You Can Not Be Civil

I agree 100%. You can't be civil with people who think global warming is a hoax, constantly controlling women's bodies, pushes Muslimphobia, brown people phobia and xenophobia.
There it is in black and white.

Truly amazing.

They want violence and think it perfectly justified.

Violence? Lol. Who said anything about violence?

There are other ways of being uncivil, that doesn't involve violence.

When Trump supporters and Republicans start showing some civility, then maybe I'll think about being civil towards them.
I agree 100%. You can't be civil with people who think global warming is a hoax, constantly controlling women's bodies, pushes Muslimphobia, brown people phobia and xenophobia.
There it is in black and white.

Truly amazing.

They want violence and think it perfectly justified.

Violence? Lol. Who said anything about violence?

There are other ways of being uncivil, that doesn't involve violence.

When Trump supporters and Republicans start showing some civility, then maybe I'll think about being civil towards them.
No doubt there is incivility on both sides, but there is a difference. Many leftist leaders like Cankles are advocating violence. The DNCMSM advocates violence.

If you refuse to be civil to your political opponents, then resorting to violence is the next logical step.
I agree 100%. You can't be civil with people who think global warming is a hoax, constantly controlling women's bodies, pushes Muslimphobia, brown people phobia and xenophobia.
You can be civil with people who don’t share your views, if you want to be.
Clearly you don’t.
Could you please define and elaborate on ‘constantly controlling women’s bodies’?
August 29th: Democrat Rep Ruben Gallego threatens immigration officials: Ruben Gallego on Twitter
August 28th - California student arrested for stealing MAGA hat from classmate and assaulting teacher: Student arrested for stealing MAGA hat from classmate, slapping teacher
August 19th - Dad dares daughter to smack MAGA hat off bystanders head, which she does: VIDEO: Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Dude's MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks!
August 15th - Mike Ness, lead singer of Social Distortion, assaults Trump supporter: Aging Punk Rock Legend Leaps Off Stage to Confront Trump Supporter
August 14th - CNN's Chris Cuomo justifies Antifa violence: CNN: Antifa's Violence Against 'Bigots' Is 'Right' | Breitbart
August 9th - FBI arrests man for contract killing threat against ICE agents: ICE HSI Boston, US Attorney, FBI announce arrest for contract killing threat of ICE agent via Twitter
August 8th - GOP Rep has his hispanic wife denigrated by deranged leftist: Progressive Protesters Shout Down GOP Rep, His Wife: “Shame On Your Mexican Wife”… | Weasel Zippers
August 6th - Dead fish thrown at FL GOP office: 2018.08.06 - FL: Vandals throw dead fish on Lee Co. Republican headquarters - Database of Attacks On Trump Supporters + Hoaxes
August 4th: Trump supporter has all 4 of his tires slashed: #ThePersistence on Twitter
August 2nd: Candace Owens, black conservative, attacked by leftists along with Charlie Kirk: Candace Owens on Twitter
August 2nd: Man Arrested for threatening GOP Rep Steve Scalise: Police: NY Man Left Voicemail Threatening Steve Scalise's Children — 'Ojo por Ojo'
August 1st: Woman charged for attempting to hit man and intentionally driving into mans car over Trump bumper sticker: Woman accused of hitting car in Hyannis after confrontation over Trump bumper sticker

That's 12 more Candy. Tally is 28 now over the past ~70 days. We're averaging one every 2 and a half days. Still waiting for you to share all the right wing violence that happened over the same period...

Where laws were broken...I hope all are prosecuted to the fullest extent.
Where they were not (in addition to where there was), I denounce totally.

Still want to pretend that only liberals have loonie birds in their midsts?

The debate was never that there weren't "loonie birds" on both sides, the debate was which side was worse. Did you forget what you said already? I'll refresh your memory:

Everyone is "capable of" anything. That doesn't negate the fact that the vast majority of the hate, vitriol, and violence comes from the left.

Total rubbish.

I listed 28 incidents perpetrated by leftists in the past ~70 days. Match it.

I have,'t counted how many times Trump has attacked Democrats, Women, liberals, minorities and our allies across the pond, and the audience who cheer his hate and fear mongering. I suppose one week of tweets and a single rally would triple + the hate by trump and cheered by right wingers.
There are other ways of being uncivil, that doesn't involve violence.
We know. The when world watched the despicable attempt by Democrats to destroy Kavanaugh and his family by trying to 'Herman Cain' him... which is why even Democrat voters are reportedly walking away from them.
I dare you to start a thread criticizing the President as an experiment.
It seems telling that you didn't feel the need for me to start one about praising the virtues of Kavanaugh as an experiment. could the reason be you already know how that would go?

