You can't fight terrorism by changing your profile pic

We need boots on the ground. Air strikes only make the rats run for a little while. Then they're back like ants at a picnic

Fill the void after carpet bombing with ground troops

Its the only logical answer

Slaughter the enemy in a horrific way...


Okay, as long as it your boots or the boots of your son or daughter.

Do we have a deal?

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


Not all our kids are fags and worthless coat tail grabbers

Just saying


Too damn funny. So what percentage of your kids are ..99.9?

Are what?

You're talking about "our" kids...

I'm waiting for your point


I'm waiting for were talking about all of your kids not being fags
We need boots on the ground. Air strikes only make the rats run for a little while. Then they're back like ants at a picnic

Fill the void after carpet bombing with ground troops

Its the only logical answer

Slaughter the enemy in a horrific way...


Okay, as long as it your boots or the boots of your son or daughter.

Do we have a deal?


Well, what are you waiting for?
Not all our kids are fags and worthless coat tail grabbers

Just saying


Too damn funny. So what percentage of your kids are ..99.9?

Are what?

You're talking about "our" kids...

I'm waiting for your point


I'm waiting for were talking about all of your kids not being fags

No, I said not all kids in this country are fags and coat tail grabbers.... Which equates to fighting the fight when called to do so.

Its called serving your country

Mine does.... What about your kids?

We need boots on the ground. Air strikes only make the rats run for a little while. Then they're back like ants at a picnic

Fill the void after carpet bombing with ground troops

Its the only logical answer

Slaughter the enemy in a horrific way...


Okay, as long as it your boots or the boots of your son or daughter.

Do we have a deal?


Well, what are you waiting for?

Unlike liberals, I obey laws

We need boots on the ground. Air strikes only make the rats run for a little while. Then they're back like ants at a picnic

Fill the void after carpet bombing with ground troops

Its the only logical answer

Slaughter the enemy in a horrific way...


Okay, as long as it your boots or the boots of your son or daughter.

Do we have a deal?


Well, what are you waiting for?

Unlike liberals, I obey laws


There is a law against you serving? I have to admit your excuse is novel. The OP pussed out because he didn't like commanders he's never heard of
We need boots on the ground. Air strikes only make the rats run for a little while. Then they're back like ants at a picnic

Fill the void after carpet bombing with ground troops

Its the only logical answer

Slaughter the enemy in a horrific way...


Okay, as long as it your boots or the boots of your son or daughter.

Do we have a deal?


Well, what are you waiting for?

Unlike liberals, I obey laws


There is a law against you serving? I have to admit your excuse is novel. The OP pussed out because he didn't like commanders he's never heard of

Indeed. I have no intention of joining up with ISIS like these libs.

Why would you expect me to do that?


With the reported death over the weekend of another American member of the terror group ISIS and new reports of U.S. citizens taking up arms with Kurdish forces, it seems that the allegiances of the 100-plus Americans who security officials believe have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq are as diverse and complex as the conflict itself.

American Civilians Take Up Arms in Syria, But With Whom?
Okay, as long as it your boots or the boots of your son or daughter.

Do we have a deal?


Well, what are you waiting for?

Unlike liberals, I obey laws


There is a law against you serving? I have to admit your excuse is novel. The OP pussed out because he didn't like commanders he's never heard of

Indeed. I have no intention of joining up with ISIS like these libs.

Why would you expect me to do that?


With the reported death over the weekend of another American member of the terror group ISIS and new reports of U.S. citizens taking up arms with Kurdish forces, it seems that the allegiances of the 100-plus Americans who security officials believe have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq are as diverse and complex as the conflict itself.

American Civilians Take Up Arms in Syria, But With Whom?

Too damn funny.

No shit-brains. Go join the US Army and be ready to be deployed. Bring your kids. Have them sign up. You see...if you really want boots on the ground, just make sure their your boots.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Unlike liberals, I obey laws


There is a law against you serving? I have to admit your excuse is novel. The OP pussed out because he didn't like commanders he's never heard of

Indeed. I have no intention of joining up with ISIS like these libs.

Why would you expect me to do that?


With the reported death over the weekend of another American member of the terror group ISIS and new reports of U.S. citizens taking up arms with Kurdish forces, it seems that the allegiances of the 100-plus Americans who security officials believe have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq are as diverse and complex as the conflict itself.

American Civilians Take Up Arms in Syria, But With Whom?

Too damn funny.

No shit-brains. Go join the US Army and be ready to be deployed. Bring your kids. Have them sign up. You see...if you really want boots on the ground, just make sure their your boots.

I have already served.

How about you?

And I'm beyond the age of enlistment

All of my kids are veterans, and one is still serving

What other false assumptions do you care to express?

