You Can Not Be Civil

top .00001 percent.

in fact....I'm so smart...I know YOU are NOT in the top 3 percent......bottom 3 maybe.....

Read it and weep ya peasant....

Cinco Ranch Katy, TX 77450, Neighborhood Profile - NeighborhoodScout

There are houses in that development for a quarter mill...

... that is not the top 3%.

so some conservative (KNOWN for LYING!) INSISTS on the INTERNET that HE is in the top 3%....of what?
and he actually thinks that rational people are going to buy it?....

and he posts a phony address to prove it?

Well........I'm a nigerian prince!....

should I post a picture of nigeria?......that would be indisputable proof!.......

Believe what ya want peasant.
If you knew my post history and my pic posts you'd see I am consistent.

I see candy horn is laughing.
I can prove my situation with time related pics.

You still claiming to make 30K+ off of dividend income? That was the biggest whopper not told by Trump I have seen.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.


The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
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I just spent a month disagreeing with every fellow liberal on this board. The pushback I got from them concerning my support for Kav was minimal.

funny cuz everyone else who disagreed with them here got the "F'n moron" treatment [which is pretty much the entire liberal vocabulary]...but then again, that is minimal left wing "pushback"

I doubt conservatives who dare disagree with Trump would be treated as graciously.
I'm not a conservative but they treat me kindly when I disagree with them.
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There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
She is right, and I say let the war begin. The day everyone on the right understand what they are dealing with, will be the day everyone on right hates them as much as me.

It is a war, and they are flat out calling for one.

What do we do? They are calling for it.

you are advocating murder.
...and he is okay with murdering.

Under BO, we had some on the right who espoused violence and hysteria. However, IMO the Left has taken it to a new level of deprivation, with their hysterical and illogical hatred of Trump and R voters. The DNCMSM is fanning the flames. This won’t end well if D leaders like Cankles, keep pushing hate.

HATE--Republicans are the party of HATE. I know what Hillary Clinton meant when she stated that half of Trump's base was deplorable. She's right they are. They exist. They showed up in Charlottesville for Trump.


This showed up in Charlottesville in support of Trump.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke appeared at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., prior to Saturday's violent clashes, saying that the event represented fulfilling the promises of President Trump. "This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that's what we believed in, that's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what we gotta do," Duke said.
David Duke: Charlottesville protests about ‘fulfilling promises of Donald Trump’

When you campaign on hate, violence and division--you're going to attract hate,violence and division.

David Duke grand wizard of the KKK is actually stating in the video that anyone who voted for Trump is with him.

The Republican party does NOT deserve civility.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, hate, anger, fear & ignorance.


The only way to bring the party back to Lincoln & Reagan is to DESTROY it. It has to be destroyed to rebuild it. Vote BLUE in November.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

You fear a segment of the population that is about .000001%.

Stop getting your news from the D party. You would never accept it from the R party.
There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.

Partisan politics. See how many people are civil on this forum? 5%?
Let's all remember that the subject of this thread demonized and bullied into silence her husband's sexual crimes victims for years ... paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to physically beat and bloody Trump Supporters - Americans who she claimed she wanted to represent as their President...'Nuff said.
none of which was ever proven!

Thanks for the great demonstration showing how part of the difficulty of getting Liberals / Snowflakes to embrace civility and abandon their violent intolerance is 1st having to get past the fact that Liberals / Snowflakes live outside of normal reality where actual facts and evidence is meaningless to them, where they are easily emotionally manipulated by their 'masters' and constantly demonstrate they have no F*ing clue what they are talking 'noonecareswhatyournameis' demonstrated above.

'None' of this was ever proven?! I guess if you have been living under a rock or have had your head up your or Hillary's ass for the past several decades you might think so....

Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ Bill Clinton accusers

'....Mrs. Clinton took a very different approach herself 25 years ago as the wife of then-Gov. Bill Clinton, leading the effort to discredit women who came forward with their own stories of harassment or assault by her husband. Campaign narratives written by reporters detailed how she honchoed the campaign team that handled “bimbo eruptions,” digging up personal papers and official records that could be used to undercut the stories told by a series of women. One top aide later recounted Mrs. Clinton’s intent to “destroy” the story of one accuser, while former adviser Dick Morris said Mrs. Clinton engaged in “blackmail” to try to force women to recant their stories.'

7 Times Hillary Clinton Threatened, Smeared and Targeted Women

1. Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers; calls her “trailer-trash.”

2. Hillary slams former White House intern Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon” after she had consensual relations with her husband in the Oval Office.

