You Can Not Be Civil

Total rubbish.


Who's been destroying private property?
Who's been shutting down public roads?
Who's been driving people out of restaurants?
Who's been assaulting people in the streets?
Who's been destroying public monuments?
Who's been harassing businesses for adhering to religious beliefs?
Whos doxxed GOP politicians and their families?
Who gunned down 5 cops in Dallas?
Who kidnapped a white, mentally disable teenager and tortured him live on Facebook while forcing him to say "Fuck Donald Trump"?
Who opened fire on a Congressional baseball game?

Oh that's right, fucking leftists. Sit down.

Who drove their car into a group of protestors, killing one and injuring a dozen others?
Who chants “lock her up” at rallies?
Who recommends “second amendment solutions”?
Who cheers when blacks are murdered by cops (protectionist)?
Who beat the shit out of Matthew Shepherd?
Who had a tiki torch parade chanting slogans from the Third Reich?
Who called them “very fine people”?

Oh that’s right, folks like yourself.

I grant there are sick fuckers of every political stripe. The difference is that folks who are conservatives cheer the grotesque behavior almost uniformly. Liberals are much more centered.

1) A shitlord drove his car into a group of protestors. ONE shitlord. It wasn't a hoard of them running around attacking everyone now was it?
2) Yes. Lock her up. Maybe nobody told you, but we tend to lock up criminals in this country.
3) The 2nd amendment is intrinsically a defense against government tyranny. Derp.
4) Are we talking about actual MURDERS or are you conflating it with justifiable homicide, like every other leftist?
5) You really had to reach for that one didn't you. That was TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO. Try harder. We're talking about the present.
6) About 200 knuckleheads from all over the country. Yes, after planning and organizing for months they got a whole 200 self proclaimed white supremacists to show up. Call me crazy but I'm hard pressed to think we're seeing the rise of the 4th Reich any time soon. Meanwhile literal communists are pouring out of our universities by the 10s of thousands. You know, that ideology that has killed enough people to make even Hitler blush and STILL holds over a BILLION people under it's thumb of oppression?
7) Like it or not, they have the same 1st Amendment rights as anyone else. They didn't harm or assault anyone. Offending your delicate sensibilities is not justification for suspension of civil rights, cupcake.
Kind of funny hillary is not in jail and several of Donald Trumps buddies are.
1) One shit lord shot up a baseball game
2) You chant lock her up but come up with zero evidence of any thing. Law of the land you have to prove guilt.
3)I guess the guy who shot up the baseball game feels the same way
4)He is talking murder. You know like the cop in Chicago that finally got what he deserved. Plenty on your side cheered the shooting and other extremely questionable shootings
5)Oklahoma City bomber fuck you and your time limits
6)Charlottsville had thousand of right wing loons show and disrupt every thing also there is the fact that right wing groups have committed more terrorist acts than islamists since 2008 Which ideology carries out more terror attacks?
7)No one was harm or assulted. One person was killed and massive amounts of people were assulted resulting in charges on four california men.
Trump's buddies did something illegal. Nothing with the investigation. But yes, Hitlery should be in jail. a fact is a fact. a crime is a crime.
Problem is you got no facts. Still america. Get some facts, have your day in court till then you are spouting shit. Keep telling me how Hillary is a criminal with abdsolutely no proof while others go to jail with proof.
I agree 100%. You can't be civil with people who think global warming is a hoax, constantly controlling women's bodies, pushes Muslimphobia, brown people phobia and xenophobia.
There it is in black and white.

Truly amazing.

They want violence and think it perfectly justified.

Violence? Lol. Who said anything about violence?

There are other ways of being uncivil, that doesn't involve violence.

When Trump supporters and Republicans start showing some civility, then maybe I'll think about being civil towards them.
wish the left would find them.

right now we're in a bullshit stalemate as each side blames the other and never sees their own actions falling under what they themselves want changed from the other side.
ice, I'm not sure what you think happens in a political fight. one side says one thing, the other side says something else. why is that so obnoxious to you?

For me, I want them to at least talk in factual statements. The GOP is much much more honest in their talk. that is just a fact.

Really. Have you seen the check from Mexico to pay for the border wall?

Do you think Trade Wars are easy to win?

Yesterday the blob called Democrats the party of crime; as 5 of his campaign/admin officials have pled or been found guilty of felonies.

