'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

Hey, let me know when this place ever denies anybody service. I'll be waiting.

So if you don't think they'll discriminate against anyone, why did they put up the sign?
To piss you snowflake's off most lime. Seems it worked. Anyways, if you don't want food poisonong make sure to leave your MAGA hat at home when you go there.

Ahh, the liberal starts to bear his fangs.

Are you hoping that restaurant puts poison in the food of customers whom they suspect voted for Trump?

Is that you wishing death on Trump supporters?
Just a few sprinkles of Ex-lax and a middle finger on the way out the door :thup:

The next four years lay out before you like 50 miles of bad, unpaved road.....and I will be there to watch you attempt to navigate it......and I will be laughing the whole way.........

Hey, let me know when this place ever denies anybody service. I'll be waiting.

So if you don't think they'll discriminate against anyone, why did they put up the sign?
To piss you snowflake's off most lime. Seems it worked. Anyways, if you don't want food poisonong make sure to leave your MAGA hat at home when you go there.

Ahh, the liberal starts to bear his fangs.

Are you hoping that restaurant puts poison in the food of customers whom they suspect voted for Trump?

Is that you wishing death on Trump supporters?
Just a few sprinkles of Ex-lax and a middle finger on the way out the door :thup:

Too late to walk that back.

Besides, you're supposed to sprinkle it on the food. Not eat it. No wonder you're spewing an unusually large amount of bullshit tonight.
If you say so. The claim was that the left supported pedophilia. How does a gay and lesbian group have anything to do with that?
If you say so. The claim was that the left supported pedophilia. How does a gay and lesbian group have anything to do with that?

Are you serious? If you think a Gay and Lesbian ADVOCACY group trying to entice kindergarten children into experimenting with homosexuality could possibly be Conservative, you are farther gone than I thought.

As for your questioning support, The vast majority of homosexuals are on the Left. The left does support the LGBTQ platform, so by extension they support GLSEN's advocacy efforts. So, if the GLSEN is committing Pedophilia By Proxy, the left is supporting Pedophilia.

See how easily and logically it all ties together?

Now we're getting somewhere. How about proof that they are advocating pedophilia. Pointing out some psychiatrists discussing pedophilia is not the proof you need to prove your point.

What I presented is called Circumstantial Evidence, which posits a plausible account of events. Many a criminal has been convicted in a court of law with it.

Now you're the defense. You need to present a plausible defense to convince the jury I am wrong.

According to your testimony so far, that should be easy.

No. I didn't make the accusation.

Do you not comprehend the English language?

Dale made the accusation. I gave a plausible account supporting his accusation. You have defended against said accusation. Now it is your turn to present a plausible account in defense on the accusation to convince the jury.

Wait, let me try and make this simple for you.

We said they did and gave a believable account why we think so.

You said they didn't, now have to give a believable reason they didn't.

All you've done is make demand after demand for proof without any kind of evidence to support your position..

It really is simple and easy to understand the process

I am not going to hold my breath because I know of what I speak.....the LGBTQ agenda is about indoctrinating the youth with the blessing of the globalists that have funded the movement. It's all a part of the depopulation agenda and the elite pedophiles pick from the ranks the most cherished subjects to practice their depravity on with no worry of being taken to task...liberals don't give a fuck...they are on board with abortion and they are on board with genocide......every life snuffed out is a worthless eater that doesn't leave a carbon footprint.....and if some elitist wants to sodomize a child and then kill it? What's the damage???? It's just like it was an abortion.......but an abortion that happened after it survived the womb....no big whoop......
Hey, let me know when this place ever denies anybody service. I'll be waiting.

So if you don't think they'll discriminate against anyone, why did they put up the sign?
To piss you snowflake's off most lime. Seems it worked. Anyways, if you don't want food poisonong make sure to leave your MAGA hat at home when you go there.

Ahh, the liberal starts to bear his fangs.

Are you hoping that restaurant puts poison in the food of customers whom they suspect voted for Trump?