You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

When you can't get do anything else, even doing very little is better than doing nothing.
And....let's not forget.....he's send someone else's kids to the ME. For conditions apply. Standard nutbag shit.
"Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight."

I ask everyone here, who does it sound like is ready to send someone else and their kid to the ME?
You'll see it happening all over Facebook, people using the latest app to overlay the French flag on their profile pics as a show of unity and support for Paris. No offense to those who participated but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

You see, 14 years ago, we were attacked by the same radical element. Our response was the same call for unity and we banded together to go after these people.. then, after a few months, some of us decided we were going too far, doing too much. A growing number were no longer unified and didn't want to fight... thought it was a terrible mistake and we should leave it alone. They pushed and protested, destroyed an American president and his foreign policy. Then, they elected a president who, if he's not a Muslim, is the closest you'll ever see to one as president, even has a Muslim name. Their take being, this man was going to "talk to them and reason with them" and eventually, we could all live in peace again. Well that has simply failed to transpire.

So now, we wait for something bad to happen and people to die so that we can change our profile pics. No troops on the ground... heaven forbid we do something like that! No military response... that's crazy talk... Let's just keep ignoring radical Islam, refusing to even utter the words, and pretend that we can solve this problem with a Facebook app. Let's keep on electing radical anti-military idiots who think we can appease, negotiate and talk our way into a diplomatic solution with these people. And if all that fails, we simply update our profile status.

Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


If they would 1) allow me to go fight and 2) let me fight when I got there... I would be more than glad to and my daughters would as well (I don't have sons). However, I don't want to risk my life or my daughter's lives on some polarized political clusterfuck we have no intention of winning.
Sounds like you're making excuses. How convenient. So I guess you'll do something that is worthwhile like continuing to post on an obscure message board. Just not changing your avatar...that would be frivilous.

And....let's not forget.....he's send someone else's kids to the ME. For conditions apply. Standard nutbag shit.

Yeah, it's always easy to send someone else's kids into the meat grinder. The moment you suggest to someone who supports military action that they or their kids go, you usually get a whole host of excuses. We just saw exhibit A.

I don't see any excuses, bitch. Why you want to lie like that? Everybody can read the posts. I am more than happy to go and my kids will go too... IF WE'RE GOING TO FIGHT TO WIN! If not--- FUCK YOU!

What YOU want is to get all emotional and send me and my kid over there to fight, then get cold feet because it's not politically popular and leave us to fend for ourselves. You want to play politics instead of joining together to fight the enemy... which is why I refuse to join your little social media campaign to appease your silly consciences. This happened as a result of YOUR idiocy... I lay the blame at YOUR feet. The people who are dead in Paris are dead because of Liberal idiots like YOU.
Fine, as soon as you, your son, and/or your daughter sign up to be on the front lines, I'll start a petition to send you over there to fight.


If they would 1) allow me to go fight and 2) let me fight when I got there... I would be more than glad to and my daughters would as well (I don't have sons). However, I don't want to risk my life or my daughter's lives on some polarized political clusterfuck we have no intention of winning.
Sounds like you're making excuses. How convenient. So I guess you'll do something that is worthwhile like continuing to post on an obscure message board. Just not changing your avatar...that would be frivilous.

And....let's not forget.....he's send someone else's kids to the ME. For conditions apply. Standard nutbag shit.

Yeah, it's always easy to send someone else's kids into the meat grinder. The moment you suggest to someone who supports military action that they or their kids go, you usually get a whole host of excuses. We just saw exhibit A.

I don't see any excuses, bitch. Why you want to lie like that? Everybody can read the posts. I am more than happy to go and my kids will go too... IF WE'RE GOING TO FIGHT TO WIN! If not--- FUCK YOU!
Actions speak louder than words. You're still here...posting on an obscure message board instead of doing what you consider to be your duty. All of your profanity can't erase your cowardice.

What YOU want is to get all emotional and send me and my kid over there to fight, then get cold feet because it's not politically popular and leave us to fend for ourselves. You want to play politics instead of joining together to fight the enemy... which is why I refuse to join your little social media campaign to appease your silly consciences. This happened as a result of YOUR idiocy... I lay the blame at YOUR feet. The people who are dead in Paris are dead because of Liberal idiots like YOU.

Ha ha...that's funny.

No. I want those who think we should spill American blood and treasure in unwinnable wars to be the ones who are spilling the blood.
We need boots on the ground. Air strikes only make the rats run for a little while. Then they're back like ants at a picnic

Fill the void after carpet bombing with ground troops

Its the only logical answer

Slaughter the enemy in a horrific way...


But we can't because FAKE ASS liberals had rather change their profile picture to combat terror. They don't have the stomach to do what needs to be done here. They're sniveling little cowards who hide behind fake political correctness that makes NO sense. When it comes to ACTION they want to turn it into a political football and whine to other sniveling cowards appealing to their fear by attacking those who are committed to fight.
Well, what are you waiting for?

