You can't post about the Hunter Biden scandal on Twitter now

This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.
Why do you have to listen? Can you not control your tendencies to lie?

That idiot announced her leaving USMB forever a few months ago, but has apparently came back because she realized she has NO life outside of coming here to troll threads with her BS insanity.
Exactly WHY didn't he pick Rudy Giuliani? WHO advised him to pick that vermin Rod Rosenstein and that fat slug William Barr? Whoever DID advise The Donald was NEVER on The Donald's side, I bet it was that Pro-International Globalist and lifelong Democrat Jared Kushner. Jared and Ivanka should have been sent BACK to New York, she's pro-Globalism also, she was crying about Muh Refugees if you remember. Jared slithered his way into The White House USING the situation that Ivanka is The Donald's favourite daughter.
I think Trump wanted someone who is good at plodding along thoroughly so they can follow through after re-election, but he wanted Giuliani as a free agent private citizen who could go pretty much wherever he wanted without government oversight or his emails being controle3d Federal docs.
Lol...You are so dense that a head of cabbage could out debate you.

So in your slaw-world, a baloon of air beats a lead cannonball? Your incoherent babbling wouldn't even make sense to 9 year old.

You are truly witless.

Being without a shred of wit is something you are certainly an expert on. You advertise your fine debating skills and love for the truth every day on this board. :lmao:
Look who’s talking. A bubble-headed baboon who never, ever has a clever retort or response. I will await more of your stupidity. I always enjoy a good laugh.

By the way, Toob Boob, you spell balloon with 2 Ls. Moron.

You really do have 2 brain cells.
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.
Why do you have to listen? Can you not control your tendencies to lie?

That idiot announced her leaving USMB forever a few months ago, but has apparently came back because she realized she has NO life outside of coming here to troll threads with her BS insanity.
Boob calling some one a that’s funny!
They are LITERALLY interfering with a supposed DEMOCRATIC ELECTION, they have both crossed The Rubicon and they both need decapitating.
There are so many JohnLaw types among the GOP Congressional caucuses that I doubt they will have the balls to follow up on this.

They dont want Trump to upend their gravey train Crony corporate deals.
Social Media is the new Fascist.

They will not let those who are ignorant know the truth, that's why they will censor all conservative voices that go against their Leftist /Globlalist narrative.

But I've got news for them, people are awake and their useless censorship won't work anymore.....people are beginning to know exactly what is going on.

Social media can stick their censorship where the sun dont' shine. LOSERS!

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Trump needs to send federal agents into Twitter and Facebook now like Obama sent them into Gibson Guitar to seize their property, arrest the staff and smash their gear. Time for these two subversive organizations to go out of business.

The DOJ needs to freeze all assets of these companies...

Just like they would do in Communist China or Putin’s Russia.

Facebook and Twitter are BOTH operating like they do in Communist China, what a low IQ Muppet Boi you show yourself to be AGAIN.

They are private enterprises, dim wit.

So they aren’t a platform?

They are private enterprises and can set their own rules. You and Frau Blucher seem to not know what a private business is.

I asked you a question answer it

Funny that the Left has a different set of "rules" when it comes to Trump Enterprises. Can you imagine if Trump ever said that he is a private business so can do anything he damn well pleases, even block people from information essential to another presidential candidate?

Maybe Trump ought to take out 100,000 billboards across America and put the Biden/Hunter Corruption Cabal up there, then use the database of every address in America to mail out a flier to every home on the matter?

Maybe we should just throw out all the votes so far, push the election back 6 months, start over and make sure America has free access to everything they need to know about the Bidens BEFORE anyone votes.

What are you talking about, witless wonder? What different rules are you taking about? Your post is so full of inanity that the question is where does one start to deal with your barrage of stupidity. I guess you are too dull to realize that forums and social media have rules you have to abide by. And yes witless wonder if you go into a Trump hotel there will be rules you have to follow.

Take a break and get some air. I think those tube fumes have affected your brain or what is left of it..

So they can block anyone who is black Johnlaw

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
They need sued by The DOJ and The New York Post.

BS. He stopped it because he wanted it to be fact checked first. You think that a bad thing? The original source was the NY Post - a tabloid rag.
Call me when you see any Fact Checking on the thousands of Russia-China-DemNazi Party joint propaganda scams they have been drowning America in for the past 4 years.

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
But Twitter NEVER demanded proof of collusion with Russia or any claim against trump, NOT ONCE. And you claim you don't see they hypocrisy and the reason we are mad.

Because there was collusion.
Why didn't you let the haters in the House know that? They needed something for the impeachment.

Maybe when Barr is out of office we can see what the WHOLE report said.
So you're basing your assertion that there was collusion on something you've not seen, not heard, and really have no idea even exists? SMH and LOL.
So you're basing your assertion that there was collusion on something you've not seen, not heard, and really have no idea even exists? SMH and LOL.

as are you. However, there is a caveat with my assertion - if there is nothing to see, why not release the whole report? It's wasn't the Dems stopping it. I think that would lead anybody to reasonably believe they are hiding something.

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