Is that you wishing death on Trump supporters?
Just a few sprinkles of Ex-lax and a middle finger on the way out the door :thup:

The next four years lay out before you like 50 miles of bad, unpaved road.....and I will be there to watch you attempt to navigate it......and I will be laughing the whole way.........

Hey, let me know when this place ever denies anybody service. I'll be waiting.

So if you don't think they'll discriminate against anyone, why did they put up the sign?
To piss you snowflake's off most lime. Seems it worked. Anyways, if you don't want food poisonong make sure to leave your MAGA hat at home when you go there.

Ahh, the liberal starts to bear his fangs.

Are you hoping that restaurant puts poison in the food of customers whom they suspect voted for Trump?

Is that you wishing death on Trump supporters?
Just a few sprinkles of Ex-lax and a middle finger on the way out the door :thup:

Too late to walk that back.

Besides, you're supposed to sprinkle it on the food. Not eat it. No wonder you're spewing an unusually large amount of bullshit tonight.
Walk what back?
So if you don't think they'll discriminate against anyone, why did they put up the sign?
To piss you snowflake's off most lime. Seems it worked. Anyways, if you don't want food poisonong make sure to leave your MAGA hat at home when you go there.

Ahh, the liberal starts to bear his fangs.

Are you hoping that restaurant puts poison in the food of customers whom they suspect voted for Trump?

Is that you wishing death on Trump supporters?
Just a few sprinkles of Ex-lax and a middle finger on the way out the door :thup:

The next four years lay out before you like 50 miles of bad, unpaved road.....and I will be there to watch you attempt to navigate it......and I will be laughing the whole way.........

So if you don't think they'll discriminate against anyone, why did they put up the sign?
To piss you snowflake's off most lime. Seems it worked. Anyways, if you don't want food poisonong make sure to leave your MAGA hat at home when you go there.

Ahh, the liberal starts to bear his fangs.

Are you hoping that restaurant puts poison in the food of customers whom they suspect voted for Trump?

Is that you wishing death on Trump supporters?
Just a few sprinkles of Ex-lax and a middle finger on the way out the door :thup:

Too late to walk that back.

Besides, you're supposed to sprinkle it on the food. Not eat it. No wonder you're spewing an unusually large amount of bullshit tonight.
Walk what back?

"Anyways, if you don't want food poisoning make sure to leave your MAGA hat at home when you go there."
Calling Trump supporters Nazi's, that is.

Okay. So, what makes them Nazis?

Let's start there.

Still waiting on an answer here.
'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect (Holy Shit)
Who gives a shit what those morons think. The Communist Party USA supported Clinton this year and ever Democratic Presidential nominee going back to to the 80's . They believe Stalin and Lenin where hero's.

Trump has already denounced the white power pieces of shit, I haven't heard a fucking whisper from the the Dem's on the Communist.
So you still can't come up with proof to answer my simple question? You do have an impressive library of innuendo, though.
Liberals are fine with GLSEN...and they are fine with agenda of NAMBLA....deny it all you want...they are trying to normalize it........fact......

Yet you can't show any connection with NAMBLA. If that connection was there, why can't you show it?

Oh, I think I have more than proved my case......it is you that turns a blind eye to it......."minor attracted person" indeed......(snicker)

Only to like minded idiots.

"Minor attracted persons"?? That is a politically correct term regardless of how you try to spin it........liberals are the kind of people that would't report child rape but rather celebrate it by claiming that the child had it's "sexual awakening" at the hands of a more experienced adult...they would no doubt open champagne or a bottle of wine that they have been holding back for just this occasion because after all, those conservatives are just too "stiff" and don't realize that the human body should be open to any experience....and if the sodomized child has a bleeding rectum??? No big deal...flesh heals!!!! It's all about liberalization and freeing one from the social construct!!

You see, that is how the liberal mind works......always has...always will......

