You Can Not Be Civil

Nah....they're just mentally ill.
So are conservatives.

We're not the ones wearing pussy hats and screaming at the sky.
And we sure dont have a desire to commit suicide at the rate homos do. We actually have something to live for.
Yeah, cons wear teabag hats instead of pussy hats. Y’all are still mentally ill — the posts here are evidence of that.

Ya left out screaming at the sky...oh and ad crying when ya lose an election.
You're like a bunch of five year olds throwing a tantrum.


Ya mean like these howling monkeys...?







Ya care to enter into a pic war?
And I wont need obviously posed pics.
If the had her on any thing she would be in jail you know that right.
Watch this weasel.

Fuck you bitch. Over 100 million dollars of tax payer money has been spent trying to jail clinton. No charges what so ever. Either there is nothing or republicans are the stupidest mother fuckers on the planet and can get nothing done.

Fuck you, you whiney sniveling Hillary boot licker. She's free because of our Corrupt government and who she is.

Sniveling boot licker huh! I am not the one crying that life is not fair the game is rigged. What a little bitch you are, douche bitch I can smell it from here.

Life isn't fair and I accept that. What I demand and have a right to is clean efficient government, and that's being taken care of by President Trump. Now run along, loser.

I take it you are going with the republicans are the dumbest fucks on the planet explanation. Dont forget that douche bitch.
So are conservatives.

We're not the ones wearing pussy hats and screaming at the sky.
And we sure dont have a desire to commit suicide at the rate homos do. We actually have something to live for.
Yeah, cons wear teabag hats instead of pussy hats. Y’all are still mentally ill — the posts here are evidence of that.

Ya left out screaming at the sky...oh and ad crying when ya lose an election.
You're like a bunch of five year olds throwing a tantrum.


Ya mean like these howling monkeys...?







Ya care to enter into a pic war?
And I wont need obviously posed pics.
You already lost since I found righties doing what you posted of lefties.
If the had her on any thing she would be in jail you know that right.
Watch this weasel.

Fuck you bitch. Over 100 million dollars of tax payer money has been spent trying to jail clinton. No charges what so ever. Either there is nothing or republicans are the stupidest mother fuckers on the planet and can get nothing done.

Fuck you, you whiney sniveling Hillary boot licker. She's free because of our Corrupt government and who she is.

Sniveling boot licker huh! I am not the one crying that life is not fair the game is rigged. What a little bitch you are, douche bitch I can smell it from here.

Life isn't fair and I accept that. What I demand and have a right to is clean efficient government, and that's being taken care of by President Trump. Now run along, loser.

He is sure good at geting his appointments in jail. Clean efficient government huh. How many people have gone out in cuffs now?
So you would imagine that homos have a higher rate of suicide because conservatives hate them. The left hates me and has done vile nasty things to me, yet I've never contemplated suicide. The fact is the homo lifestyle is a miserable lie. Homos are angry and lost. Angry and lost people kill themselves.

"So you would imagine that homos have a higher rate of suicide because conservatives hate them. "

do you need EVERYTHING explained to you?

I imagine that things are different now and their suicide rates are down from the past. In the PAST, however, EVERYONE (not cons, not libs) was anti-gay.

So the typical closeted homosexual would read and hear anti-gay remarks all the time....

this, i'm sure, had a deleletious affect on gays.....

but since MOST people (and all decent people) don't care any more I would NOT be surprised to find that their suicide rates are down.

Nah....they're just mentally ill.
So are conservatives.

We're not the ones wearing pussy hats and screaming at the sky.
And we sure dont have a desire to commit suicide at the rate homos do. We actually have something to live for.

"We actually have something to live for."


Let go of your hate. It isn’t worth it
Watch this weasel.

Fuck you bitch. Over 100 million dollars of tax payer money has been spent trying to jail clinton. No charges what so ever. Either there is nothing or republicans are the stupidest mother fuckers on the planet and can get nothing done.