Apples and oranges. See how your own side treats you when you have a disagreement with them. Are you scared? Of course you are. Conservatives are very belligerent.
There are forums where you can post your dislike of Trump and get 100% agreement.
Truth is I do not agree with trump on many things [higher education and the ACA] but I am starting to see the effectiveness of his way of handling the liberals and how he despises PC as much as I do...all I want from anyone in office is to destroy political correctness and those who advocate it, he can be wrong about everything else as far as I'm concerned.

Big talk....that you wont' accept the challenge speaks much louder.
August 29th: Democrat Rep Ruben Gallego threatens immigration officials: Ruben Gallego on Twitter
August 28th - California student arrested for stealing MAGA hat from classmate and assaulting teacher: Student arrested for stealing MAGA hat from classmate, slapping teacher
August 19th - Dad dares daughter to smack MAGA hat off bystanders head, which she does: VIDEO: Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Dude's MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks!
August 15th - Mike Ness, lead singer of Social Distortion, assaults Trump supporter: Aging Punk Rock Legend Leaps Off Stage to Confront Trump Supporter
August 14th - CNN's Chris Cuomo justifies Antifa violence: CNN: Antifa's Violence Against 'Bigots' Is 'Right' | Breitbart
August 9th - FBI arrests man for contract killing threat against ICE agents: ICE HSI Boston, US Attorney, FBI announce arrest for contract killing threat of ICE agent via Twitter
August 8th - GOP Rep has his hispanic wife denigrated by deranged leftist: Progressive Protesters Shout Down GOP Rep, His Wife: “Shame On Your Mexican Wife”… | Weasel Zippers
August 6th - Dead fish thrown at FL GOP office: 2018.08.06 - FL: Vandals throw dead fish on Lee Co. Republican headquarters - Database of Attacks On Trump Supporters + Hoaxes
August 4th: Trump supporter has all 4 of his tires slashed: #ThePersistence on Twitter
August 2nd: Candace Owens, black conservative, attacked by leftists along with Charlie Kirk: Candace Owens on Twitter
August 2nd: Man Arrested for threatening GOP Rep Steve Scalise: Police: NY Man Left Voicemail Threatening Steve Scalise's Children — 'Ojo por Ojo'
August 1st: Woman charged for attempting to hit man and intentionally driving into mans car over Trump bumper sticker: Woman accused of hitting car in Hyannis after confrontation over Trump bumper sticker

That's 12 more Candy. Tally is 28 now over the past ~70 days. We're averaging one every 2 and a half days. Still waiting for you to share all the right wing violence that happened over the same period...

Where laws were broken...I hope all are prosecuted to the fullest extent.
Where they were not (in addition to where there was), I denounce totally.

Still want to pretend that only liberals have loonie birds in their midsts?

The debate was never that there weren't "loonie birds" on both sides, the debate was which side was worse. Did you forget what you said already? I'll refresh your memory:

Everyone is "capable of" anything. That doesn't negate the fact that the vast majority of the hate, vitriol, and violence comes from the left.

Total rubbish.

I listed 28 incidents perpetrated by leftists in the past ~70 days. Match it.

I have,'t counted how many times Trump has attacked Democrats, Women, liberals, minorities and our allies across the pond, and the audience who cheer his hate and fear mongering. I suppose one week of tweets and a single rally would triple + the hate by trump and cheered by right wingers.

How many times did he condone violence at his rallies? He even said he'd pay the legal bills for the assaulter.
Apples and oranges. See how your own side treats you when you have a disagreement with them. Are you scared? Of course you are. Conservatives are very belligerent.
Liberals call that projecting...and conservatives are belligerent, I'm a democrat,[have been my entire life] and I already know how my own side will treat me when I disagree with them, in fact you are doing it now, would you like me to agree it is belligerent? or are you finally going to admit you are wrong.
We're not the ones wearing pussy hats and screaming at the sky.
And we sure dont have a desire to commit suicide at the rate homos do. We actually have something to live for.

"We actually have something to live for."


Family and money.
And of course we aren't insane.

I don't hate gays and I support equal rights for them
I don't want ANY religion dictating law in the USA
I believe women should be treated equally and paid equally for equal jobs
I support legalization of pot and want the war on pot to end.
I think it would be nice if we were more like norway and finland and had a SOCIAL/democracy with affordable education and health care but retain the ability to earn different amounts of money based on different jobs and education......

how is any of that "insane"?

do you know what IS insane?

when conservatives spell "finland" V E N E Z E U L A
I believe women should be treated equally and paid equally for equal jobs

ok, so I would like for you to clear up what this statement means. That is a sham statement. where don't women make the same as a man doing the same work? or is your bitch that a secretary doesn't make the same money as the boss? which is it? I have women where I work and they have never told anyone there salary, they don't know my salary, so how the fk do you or they know they don't make the same money? please enlighten me how one gets to that statement?

BTW, I believe in people equally making what they're worth.

Why does a pro QB make more than me? I want their money k?

