You Can Not Be Civil

So? If you don't like people standing up for themselves, then I suggest you start speaking out about the left advocating violence to the right.

I already DO speak out against LEFTIST violence.


now.....will you do the same for violence from the right? I bet not....
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?
Yes, that was violence. However, he acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob. The right doesn't gather to harass people.
BS Filter what evidence is there that the dude was someone on the right? anything? he came across country in his own car alone. he was not part of any protest. stop giving ground to these assholes. you're wrong.
He wasn't part of the protest? Then why was he there, from across the country? And if he wasn't from the right, why did he very intentionally plow into a group of leftist counter protesters with his car?
That Soros guy really gets around, between him Hillary & Obama Every thing wrong that ever happened is there fault, amazing how much power over you they have.
I already DO speak out against LEFTIST violence.


now.....will you do the same for violence from the right? I bet not....
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?
Yes, that was violence. However, he acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob. The right doesn't gather to harass people.
BS Filter what evidence is there that the dude was someone on the right? anything? he came across country in his own car alone. he was not part of any protest. stop giving ground to these assholes. you're wrong.
He wasn't part of the protest? Then why was he there, from across the country? And if he wasn't from the right, why did he very intentionally plow into a group of leftist counter protesters with his car?

is it possible that he lied....? a conservative would....I believe....
It is absurd to believe illegals don’t vote.

It's absurd to believe they do. Seriously, if you were in a country illegally - would you march down to the court house and vote? Or would you lay low and hope no one noticed you?
When Soros pays you, you vote.
Prove it. Prove any of the nonsense you are promoting. Prove Soros is paying illegal aliens to vote.... prove more than a few illegal aliens actually did vote....

All you’re armed with in this fight of yours is your imagination and your imagination is clearly deranged.
Nah, I don’t have to do shit if you’re incapable of proving your bullshit isn’t bullshit.
It is difficult to get to the truth on this issue and others that the DNCMSM has no interest in. If you only believe what the D Party tells you about illegals voting, you won’t get to the facts.

Maybe is will help.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
That doesn’t help as it’s based on flawed data. The Harvard/YouGov data was based on unscientific non-probability polling. That in itself is a major handicap. Even worse, there are inconsistencies which cannot be overcome where they polled the same respondents every 2 years and were given different answers to the same question. That question was, are you a citizen; and there were numerous instances where respondents answered ‘yes’ in one year, but then ‘no’ when polled 2 years later.

Another serious flaw was the small sample of respondents who identified themselves as being an illegal alien. The smaller the sample, the less reliable the polling. Just Facts’ exasperated that flaw by extrapolating the results to the full number of illegal aliens in the country, which only explodes the margin of error. Even worse for Just Facts’, they ignored the actual “official” number of illegal aliens in the country and made up their own number; greatly increasing the size of those they claim voted illegally.

And then one must overcome that their entire approach was flawed from the start as they only considered two camps...

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.

... but there’s a third camp... those who say it happens, but negligibly.

And where it all falls apart for you is that only a couple of illegal aliens have been caught. It’s inconceivable that nearly 6 million illegal aliens, roughly ½ of the illegal population in the U.S., have been able to avoid detection for decades.
There is likely much more than 12 million illegals in the country. The DNCMSM has been citing that number for years, while millions more pour in.

Who wants more illegals in the nation? The ruling class does. The party of the ruling class is the D party. The DNCMSM colludes with both, so we can’t expect the truth from them.
The number hasn’t increased much because it decreased during the recession years and Obama and Trump have been reporting them.
I don’t think so. BO was happy to import them. Trainloads of them.
ICE figures show otherwise where over 3 million were removed...

I already DO speak out against LEFTIST violence.


now.....will you do the same for violence from the right? I bet not....
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?
Yes, that was violence. However, he acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob. The right doesn't gather to harass people.
BS Filter what evidence is there that the dude was someone on the right? anything? he came across country in his own car alone. he was not part of any protest. stop giving ground to these assholes. you're wrong.
He wasn't part of the protest? Then why was he there, from across the country? And if he wasn't from the right, why did he very intentionally plow into a group of leftist counter protesters with his car?
He acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob like the left uses.
I already DO speak out against LEFTIST violence.


now.....will you do the same for violence from the right? I bet not....
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?
Yes, that was violence. However, he acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob. The right doesn't gather to harass people.
BS Filter what evidence is there that the dude was someone on the right? anything? he came across country in his own car alone. he was not part of any protest. stop giving ground to these assholes. you're wrong.
He wasn't part of the protest? Then why was he there, from across the country? And if he wasn't from the right, why did he very intentionally plow into a group of leftist counter protesters with his car?
He was driving a fking car. How many protesters drive cars in a protest. Show me one
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?
Yes, that was violence. However, he acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob. The right doesn't gather to harass people.
BS Filter what evidence is there that the dude was someone on the right? anything? he came across country in his own car alone. he was not part of any protest. stop giving ground to these assholes. you're wrong.
He wasn't part of the protest? Then why was he there, from across the country? And if he wasn't from the right, why did he very intentionally plow into a group of leftist counter protesters with his car?
He acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob like the left uses.
Old woman in the shoe thinks people drive cars in a protest!
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?
Yes, that was violence. However, he acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob. The right doesn't gather to harass people.
BS Filter what evidence is there that the dude was someone on the right? anything? he came across country in his own car alone. he was not part of any protest. stop giving ground to these assholes. you're wrong.
He wasn't part of the protest? Then why was he there, from across the country? And if he wasn't from the right, why did he very intentionally plow into a group of leftist counter protesters with his car?

is it possible that he lied....? a conservative would....I believe....
Why? When was the last car protest?
It is absurd to believe illegals don’t vote.

