'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

The whole thing is meaningless since we have a secret ballot and no idiot greasy spoon owner can tell who voted for who

That is why I like their sign, so I can't see hate and intolerance and never will I have to support it.
the person that owns the business can run it anyway he/she wants too .... geeeeezus H kriest @ RW asshats ... STFU !

he could get Trump to come shit on his floor the Trumpbots would show up in droves holding a big spoon, and wearing a bib, all set to fight for the big chunks,

So, a bakery not selling wedding cakes to same sex couples is now ok in your eyes?

It's running their business the way they like.

Well that's against the law .

For the record I think this guy is dumb and petty . But discrimination based on who you vote for is not protected .

Class discrimination is covered under the 14th Amendment.

If we're going to discriminate against people because of their political 'class' does that mean you want to rescind the 14th Amendment?



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