Who's been destroying private property?
Who's been shutting down public roads?
Who's been driving people out of restaurants?
Who's been assaulting people in the streets?
Who's been destroying public monuments?
Who's been harassing businesses for adhering to religious beliefs?
Whos doxxed GOP politicians and their families?
Who gunned down 5 cops in Dallas?
Who kidnapped a white, mentally disable teenager and tortured him live on Facebook while forcing him to say "Fuck Donald Trump"?
Who opened fire on a Congressional baseball game?

Oh that's right, fucking leftists. Sit down.

Who drove their car into a group of protestors, killing one and injuring a dozen others?
Who chants “lock her up” at rallies?
Who recommends “second amendment solutions”?
Who cheers when blacks are murdered by cops (protectionist)?
Who beat the shit out of Matthew Shepherd?
Who had a tiki torch parade chanting slogans from the Third Reich?
Who called them “very fine people”?

Oh that’s right, folks like yourself.

I grant there are sick fuckers of every political stripe. The difference is that folks who are conservatives cheer the grotesque behavior almost uniformly. Liberals are much more centered.

1) A shitlord drove his car into a group of protestors. ONE shitlord. It wasn't a hoard of them running around attacking everyone now was it?
2) Yes. Lock her up. Maybe nobody told you, but we tend to lock up criminals in this country.
3) The 2nd amendment is intrinsically a defense against government tyranny. Derp.
4) Are we talking about actual MURDERS or are you conflating it with justifiable homicide, like every other leftist?
5) You really had to reach for that one didn't you. That was TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO. Try harder. We're talking about the present.
6) About 200 knuckleheads from all over the country. Yes, after planning and organizing for months they got a whole 200 self proclaimed white supremacists to show up. Call me crazy but I'm hard pressed to think we're seeing the rise of the 4th Reich any time soon. Meanwhile literal communists are pouring out of our universities by the 10s of thousands. You know, that ideology that has killed enough people to make even Hitler blush and STILL holds over a BILLION people under it's thumb of oppression?
7) Like it or not, they have the same 1st Amendment rights as anyone else. They didn't harm or assault anyone. Offending your delicate sensibilities is not justification for suspension of civil rights, cupcake.
Kind of funny hillary is not in jail and several of Donald Trumps buddies are.
1) One shit lord shot up a baseball game
2) You chant lock her up but come up with zero evidence of any thing. Law of the land you have to prove guilt.
3)I guess the guy who shot up the baseball game feels the same way
4)He is talking murder. You know like the cop in Chicago that finally got what he deserved. Plenty on your side cheered the shooting and other extremely questionable shootings
5)Oklahoma City bomber fuck you and your time limits
6)Charlottsville had thousand of right wing loons show and disrupt every thing also there is the fact that right wing groups have committed more terrorist acts than islamists since 2008 Which ideology carries out more terror attacks?
7)No one was harm or assulted. One person was killed and massive amounts of people were assulted resulting in charges on four california men.
Trump's buddies did something illegal. Nothing with the investigation. But yes, Hitlery should be in jail. a fact is a fact. a crime is a crime.
Problem is you got no facts. Still america. Get some facts, have your day in court till then you are spouting shit. Keep telling me how Hillary is a criminal with abdsolutely no proof while others go to jail with proof.
so you're saying none of that happened? hahahahahaha all talk bubba, that's all you are.
Who drove their car into a group of protestors, killing one and injuring a dozen others?
Who chants “lock her up” at rallies?
Who recommends “second amendment solutions”?
Who cheers when blacks are murdered by cops (protectionist)?
Who beat the shit out of Matthew Shepherd?
Who had a tiki torch parade chanting slogans from the Third Reich?
Who called them “very fine people”?

Oh that’s right, folks like yourself.

I grant there are sick fuckers of every political stripe. The difference is that folks who are conservatives cheer the grotesque behavior almost uniformly. Liberals are much more centered.

