bad at math....
Taking your 'logic' a little further...subtract the illegal vote and Trump wins the popular vote easily. In case you weren't aware, illegals aren't legally allowed to vote. It has been this way since 1787. Secondly, the popular vote has not been the determining factor since 1787. Please get informed.

Additionally..since the popular vote has NEVER been the requirement for winning the office, citing it makes you a dummy and a dupe of the ruling class.
Oh? Let’s see your proof that more than 3 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary...
Just google illegal vote California. You will have weed through the leftist hits, before finding accurate information.
Nah, I don’t have to do shit if you’re incapable of proving your bullshit isn’t bullshit.
It is difficult to get to the truth on this issue and others that the DNCMSM has no interest in. If you only believe what the D Party tells you about illegals voting, you won’t get to the facts.

Maybe is will help.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
That doesn’t help as it’s based on flawed data. The Harvard/YouGov data was based on unscientific non-probability polling. That in itself is a major handicap. Even worse, there are inconsistencies which cannot be overcome where they polled the same respondents every 2 years and were given different answers to the same question. That question was, are you a citizen; and there were numerous instances where respondents answered ‘yes’ in one year, but then ‘no’ when polled 2 years later.

Another serious flaw was the small sample of respondents who identified themselves as being an illegal alien. The smaller the sample, the less reliable the polling. Just Facts’ exasperated that flaw by extrapolating the results to the full number of illegal aliens in the country, which only explodes the margin of error. Even worse for Just Facts’, they ignored the actual “official” number of illegal aliens in the country and made up their own number; greatly increasing the size of those they claim voted illegally.

And then one must overcome that their entire approach was flawed from the start as they only considered two camps...

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.

... but there’s a third camp... those who say it happens, but negligibly.

And where it all falls apart for you is that only a couple of illegal aliens have been caught. It’s inconceivable that nearly 6 million illegal aliens, roughly ½ of the illegal population in the U.S., have been able to avoid detection for decades.
Taking your 'logic' a little further...subtract the illegal vote and Trump wins the popular vote easily. In case you weren't aware, illegals aren't legally allowed to vote. It has been this way since 1787. Secondly, the popular vote has not been the determining factor since 1787. Please get informed.

Additionally..since the popular vote has NEVER been the requirement for winning the office, citing it makes you a dummy and a dupe of the ruling class.
Oh? Let’s see your proof that more than 3 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary...
Just google illegal vote California. You will have weed through the leftist hits, before finding accurate information.
Nah, I don’t have to do shit if you’re incapable of proving your bullshit isn’t bullshit.
It is difficult to get to the truth on this issue and others that the DNCMSM has no interest in. If you only believe what the D Party tells you about illegals voting, you won’t get to the facts.

Maybe is will help.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
That doesn’t help as it’s based on flawed data. The Harvard/YouGov data was based on unscientific non-probability polling. That in itself is a major handicap. Even worse, there are inconsistencies which cannot be overcome where they polled the same respondents every 2 years and were given different answers to the same question. That question was, are you a citizen; and there were numerous instances where respondents answered ‘yes’ in one year, but then ‘no’ when polled 2 years later.

Another serious flaw was the small sample of respondents who identified themselves as being an illegal alien. The smaller the sample, the less reliable the polling. Just Facts’ exasperated that flaw by extrapolating the results to the full number of illegal aliens in the country, which only explodes the margin of error. Even worse for Just Facts’, they ignored the actual “official” number of illegal aliens in the country and made up their own number; greatly increasing the size of those they claim voted illegally.

And then one must overcome that their entire approach was flawed from the start as they only considered two camps...

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.

... but there’s a third camp... those who say it happens, but negligibly.

And where it all falls apart for you is that only a couple of illegal aliens have been caught. It’s inconceivable that nearly 6 million illegal aliens, roughly ½ of the illegal population in the U.S., have been able to avoid detection for decades.
There is likely much more than 12 million illegals in the country. The DNCMSM has been citing that number for years, while millions more pour in.

Who wants more illegals in the nation? The ruling class does. The party of the ruling class is the D party. The DNCMSM colludes with both, so we can’t expect the truth from them.
Taking your 'logic' a little further...subtract the illegal vote and Trump wins the popular vote easily. In case you weren't aware, illegals aren't legally allowed to vote. It has been this way since 1787. Secondly, the popular vote has not been the determining factor since 1787. Please get informed.

Additionally..since the popular vote has NEVER been the requirement for winning the office, citing it makes you a dummy and a dupe of the ruling class.
Oh? Let’s see your proof that more than 3 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary...
Just google illegal vote California. You will have weed through the leftist hits, before finding accurate information.
Nah, I don’t have to do shit if you’re incapable of proving your bullshit isn’t bullshit.
It is difficult to get to the truth on this issue and others that the DNCMSM has no interest in. If you only believe what the D Party tells you about illegals voting, you won’t get to the facts.

