You can't post about the Hunter Biden scandal on Twitter now

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
TRUTH should be protected under Free speech laws.
But Twitter NEVER demanded proof of collusion with Russia or any claim against trump, NOT ONCE. And you claim you don't see they hypocrisy and the reason we are mad.

Because there was collusion.
LOL except a 2 year investigation found NONE. A 2 year witch hunt designed and run by lefties could not actually find any evidence of collusion. Or Obstruction.

Not true. Mueller was not allowed to say what he wanted to. He was muzzled by Barr. That right there is corruption.
You are a LIAR, the report is out. The only part that was never released was the witness section.

Oh, the witness section! That is a really unimportant bit ain't it, Gunny?
It is ILLEGAL BY Federal and State law to RELEASE that INFO, or are you claiming Mueller was to stupid to question the right people?
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing. Lol All I've heard is that Hunter introduced his dad to a guy he worked with at Burisma... and you people are taking it and spinning a total fiction out of it.
but why did he do it???

the evidence points in a pay to play scheme,,,
Why did who do what? Hunter introduce his dad to a guy he works with? or Biden withholding the aid 'til whatshisface was ousted?

If you remember, that guy was forced out because he WASN'T prosecuting corruption. The Burisma file had been sitting in a pile and he declined to supply info to the Brits who wanted Burisma investigated. The entire premise of this conspiracy theory falls flat on its face right there.
but joe said he never had discussions on hunters business,,,

and yet when the new guy checked into the corruption they found nothing,,, so joe was mad he didnt investigate an innocent guy,,,

sounds like corruption to me since the same guy (hunters boss) was later reeinvestigated and wrong doing was found,,,
It wasn't Hunter's boss that was found to be crooked. He was gone before Hunter came onboard, which is probably why the investigation found Burisma was okay.
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing. Lol All I've heard is that Hunter introduced his dad to a guy he worked with at Burisma... and you people are taking it and spinning a total fiction out of it.
but why did he do it???

the evidence points in a pay to play scheme,,,
Why did who do what? Hunter introduce his dad to a guy he works with? or Biden withholding the aid 'til whatshisface was ousted?

If you remember, that guy was forced out because he WASN'T prosecuting corruption. The Burisma file had been sitting in a pile and he declined to supply info to the Brits who wanted Burisma investigated. The entire premise of this conspiracy theory falls flat on its face right there.
but joe said he never had discussions on hunters business,,,

and yet when the new guy checked into the corruption they found nothing,,, so joe was mad he didnt investigate an innocent guy,,,

sounds like corruption to me since the same guy (hunters boss) was later reeinvestigated and wrong doing was found,,,
It wasn't Hunter's boss that was found to be crooked. He was gone before Hunter came onboard, which is probably why the investigation found Burisma was okay.
OH,,, sorry but I thought you knew the details of the case,,,

apparently not,,,
Not the case you're attempting to build, no. Can you fill me in? With details?
Not the case you're attempting to build, no. Can you fill me in? With details?
if youre that ignorant at this point theirs nothing I can do to help you,,,

try this thread it has a long list of links for your research,,
dont forget to thank slade for starting the thread,,,

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
TRUTH should be protected under Free speech laws.
If it were true, there would be some authoritative facts to back it up. Whether Twitter is getting too big for its britches is a different issue. The conspiracy theory is super weak, nothing but supposition by people determined to find something wrong there.

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
TRUTH should be protected under Free speech laws.
If it were true, there would be some authoritative facts to back it up. Whether Twitter is getting too big for its britches is a different issue. The conspiracy theory is super weak, nothing but supposition by people determined to find something wrong there.
joe hasnt denied it yet,,, and went into hiding once it was reported,,,

that speaks volumes,,,

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
TRUTH should be protected under Free speech laws.
If it were true, there would be some authoritative facts to back it up. Whether Twitter is getting too big for its britches is a different issue. The conspiracy theory is super weak, nothing but supposition by people determined to find something wrong there.

Look. It's called a laptop. It possesses a device capable of storing hundreds of gigabytes of data. Data such as e-mail communications between the user and another party.

Your biases won't let you examine the entire case without you rejecting it out of hand.
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing. Lol All I've heard is that Hunter introduced his dad to a guy he worked with at Burisma... and you people are taking it and spinning a total fiction out of it.

See this is what happens when you don't look at the big picture. Or you know what the big picture is and are simply focusing on the least harmful part of it.
I have nothing against big pictures, but give me something to go on besides imagination! Maybe you've got it but no one has shown it to me yet. What important post did I miss?