Fuck you, you whiney sniveling Hillary boot licker. She's free because of our Corrupt government and who she is.

Sniveling boot licker huh! I am not the one crying that life is not fair the game is rigged. What a little bitch you are, douche bitch I can smell it from here.

Life isn't fair and I accept that. What I demand and have a right to is clean efficient government, and that's being taken care of by President Trump. Now run along, loser.

I take it you are going with the republicans are the dumbest fucks on the planet explanation. Dont forget that douche bitch.

Oh, you pitiful little wounded creature. Too bad I can't personally put you out of your misery.
We're not the ones wearing pussy hats and screaming at the sky.
And we sure dont have a desire to commit suicide at the rate homos do. We actually have something to live for.
Yeah, cons wear teabag hats instead of pussy hats. Y’all are still mentally ill — the posts here are evidence of that.

Ya left out screaming at the sky...oh and ad crying when ya lose an election.
You're like a bunch of five year olds throwing a tantrum.


Ya mean like these howling monkeys...?







Ya care to enter into a pic war?
And I wont need obviously posed pics.
You already lost since I found righties doing what you posted of lefties.

Scared in other words.
The difference is that liberals are capable of civility, intellectual discussion, honest disagreement. I was a Kav supporter right up until he invoked the Clintons in his partisan address last week. I still think he will be a fair justice up until there are political overtones to a case. The outrage from my liberal colleagues was minimum. We regularly see what cons do to their own when they cross the aisle and it isn’t civil in the least.

You guys falsely accused him of gang rape. Many of you still are. That’s a civil intellectual discussion?

you don't know if it was false. guys accused hillary of selling babies out of pizza ships. is THAT a civil intellectual discussion?

here's a typical discussion I have with cons....

me: i support gay rights
cons: you fkn fag....why do you hate America?

me: i'd love to see affordable education and health care like in norway and finland
cons: so you want complete socialism like venezuela.....ya fkn libernazidemocrap......

me: I don't want the christian religion dictating laws in the USA
cons: so you hate gods and christians! you stinking devil worshipper!

me:I believe MOST muslims (like most christians) are not terrorists.
cons: you filthy terrorist loving piece of shit....

When cons start debating LOGICALLY and CIVILLY with me I will gladly reciprocate.....
you don't know if it was false.

you don't know it was true. right?

I'll accept and agree that NEITHER of us knows.

will you?

The only way you don’t know that he is innocent of gang rape is if you are too stupid to actually look at evidence
Watch this weasel.

Fuck you bitch. Over 100 million dollars of tax payer money has been spent trying to jail clinton. No charges what so ever. Either there is nothing or republicans are the stupidest mother fuckers on the planet and can get nothing done.

Fuck you, you whiney sniveling Hillary boot licker. She's free because of our Corrupt government and who she is.

Sniveling boot licker huh! I am not the one crying that life is not fair the game is rigged. What a little bitch you are, douche bitch I can smell it from here.

Life isn't fair and I accept that. What I demand and have a right to is clean efficient government, and that's being taken care of by President Trump. Now run along, loser.

He is sure good at geting his appointments in jail. Clean efficient government huh. How many people have gone out in cuffs now?

No one is in jail for anything done while working for Trump. Idiot.
I don't hate gays and I support equal rights for them
I don't want ANY religion dictating law in the USA
I believe women should be treated equally and paid equally for equal jobs
I support legalization of pot and want the war on pot to end.
I think it would be nice if we were more like norway and finland and had a SOCIAL/democracy with affordable education and health care but retain the ability to earn different amounts of money based on different jobs and education......

how is any of that "insane"?

do you know what IS insane?

when conservatives spell "finland" V E N E Z E U L A
I believe women should be treated equally and paid equally for equal jobs

ok, so I would like for you to clear up what this statement means. That is a sham statement. where don't women make the same as a man doing the same work? or is your bitch that a secretary doesn't make the same money as the boss? which is it? I have women where I work and they have never told anyone there salary, they don't know my salary, so how the fk do you or they know they don't make the same money? please enlighten me how one gets to that statement?

