'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

Only to like minded idiots.

"Minor attracted persons"?? That is a politically correct term regardless of how you try to spin it........liberals are the kind of people that would't report child rape but rather celebrate it by claiming that the child had it's "sexual awakening" at the hands of a more experienced adult...they would no doubt open champagne or a bottle of wine that they have been holding back for just this occasion because after all, those conservatives are just too "stiff" and don't realize that the human body should be open to any experience....and if the sodomized child has a bleeding rectum??? No big deal...flesh heals!!!! It's all about liberalization and freeing one from the social construct!!

You see, that is how the liberal mind works......always has...always will......

I see you have spent a lot of time fantasizing about child rape, but you still haven't produced one credible bit of evidence that being gay is the same as being a pedophile. You're really just a sick bastard.

No, I have more than proven my case....I can lead a jackass to water but if he doesn't want to drink because he doesn't like the one that led him to it? It's no sweat off of my ass........

Forgive me. I must have missed your proof that being gay and being a pedophile are the same thing, or that the left supports pedophilia. Will you point that out for me?

I gave you the links...do you need someone to read them to you as well?????

I did read some of them until i realized they didn't say what you wanted them to say.
Calling Trump supporters Nazi's, that is.

Okay. So, what makes them Nazis?

Let's start there.

Still waiting on an answer here.
'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect (Holy Shit)

So, does that make them every last one of them Nazis? All 62 million of those who voted for him?

Explain your reasoning. I voted for Trump. Am I Nazi?

Calm yourself. You sound hungry. I'm just saying it's fun to call them nazis, even if we know they are only "sort of" nazis.

Lol. You fail to grasp the enormity of calling someone a Nazi.

So, does that make them every last one of them Nazis? All 62 million of those who voted for him?

Explain your reasoning. I voted for Trump. Am I Nazi?

Calm yourself. You sound hungry. I'm just saying it's fun to call them nazis, even if we know they are only "sort of" nazis.

Lol. You fail to grasp the enormity of calling someone a Nazi.
It's not that enormous. It's fun. Try it!
It's their right to refuse service. Just like you conservatives jumped up and down that bakeries and restaurants have the right to refuse service to people based on their sexuality and when gun shop owners refused service to Muslims. Well people have a right to refuse service to people based on their political beliefs.

It's their right? What's the problem?
With this level of tolerance, no wonder the Democrats couldn't win and unite the country...

'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

Honolulu’s Café 8 ½ gets rave reviews on Yelp for its “Radiatore Verde” and “Italian stir fry,” among other popular dishes at the eclectic mom-and-pop restaurant – but the response to its new 'policy' barring pro-Trump patrons has been decidedly more mixed.

A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: “If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis.”

A photo of the sign was shared with FoxNews.com. One also is proudly posted on the café’s Facebook page, and was “liked” by some 40 people.

“…The next time you're in Honolulu, eat lunch here, not only are they on the right side of things, the food is delicious and reasonable,” one Facebook user wrote next to the photo.

Others aren’t so charmed.

Honolulu resident and Donald Trump voter Susan Roberts told FoxNews.com she found the sign in “extreme poor taste.”

“It's childish and very unprofessional,” she said in an email. “… The restaurant owner doesn't have to worry ... I will not be stepping foot in that establishment.”

Fuck'em. Let the fat ass spam eaters have their shitty little island. After the meth and spam kills off a generation or two then go back and start again.
The whole thing is meaningless since we have a secret ballot and no idiot greasy spoon owner can tell who voted for who
It's their right to refuse service. Just like you conservatives jumped up and down that bakeries and restaurants have the right to refuse service to people based on their sexuality and when gun shop owners refused service to Muslims. Well people have a right to refuse service to people based on their political beliefs.

It's their right? What's the problem?

But they have no way of knowing if people voted for Trump or not
Just like the no guns allowed people have no idea if I'm carrying concealed
Hawaii is about 99.99% Democrat voters, boycott by Trump voters would have little or no effect.
Hawaii voted nearly a THIRD for President Trump. Most businesses would be out of business if they lose a third of that business.