1) A shitlord drove his car into a group of protestors. ONE shitlord. It wasn't a hoard of them running around attacking everyone now was it?
2) Yes. Lock her up. Maybe nobody told you, but we tend to lock up criminals in this country.
3) The 2nd amendment is intrinsically a defense against government tyranny. Derp.
4) Are we talking about actual MURDERS or are you conflating it with justifiable homicide, like every other leftist?
5) You really had to reach for that one didn't you. That was TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO. Try harder. We're talking about the present.
6) About 200 knuckleheads from all over the country. Yes, after planning and organizing for months they got a whole 200 self proclaimed white supremacists to show up. Call me crazy but I'm hard pressed to think we're seeing the rise of the 4th Reich any time soon. Meanwhile literal communists are pouring out of our universities by the 10s of thousands. You know, that ideology that has killed enough people to make even Hitler blush and STILL holds over a BILLION people under it's thumb of oppression?
7) Like it or not, they have the same 1st Amendment rights as anyone else. They didn't harm or assault anyone. Offending your delicate sensibilities is not justification for suspension of civil rights, cupcake.
Kind of funny hillary is not in jail and several of Donald Trumps buddies are.
1) One shit lord shot up a baseball game
2) You chant lock her up but come up with zero evidence of any thing. Law of the land you have to prove guilt.
3)I guess the guy who shot up the baseball game feels the same way
4)He is talking murder. You know like the cop in Chicago that finally got what he deserved. Plenty on your side cheered the shooting and other extremely questionable shootings
5)Oklahoma City bomber fuck you and your time limits
6)Charlottsville had thousand of right wing loons show and disrupt every thing also there is the fact that right wing groups have committed more terrorist acts than islamists since 2008 Which ideology carries out more terror attacks?
7)No one was harm or assulted. One person was killed and massive amounts of people were assulted resulting in charges on four california men.
Trump's buddies did something illegal. Nothing with the investigation. But yes, Hitlery should be in jail. a fact is a fact. a crime is a crime.
Problem is you got no facts. Still america. Get some facts, have your day in court till then you are spouting shit. Keep telling me how Hillary is a criminal with abdsolutely no proof while others go to jail with proof.
so you're saying none of that happened? hahahahahaha all talk bubba, that's all you are.
You stupid fucks spent over 100 million dollars in tax payer money investigating the clintons. Either you are the dumbest fucks on the planet or nothing is there. You got evidence then put it up and have your day in court. Until then STFU.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
Republicans supported the Nazis who marched in Charlottesville. Normal people can’t be civil with Nazis. Try to figure out why.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
Republicans supported the Nazis who marched in Charlottesville. Normal people can’t be civil with Nazis. Try to figure out why.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
Republicans supported the Nazis who marched in Charlottesville. Normal people can’t be civil with Nazis. Try to figure out why.
What an idiotic post. Next thing you'll tell me is Nazis are Christians.
1) A shitlord drove his car into a group of protestors. ONE shitlord. It wasn't a hoard of them running around attacking everyone now was it?
2) Yes. Lock her up. Maybe nobody told you, but we tend to lock up criminals in this country.
3) The 2nd amendment is intrinsically a defense against government tyranny. Derp.
4) Are we talking about actual MURDERS or are you conflating it with justifiable homicide, like every other leftist?
5) You really had to reach for that one didn't you. That was TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO. Try harder. We're talking about the present.
6) About 200 knuckleheads from all over the country. Yes, after planning and organizing for months they got a whole 200 self proclaimed white supremacists to show up. Call me crazy but I'm hard pressed to think we're seeing the rise of the 4th Reich any time soon. Meanwhile literal communists are pouring out of our universities by the 10s of thousands. You know, that ideology that has killed enough people to make even Hitler blush and STILL holds over a BILLION people under it's thumb of oppression?
7) Like it or not, they have the same 1st Amendment rights as anyone else. They didn't harm or assault anyone. Offending your delicate sensibilities is not justification for suspension of civil rights, cupcake.
Kind of funny hillary is not in jail and several of Donald Trumps buddies are.
1) One shit lord shot up a baseball game
2) You chant lock her up but come up with zero evidence of any thing. Law of the land you have to prove guilt.
3)I guess the guy who shot up the baseball game feels the same way
4)He is talking murder. You know like the cop in Chicago that finally got what he deserved. Plenty on your side cheered the shooting and other extremely questionable shootings
5)Oklahoma City bomber fuck you and your time limits
6)Charlottsville had thousand of right wing loons show and disrupt every thing also there is the fact that right wing groups have committed more terrorist acts than islamists since 2008 Which ideology carries out more terror attacks?
7)No one was harm or assulted. One person was killed and massive amounts of people were assulted resulting in charges on four california men.
