You Can Not Be Civil

There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.


The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

hate is all they have....

"fuk you snowflake" is the reason they voted for trump....
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.
She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.

The Supreme Court is the same as it was...5 conservatives and 4 Liberals.
She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.


is this another threat of violence?

is it a MENACING incitement to violence?

tell me, you have a mental list of liberals you plan to go medieval on?
She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.

gays are out and about everywhere!
in the military
in entertainment
in business
in politics

they are our friends and neighbors..
our brothers and sisters and children...

MOST Americans don't care about their sexuality anymore.....

Everyone has sex outside of marriage
especially trump

divorce is easy to get
most people are waiting longer before marrying
lots of people aren't even bothering to marry anymore

we just had a black president
and even conservatives would vote for a woman

interracial relationships
blacks and women and gays in prominent and powerful positions in the military, politics, business, entertainment

pot is being decriminalized all over the country!

welcome to VERY LIBERAL and PROGRESSIVE America.......(you'll hate it here.....)
There is no reason for Republicans to be civil toward Democrats. Nor, to treat them as human beings or even friendly dogs.

The time is now upon us after these fall elections are past us to out-uncivil the uncivil. Time to show the godless demonrat-bastards what being uncivil is REALLY all about.

You've already done that. You have to earn civility now.

That's chump change compared to the money wasted on Obungocare. We got lots of information on the Clintons and their corruption and lies. That knowledge is turning into political power. You may not be aware of this fact, but the democrats have been losing ground in this country for 10 years and it's getting worse. We know it's getting worse for democrats because they have resorted to calling for violence.
I jumped off a bridge because Johny did it. Lets just live by dumb fuck jc rules. JC the dumb fuck lives in nowhere land and sais clinton should be locked up. So lets put her in jail. Now evenflow the dumbfuck also living in nowhere land sais Trump should be locked up so lets put him in jail. John is whoville sais Kavenough should be locked up so we put him in jail. Meanwhile every one is pissed off and starts saying evenflow and JC should be locked up and we put them in jail. Now we are all in jail and no one is left to argue. Sounds like a great plan. Or we could just continue with innocent till proven guilty. Which option do you like best?
I like "innocent until proven guilty". I wish democrats would return to that concept. They can't. Anyone that is pro life is automatically guilty.
ya, I like innocent till proven guilty better to. I am a registered democrat by the way. I will make a deal with you lets not chant lock them up. Let the prosecuters and cops do that it is thier job. I will wait till a jury verdict to decide if it is right or not. Untill found guilty by our peers we are all still citizens. I will bitch at any one regardless of party for determining guilt with out a trial.
I'm not going to tell people what they can or can't say. I will agree with you to not resort to violence. I will agree with you to back up charges with proof.
You have earned some respect from me on this thread. Maybe little by little we can forge a new era where we take each issue one by one and not be only about party. There was a time the parties fought each other with respect and even united on some things.

Very true--our government no longer functions properly because of this divide created by 24 hour cable news. Political soap box opera's everywhere, filled with 1/2 truths, which leads to misconceptions, and NO ONE reads the news anymore. The best bill is when Democrats & Republicans walk away knowing they both left something on the table.

That's how government is supposed to work. It's not this--(my way or the high way bullshit that's been going on since 2010.)
She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.


The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

hate is all they have....

"fuk you snowflake" is the reason they voted for trump....

I would still like to know what snowflake means. I have seen liberals call conservatives that, and conservatives call liberals that--:auiqs.jpg:

As a former Republican (moderate) I was called a RINO by conservatives, and they're to stupid to realise they just elected a RINO--lol.

This is one of the funniest articles that I can relate to. Worth reading if you want a good laugh
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not
Last edited:
you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.


is this another threat of violence?

is it a MENACING incitement to violence?

tell me, you have a mental list of liberals you plan to go medieval on?

Nope. Just the expectation that conservatives have grown so weary of your type after the past 8 years of insults and political oppression that they are ready to start giving it back as much as it has been given to them by the Left for years and years. BTW, I guess you were too stupid to realize that was a phrase taken from a Bruce Willis movie, Pulp Fiction.

Funny to hear the Left, masters of threats and violence, from colleges rioting against speakers to shooting unarmed congressmen at a distance on a baseball field to threatening the innocent family of a judge and trying to assassinate his character with a line-up of paid trollops to using the IRS to oppress GOP candidate support groups to steal an election should now be worried about their victims retaliating. I guess your type think its OK only so long as you give and don't get.

But then you put an angry orange tiger in the White House.

Well, with Trump in office, a new AG coming and now two new Justices on the SC and a third on the way, one which you just tried to disembowel over his personal politics, and the GOP either holding onto and gaining many seats next month, it could be bad times ahead. Yes sir. Bad times ahead.

I think Trump is ready to shift out of first gear.
you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.

This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.

The Supreme Court is the same as it was...5 conservatives and 4 Liberals.

So you are such a derp that you think Kennedy was a conservative? I guess you never looked at his voting record. If you think Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are no more conservative than Scalia and Kennedy, you got another thing coming, Bud. At BEST, Kennedy was a middle-man.
you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.

The Supreme Court is the same as it was...5 conservatives and 4 Liberals.

You call Roberts a conservative?

There is no reason for Republicans to be civil toward Democrats. Nor, to treat them as human beings or even friendly dogs.

The time is now upon us after these fall elections are past us to out-uncivil the uncivil. Time to show the godless demonrat-bastards what being uncivil is REALLY all about.

You've already done that. You have to earn civility now.

