You can't post about the Hunter Biden scandal on Twitter now

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Trump needs to send federal agents into Twitter and Facebook now like Obama sent them into Gibson Guitar to seize their property, arrest the staff and smash their gear. Time for these two subversive organizations to go out of business.

The DOJ needs to freeze all assets of these companies...

Just like they would do in Communist China or Putin’s Russia.

Facebook and Twitter are BOTH operating like they do in Communist China, what a low IQ Muppet Boi you show yourself to be AGAIN.

They are private enterprises, dim wit.

So they aren’t a platform?

They are private enterprises and can set their own rules. You and Frau Blucher seem to not know what a private business is.

I asked you a question answer it

A private business should be able to serve who it wants, how it wants.

The issue here is these companies are afforded the protections as if they are a public venue, which makes them not responsible for anything that is said in their platform.
The problem is they act as a publisher, because they edit/censor content.

Essentially, they are having it both ways. I’m sure someone else will take the time to explain it to you. I won’t bother, as you are a complete dumbass and won’t comprehend what is being said.

As usual, your ignorance is on full display.
So I’m assuming antifa will show up and demand the news story gets to everyone? I’ll wait
Only friggin damn Trumpist morons give a flying fig about Hunter Biden.


it’s about the fact that Biden used his position to pressure a foreign country, using our tax dollars as the tool, to get his son and his company out of legal trouble!!!

How fucking hard is this to understand??
Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

In other words, Twitter has now blacked out the one matter of historical significance that should most be at the TOP of this election campaign before the voters as if it never happened.

Can you imagine if ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN had blacked out all discussion or mention of Trump's Entertainment Hollywood pussy-grabbing interview from 20 years ago along with any mention of conflicts of interest, or family how the Left would be SCREAMING?

How is this any different from ballot tampering or election tampering? And these fuckheads spent millions investigating Russia worred because they posted a few ads and opinions favorable to Trump, claiming they interfered in the election?

JUST ADMIT IT NOW Democrats that you are effectively trying to OVERTHROW AN ELECTION and take it out of the hands of the American people?

First it was Obama and his IRS thugs blocking Romney voters, who could have seen this? The Left might as well come out with guns to people's heads and tell them they have to vote for Biden, or else. They are greasing a downhill chute for voters to choose Biden while making it an uphill climb through barbed wire to vote for Trump.

Have you been following the thread? We all know that the Hunter Biden BS is just that. BS and Fake News.

What next Stump? Gonna tell us that sunrise, eggs for breakfast and Covid-19 never happened neither? Anything that stands in the way of your agenda it's all fake news.

This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.

Conspiracy theory worth $83,000 a month to Biden's kid. $3.5 Million from the mayor of Moscow's wife. $1.5 Billion from the Chinese.

You're just pissed because you're having to face the fact Bidum is a crook.

And your conspiracy source of information is from Russian agents that feed all these nonsense about Hunter.

You cannot even get your lies straight Hunter was paid $50,000 a month not $83,000. You also knew that Biden tax returns are available compared to Trumo hiding his tax returns. Also Trump paid millions of $ from corruption and fraud cases. Talking about corrupted individual.

Do you know why 2 Republican Senators Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley that is heading this Hunter investigation about had abruptly stopped? Do you know why?? They found out they were working with a Russian agents name Telizhenko. Guilliani also worked with another Russian agents Derkach are now both banned and revoked their US visa by State Department.

US revokes visa of Giuliani's Ukrainian ally who spread conspiracy theories about the Bidens

The US State Department revoked the visa of a former Ukrainian diplomat who has worked with Republicans to spread baseless conspiracy theories about the Biden family and foreign meddling in 2016, American and Ukrainian officials told CNN on Monday.

MSNBC covering for Biden

It's a liberal '5-Alarm' fire...
So I’m assuming antifa will show up and demand the news story gets to everyone? I’ll wait


For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Trump needs to send federal agents into Twitter and Facebook now like Obama sent them into Gibson Guitar to seize their property, arrest the staff and smash their gear. Time for these two subversive organizations to go out of business.

The DOJ needs to freeze all assets of these companies...

Just like they would do in Communist China or Putin’s Russia.

Facebook and Twitter are BOTH operating like they do in Communist China, what a low IQ Muppet Boi you show yourself to be AGAIN.

They are private enterprises, dim wit.

So they aren’t a platform?

They are private enterprises and can set their own rules. You and Frau Blucher seem to not know what a private business is.

I asked you a question answer it

Funny that the Left has a different set of "rules" when it comes to Trump Enterprises. Can you imagine if Trump ever said that he is a private business so can do anything he damn well pleases, even block people from information essential to another presidential candidate?

Maybe Trump ought to take out 100,000 billboards across America and put the Biden/Hunter Corruption Cabal up there, then use the database of every address in America to mail out a flier to every home on the matter?

Maybe we should just throw out all the votes so far, push the election back 6 months, start over and make sure America has free access to everything they need to know about the Bidens BEFORE anyone votes.
AND USMB too is trying to bury the story after I published a link to The New York Post Article in Current Events.

Here is is again, and if they remove it, I am suing. Everybody needs to start suing social media outlets that censor news.


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