BTW, I believe in people equally making what they're worth.

Why does a pro QB make more than me? I want their money k?

"Why does a pro QB make more than me? I want their money k?"

then work hard and become a pro QB....and stop whining about other peoples success.....typical conservative....

I'm in the top 3%.
How about you?

top .00001 percent.

in fact....I'm so smart...I know YOU are NOT in the top 3 percent......bottom 3 maybe.....

Read it and weep ya peasant....

Cinco Ranch Katy, TX 77450, Neighborhood Profile - NeighborhoodScout

There are houses in that development for a quarter mill...

... that is not the top 3%.
Fuck you bitch. Over 100 million dollars of tax payer money has been spent trying to jail clinton. No charges what so ever. Either there is nothing or republicans are the stupidest mother fuckers on the planet and can get nothing done.
Fuck you, you whiney sniveling Hillary boot licker. She's free because of our Corrupt government and who she is.
Sniveling boot licker huh! I am not the one crying that life is not fair the game is rigged. What a little bitch you are, douche bitch I can smell it from here.
Life isn't fair and I accept that. What I demand and have a right to is clean efficient government, and that's being taken care of by President Trump. Now run along, loser.
I take it you are going with the republicans are the dumbest fucks on the planet explanation. Dont forget that douche bitch.
Oh, you pitiful little wounded creature. Too bad I can't personally put you out of your misery.
You are one of thoise dumb fucks that can't do any thing. You are a mental midget incapable of any thing. You support draft dodgers and crying little bitches. Worse you are a horrible buisnessman. You should charge rent for some one living in your head. Put your self out of misery. Bitch! Don't worry you are a bitch but my bitch I won't let any body hurt you.
Fuck you, you whiney sniveling Hillary boot licker. She's free because of our Corrupt government and who she is.
Sniveling boot licker huh! I am not the one crying that life is not fair the game is rigged. What a little bitch you are, douche bitch I can smell it from here.
Life isn't fair and I accept that. What I demand and have a right to is clean efficient government, and that's being taken care of by President Trump. Now run along, loser.
I take it you are going with the republicans are the dumbest fucks on the planet explanation. Dont forget that douche bitch.
Oh, you pitiful little wounded creature. Too bad I can't personally put you out of your misery.
You are one of thoise dumb fucks that can't do any thing. You are a mental midget incapable of any thing. You support draft dodgers and crying little bitches. Worse you are a horrible buisnessman. You should charge rent for some one living in your head. Put your self out of misery. Bitch! Don't worry you are a bitch but my bitch I won't let any body hurt you.
You pitiful loser. Hillary is over and so are you. Go blow a goat.
1) A shitlord drove his car into a group of protestors. ONE shitlord. It wasn't a hoard of them running around attacking everyone now was it?
2) Yes. Lock her up. Maybe nobody told you, but we tend to lock up criminals in this country.
3) The 2nd amendment is intrinsically a defense against government tyranny. Derp.
4) Are we talking about actual MURDERS or are you conflating it with justifiable homicide, like every other leftist?
5) You really had to reach for that one didn't you. That was TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO. Try harder. We're talking about the present.
6) About 200 knuckleheads from all over the country. Yes, after planning and organizing for months they got a whole 200 self proclaimed white supremacists to show up. Call me crazy but I'm hard pressed to think we're seeing the rise of the 4th Reich any time soon. Meanwhile literal communists are pouring out of our universities by the 10s of thousands. You know, that ideology that has killed enough people to make even Hitler blush and STILL holds over a BILLION people under it's thumb of oppression?
7) Like it or not, they have the same 1st Amendment rights as anyone else. They didn't harm or assault anyone. Offending your delicate sensibilities is not justification for suspension of civil rights, cupcake.
Kind of funny hillary is not in jail and several of Donald Trumps buddies are.
1) One shit lord shot up a baseball game
2) You chant lock her up but come up with zero evidence of any thing. Law of the land you have to prove guilt.
3)I guess the guy who shot up the baseball game feels the same way
4)He is talking murder. You know like the cop in Chicago that finally got what he deserved. Plenty on your side cheered the shooting and other extremely questionable shootings
5)Oklahoma City bomber fuck you and your time limits
6)Charlottsville had thousand of right wing loons show and disrupt every thing also there is the fact that right wing groups have committed more terrorist acts than islamists since 2008 Which ideology carries out more terror attacks?
7)No one was harm or assulted. One person was killed and massive amounts of people were assulted resulting in charges on four california men.
There are many criminals walking around free while others are put in jail for minor offenses. The reason for that is corruption in our Justice system. Hillary lied to Congress numerous times and Comey agreed she lied to Congress. It's who you are and who you know. You know that.
If the had her on any thing she would be in jail you know that right.
Watch this weasel.