Trump's buddies did something illegal. Nothing with the investigation. But yes, Hitlery should be in jail. a fact is a fact. a crime is a crime.
Problem is you got no facts. Still america. Get some facts, have your day in court till then you are spouting shit. Keep telling me how Hillary is a criminal with abdsolutely no proof while others go to jail with proof.
so you're saying none of that happened? hahahahahaha all talk bubba, that's all you are.
You stupid fucks spent over 100 million dollars in tax payer money investigating the clintons. Either you are the dumbest fucks on the planet or nothing is there. You got evidence then put it up and have your day in court. Until then STFU.
That's chump change compared to the money wasted on Obungocare. We got lots of information on the Clintons and their corruption and lies. That knowledge is turning into political power. You may not be aware of this fact, but the democrats have been losing ground in this country for 10 years and it's getting worse. We know it's getting worse for democrats because they have resorted to calling for violence.
Kind of funny hillary is not in jail and several of Donald Trumps buddies are.
1) One shit lord shot up a baseball game
2) You chant lock her up but come up with zero evidence of any thing. Law of the land you have to prove guilt.
3)I guess the guy who shot up the baseball game feels the same way
4)He is talking murder. You know like the cop in Chicago that finally got what he deserved. Plenty on your side cheered the shooting and other extremely questionable shootings
5)Oklahoma City bomber fuck you and your time limits
6)Charlottsville had thousand of right wing loons show and disrupt every thing also there is the fact that right wing groups have committed more terrorist acts than islamists since 2008 Which ideology carries out more terror attacks?
7)No one was harm or assulted. One person was killed and massive amounts of people were assulted resulting in charges on four california men.
Trump's buddies did something illegal. Nothing with the investigation. But yes, Hitlery should be in jail. a fact is a fact. a crime is a crime.
Problem is you got no facts. Still america. Get some facts, have your day in court till then you are spouting shit. Keep telling me how Hillary is a criminal with abdsolutely no proof while others go to jail with proof.
so you're saying none of that happened? hahahahahaha all talk bubba, that's all you are.
You stupid fucks spent over 100 million dollars in tax payer money investigating the clintons. Either you are the dumbest fucks on the planet or nothing is there. You got evidence then put it up and have your day in court. Until then STFU.
That's chump change compared to the money wasted on Obungocare. We got lots of information on the Clintons and their corruption and lies. That knowledge is turning into political power. You may not be aware of this fact, but the democrats have been losing ground in this country for 10 years and it's getting worse. We know it's getting worse for democrats because they have resorted to calling for violence.
I jumped off a bridge because Johny did it. Lets just live by dumb fuck jc rules. JC the dumb fuck lives in nowhere land and sais clinton should be locked up. So lets put her in jail. Now evenflow the dumbfuck also living in nowhere land sais Trump should be locked up so lets put him in jail. John is whoville sais Kavenough should be locked up so we put him in jail. Meanwhile every one is pissed off and starts saying evenflow and JC should be locked up and we put them in jail. Now we are all in jail and no one is left to argue. Sounds like a great plan. Or we could just continue with innocent till proven guilty. Which option do you like best?
Trump's buddies did something illegal. Nothing with the investigation. But yes, Hitlery should be in jail. a fact is a fact. a crime is a crime.
Problem is you got no facts. Still america. Get some facts, have your day in court till then you are spouting shit. Keep telling me how Hillary is a criminal with abdsolutely no proof while others go to jail with proof.
so you're saying none of that happened? hahahahahaha all talk bubba, that's all you are.
You stupid fucks spent over 100 million dollars in tax payer money investigating the clintons. Either you are the dumbest fucks on the planet or nothing is there. You got evidence then put it up and have your day in court. Until then STFU.
That's chump change compared to the money wasted on Obungocare. We got lots of information on the Clintons and their corruption and lies. That knowledge is turning into political power. You may not be aware of this fact, but the democrats have been losing ground in this country for 10 years and it's getting worse. We know it's getting worse for democrats because they have resorted to calling for violence.
I jumped off a bridge because Johny did it. Lets just live by dumb fuck jc rules. JC the dumb fuck lives in nowhere land and sais clinton should be locked up. So lets put her in jail. Now evenflow the dumbfuck also living in nowhere land sais Trump should be locked up so lets put him in jail. John is whoville sais Kavenough should be locked up so we put him in jail. Meanwhile every one is pissed off and starts saying evenflow and JC should be locked up and we put them in jail. Now we are all in jail and no one is left to argue. Sounds like a great plan. Or we could just continue with innocent till proven guilty. Which option do you like best?
I like "innocent until proven guilty". I wish democrats would return to that concept. They can't. Anyone that is pro life is automatically guilty.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.