Maybe is will help.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
That doesn’t help as it’s based on flawed data. The Harvard/YouGov data was based on unscientific non-probability polling. That in itself is a major handicap. Even worse, there are inconsistencies which cannot be overcome where they polled the same respondents every 2 years and were given different answers to the same question. That question was, are you a citizen; and there were numerous instances where respondents answered ‘yes’ in one year, but then ‘no’ when polled 2 years later.

Another serious flaw was the small sample of respondents who identified themselves as being an illegal alien. The smaller the sample, the less reliable the polling. Just Facts’ exasperated that flaw by extrapolating the results to the full number of illegal aliens in the country, which only explodes the margin of error. Even worse for Just Facts’, they ignored the actual “official” number of illegal aliens in the country and made up their own number; greatly increasing the size of those they claim voted illegally.

And then one must overcome that their entire approach was flawed from the start as they only considered two camps...

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.

... but there’s a third camp... those who say it happens, but negligibly.

And where it all falls apart for you is that only a couple of illegal aliens have been caught. It’s inconceivable that nearly 6 million illegal aliens, roughly ½ of the illegal population in the U.S., have been able to avoid detection for decades.

Very true.

Full disclosure; I’m 100% for voter ID as long as it’s free. By that I mean a standardized national voter registration card with a photograph and possibly biometric. Most colleges have had this technology to make quick and cheap ID cards for 3 decades now. We can do the same for voters. Make it free. Make it standardized so the Whig Party elders who inevitably work the polling places are not confused between Drivers licenses, gun licenses, military IDs, ID cards etc… And if you don’t have it, you have a provisional ballot and it isn’t counted until you produce it.

I am for it because it is an easy and cheap way to make our election process as sterile as possible. If the Democrats, Greens, Republicans, etc… are upset that it will hurt their constituency and their voters can’t muster the chutzpah to get the necessary credentials to vote…too f’ing bad. Fraud is not widespread enough to warrant the cards. The want to have a sterile process carries the day in my opinion.

Now; back to your post.

The looney stupidity of the right wing gipper and others in this realm is really something to behold. I mean seriously, this is the zenith of right wing stupidity and these folks should be ashamed when they try to throw this shit out there about illegal aliens. In the first place, US registered voters vote at a clip of 4-5 out of 10. Unless you want to try to make the silly argument that illegals are more public spirited than the average US voter, you would have to make the educated guess that 4-5 out of 10 of the illegals would show up if there were no other debilitating factors such as, oh, arrest, deportation, fines, having your kids ripped from their mother’s arms by a sadistic orange pervert in the White House….

Incredibly few illegals vote. The attempt to inflate the numbers is as stupid as it is sad.
Oh? Let’s see your proof that more than 3 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary...
Just google illegal vote California. You will have weed through the leftist hits, before finding accurate information.
Nah, I don’t have to do shit if you’re incapable of proving your bullshit isn’t bullshit.
It is difficult to get to the truth on this issue and others that the DNCMSM has no interest in. If you only believe what the D Party tells you about illegals voting, you won’t get to the facts.

Maybe is will help.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
That doesn’t help as it’s based on flawed data. The Harvard/YouGov data was based on unscientific non-probability polling. That in itself is a major handicap. Even worse, there are inconsistencies which cannot be overcome where they polled the same respondents every 2 years and were given different answers to the same question. That question was, are you a citizen; and there were numerous instances where respondents answered ‘yes’ in one year, but then ‘no’ when polled 2 years later.

Another serious flaw was the small sample of respondents who identified themselves as being an illegal alien. The smaller the sample, the less reliable the polling. Just Facts’ exasperated that flaw by extrapolating the results to the full number of illegal aliens in the country, which only explodes the margin of error. Even worse for Just Facts’, they ignored the actual “official” number of illegal aliens in the country and made up their own number; greatly increasing the size of those they claim voted illegally.

And then one must overcome that their entire approach was flawed from the start as they only considered two camps...

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.

... but there’s a third camp... those who say it happens, but negligibly.

And where it all falls apart for you is that only a couple of illegal aliens have been caught. It’s inconceivable that nearly 6 million illegal aliens, roughly ½ of the illegal population in the U.S., have been able to avoid detection for decades.

Very true.