I see you have spent a lot of time fantasizing about child rape, but you still haven't produced one credible bit of evidence that being gay is the same as being a pedophile. You're really just a sick bastard.
Last edited:
If you say so. The claim was that the left supported pedophilia. How does a gay and lesbian group have anything to do with that?
If you say so. The claim was that the left supported pedophilia. How does a gay and lesbian group have anything to do with that?

Are you serious? If you think a Gay and Lesbian ADVOCACY group trying to entice kindergarten children into experimenting with homosexuality could possibly be Conservative, you are farther gone than I thought.

As for your questioning support, The vast majority of homosexuals are on the Left. The left does support the LGBTQ platform, so by extension they support GLSEN's advocacy efforts. So, if the GLSEN is committing Pedophilia By Proxy, the left is supporting Pedophilia.

See how easily and logically it all ties together?

Now we're getting somewhere. How about proof that they are advocating pedophilia. Pointing out some psychiatrists discussing pedophilia is not the proof you need to prove your point.

What I presented is called Circumstantial Evidence, which posits a plausible account of events. Many a criminal has been convicted in a court of law with it.

Now you're the defense. You need to present a plausible defense to convince the jury I am wrong.

According to your testimony so far, that should be easy.

No. I didn't make the accusation.

Do you not comprehend the English language?

Dale made the accusation. I gave a plausible account supporting his accusation. You have defended against said accusation. Now it is your turn to present a plausible account in defense on the accusation to convince the jury.

Wait, let me try and make this simple for you.

We said they did and gave a believable account why we think so.

You said they didn't, now have to give a believable reason they didn't.

All you've done is make demand after demand for proof without any kind of evidence to support your position..

It really is simple and easy to understand the process

No.I don't have to play any game with you. What you said was innuendo, and conjecture. Not proof of anything but proof of the extent you will go to trying to make your stupid claims credible.
Calling Trump supporters Nazi's, that is.

Okay. So, what makes them Nazis?

Let's start there.

Still waiting on an answer here.
'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect (Holy Shit)

So, does that make them every last one of them Nazis? All 62 million of those who voted for him?

Explain your reasoning. I voted for Trump. Am I Nazi?

Calm yourself. You sound hungry. I'm just saying it's fun to call them nazis, even if we know they are only "sort of" nazis.
Are you serious? If you think a Gay and Lesbian ADVOCACY group trying to entice kindergarten children into experimenting with homosexuality could possibly be Conservative, you are farther gone than I thought.

As for your questioning support, The vast majority of homosexuals are on the Left. The left does support the LGBTQ platform, so by extension they support GLSEN's advocacy efforts. So, if the GLSEN is committing Pedophilia By Proxy, the left is supporting Pedophilia.

See how easily and logically it all ties together?

Now we're getting somewhere. How about proof that they are advocating pedophilia. Pointing out some psychiatrists discussing pedophilia is not the proof you need to prove your point.

What I presented is called Circumstantial Evidence, which posits a plausible account of events. Many a criminal has been convicted in a court of law with it.

Now you're the defense. You need to present a plausible defense to convince the jury I am wrong.

According to your testimony so far, that should be easy.

No. I didn't make the accusation.

Do you not comprehend the English language?

Dale made the accusation. I gave a plausible account supporting his accusation. You have defended against said accusation. Now it is your turn to present a plausible account in defense on the accusation to convince the jury.

Wait, let me try and make this simple for you.

We said they did and gave a believable account why we think so.

You said they didn't, now have to give a believable reason they didn't.

All you've done is make demand after demand for proof without any kind of evidence to support your position..

It really is simple and easy to understand the process

I am not going to hold my breath because I know of what I speak.....the LGBTQ agenda is about indoctrinating the youth with the blessing of the globalists that have funded the movement. It's all a part of the depopulation agenda and the elite pedophiles pick from the ranks the most cherished subjects to practice their depravity on with no worry of being taken to task...liberals don't give a fuck...they are on board with abortion and they are on board with genocide......every life snuffed out is a worthless eater that doesn't leave a carbon footprint.....and if some elitist wants to sodomize a child and then kill it? What's the damage???? It's just like it was an abortion.......but an abortion that happened after it survived the womb....no big whoop......