"WASHINGTON, D.C.—At a campaign rally designed to drum up enthusiasm among Democratic voters, failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took the stage in an ominous black cloak and began encouraging her audience to let their anger control them.

"Yes, good, good," she said, nodding at the crowd's visible angst as an evil smile crept across her face. "The hate is swelling in you now. Take up weapons against Republicans— use them. Strike me down if you have to. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment, you make yourselves more my servants!"

She then threw back her cloak and cackled at the sky, hands blasting powerful electric charges at several of her aides, who were fried to a crisp. "Use your aggressive feelings, Democrats. Let the hate flow through you!"

Several assistants rushed the stage, pleading with her to find "the light" within her: "Your overconfidence is your weakness, Hillary!"

But she laughed off this assault, electrocuting those who would have tried to turn her in a split second. "And your faith in the outdated notion of civility is yours!"

Clinton then unveiled to the frightened crowd her next weapon in the war against Republicans: a giant superweapon capable of wiping out civil discussion across the land in a single powerful blast. She assured the crowd that it was "quite operational."
'Let The Hate Flow Through You!' Cackles Cloaked Hillary Clinton At Campaign Rally

Problem is you got no facts. Still america. Get some facts, have your day in court till then you are spouting shit. Keep telling me how Hillary is a criminal with abdsolutely no proof while others go to jail with proof.
so you're saying none of that happened? hahahahahaha all talk bubba, that's all you are.
You stupid fucks spent over 100 million dollars in tax payer money investigating the clintons. Either you are the dumbest fucks on the planet or nothing is there. You got evidence then put it up and have your day in court. Until then STFU.
That's chump change compared to the money wasted on Obungocare. We got lots of information on the Clintons and their corruption and lies. That knowledge is turning into political power. You may not be aware of this fact, but the democrats have been losing ground in this country for 10 years and it's getting worse. We know it's getting worse for democrats because they have resorted to calling for violence.
I jumped off a bridge because Johny did it. Lets just live by dumb fuck jc rules. JC the dumb fuck lives in nowhere land and sais clinton should be locked up. So lets put her in jail. Now evenflow the dumbfuck also living in nowhere land sais Trump should be locked up so lets put him in jail. John is whoville sais Kavenough should be locked up so we put him in jail. Meanwhile every one is pissed off and starts saying evenflow and JC should be locked up and we put them in jail. Now we are all in jail and no one is left to argue. Sounds like a great plan. Or we could just continue with innocent till proven guilty. Which option do you like best?
I like "innocent until proven guilty". I wish democrats would return to that concept. They can't. Anyone that is pro life is automatically guilty.
ya, I like innocent till proven guilty better to. I am a registered democrat by the way. I will make a deal with you lets not chant lock them up. Let the prosecuters and cops do that it is thier job. I will wait till a jury verdict to decide if it is right or not. Untill found guilty by our peers we are all still citizens. I will bitch at any one regardless of party for determining guilt with out a trial.
so you're saying none of that happened? hahahahahaha all talk bubba, that's all you are.
You stupid fucks spent over 100 million dollars in tax payer money investigating the clintons. Either you are the dumbest fucks on the planet or nothing is there. You got evidence then put it up and have your day in court. Until then STFU.
That's chump change compared to the money wasted on Obungocare. We got lots of information on the Clintons and their corruption and lies. That knowledge is turning into political power. You may not be aware of this fact, but the democrats have been losing ground in this country for 10 years and it's getting worse. We know it's getting worse for democrats because they have resorted to calling for violence.
I jumped off a bridge because Johny did it. Lets just live by dumb fuck jc rules. JC the dumb fuck lives in nowhere land and sais clinton should be locked up. So lets put her in jail. Now evenflow the dumbfuck also living in nowhere land sais Trump should be locked up so lets put him in jail. John is whoville sais Kavenough should be locked up so we put him in jail. Meanwhile every one is pissed off and starts saying evenflow and JC should be locked up and we put them in jail. Now we are all in jail and no one is left to argue. Sounds like a great plan. Or we could just continue with innocent till proven guilty. Which option do you like best?
I like "innocent until proven guilty". I wish democrats would return to that concept. They can't. Anyone that is pro life is automatically guilty.
ya, I like innocent till proven guilty better to. I am a registered democrat by the way. I will make a deal with you lets not chant lock them up. Let the prosecuters and cops do that it is thier job. I will wait till a jury verdict to decide if it is right or not. Untill found guilty by our peers we are all still citizens. I will bitch at any one regardless of party for determining guilt with out a trial.
I'm not going to tell people what they can or can't say. I will agree with you to not resort to violence. I will agree with you to back up charges with proof.
You stupid fucks spent over 100 million dollars in tax payer money investigating the clintons. Either you are the dumbest fucks on the planet or nothing is there. You got evidence then put it up and have your day in court. Until then STFU.
That's chump change compared to the money wasted on Obungocare. We got lots of information on the Clintons and their corruption and lies. That knowledge is turning into political power. You may not be aware of this fact, but the democrats have been losing ground in this country for 10 years and it's getting worse. We know it's getting worse for democrats because they have resorted to calling for violence.
I jumped off a bridge because Johny did it. Lets just live by dumb fuck jc rules. JC the dumb fuck lives in nowhere land and sais clinton should be locked up. So lets put her in jail. Now evenflow the dumbfuck also living in nowhere land sais Trump should be locked up so lets put him in jail. John is whoville sais Kavenough should be locked up so we put him in jail. Meanwhile every one is pissed off and starts saying evenflow and JC should be locked up and we put them in jail. Now we are all in jail and no one is left to argue. Sounds like a great plan. Or we could just continue with innocent till proven guilty. Which option do you like best?
I like "innocent until proven guilty". I wish democrats would return to that concept. They can't. Anyone that is pro life is automatically guilty.
ya, I like innocent till proven guilty better to. I am a registered democrat by the way. I will make a deal with you lets not chant lock them up. Let the prosecuters and cops do that it is thier job. I will wait till a jury verdict to decide if it is right or not. Untill found guilty by our peers we are all still citizens. I will bitch at any one regardless of party for determining guilt with out a trial.
I'm not going to tell people what they can or can't say. I will agree with you to not resort to violence. I will agree with you to back up charges with proof.
You have earned some respect from me on this thread. Maybe little by little we can forge a new era where we take each issue one by one and not be only about party. There was a time the parties fought each other with respect and even united on some things.
I agree 100%. You can't be civil with people who think global warming is a hoax, constantly controlling women's bodies, pushes Muslimphobia, brown people phobia and xenophobia.
There it is in black and white.

