You can't post about the Hunter Biden scandal on Twitter now

This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.
Oh fucking stop it fascist! Just speak the truth you cringing coward, you don't care, you don't care, you don't fucking care that Biden, Obama, and the Clintons are traitors to the United States, you just don't fucking care, because your psychopathic confirmation bias is all that matters to you! I am so sick of these evil democrats, the above quoted fascist, like all of them, doesn't fucking care that Biden committed all of those crimes, or that he sold out Americans to China, the above quoted democrat just doesn't fucking care, just speak the truth of you cringing coward, let it out there, stop denying the obvious, its proven you fucktard by Bidens own words and deeds!
Something vexing thee?
But Twitter NEVER demanded proof of collusion with Russia or any claim against trump, NOT ONCE. And you claim you don't see they hypocrisy and the reason we are mad.

Because there was collusion.
LOL except a 2 year investigation found NONE. A 2 year witch hunt designed and run by lefties could not actually find any evidence of collusion. Or Obstruction.

Not true. Mueller was not allowed to say what he wanted to. He was muzzled by Barr. That right there is corruption.
You are a LIAR, the report is out. The only part that was never released was the witness section.

Oh, the witness section! That is a really unimportant bit ain't it, Gunny?
Twizzler and Fakebook have completely outed themselves as biased. They have not shutdown stories that put Donald Trump or Conservatives in a bad light but they quickly squelch anything that might hurt Joe Biden. Just like Chris Wallace, they have been exposed.

Because more often than not the stories about Trump are true and easily provable to be so.
Such as?
He's filed for chapter 11 six times
So you're basing your assertion that there was collusion on something you've not seen, not heard, and really have no idea even exists? SMH and LOL.

as are you. However, there is a caveat with my assertion - if there is nothing to see, why not release the whole report? It's wasn't the Dems stopping it. I think that would lead anybody to reasonably believe they are hiding something.
What assertion am I making? I'm challenging yours, and so far, you only have feelz to base it on. As for not releasing the whole report, of course there are things to hide, classified information for one. Since we don't know what hasn't been released all you have is conjecture, and you're all too happy to let your imagination run wild.

And imagination that is enabled by a president who lies as easily as John Lennon wrote hit songs.
As long as you admit you're just emoting.
Am I?
Yes. That is where the Left is trying to drag us, to National Socialism. In Italian National Socialism, the Government controlled the people through Big Crony Corporations.

Featured imageToday the New York Post published an explosive expose on Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.

The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.​

An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.

This correspondence contradicts Joe Biden’s claim that he never discussed Hunter’s overseas adventures with his son. The drive also contains, among other things, “a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter … smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.”

The hard drive has been in the FBI’s possession since last December.

Twitter and Facebook are trying to censor the story, as the Post reports. The fact that Joe Biden has made a career out of influence peddling is something that Twitter and Facebook think you are better off not knowing. (As I have said before, no one has ever bribed Hunter Biden, a worthless neer-do-well.) Twitter’s explanation is laugh-out-loud funny:
The company said it took the step because of the lack of authoritative reporting on where the materials included in The Post’s story originated.
Which explains why no one was ever allowed to tweet about the Russia collusion hoax.

Senator Josh Hawley has asked the FEC to investigate Twitter and Facebook for potential violations of federal election laws. And Ted Cruz, writing as Chairman of the Constitution Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote today to Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO:
Twitter’s censorship of this story is quite hypocritical, given its willingness to allow users to share less-well-sourced reporting critical of other candidates for public office. Accordingly, this can only be seen as an obvious and transparent attempt by Twitter to influence the upcoming Presidential election.
So Senator Cruz has some questions for Mr. Dorsey:
1. Who made the decision to prevent users from sharing this story? On what basis did they make that decision?
2. When was the New York Post made aware of Twitter’s decision and what process was afforded to it to contest the censorship?
3. Has Twitter prevented the New York Times, Washington Post, or any other major news outlet from posting its own reporting? If so, when?
4. If Twitter did not prevent Buzzfeed from sharing its reporting on the Steele dossier or the New York Times reporting on President Trump’s tax returns, please explain a politically neutral principle for why the reporting is treated differently?
5. Has Twitter ever restricted a story published by a major news outlet about Donald J. Trump during his four years as President of the United States?
6. Have Twitter or any of its employees involved in the decision to censor this reporting been in contact in any capacity with the Biden-Harris campaign or any of its representatives regarding this reporting or the allegations contained therein?
I’m sure Cruz isn’t holding his breath, expecting answers. But this episode will add still more impetus to the effort to hold the social media giants accountable, whatever form that effort ultimately takes.
So I’m assuming antifa will show up and demand the news story gets to everyone? I’ll wait

Because it's

This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing. Lol All I've heard is that Hunter introduced his dad to a guy he worked with at Burisma... and you people are taking it and spinning a total fiction out of it.

See this is what happens when you don't look at the big picture. Or you know what the big picture is and are simply focusing on the least harmful part of it.
Twizzler and Fakebook have completely outed themselves as biased. They have not shutdown stories that put Donald Trump or Conservatives in a bad light but they quickly squelch anything that might hurt Joe Biden. Just like Chris Wallace, they have been exposed.

Because more often than not the stories about Trump are true and easily provable to be so.
Such as?
He's filed for chapter 11 six times
Wrong. No is ignorant of the fact that Trump filed for bankrupties on several of his businesses. Only leftwing morons are hysterical about it.
So I’m assuming antifa will show up and demand the news story gets to everyone? I’ll wait

Because it's

View attachment 401741

What is fake?
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing. Lol All I've heard is that Hunter introduced his dad to a guy he worked with at Burisma... and you people are taking it and spinning a total fiction out of it.
but why did he do it???

the evidence points in a pay to play scheme,,,
Why did who do what? Hunter introduce his dad to a guy he works with? or Biden withholding the aid 'til whatshisface was ousted?

If you remember, that guy was forced out because he WASN'T prosecuting corruption. The Burisma file had been sitting in a pile and he declined to supply info to the Brits who wanted Burisma investigated. The entire premise of this conspiracy theory falls flat on its face right there.


Accurately subtitled -

Conservatives less likely to fall into bubbleculture group think.
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing. Lol All I've heard is that Hunter introduced his dad to a guy he worked with at Burisma... and you people are taking it and spinning a total fiction out of it.

See this is what happens when you don't look at the big picture. Or you know what the big picture is and are simply focusing on the least harmful part of it.
I have nothing against big pictures, but give me something to go on besides imagination! Maybe you've got it but no one has shown it to me yet. What important post did I miss?
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.

What are you afraid of?
Nothing. Lol All I've heard is that Hunter introduced his dad to a guy he worked with at Burisma... and you people are taking it and spinning a total fiction out of it.
but why did he do it???

the evidence points in a pay to play scheme,,,
Why did who do what? Hunter introduce his dad to a guy he works with? or Biden withholding the aid 'til whatshisface was ousted?

If you remember, that guy was forced out because he WASN'T prosecuting corruption. The Burisma file had been sitting in a pile and he declined to supply info to the Brits who wanted Burisma investigated. The entire premise of this conspiracy theory falls flat on its face right there.
but joe said he never had discussions on hunters business,,,

and yet when the new guy checked into the corruption they found nothing,,, so joe was mad he didnt investigate an innocent guy,,,

sounds like corruption to me since the same guy (hunters boss) was later reeinvestigated and wrong doing was found,,,

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