Full disclosure; I’m 100% for voter ID as long as it’s free. By that I mean a standardized national voter registration card with a photograph and possibly biometric. Most colleges have had this technology to make quick and cheap ID cards for 3 decades now. We can do the same for voters. Make it free. Make it standardized so the Whig Party elders who inevitably work the polling places are not confused between Drivers licenses, gun licenses, military IDs, ID cards etc… And if you don’t have it, you have a provisional ballot and it isn’t counted until you produce it.

I am for it because it is an easy and cheap way to make our election process as sterile as possible. If the Democrats, Greens, Republicans, etc… are upset that it will hurt their constituency and their voters can’t muster the chutzpah to get the necessary credentials to vote…too f’ing bad. Fraud is not widespread enough to warrant the cards. The want to have a sterile process carries the day in my opinion.

Now; back to your post.

The looney stupidity of the right wing gipper and others in this realm is really something to behold. I mean seriously, this is the zenith of right wing stupidity and these folks should be ashamed when they try to throw this shit out there about illegal aliens. In the first place, US registered voters vote at a clip of 4-5 out of 10. Unless you want to try to make the silly argument that illegals are more public spirited than the average US voter, you would have to make the educated guess that 4-5 out of 10 of the illegals would show up if there were no other debilitating factors such as, oh, arrest, deportation, fines, having your kids ripped from their mother’s arms by a sadistic orange pervert in the White House….

Incredibly few illegals vote. The attempt to inflate the numbers is as stupid as it is sad.
It is absurd to believe illegals don’t vote. We know the Left with Soros money, rounds people up and takes them to the polls. We also know that several blue states operate as sanctuary states, including many large cities. Many of these blue states do not require identification to vote. And we know the left’s motto has always been the ends justifiy the means.

Just put 2 and 2 together. You guys are good at this regarding Trump. Just apply it to this subject. It’s not hard.

At any rate it’s meaningless, since the popular vote has never been the determining factor since 1787.
It is absurd to believe illegals don’t vote.

It's absurd to believe they do. Seriously, if you were in a country illegally - would you march down to the court house and vote? Or would you lay low and hope no one noticed you?
Oh? Let’s see your proof that more than 3 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary...
Just google illegal vote California. You will have weed through the leftist hits, before finding accurate information.
Nah, I don’t have to do shit if you’re incapable of proving your bullshit isn’t bullshit.
It is difficult to get to the truth on this issue and others that the DNCMSM has no interest in. If you only believe what the D Party tells you about illegals voting, you won’t get to the facts.

Maybe is will help.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
That doesn’t help as it’s based on flawed data. The Harvard/YouGov data was based on unscientific non-probability polling. That in itself is a major handicap. Even worse, there are inconsistencies which cannot be overcome where they polled the same respondents every 2 years and were given different answers to the same question. That question was, are you a citizen; and there were numerous instances where respondents answered ‘yes’ in one year, but then ‘no’ when polled 2 years later.

Another serious flaw was the small sample of respondents who identified themselves as being an illegal alien. The smaller the sample, the less reliable the polling. Just Facts’ exasperated that flaw by extrapolating the results to the full number of illegal aliens in the country, which only explodes the margin of error. Even worse for Just Facts’, they ignored the actual “official” number of illegal aliens in the country and made up their own number; greatly increasing the size of those they claim voted illegally.

And then one must overcome that their entire approach was flawed from the start as they only considered two camps...

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.

... but there’s a third camp... those who say it happens, but negligibly.

And where it all falls apart for you is that only a couple of illegal aliens have been caught. It’s inconceivable that nearly 6 million illegal aliens, roughly ½ of the illegal population in the U.S., have been able to avoid detection for decades.
There is likely much more than 12 million illegals in the country. The DNCMSM has been citing that number for years, while millions more pour in.

Who wants more illegals in the nation? The ruling class does. The party of the ruling class is the D party. The DNCMSM colludes with both, so we can’t expect the truth from them.
The number hasn’t increased much because it decreased during the recession years and Obama and Trump have been reporting them.
Just google illegal vote California. You will have weed through the leftist hits, before finding accurate information.
Nah, I don’t have to do shit if you’re incapable of proving your bullshit isn’t bullshit.
It is difficult to get to the truth on this issue and others that the DNCMSM has no interest in. If you only believe what the D Party tells you about illegals voting, you won’t get to the facts.

Maybe is will help.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
That doesn’t help as it’s based on flawed data. The Harvard/YouGov data was based on unscientific non-probability polling. That in itself is a major handicap. Even worse, there are inconsistencies which cannot be overcome where they polled the same respondents every 2 years and were given different answers to the same question. That question was, are you a citizen; and there were numerous instances where respondents answered ‘yes’ in one year, but then ‘no’ when polled 2 years later.