Fuck you bitch. Over 100 million dollars of tax payer money has been spent trying to jail clinton. No charges what so ever. Either there is nothing or republicans are the stupidest mother fuckers on the planet and can get nothing done.

Because she is being excused by political partisans .

Present the evidence before a grand jury. If she isn’t indicted I’ll stop calling for her to be prosecuted. And unlike you guys I’ll happily support her due process rights and give her a presumption of innocence for the trial.

But using political contacts to obstruct and avoid prosecution for things any one else would be prosecuted for doesn’t incline me to believe in her innocence. If she was innocent why the need to impede the investigation?

That’s what you guys are arguing with Trump and Mueller despite zero evidence of Russian collusion or obstruction or any attempt to impede an investigation but you do a 180 with Hillary.

I’m consistent. I’m saying put evidence before a grand jury. Give them due process
Ah honest liberal, were there such a thing, could not shoot itself in the foot.

Because they wouldn't have a gun.

But then we understand that "liberal" and "gun" used in the same sentence constitute a true oxymoron. Unless one or more of the words: "confiscate", "outlaw" or "ban" are also employed in the same sentence.
Sniveling boot licker huh! I am not the one crying that life is not fair the game is rigged. What a little bitch you are, douche bitch I can smell it from here.
Life isn't fair and I accept that. What I demand and have a right to is clean efficient government, and that's being taken care of by President Trump. Now run along, loser.
I take it you are going with the republicans are the dumbest fucks on the planet explanation. Dont forget that douche bitch.
Oh, you pitiful little wounded creature. Too bad I can't personally put you out of your misery.
You are one of thoise dumb fucks that can't do any thing. You are a mental midget incapable of any thing. You support draft dodgers and crying little bitches. Worse you are a horrible buisnessman. You should charge rent for some one living in your head. Put your self out of misery. Bitch! Don't worry you are a bitch but my bitch I won't let any body hurt you.
You pitiful loser. Hillary is over and so are you. Go blow a goat.
I am over, huh? It ain;t gunna be from your bitch ass. I think I will go argue with my three year old neice she is more of a challenge than you.
The libtards are all mentally bankrupt….

They are so frustrated that Trump has Rubbed his ass in their faces…

Trump has proven them all fools and this is their childish reaction….

The little pussy hat wearing libtards are throwing a fit…..

They need their ass SPANKED and TRUMP is giving it to “em”….

Now flip it.

The Orange Virus is mentally bankrupt....

He is so frustrated that libtards rubbed their asses in his face...

Libtards have proven him a fool and this is his childish reaction....

The little pussy grabbing Orange Virus is throwing a fit......

He needs his ass SPANKED and LIBTARDS are 'giving' it to him....

This is like Haiku for mental patients.

You are as ignorant about Haiku as you are about politics…..

