You can't move the needle when it's already pinned.

Sound good to me and I hope that your fears about Trump come to fruition and you burn in hell.

Berg's fears regarding President Trump will never come true - the Democrat Media Bubble Cult has flooded Berg with propaganda.
I do suspect that Berg may burn in hell, if hell exists.
LOL Your party has half a dozen ridiculous lawsuits attempting to keep the former President of the Untied States, the leading candidate for 2024 off the ballot , bankrupted and in prison for the rest of his life, and you're whining about him turning the country into banana republic? Look up the word irony, as it clearly isn't in your vocabulary.
If he ends up bankrupt and imprisoned it will be because a jury (or judge) found him guilty of the crimes he committed by his own volition.
Berg's fears regarding President Trump will never come true
By his own words he has stated they will if he is re-elected. My fear being related to fellow Americans being in favor of the Constitution's suspension.
It is.

It is the power of The Democrat Media Bubble Cult flooding them 24/7/365 with simply the worst propaganda that one can imagine.
By his own words he has stated they will if he is re-elected. My fear being related to fellow Americans being in favor of the Constitution's suspension.

Your Cult has abused you to the point that you can't accurately follow conversations, and you don't understand the actual meaning of most simple words.
You are programmed to only believe their truth, their spin.
I remember when the "moonies" were a thing.
You remind me of them.
Your Cult has abused you to the point that you can't accurately follow conversations, and you don't understand the actual meaning of most simple words.
You are programmed to only believe their truth, their spin.
I remember when the "moonies" were a thing.
You remind me of them.
Do you think Trump would have suggested that Milley be executed if Milley hadn't spoken out against him?
Which of your policies are Constitutional, faggot?
Is this............

Trump and his think tank loyalists are collecting the ingredients and refining the recipe for an authoritarian regime should he win the 2024 presidential election. According to a page one story in The Washington Post Monday, Trump plans on the first day of his new administration to invoke the Insurrection Act so he can dispatch the military to counter any demonstrations that might resist his policies.

........okay with you?
Berg's fears regarding President Trump will never come true - the Democrat Media Bubble Cult has flooded Berg with propaganda.
I do suspect that Berg may burn in hell, if hell exists.
I think berg's just been duped and has purposely been taught to not be able to realize he's been duped.
Is this............

........okay with you?
That did not answer my question about which of your policies are Constitutional. :itsok:

But ,since you linked that steaming pile of dogshit:


AKA pure bullshit hearsay propaganda.

AKA All made up lies. Circular fucking linking to an opinion piece. Garbage.

Did they have Civics classes when you were in K-12?
95% of all media outlets are owned by a few multinational conglomerates
Please substantiate that claim. And don't forget local news stations and papers don't have nearly the impact that the NYT or outlets owned by News Corp have.
You say that as if that makes it okay.
Oh, it's not okay, but I can't worry about things I have no control over. :dunno:

The damage is already done there, and I don't know how to fix it.

A Hail Mary would be free adult night school classes in Critical Thinking, maybe?

Do not think I haven't given this some thought, just haven't come up with any great solutions.

It'll take some big brain thinking to fix the indoctrination, if anyone ever puts forth an effort to do so, that is.
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