It's absurd to believe they do. Seriously, if you were in a country illegally - would you march down to the court house and vote? Or would you lay low and hope no one noticed you?
When Soros pays you, you vote.
You're evading. If you were in the country illegally, would you risk being arrested or deported, just to cast one vote out of millions? I sure wouldn't.
When I see the right initiate violence, I will speak out against it. The right doesn't initiate violence.

So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?
Yes, that was violence. However, he acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob. The right doesn't gather to harass people.
BS Filter what evidence is there that the dude was someone on the right? anything? he came across country in his own car alone. he was not part of any protest. stop giving ground to these assholes. you're wrong.
He wasn't part of the protest? Then why was he there, from across the country? And if he wasn't from the right, why did he very intentionally plow into a group of leftist counter protesters with his car?
He acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob like the left uses.

All of the bitter hated incited by Trump manifested itself in the actions of his ignorant followers first with the tiki torches shouting Nazi rhetoric and then with the vehicular homicide the next day. The tone you guys use on this board has gotten worse and worse as well. Taylor Swift the other day said something political; the first words out of you guy’s mouth was to call her a whore.
So the guy just got into his car and plowed into a bunch of protesters….but that wasn’t violence?
Yes, that was violence. However, he acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob. The right doesn't gather to harass people.
BS Filter what evidence is there that the dude was someone on the right? anything? he came across country in his own car alone. he was not part of any protest. stop giving ground to these assholes. you're wrong.
He wasn't part of the protest? Then why was he there, from across the country? And if he wasn't from the right, why did he very intentionally plow into a group of leftist counter protesters with his car?
He acted alone. He wasn't part of an organized mob like the left uses.

All of the bitter hated incited by Trump manifested itself in the actions of his ignorant followers first with the tiki torches shouting Nazi rhetoric and then with the vehicular homicide the next day. The tone you guys use on this board has gotten worse and worse as well. Taylor Swift the other day said something political; the first words out of you guy’s mouth was to call her a whore.
Oh, that's nothing. She's just an idiot celebrity. On the other hand, you guys send a paid operative to a congressional hearing to falsely accuse a good man with a spotless career of attempted rape 35 years ago without any corroborating witnesses. You all do real damage.
Being civil and accommodating only gets you kicked in the teeth by Republicans! Obama sent back more illegal immigrants than any other president and the "rightwing-nuts" still b!tched & kvetched about the border and him supposedly being lax! They're so FOS and you can't deal with these type of psychos! They see a distorted US no one else can see! :102: :321: :2cents:
Are you really that dumb ? Obama sent back next to NOBODY. His "sent back" count is the number of deportation orders filed. But those were all under CATCH & RELEASE. Rarely did any of those so-called "deportations" result in anyone being deported. They simply ignored the order to appear in court, and melted back into the US population.

Actually, Obama deported the LEAST of all presidents. MUCH less. His actual deportations (illegal aliens who actually left the US) were NEAR ZERO.

This is yet another example of he information-deprivation of liberals, as a result of being attached to their liberal OMISSION media. Ho hum.

A link would be great.
A link would be great.
No it wouldn't, because it is absolutely unnecessary. Only a mentally deficient is unaware of Obama's catch & release system (abolished recently by Trump), or an information-deprived liberal, attached to liberal OMISSION media.

Anybody who watches Fox News know that Obama (and Bush and Clinton before him) had a catch & release system, and how it worked.

You want a link that shows that fish can swim, too ?
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All of the bitter hated incited by Trump manifested itself in the actions of his ignorant followers first with the tiki torches shouting Nazi rhetoric and then with the vehicular homicide the next day. The tone you guys use on this board has gotten worse and worse as well. Taylor Swift the other day said something political; the first words out of you guy’s mouth was to call her a whore.

Leftist loons have caused riots and violence in multiple instances. They attack other protestors, cops, property, and block traffic, which is just what they were doing when THEY CAUSED the Charlottleville riot, by illegally blocking the street and march of legally permitted marchers, who were protesting the removal of a Robert E Lee statue.

Most of the marchers were not neo-Nazis, and I suspect many, if not most who appeared to be, were actually leftist agent provacateurs, ginning up issues for the leftist media to crow about.
There is no reason for Republicans to be civil toward Democrats. Nor, to treat them as human beings or even friendly dogs.

So you are saying that tens of millions of Democrats - including Democratic firefighters, soldiers and police officers - should be treated as less than human?
The libtards are all mentally bankrupt….

They are so frustrated that Trump has Rubbed his ass in their faces…

Trump has proven them all fools and this is their childish reaction….

The little pussy hat wearing libtards are throwing a fit…..

They need their ass SPANKED and TRUMP is giving it to “em”….

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'the libtards are all mentally bankrupt'?
The difference is that liberals are capable of civility, intellectual discussion, honest disagreement. I was a Kav supporter right up until he invoked the Clintons in his partisan address last week. I still think he will be a fair justice up until there are political overtones to a case. The outrage from my liberal colleagues was minimum. We regularly see what cons do to their own when they cross the aisle and it isn’t civil in the least.
"The difference is that liberals are capable of civility, intellectual discussion, honest disagreement."

They are? I haven't noticed.
The libtards are all mentally bankrupt….

They are so frustrated that Trump has Rubbed his ass in their faces…

Trump has proven them all fools and this is their childish reaction….

The little pussy hat wearing libtards are throwing a fit…..

They need their ass SPANKED and TRUMP is giving it to “em”….

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'the libtards are all mentally bankrupt'?
It's called "the internet."

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