Yep.Still nuts.
Liberals are fine with GLSEN...and they are fine with agenda of NAMBLA....deny it all you want...they are trying to normalize it........fact......

Yet you can't show any connection with NAMBLA. If that connection was there, why can't you show it?

Oh, I think I have more than proved my case......it is you that turns a blind eye to it......."minor attracted person" indeed......(snicker)

Only to like minded idiots.

"Minor attracted persons"?? That is a politically correct term regardless of how you try to spin it........liberals are the kind of people that would't report child rape but rather celebrate it by claiming that the child had it's "sexual awakening" at the hands of a more experienced adult...they would no doubt open champagne or a bottle of wine that they have been holding back for just this occasion because after all, those conservatives are just too "stiff" and don't realize that the human body should be open to any experience....and if the sodomized child has a bleeding rectum??? No big deal...flesh heals!!!! It's all about liberalization and freeing one from the social construct!!

You see, that is how the liberal mind works......always has...always will......

I see you have spent a lot of time fantasizing about child rape, but you still haven't produced one credible bit of evidence that being gay is the same as being a pedophile. You're really just a sick bastard.

No, I have more than proven my case....I can lead a jackass to water but if he doesn't want to drink because he doesn't like the one that led him to it? It's no sweat off of my ass........
Yet you can't show any connection with NAMBLA. If that connection was there, why can't you show it?

Oh, I think I have more than proved my case......it is you that turns a blind eye to it......."minor attracted person" indeed......(snicker)

Only to like minded idiots.

"Minor attracted persons"?? That is a politically correct term regardless of how you try to spin it........liberals are the kind of people that would't report child rape but rather celebrate it by claiming that the child had it's "sexual awakening" at the hands of a more experienced adult...they would no doubt open champagne or a bottle of wine that they have been holding back for just this occasion because after all, those conservatives are just too "stiff" and don't realize that the human body should be open to any experience....and if the sodomized child has a bleeding rectum??? No big deal...flesh heals!!!! It's all about liberalization and freeing one from the social construct!!

You see, that is how the liberal mind works......always has...always will......

I see you have spent a lot of time fantasizing about child rape, but you still haven't produced one credible bit of evidence that being gay is the same as being a pedophile. You're really just a sick bastard.

No, I have more than proven my case....I can lead a jackass to water but if he doesn't want to drink because he doesn't like the one that led him to it? It's no sweat off of my ass........

Forgive me. I must have missed your proof that being gay and being a pedophile are the same thing, or that the left supports pedophilia. Will you point that out for me?
Oh, I think I have more than proved my case......it is you that turns a blind eye to it......."minor attracted person" indeed......(snicker)

Only to like minded idiots.

"Minor attracted persons"?? That is a politically correct term regardless of how you try to spin it........liberals are the kind of people that would't report child rape but rather celebrate it by claiming that the child had it's "sexual awakening" at the hands of a more experienced adult...they would no doubt open champagne or a bottle of wine that they have been holding back for just this occasion because after all, those conservatives are just too "stiff" and don't realize that the human body should be open to any experience....and if the sodomized child has a bleeding rectum??? No big deal...flesh heals!!!! It's all about liberalization and freeing one from the social construct!!

You see, that is how the liberal mind works......always has...always will......

I see you have spent a lot of time fantasizing about child rape, but you still haven't produced one credible bit of evidence that being gay is the same as being a pedophile. You're really just a sick bastard.

No, I have more than proven my case....I can lead a jackass to water but if he doesn't want to drink because he doesn't like the one that led him to it? It's no sweat off of my ass........

Forgive me. I must have missed your proof that being gay and being a pedophile are the same thing, or that the left supports pedophilia. Will you point that out for me?

I gave you the links...do you need someone to read them to you as well?????

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