I hope this business fails.
Hey, that's right!

Why aren't the Regressive Lefties whining about "public accommodation" laws?

Just kidding!

We all know why!

Who says they aren't? You? You're a retard. Your opinion has retard value only.
And the third grade pipes in.


Is that what passes for an intelligent response in your world?
And for the zillionth time (well, more than that) ol' Mac doesn't have to name names.

One of you just HAS to jump in and make it personal and nasty.

Your hatred is ugly. Yuck.
So the rules the left wanted to apply to a Christian baker who did not want to bake a cake for a gay wedding do not apply here interesting if unsurprising.

Are you now claiming you are not one of those conservatives who says that a business should have th right to refuse service to anyone for any reason?
What I'm saying is I don't want one set of standards for one group and another set for another If a Christian baker can't refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding without being sued this guy can't refuse Trump supporters If he can then the baker should have the same right.
The Regressive Left are nasty, hateful hypocrites.

This is just another example.
Some people sure do have difficulty understanding PA laws.

I think the guy should offer a discount for Trump voters, instead. I believe in being kind to those who need help.

Seriously, though, this cafe owner should.....and likely will....rethink his decision. He will realize that there are many reasons why a person may have voted for Trump...not all of which are devious.
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I wish more businesses would do this. I have been asking of late if the places I do business with are Trump supporters...I've stopped doing business with a few who we're not.....
Whether it's the restaurant or the bakery, I'd say the same thing:

Fuck 'em, there are other places to go.

Lotsa hypocrites running around, screaming.

Would you like to have a mature, adult discussion about how these two cases are different and why PA laws have become commonplace?
Whether it's the restaurant or the bakery, I'd say the same thing:

Fuck 'em, there are other places to go.

Lotsa hypocrites running around, screaming.

Would you like to have a mature, adult discussion about how these two cases are different and why PA laws have become commonplace?
Impossible with you, my little stalker friend.

Try this stuff on someone else, thanks.
I believe that some people.....MDK and Mac included....are expressing acceptance of refusal of service rights because they think enough options exist for people who have been sent away.

It is true that in 2016 America most citizens (and by extrapolation, most business owners ) are not bigoted and would not refuse service to people based on their race, creed, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability.

So....the gay guy who is denied a beer at Mo's can probably get one at Joe's. Why not let Mo decide who he wants to serve? This is a free country. Likewise, the black guy who wants to play a round at Suntree won't mind being asked to leave...because he can drive a few miles and play at Crooked Pine. There is always another place to go.

What's the harm? We've moved past a time when groups of people can be harmed by discriminatory business practices.
I had my doubts about the validity of this story after viewing the Facebook page mentioned in the article. Like the yellow hand printed sign the Facebook page looked like it took no more than 5 minutes to construct. But a Yelp review from 12/3/16 pretty much convinces me it's true, as all the later reviews are a couple of weeks later here at end of month when story hit nationally.

The place is opened only midday from 11:30 to 2:00 on weekdays and Saturday evenings 6:00 to 8:00. With those hours I guess they aren't in need of a vast customer base and perhaps can afford to be stupid.
Good for them :clap:

What if that sign said Whites Only? Maybe you'd say "Good for them" too.

I thought that discrimination was both illegal and causes liberals to hyperventilate.
Lol not the same at all you dumb rube. And I doubt that they'd turn you away anyways, but don't be surprised if you taste some saliva flavor in your dish.
I bet you call yourself a "progressive", don't you?

It's their right to refuse service. Just like you conservatives jumped up and down that bakeries and restaurants have the right to refuse service to people based on their sexuality and when gun shop owners refused service to Muslims. Well people have a right to refuse service to people based on their political beliefs.

It's their right? What's the problem?

It is their right and I for one am glad they posted their sign of intolerance and bigotry . I didn't vote for Trump but I'll be damned if I ever eat at that place. I find hate and intolerance and bigotry disgusting and people that are that disgusting don't deserve my hard earned money.
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