Truly amazing.

They want violence and think it perfectly justified.

Violence? Lol. Who said anything about violence?

There are other ways of being uncivil, that doesn't involve violence.

When Trump supporters and Republicans start showing some civility, then maybe I'll think about being civil towards them.
wish the left would find them.

right now we're in a bullshit stalemate as each side blames the other and never sees their own actions falling under what they themselves want changed from the other side.
ice, I'm not sure what you think happens in a political fight. one side says one thing, the other side says something else. why is that so obnoxious to you?

For me, I want them to at least talk in factual statements. The GOP is much much more honest in their talk. that is just a fact.

Really. Have you seen the check from Mexico to pay for the border wall?

Do you think Trade Wars are easy to win?

Yesterday the blob called Democrats the party of crime; as 5 of his campaign/admin officials have pled or been found guilty of felonies.
how does 5 repubs found guilty have anything to do with the criminal behavior of demoRats? please, that's just stupid.
Mexico will pay. Not to worry.

Trade wars are not easy to win. why do you think they would be? Trump has prevailed on three battles so far, the war is with China. that is still ongoing. China is suffering because of it. Their behavior has to stop.
I agree 100%. You can't be civil with people who think global warming is a hoax, constantly controlling women's bodies, pushes Muslimphobia, brown people phobia and xenophobia.
There it is in black and white.

Truly amazing.

They want violence and think it perfectly justified.

Violence? Lol. Who said anything about violence?

There are other ways of being uncivil, that doesn't involve violence.