WRONG, Cookie-Breath, YOU did it. And when the Trump generation is done with your asses, you'll be the one begging for civility, not giving it. We don't want your civility. We don't want what you haven't got to give anyone anyway. You seem to forget, Trump is the counter-puncher ---- he always gives back 5X what he has been given. Remember that when you think back to 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. Sucks to be you.

She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.


The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

hate is all they have....

"fuk you snowflake" is the reason they voted for trump....

Trump and his support is about one thing; "sticking it" to someone. That is it. The Tariffs are the most obvious example of this. If solving a major economic problem be it unemployment or growth was as easy as taxing imports, previous presidents would have done it. There are very few votes in foreign policy and they are always a convenient prop for any politician. Now, you either have to believe that every President since McKinley was just ignorant of economics and Trump is the only one who saw what others missed or you have to believe that there was a good reason to not slap a tax on imports. Trump is an Idiot according to his own chief of staff and has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader according to his Defense Secretary. So it's a good possibility that the tariffs are being done for another reason. I think it is that he and his base like inflicting pain on others.
you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.

gays are out and about everywhere!
in the military
in entertainment
in business
in politics

they are our friends and neighbors..
our brothers and sisters and children...

MOST Americans don't care about their sexuality anymore.....

Everyone has sex outside of marriage
especially trump

divorce is easy to get
most people are waiting longer before marrying
lots of people aren't even bothering to marry anymore

we just had a black president
and even conservatives would vote for a woman

interracial relationships
blacks and women and gays in prominent and powerful positions in the military, politics, business, entertainment

pot is being decriminalized all over the country!

welcome to VERY LIBERAL and PROGRESSIVE America.......(you'll hate it here.....)

Welcome to the very socially and politically divided America where we excell at despising one another. Liberals call that an improvement.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.

This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.

The Supreme Court is the same as it was...5 conservatives and 4 Liberals.

So you are such a derp that you think Kennedy was a conservative? I guess you never looked at his voting record. If you think Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are no more conservative than Scalia and Kennedy, you got another thing coming, Bud. At BEST, Kennedy was a middle-man.

His voting record reveals he voted with conservatives more than 70% of the time in close cases that leaned right.
Violence? Lol. Who said anything about violence?

There are other ways of being uncivil, that doesn't involve violence.

When Trump supporters and Republicans start showing some civility, then maybe I'll think about being civil towards them.
wish the left would find them.

right now we're in a bullshit stalemate as each side blames the other and never sees their own actions falling under what they themselves want changed from the other side.
ice, I'm not sure what you think happens in a political fight. one side says one thing, the other side says something else. why is that so obnoxious to you?

For me, I want them to at least talk in factual statements. The GOP is much much more honest in their talk. that is just a fact.

Really. Have you seen the check from Mexico to pay for the border wall?

Do you think Trade Wars are easy to win?

Yesterday the blob called Democrats the party of crime; as 5 of his campaign/admin officials have pled or been found guilty of felonies.
how does 5 repubs found guilty have anything to do with the criminal behavior of demoRats? please, that's just stupid.
It doesn't. However when the guy who hired them accuses others of being criminals it sounds as stupid as he is.

Mexico will pay. Not to worry.
You've been saying that for over 2 years. Are you just delusional or are you lying again?

Trade wars are not easy to win. why do you think they would be?
Ask Trump...he's the one who said it.

Trump tweets: 'Trade wars are good, and easy to win' | Reuters

Trump has prevailed on three battles so far, the war is with China. that is still ongoing. China is suffering because of it. Their behavior has to stop.

Really? Which ones were those?
It doesn't.,

Then why post it? one doesn't have shit to do with the other. thanks for admitting it.

You've been saying that for over 2 years.

I thought his term was four years? hmmmmmm premature ejaculation eh?

Ask Trump...he's the one who said it

Again, he is winning? I gave you who he's already got on board. are you be silly?
you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.


The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

hate is all they have....

"fuk you snowflake" is the reason they voted for trump....

Trump and his support is about one thing; "sticking it" to someone. That is it. The Tariffs are the most obvious example of this. If solving a major economic problem be it unemployment or growth was as easy as taxing imports, previous presidents would have done it. There are very few votes in foreign policy and they are always a convenient prop for any politician. Now, you either have to believe that every President since McKinley was just ignorant of economics and Trump is the only one who saw what others missed or you have to believe that there was a good reason to not slap a tax on imports. Trump is an Idiot according to his own chief of staff and has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader according to his Defense Secretary. So it's a good possibility that the tariffs are being done for another reason. I think it is that he and his base like inflicting pain on others.

The Democrats have been sticking it to everyone for decades. They are pissed and having a meltdown that Trump was elected by the people not picked by the Democratic party and that Trump is liberating America while making it great again.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.


is this another threat of violence?

is it a MENACING incitement to violence?

tell me, you have a mental list of liberals you plan to go medieval on?

projection, nice job.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.

This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.

The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

You forgot the Supreme Court too. Never mind the Great Red Wave, there is a rising wave of renewed conservatism on this nation after seeing what the Democrats are really all about and conservatives are behind every rock and bush getting ready to go all medieval on your sorry asses.

The Supreme Court is the same as it was...5 conservatives and 4 Liberals.

So you are such a derp that you think Kennedy was a conservative? I guess you never looked at his voting record. If you think Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are no more conservative than Scalia and Kennedy, you got another thing coming, Bud. At BEST, Kennedy was a middle-man.

I'd have asked that poster, well if they are no different why didn't but one demoloser vote for them both? And why the angst against both?

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