Unlike liberals, I obey laws


There is a law against you serving? I have to admit your excuse is novel. The OP pussed out because he didn't like commanders he's never heard of

Indeed. I have no intention of joining up with ISIS like these libs.

Why would you expect me to do that?


With the reported death over the weekend of another American member of the terror group ISIS and new reports of U.S. citizens taking up arms with Kurdish forces, it seems that the allegiances of the 100-plus Americans who security officials believe have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq are as diverse and complex as the conflict itself.

American Civilians Take Up Arms in Syria, But With Whom?

Too damn funny.

No shit-brains. Go join the US Army and be ready to be deployed. Bring your kids. Have them sign up. You see...if you really want boots on the ground, just make sure their your boots.

I have already served.

How about you?

And I'm beyond the age of enlistment

All of my kids are veterans, and one is still serving

What other false assumptions do you care to express?


Sounds like you're making excuses (if you're telling the truth which is hardly ever the case). I'm sure you could go over to Syria and do something like draw the fire away from those doing the fighting. Hey, here's an idea. You and your ilk like Vladdy so much, I'm sure Russia would let you act as a decoy or something.
We need boots on the ground. Air strikes only make the rats run for a little while. Then they're back like ants at a picnic

Fill the void after carpet bombing with ground troops

Its the only logical answer

Slaughter the enemy in a horrific way...


But we can't because FAKE ASS liberals had rather change their profile picture to combat terror. They don't have the stomach to do what needs to be done here. They're sniveling little cowards who hide behind fake political correctness that makes NO sense. When it comes to ACTION they want to turn it into a political football and whine to other sniveling cowards appealing to their fear by attacking those who are committed to fight.

Committed? You're posting on the same message board I am. We're equally "committed". 2 weeks from today, you'll be posting about something else and all of this will be a sad little memory.
Actions speak louder than words. You're still here...posting on an obscure message board..
And that's where I plan to stay until they've sawed your stupid little head off. Again... I have NO intention of risking my life for YOU. I'll protect my own and let you take care of yourself. Don't ever ask me to "join in unity" with you for anything again. You're a backstabbing bitch who has no intention of fighting anything except the political right.
Actions speak louder than words. You're still here...posting on an obscure message board..
And that's where I plan to stay until they've sawed your stupid little head off. Again... I have NO intention of risking my life for YOU.
So " You can't fight terrorism by changing your profile pic" but you can by posting on a message board? Interesting.

I'll protect my own and let you take care of yourself.
Yawn...whatever loser.

Don't ever ask me to "join in unity" with you for anything again.
I never asked you for anything. Except if you're calling for boots on the ground, to have yours be the first pair to hit the earth. And then you have done nothing except make excuses for why your bitch ass can't be expected to put your skin in the game.

You're a backstabbing bitch who has no intention of fighting anything except the political right.

Well, that makes no sense...since I'm about as politically to the right as Obama is. But then again common sense has never been your strong suit.
Actions speak louder than words. You're still here...posting on an obscure message board..
And that's where I plan to stay until they've sawed your stupid little head off. Again... I have NO intention of risking my life for YOU.
So " You can't fight terrorism by changing your profile pic" but you can by posting on a message board? Interesting.

I'll protect my own and let you take care of yourself.
Yawn...whatever loser.

Don't ever ask me to "join in unity" with you for anything again.
I never asked you for anything. Except if you're calling for boots on the ground, to have yours be the first pair to hit the earth. And then you have done nothing except make excuses for why your bitch ass can't be expected to put your skin in the game.

You're a backstabbing bitch who has no intention of fighting anything except the political right.

Well, that makes no sense...since I'm about as politically to the right as Obama is. But then again common sense has never been your strong suit.

Fuck you and go to hell, traitor.
Actions speak louder than words. You're still here...posting on an obscure message board..
And that's where I plan to stay until they've sawed your stupid little head off. Again... I have NO intention of risking my life for YOU.
So " You can't fight terrorism by changing your profile pic" but you can by posting on a message board? Interesting.

I'll protect my own and let you take care of yourself.
Yawn...whatever loser.

Don't ever ask me to "join in unity" with you for anything again.
I never asked you for anything. Except if you're calling for boots on the ground, to have yours be the first pair to hit the earth. And then you have done nothing except make excuses for why your bitch ass can't be expected to put your skin in the game.

You're a backstabbing bitch who has no intention of fighting anything except the political right.

Well, that makes no sense...since I'm about as politically to the right as Obama is. But then again common sense has never been your strong suit.

Fuck you and go to hell, traitor.

Your surrender is noted and oh, so sweet.

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