At least you admit what you said is for mental patients….

You libtards are all ignorant sick puppy’s………..
I believe women should be treated equally and paid equally for equal jobs

ok, so I would like for you to clear up what this statement means. That is a sham statement. where don't women make the same as a man doing the same work? or is your bitch that a secretary doesn't make the same money as the boss? which is it? I have women where I work and they have never told anyone there salary, they don't know my salary, so how the fk do you or they know they don't make the same money? please enlighten me how one gets to that statement?

BTW, I believe in people equally making what they're worth.

Why does a pro QB make more than me? I want their money k?

"Why does a pro QB make more than me? I want their money k?"

then work hard and become a pro QB....and stop whining about other peoples success.....typical conservative....

I'm in the top 3%.
How about you?

top .00001 percent.

in fact....I'm so smart...I know YOU are NOT in the top 3 percent......bottom 3 maybe.....

Read it and weep ya peasant....

Cinco Ranch Katy, TX 77450, Neighborhood Profile - NeighborhoodScout

There are houses in that development for a quarter mill...

... that is not the top 3%.

There are also homes well above a million.
Cinco Ranch was rated the top master planned community in the country a few years ago.

"One way that the Cinco Ranch neighborhood really stands out, is that it has more large 4, 5, or additional bedroom homes and real estate than 98.5% of the neighborhoods in America. When you walk or drive around this neighborhood, you'll instantly notice the size of the homes here which definitely makes a strong visual statement."

"If you come to know the people here, you will recognize that you're in the company of one of the wealthiest communities in the nation. In fact, a mere 2.3% of America's neighborhoods are wealthier than the Cinco Ranch neighborhood."

"The Cinco Ranch neighborhood has a higher proportion of its residents employed as executives, managers and professionals than 97.3% of the neighborhoods in American. In fact, 68.4% of the employed people here make a living as an executive, a manager, or other professional."

"The neighbors in the Cinco Ranch neighborhood in Katy are wealthy, making it among the 15% highest income neighborhoods in America. NeighborhoodScout's exclusive analysis reveals that this neighborhood has a higher income than 97.7% of the neighborhoods in America. In addition, 0.5% of the children seventeen and under living in this neighborhood are living below the federal poverty line, which is a lower rate of childhood poverty than is found in 90.5% of America's neighborhoods."
I believe women should be treated equally and paid equally for equal jobs

ok, so I would like for you to clear up what this statement means. That is a sham statement. where don't women make the same as a man doing the same work? or is your bitch that a secretary doesn't make the same money as the boss? which is it? I have women where I work and they have never told anyone there salary, they don't know my salary, so how the fk do you or they know they don't make the same money? please enlighten me how one gets to that statement?

BTW, I believe in people equally making what they're worth.

Why does a pro QB make more than me? I want their money k?

"Why does a pro QB make more than me? I want their money k?"

then work hard and become a pro QB....and stop whining about other peoples success.....typical conservative....

I'm in the top 3%.
How about you?

top .00001 percent.

in fact....I'm so smart...I know YOU are NOT in the top 3 percent......bottom 3 maybe.....

Read it and weep ya peasant....

Cinco Ranch Katy, TX 77450, Neighborhood Profile - NeighborhoodScout

There are houses in that development for a quarter mill...

... that is not the top 3%.'s another hint.
My house sits on the sixth fairway. You could try a Google street view but you'll find it's not allowed.
The libtards are all mentally bankrupt….

They are so frustrated that Trump has Rubbed his ass in their faces…

Trump has proven them all fools and this is their childish reaction….

The little pussy hat wearing libtards are throwing a fit…..

They need their ass SPANKED and TRUMP is giving it to “em”….

"Trump has Rubbed his ass in their faces…"

Do you consider this to be Presidential?

I consider President Donald J. Trump to be

a warrior for the good decent working people of America...…

240/280, whatever it takes to destroy you Scum Bags.....

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