When Trump supporters and Republicans start showing some civility, then maybe I'll think about being civil towards them.
Hillary calling Trump voters deplorables and saying it is not possible to be civil to Rs. Eric Holder saying when they go low, we kick them. CNN host referring to Kanye as a token negro. The numerous incite-full statements by Maxine Waters. Wapo claiming left wing radical mobs are NOT real...and CNN condemning anyone who describes crazed leftist mobs, as mobs. ANTIFA mobs wrecking such organization on the right compares to ANTIFA. Booker saying get up in the face of some congressmen. Rs shot up on a ball field...and accosted in restaurants. Rand Paul getting sucked punched and beaten by a crazed leftist...and some on the Left (Cher and Bette Midler) laughing about his beating.
There it is in black and white.

Truly amazing.

They want violence and think it perfectly justified.

Violence? Lol. Who said anything about violence?

There are other ways of being uncivil, that doesn't involve violence.

When Trump supporters and Republicans start showing some civility, then maybe I'll think about being civil towards them.
wish the left would find them.

right now we're in a bullshit stalemate as each side blames the other and never sees their own actions falling under what they themselves want changed from the other side.
ice, I'm not sure what you think happens in a political fight. one side says one thing, the other side says something else. why is that so obnoxious to you?

For me, I want them to at least talk in factual statements. The GOP is much much more honest in their talk. that is just a fact.

Really. Have you seen the check from Mexico to pay for the border wall?

Do you think Trade Wars are easy to win?

Yesterday the blob called Democrats the party of crime; as 5 of his campaign/admin officials have pled or been found guilty of felonies.
how does 5 repubs found guilty have anything to do with the criminal behavior of demoRats? please, that's just stupid.
It doesn't. However when the guy who hired them accuses others of being criminals it sounds as stupid as he is.

Mexico will pay. Not to worry.
You've been saying that for over 2 years. Are you just delusional or are you lying again?

Trade wars are not easy to win. why do you think they would be?
Ask Trump...he's the one who said it.

Trump tweets: 'Trade wars are good, and easy to win' | Reuters

Trump has prevailed on three battles so far, the war is with China. that is still ongoing. China is suffering because of it. Their behavior has to stop.

Really? Which ones were those?
Yeah, cons wear teabag hats instead of pussy hats. Y’all are still mentally ill — the posts here are evidence of that.

Ya left out screaming at the sky...oh and ad crying when ya lose an election.
You're like a bunch of five year olds throwing a tantrum.


Ya mean like these howling monkeys...?







Ya care to enter into a pic war?
And I wont need obviously posed pics.
You already lost since I found righties doing what you posted of lefties.

Scared in other words.
Nope. I already won this one. No need for me to sell past the close.
top .00001 percent.

in fact....I'm so smart...I know YOU are NOT in the top 3 percent......bottom 3 maybe.....

Read it and weep ya peasant....

Cinco Ranch Katy, TX 77450, Neighborhood Profile - NeighborhoodScout

There are houses in that development for a quarter mill...

... that is not the top 3%.

There are also homes well above a million.
Cinco Ranch was rated the top master planned community in the country a few years ago.

"One way that the Cinco Ranch neighborhood really stands out, is that it has more large 4, 5, or additional bedroom homes and real estate than 98.5% of the neighborhoods in America. When you walk or drive around this neighborhood, you'll instantly notice the size of the homes here which definitely makes a strong visual statement."

"If you come to know the people here, you will recognize that you're in the company of one of the wealthiest communities in the nation. In fact, a mere 2.3% of America's neighborhoods are wealthier than the Cinco Ranch neighborhood."

"The Cinco Ranch neighborhood has a higher proportion of its residents employed as executives, managers and professionals than 97.3% of the neighborhoods in American. In fact, 68.4% of the employed people here make a living as an executive, a manager, or other professional."

"The neighbors in the Cinco Ranch neighborhood in Katy are wealthy, making it among the 15% highest income neighborhoods in America. NeighborhoodScout's exclusive analysis reveals that this neighborhood has a higher income than 97.7% of the neighborhoods in America. In addition, 0.5% of the children seventeen and under living in this neighborhood are living below the federal poverty line, which is a lower rate of childhood poverty than is found in 90.5% of America's neighborhoods."

^^^ stolen attainment

Nah...actually applied myself and attained my status.
So whats your excuse for failure?
LOL @ stolen attainment. It's cute what you have to tell yourself to make you feel better about yourself.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.


The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Even after winning the White House, Senate and House, the right is still seething with hate.

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