Read the damn article, woman! I am not your handler!


Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
Good to see they’re out of the conspiracy theory business.
Facebook spokesman: We’re reducing distribution of the NY Post story on Biden until it gets fact-checked (Update: Twitter too)

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“Now that they’re actively controlling the news and discourse, it’s beyond just a menace.”

The NY Post has a big story out today headlined “Biden’s Secret E-mails” about files found on an old laptop computer someone dropped off at a repair shop and never returned to collect. One of the items discovered on the computer was an email in which an advisor to the board of Burisma sent to Hunter Biden thanking him for a chance to meet with his father Joe Biden.

Michael Knowles


Democrat operatives at Facebook are suppressing information about Democrat corruption weeks before a presidential election. They don't even dispute the story. They don't have a shred of evidence it isn't true. They don't just want it to spread.



Holy bleeping bleep. Facebook explicitly admitting it is protecting Biden -- and interfering in the presidential election -- by censoring media outlets and limiting discussion of today's breaking news about Biden's engagement with Burisma.

Sohrab Ahmari


To be very clear: A former longtime Democratic staffer, now working at @Facebook, is boasting about censoring a reported @nypost story damaging to the Democratic candidate for president. Section 230 reform — now.

Byron York


Facebook says it is 'reducing [the] distribution' of the New York Post's report that Hunter Biden introduced an executive for the Ukrainian company that was paying him to his father when Joe Biden was vice president.

Legal Insurrection


Folks, if you don't understand, this is @Facebook warning you that they may put a strike on your page if you post @nypost article, and if you get multiple strikes, they will throttle your page reach, if you post this story. They are protecting Biden, they are biased.

Steve Krakauer


The idea that Facebook would brag about “pre-ducing” distribution even before a fact check shows how far we’ve come on this topic - a few years ago this would be the kind of thing James O’Keefe would uncover through secret recordings. Now execs just…tweet it out...

Glenn Greenwald


Oct 14, 2020
If I were Facebook, and I wanted to announce the systemic suppression of a questionable news story that reflected poorly on the Democratic presidential nominee, I probably wouldn't have a life-long Democratic Party operative make the announcement on my behalf:

Glenn Greenwald


The power of Facebook -- due to its sheer size, integration and gobbling up of competitors -- was already way larger than any democracy should tolerate. Now that they're actively controlling the news and discourse, it's beyond just a menace. It's a terrifying threat.

Mark Hemingway


Has Facebook ever preemptively limited a story from a major media outlet to verify it’s true without a specific reason to doubt it?

Son of Spengler


As hard as I squint, I can’t see the unbiased algorithm here

Jesse Walker


The reaction to this tweet shows how this sort of move can backfire. Instead of stopping the story, Stone made himself a part of it.

Facebook shouldn’t be using their monopoly to pre-judge the outcome of a story’s reliability weeks before an election. This looks politically motivated and, as mentioned above, having a long-time Democratic politico make the announcement only adds to that suspicion.

Update: Twitter is doing the same.

Yashar Ali


Twitter has blocked users from tweeting the New York Post story link and from sending the link via direct message to other users.
Twizzler and Fakebook have completely outed themselves as biased. They have not shutdown stories that put Donald Trump or Conservatives in a bad light but they quickly squelch anything that might hurt Joe Biden. Just like Chris Wallace, they have been exposed.

Because more often than not the stories about Trump are true and easily provable to be so.
Such as?
He's filed for chapter 11 six times
Wrong. No is ignorant of the fact that Trump filed for bankrupties on several of his businesses. Only leftwing morons are hysterical about it.
The left wants to throw out bankruptcy laws? Do they want a return of debtor prisons?
Not the case you're attempting to build, no. Can you fill me in? With details?
jet elect poppins.jpg
It is ILLEGAL BY Federal and State law to RELEASE that INFO, or are you claiming Mueller was to stupid to question the right people?

That is all.


Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
The New York Post had no evidence to back up its story. Nice try.
Anything to get Trump out of the 'getting-his-ass-kicked-in-polls" territory.
It is ILLEGAL BY Federal and State law to RELEASE that INFO, or are you claiming Mueller was to stupid to question the right people?

That is all.

LOL so now you believe that Mueller and his team all lied..... You believe in conspiracy theories I see. Provide a SHRED of evidence to back up that OPINION piece.

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