3. Hillary, defending an alleged rapist, smears his 12-year-old alleged rape victim, claiming the young girl had a "tendency to seek out older men." She also laughs on tape over the cunning way she had vital evidence dismissed, destroying the alleged rape victim's case.

4. Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos."

5. Hillary reportedly threatens Juanita Broaddrick, Bill's alleged rape victim, into silence at a political fundraiser after the accused rape.

6. “I mean, I would crucify her,” Hillary says of Gennifer Flowers.

7. "[W]e have to destroy her story," Hillary allegedly said of one woman state troopers sought out for her husband to have a sexual encounter with.

Hillary's Hired Thugs...

Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies - CNNPolitics

Democratic strategist Robert Creamer steps down from post after video surfaced | Daily Mail Online

Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire agitators to disrupt Donald Trump events
...and yet millions of Americans voted for her just two years ago for POTUS, but we are expected to believe Trump voters are dumb, deplorable and evil. LMFAO!
I just spent a month disagreeing with every fellow liberal on this board. The pushback I got from them concerning my support for Kav was minimal.

funny cuz everyone else who disagreed with them here got the "F'n moron" treatment [which is pretty much the entire liberal vocabulary]...but then again, that is minimal left wing "pushback"

I doubt conservatives who dare disagree with Trump would be treated as graciously.
I'm not a conservative but they treat me kindly when I disagree with them.

Perhaps you've learned that you are treated how you treat others? Perhaps not.

I dare you to start a thread criticizing the President as an experiment.
I just spent a month disagreeing with every fellow liberal on this board. The pushback I got from them concerning my support for Kav was minimal.

funny cuz everyone else who disagreed with them here got the "F'n moron" treatment [which is pretty much the entire liberal vocabulary]...but then again, that is minimal left wing "pushback"

I doubt conservatives who dare disagree with Trump would be treated as graciously.
I'm not a conservative but they treat me kindly when I disagree with them.

Perhaps you've learned that you are treated how you treat others? Perhaps not.

I dare you to start a thread criticizing the President as an experiment.
There are forums where you can post your dislike of Trump and get 100% agreement.
Perhaps you've learned that you are treated how you treat others? Perhaps not.
I have actually learned that is not the case...I've been on the internet for 20 years [since the time it was dial-up only] and have never cursed or called anyone a name worse than Liberal...
...I have never been banned or threatened with a ban and have in 20 years only ever been warned once and that was here because the poster calling me F'n moron reported me cuz my post did not conform to his...go figure
...hopefully this will not be the second time
There are forums where you can post your dislike of Trump and get 100% agreement.
Truth is I do not agree with trump on many things [higher education and the ACA] but I am starting to see the effectiveness of his way of handling the liberals and how he despises PC as much as I do...all I want from anyone in office is to destroy political correctness and those who advocate it, he can be wrong about everything else as far as I'm concerned.
There are forums where you can post your dislike of Trump and get 100% agreement.
Truth is I do not agree with trump on many things [higher education and the ACA] but I am starting to see the effectiveness of his way of handling the liberals and how he despises PC as much as I do...all I want from anyone in office is to destroy political correctness and those who advocate it, he can be wrong about everything else as far as I'm concerned.
If I were to point to a single issue, it is war and peace. Trump campaigned as a noninterventionist, which got my vote. We all knew Hillary was a prodigious warmonger. So she was disqualified from the get go.

He has kept the peace, but his outrageous war budget and missile attacks on Syria, are concerning. Plus he is surrounded by Neocons. Thankfully that crazed warmonger Nikki Haley is leaving.
The difference is that liberals are capable of civility, intellectual discussion, honest disagreement.
Problem is, you're only capable of it with and among yourselves.

We regularly see what cons do to their own when they cross the aisle and it isn’t civil in the least.
Well, you won't ever see what Dems do, because they never cross the aisle to find out!
...and yet millions of Americans voted for her just two years ago for POTUS, but we are expected to believe Trump voters are dumb, deplorable and evil. LMFAO!


And now her own party members are again telling her to STFU! :p

Heitcamp came out publicly to declare Hillary's call for violent intolerance, a lack of civility, unethical / immoral behavior (like trying to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh), etc... 'RIDICULOUS' and called for her plea to be REJECTED!

:p. Bwuhahahahaha

Dem senator Heitkamp slams Clinton call to abandon civility with GOP
I agree 100%. You can't be civil with people who think global warming is a hoax, constantly controlling women's bodies, pushes Muslimphobia, brown people phobia and xenophobia.
I agree 100%. You can't be civil with people who think global warming is a hoax, constantly controlling women's bodies, pushes Muslimphobia, brown people phobia and xenophobia.
There it is in black and white.

Truly amazing.

They want violence and think it perfectly justified.

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