You can't fight terrorism by changing your profile pic


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.
we live in a world where idiots convince themselves meaningless gestures like posting a fucking hash tag or wearing a stupid ribbon is actually doing something
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.

You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


If they would 1) allow me to go fight and 2) let me fight when I got there... I would be more than glad to and my daughters would as well (I don't have sons). However, I don't want to risk my life or my daughter's lives on some polarized political clusterfuck we have no intention of winning. So before you start your petition, let's first get you committed to the resolve of actually fighting instead of retreating and surrendering. When you can get on board with that, we'll talk about me going to fight or my daughters going.
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


If they would 1) allow me to go fight and 2) let me fight when I got there... I would be more than glad to and my daughters would as well (I don't have sons). However, I don't want to risk my life or my daughter's lives on some polarized political clusterfuck we have no intention of winning.
Sounds like you're making excuses. How convenient. So I guess you'll do something that is worthwhile like continuing to post on an obscure message board. Just not changing your avatar...that would be frivilous.
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


If they would 1) allow me to go fight and 2) let me fight when I got there... I would be more than glad to and my daughters would as well (I don't have sons). However, I don't want to risk my life or my daughter's lives on some polarized political clusterfuck we have no intention of winning.
Sounds like you're making excuses. How convenient. So I guess you'll do something that is worthwhile like continuing to post on an obscure message board. Just not changing your avatar...that would be frivilous.

And....let's not forget.....he's send someone else's kids to the ME. For conditions apply. Standard nutbag shit.
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


If they would 1) allow me to go fight and 2) let me fight when I got there... I would be more than glad to and my daughters would as well (I don't have sons). However, I don't want to risk my life or my daughter's lives on some polarized political clusterfuck we have no intention of winning.
Sounds like you're making excuses. How convenient. So I guess you'll do something that is worthwhile like continuing to post on an obscure message board. Just not changing your avatar...that would be frivilous.

And....let's not forget.....he's send someone else's kids to the ME. For conditions apply. Standard nutbag shit.

Yeah, it's always easy to send someone else's kids into the meat grinder. The moment you suggest to someone who supports military action that they or their kids go, you usually get a whole host of excuses. We just saw exhibit A.
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fuck France. Never a nation as small that can waive a white flag so large.

I'll never forget them denying the US overflight of France during Iraq 1

You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


Not all our kids are fags and worthless coat tail grabbers

Just saying

We need boots on the ground. Air strikes only make the rats run for a little while. Then they're back like ants at a picnic

Fill the void after carpet bombing with ground troops

Its the only logical answer

Slaughter the enemy in a horrific way...

You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

it reminds libs of the fag colors. Unlike conservatives, libtards think only good intentions matter!
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


Not all our kids are fags and worthless coat tail grabbers

Just saying


Too damn funny. So what percentage of your kids are ..99.9?
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


Not all our kids are fags and worthless coat tail grabbers

Just saying


Too damn funny. So what percentage of your kids are ..99.9?

Are what?

You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

it reminds libs of the fag colors. Unlike conservatives, libtards think only good intentions matter!

You're right.

You should sign up to go fight immediately. Oh wait, let me guess, you're all talk. Am I right?
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


Not all our kids are fags and worthless coat tail grabbers

Just saying


Too damn funny. So what percentage of your kids are ..99.9?

Are what?

You're talking about "our" kids...
We need boots on the ground. Air strikes only make the rats run for a little while. Then they're back like ants at a picnic

Fill the void after carpet bombing with ground troops

Its the only logical answer

Slaughter the enemy in a horrific way...


Okay, as long as it your boots or the boots of your son or daughter.

Do we have a deal?
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


Not all our kids are fags and worthless coat tail grabbers

Just saying


Too damn funny. So what percentage of your kids are ..99.9?

Are what?

You're talking about "our" kids...

I'm waiting for your point


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