Another serious flaw was the small sample of respondents who identified themselves as being an illegal alien. The smaller the sample, the less reliable the polling. Just Facts’ exasperated that flaw by extrapolating the results to the full number of illegal aliens in the country, which only explodes the margin of error. Even worse for Just Facts’, they ignored the actual “official” number of illegal aliens in the country and made up their own number; greatly increasing the size of those they claim voted illegally.

And then one must overcome that their entire approach was flawed from the start as they only considered two camps...

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.

... but there’s a third camp... those who say it happens, but negligibly.

And where it all falls apart for you is that only a couple of illegal aliens have been caught. It’s inconceivable that nearly 6 million illegal aliens, roughly ½ of the illegal population in the U.S., have been able to avoid detection for decades.

Very true.

Full disclosure; I’m 100% for voter ID as long as it’s free. By that I mean a standardized national voter registration card with a photograph and possibly biometric. Most colleges have had this technology to make quick and cheap ID cards for 3 decades now. We can do the same for voters. Make it free. Make it standardized so the Whig Party elders who inevitably work the polling places are not confused between Drivers licenses, gun licenses, military IDs, ID cards etc… And if you don’t have it, you have a provisional ballot and it isn’t counted until you produce it.

I am for it because it is an easy and cheap way to make our election process as sterile as possible. If the Democrats, Greens, Republicans, etc… are upset that it will hurt their constituency and their voters can’t muster the chutzpah to get the necessary credentials to vote…too f’ing bad. Fraud is not widespread enough to warrant the cards. The want to have a sterile process carries the day in my opinion.

Now; back to your post.

The looney stupidity of the right wing gipper and others in this realm is really something to behold. I mean seriously, this is the zenith of right wing stupidity and these folks should be ashamed when they try to throw this shit out there about illegal aliens. In the first place, US registered voters vote at a clip of 4-5 out of 10. Unless you want to try to make the silly argument that illegals are more public spirited than the average US voter, you would have to make the educated guess that 4-5 out of 10 of the illegals would show up if there were no other debilitating factors such as, oh, arrest, deportation, fines, having your kids ripped from their mother’s arms by a sadistic orange pervert in the White House….

Incredibly few illegals vote. The attempt to inflate the numbers is as stupid as it is sad.
It is absurd to believe illegals don’t vote. We know the Left with Soros money, rounds people up and takes them to the polls. We also know that several blue states operate as sanctuary states, including many large cities. Many of these blue states do not require identification to vote. And we know the left’s motto has always been the ends justifiy the means.

Just put 2 and 2 together. You guys are good at this regarding Trump. Just apply it to this subject. It’s not hard.

At any rate it’s meaningless, since the popular vote has never been the determining factor since 1787.
What’s absurd is that you believe some 6 million illegal aliens voted in the last election and only a few were noticed. :cuckoo:
Just google illegal vote California. You will have weed through the leftist hits, before finding accurate information.
Nah, I don’t have to do shit if you’re incapable of proving your bullshit isn’t bullshit.
It is difficult to get to the truth on this issue and others that the DNCMSM has no interest in. If you only believe what the D Party tells you about illegals voting, you won’t get to the facts.

Maybe is will help.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
That doesn’t help as it’s based on flawed data. The Harvard/YouGov data was based on unscientific non-probability polling. That in itself is a major handicap. Even worse, there are inconsistencies which cannot be overcome where they polled the same respondents every 2 years and were given different answers to the same question. That question was, are you a citizen; and there were numerous instances where respondents answered ‘yes’ in one year, but then ‘no’ when polled 2 years later.

Another serious flaw was the small sample of respondents who identified themselves as being an illegal alien. The smaller the sample, the less reliable the polling. Just Facts’ exasperated that flaw by extrapolating the results to the full number of illegal aliens in the country, which only explodes the margin of error. Even worse for Just Facts’, they ignored the actual “official” number of illegal aliens in the country and made up their own number; greatly increasing the size of those they claim voted illegally.

And then one must overcome that their entire approach was flawed from the start as they only considered two camps...

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.

... but there’s a third camp... those who say it happens, but negligibly.

And where it all falls apart for you is that only a couple of illegal aliens have been caught. It’s inconceivable that nearly 6 million illegal aliens, roughly ½ of the illegal population in the U.S., have been able to avoid detection for decades.
There is likely much more than 12 million illegals in the country. The DNCMSM has been citing that number for years, while millions more pour in.

Who wants more illegals in the nation? The ruling class does. The party of the ruling class is the D party. The DNCMSM colludes with both, so we can’t expect the truth from them.
The number hasn’t increased much because it decreased during the recession years and Obama and Trump have been reporting them.
I don’t think so. BO was happy to import them. Trainloads of them.

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