"Why does a pro QB make more than me? I want their money k?"

then work hard and become a pro QB....and stop whining about other peoples success.....typical conservative....
so no answer eh? can't give me an example of a woman in the same job as a man making less? please, if you can't then your bitch is nonsense. And I don't have the talent of a pro QB, so I expect his talent is paid based on that fact. again, a secretary will never make what a boss makes. I'll wait for your example pimple face.
I agree 100%. You can't be civil with people who think global warming is a hoax, constantly controlling women's bodies, pushes Muslimphobia, brown people phobia and xenophobia.
There it is in black and white.

Truly amazing.

They want violence and think it perfectly justified.

Violence? Lol. Who said anything about violence?

There are other ways of being uncivil, that doesn't involve violence.

When Trump supporters and Republicans start showing some civility, then maybe I'll think about being civil towards them.
wish the left would find them.

right now we're in a bullshit stalemate as each side blames the other and never sees their own actions falling under what they themselves want changed from the other side.
We're not the ones wearing pussy hats and screaming at the sky.
And we sure dont have a desire to commit suicide at the rate homos do. We actually have something to live for.

"We actually have something to live for."


Family and money.
And of course we aren't insane.

I don't hate gays and I support equal rights for them
I don't want ANY religion dictating law in the USA
I believe women should be treated equally and paid equally for equal jobs
I support legalization of pot and want the war on pot to end.
I think it would be nice if we were more like norway and finland and had a SOCIAL/democracy with affordable education and health care but retain the ability to earn different amounts of money based on different jobs and education......

how is any of that "insane"?

do you know what IS insane?

when conservatives spell "finland" V E N E Z E U L A

I want as little government in my life as possible.

"I want as little government in my life as possible."

in YOUR life....
what about mine?

cons promoted and encouraged the war on pot....
THOUSANDS of people died
MILLIONS of lives ruined.....

because conservatives demanded MORE GOVERNMENT in OTHER PEOPLES lives.....

roy moore thinks homosexuality should be a crime.
that means more laws....more SOME lives.....

if you really want less government then leave gays alone and end the war on pot.....
so what happened in the eight years obammy was pres? are you saying more potheads died since Trump took office? let's see those stats pimple face.

Where do GOP want more government in your life? name something. Pimple faces like you sure talk an awful lot but you never back up your talk. you continue to do that. I'm still waiting for the link where Moore wanted to kill gays. see, example of all talk. talk is cheap.
Everyone is "capable of" anything. That doesn't negate the fact that the vast majority of the hate, vitriol, and violence comes from the left.

Total rubbish.


Who's been destroying private property?
Who's been shutting down public roads?
Who's been driving people out of restaurants?
Who's been assaulting people in the streets?
Who's been destroying public monuments?
Who's been harassing businesses for adhering to religious beliefs?
Whos doxxed GOP politicians and their families?
Who gunned down 5 cops in Dallas?
Who kidnapped a white, mentally disable teenager and tortured him live on Facebook while forcing him to say "Fuck Donald Trump"?
Who opened fire on a Congressional baseball game?

Oh that's right, fucking leftists. Sit down.

Who drove their car into a group of protestors, killing one and injuring a dozen others?
Who chants “lock her up” at rallies?
Who recommends “second amendment solutions”?
Who cheers when blacks are murdered by cops (protectionist)?
Who beat the shit out of Matthew Shepherd?
Who had a tiki torch parade chanting slogans from the Third Reich?
Who called them “very fine people”?

Oh that’s right, folks like yourself.

I grant there are sick fuckers of every political stripe. The difference is that folks who are conservatives cheer the grotesque behavior almost uniformly. Liberals are much more centered.

1) A shitlord drove his car into a group of protestors. ONE shitlord. It wasn't a hoard of them running around attacking everyone now was it?
2) Yes. Lock her up. Maybe nobody told you, but we tend to lock up criminals in this country.
3) The 2nd amendment is intrinsically a defense against government tyranny. Derp.
4) Are we talking about actual MURDERS or are you conflating it with justifiable homicide, like every other leftist?
5) You really had to reach for that one didn't you. That was TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO. Try harder. We're talking about the present.
6) About 200 knuckleheads from all over the country. Yes, after planning and organizing for months they got a whole 200 self proclaimed white supremacists to show up. Call me crazy but I'm hard pressed to think we're seeing the rise of the 4th Reich any time soon. Meanwhile literal communists are pouring out of our universities by the 10s of thousands. You know, that ideology that has killed enough people to make even Hitler blush and STILL holds over a BILLION people under it's thumb of oppression?
7) Like it or not, they have the same 1st Amendment rights as anyone else. They didn't harm or assault anyone. Offending your delicate sensibilities is not justification for suspension of civil rights, cupcake.
Kind of funny hillary is not in jail and several of Donald Trumps buddies are.
1) One shit lord shot up a baseball game
2) You chant lock her up but come up with zero evidence of any thing. Law of the land you have to prove guilt.
3)I guess the guy who shot up the baseball game feels the same way
4)He is talking murder. You know like the cop in Chicago that finally got what he deserved. Plenty on your side cheered the shooting and other extremely questionable shootings
5)Oklahoma City bomber fuck you and your time limits
6)Charlottsville had thousand of right wing loons show and disrupt every thing also there is the fact that right wing groups have committed more terrorist acts than islamists since 2008 Which ideology carries out more terror attacks?
7)No one was harm or assulted. One person was killed and massive amounts of people were assulted resulting in charges on four california men.
Trump's buddies did something illegal. Nothing with the investigation. But yes, Hitlery should be in jail. a fact is a fact. a crime is a crime.
August 29th: Democrat Rep Ruben Gallego threatens immigration officials: Ruben Gallego on Twitter
August 28th - California student arrested for stealing MAGA hat from classmate and assaulting teacher: Student arrested for stealing MAGA hat from classmate, slapping teacher
August 19th - Dad dares daughter to smack MAGA hat off bystanders head, which she does: VIDEO: Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Dude's MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks!
August 15th - Mike Ness, lead singer of Social Distortion, assaults Trump supporter: Aging Punk Rock Legend Leaps Off Stage to Confront Trump Supporter
August 14th - CNN's Chris Cuomo justifies Antifa violence: CNN: Antifa's Violence Against 'Bigots' Is 'Right' | Breitbart
August 9th - FBI arrests man for contract killing threat against ICE agents: ICE HSI Boston, US Attorney, FBI announce arrest for contract killing threat of ICE agent via Twitter
August 8th - GOP Rep has his hispanic wife denigrated by deranged leftist: Progressive Protesters Shout Down GOP Rep, His Wife: “Shame On Your Mexican Wife”… | Weasel Zippers
August 6th - Dead fish thrown at FL GOP office: 2018.08.06 - FL: Vandals throw dead fish on Lee Co. Republican headquarters - Database of Attacks On Trump Supporters + Hoaxes
August 4th: Trump supporter has all 4 of his tires slashed: #ThePersistence on Twitter
August 2nd: Candace Owens, black conservative, attacked by leftists along with Charlie Kirk: Candace Owens on Twitter
August 2nd: Man Arrested for threatening GOP Rep Steve Scalise: Police: NY Man Left Voicemail Threatening Steve Scalise's Children — 'Ojo por Ojo'
August 1st: Woman charged for attempting to hit man and intentionally driving into mans car over Trump bumper sticker: Woman accused of hitting car in Hyannis after confrontation over Trump bumper sticker

That's 12 more Candy. Tally is 28 now over the past ~70 days. We're averaging one every 2 and a half days. Still waiting for you to share all the right wing violence that happened over the same period...

Where laws were broken...I hope all are prosecuted to the fullest extent.
Where they were not (in addition to where there was), I denounce totally.

Still want to pretend that only liberals have loonie birds in their midsts?

The debate was never that there weren't "loonie birds" on both sides, the debate was which side was worse. Did you forget what you said already? I'll refresh your memory:

Everyone is "capable of" anything. That doesn't negate the fact that the vast majority of the hate, vitriol, and violence comes from the left.

Total rubbish.

I listed 28 incidents perpetrated by leftists in the past ~70 days. Match it.

I have,'t counted how many times Trump has attacked Democrats, Women, liberals, minorities and our allies across the pond, and the audience who cheer his hate and fear mongering. I suppose one week of tweets and a single rally would triple + the hate by trump and cheered by right wingers.
You're confused. Standing up for America and the hard working American taxpayer isn't "hate and fear mongering".
I agree 100%. You can't be civil with people who think global warming is a hoax, constantly controlling women's bodies, pushes Muslimphobia, brown people phobia and xenophobia.
There it is in black and white.

Truly amazing.

They want violence and think it perfectly justified.

Violence? Lol. Who said anything about violence?

There are other ways of being uncivil, that doesn't involve violence.

When Trump supporters and Republicans start showing some civility, then maybe I'll think about being civil towards them.
wish the left would find them.

right now we're in a bullshit stalemate as each side blames the other and never sees their own actions falling under what they themselves want changed from the other side.
ice, I'm not sure what you think happens in a political fight. one side says one thing, the other side says something else. why is that so obnoxious to you?

For me, I want them to at least talk in factual statements. The GOP is much much more honest in their talk. that is just a fact.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
Republicans supported the Nazis who marched in Charlottesville. Normal people can’t be civil with Nazis. Try to figure out why.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
Republicans supported the Nazis who marched in Charlottesville. Normal people can’t be civil with Nazis. Try to figure out why.
what nazis. I haven't seen hitler anywhere in the US. you got evidence?

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