You can't post about the Hunter Biden scandal on Twitter now

Biden is receiving in kind donations from the tech giants.

Fuck these anti free speech fucks. This fight has to happen now. We need to abandon these platforms.
Exactly go back to smoke signals.
The kind you get from Hunter Bidens crack pipe?
Pubs are collectively running this country like crackheads. Following the leader. Trump acted like a crackhead at the debate and continues to act like one.
Off topic TDS drivel.

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Trump needs to send federal agents into Twitter and Facebook now like Obama sent them into Gibson Guitar to seize their property, arrest the staff and smash their gear. Time for these two subversive organizations to go out of business.

The DOJ needs to freeze all assets of these companies...

Just like they would do in Communist China or Putin’s Russia.

Facebook and Twitter are BOTH operating like they do in Communist China, what a low IQ Muppet Boi you show yourself to be AGAIN.

They are private enterprises, dim wit.

They are LITERALLY interfering with a supposed DEMOCRATIC ELECTION, they have both crossed The Rubicon and they both need decapitating.

They are private platforms. They set their rules just like this forum sets its rules. Obey or get out.

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Actually, the laptop was abandoned at a repair shop, where it became the property of the owner to cover the repairs...

And the owner turned it over to the FBI (after making copies of the emails and a rather raunchy video of Hunter smoking crack and having sex with a hooker)...

So, can anyone explain how someone can "hack" a computer that they OWN???

Mark Levin explained in detail why Dorcey and Zuckerberg pounced upon the information, shutting Americans out from seeing it entirely, the information is devastating to Biden, whose own impossibly stupid & loose lips have damned him beyond all doubt!

But the information is being looked into so it may come out yet..

This is why I hope Pubs are obliterated at the polls on November 3rd. This BS of their political show trials because Putin wannabe Trump demands it. This Hunter Biden crap that Johnson is starting is nothing but an abuse of power. Just like Hillary’s e-mails or Bill Barr’s unmasking farce, there will be nothing found. Nothing whatsoever. Pubs are turning our nation’s politics into a third world crap hole.

Can't stand it when the Democrats get exposed, can you???

I don’t give a damn about a politician’s kid. You have nothing on Joe so you pathetic bunch go after his kid.

Kid? :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Just a little added icing to this cake, Bidens campaign didn't deny this, they simply stated that Bidens schedule didn't show a meeting with Burisma's number three honcho on that date! They just keep digging hole deeper and deeper, because Peter Swietzer was on Levins radio program today, and you know what the first thing he did after Bidens campaign made that statement, he checked the former VP's schedule for that date in 2015, and you know what he found, a pair of two hour unexplained gaps in Bidens schedule for day in question!
Facebook and Twitter have declared war on The Trump Administration and anyone who doesn't support Biden / Democrats. They are Censoring Conservatives, Censoring actual news of Biden's corruption and crimes, and deleting / locking our accounts. Its like China where the govt/Deep State is trying to control the people by controlling the media.

Knowledge is Democrats attempt to control all sources of knowledge - the education system and media.
Wow! The full state control on twitter has begun. We should all know after the first debate Slow Joe admitted himself on live tv he did illegal dealings with Hunter involved. Now it's in full throttle after the news reported more findings. The Biden Russia collusion is on.
Nothing illegal, the FBI has had these emails since 2019... they aren’t new. They are being used because there is an election next month. you’re full of shit

Hm, you apologists for Crooked Joe seem to be mighty insecure with less than a month coming up.
This is an October surprise of biblical proportions.... hmm?

It's going to take more than tweeter and farcebook to stop the dissemination of this bombshell. DJT needs to take the lead and beginning Nov 4, use a different platform to speak directly to the American electorate. Not another fucking utterance on this communist bullshit. Then direct the feds to pursue racketeering charges. Whatever it takes to shut these book-burning fuckers down and spend them into bankruptcy.
Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

In other words, Twitter has now blacked out the one matter of historical significance that should most be at the TOP of this election campaign before the voters as if it never happened.

Can you imagine if ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN had blacked out all discussion or mention of Trump's Entertainment Hollywood pussy-grabbing interview from 20 years ago along with any mention of conflicts of interest, or family how the Left would be SCREAMING?

How is this any different from ballot tampering or election tampering? And these fuckheads spent millions investigating Russia worred because they posted a few ads and opinions favorable to Trump, claiming they interfered in the election?

JUST ADMIT IT NOW Democrats that you are effectively trying to OVERTHROW AN ELECTION and take it out of the hands of the American people?

First it was Obama and his IRS thugs blocking Romney voters, who could have seen this? The Left might as well come out with guns to people's heads and tell them they have to vote for Biden, or else. They are greasing a downhill chute for voters to choose Biden while making it an uphill climb through barbed wire to vote for Trump.

Have you been following the thread? We all know that the Hunter Biden BS is just that. BS and Fake News.

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?
They all warned us they intended to interfere in this election.

They ought to be fined for the gift to the Democrat Party
Wow! The full state control on twitter has begun. We should all know after the first debate Slow Joe admitted himself on live tv he did illegal dealings with Hunter involved. Now it's in full throttle after the news reported more findings. The Biden Russia collusion is on.
Nothing illegal, the FBI has had these emails since 2019... they aren’t new. They are being used because there is an election next month. you’re full of shit

Hm, you apologists for Crooked Joe seem to be mighty insecure with less than a month coming up.

The issue with you conservative cuckolds is that as soon as somebody starts running against your scummy Messiah, they suddenly have the designation "crooked" attached to their name. The Orange Buffoon would be proud of you.

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Trump needs to send federal agents into Twitter and Facebook now like Obama sent them into Gibson Guitar to seize their property, arrest the staff and smash their gear. Time for these two subversive organizations to go out of business.

The DOJ needs to freeze all assets of these companies...

Just like they would do in Communist China or Putin’s Russia.

Facebook and Twitter are BOTH operating like they do in Communist China, what a low IQ Muppet Boi you show yourself to be AGAIN.

They are private enterprises, dim wit.

So they aren’t a platform?

They are private enterprises and can set their own rules. You and Frau Blucher seem to not know what a private business is.

So they could lock the account of every black person?

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Actually, the laptop was abandoned at a repair shop, where it became the property of the owner to cover the repairs...

And the owner turned it over to the FBI (after making copies of the emails and a rather raunchy video of Hunter smoking crack and having sex with a hooker)...

So, can anyone explain how someone can "hack" a computer that they OWN???

Mark Levin explained in detail why Dorcey and Zuckerberg pounced upon the information, shutting Americans out from seeing it entirely, the information is devastating to Biden, whose own impossibly stupid & loose lips have damned him beyond all doubt!

They acting like the ChiComs!

That is because they SUPPORT and GET MONEY from the ChiComs. They are filthy Communists, Fuckerberg and Dorcey are both Far Left, they support Communist China, they would LOVE the ENTIRE Western World to be run like Communist China with the sinister Social Credit Scores and Re-Education Camps aka Gulags.

IF Biden/Harris get in it will get WORSE because when feral Black MOBS go into DECENT Suburbs and literally start murdering WHITES for BEING White then Facebook, Twitter and the MSM human slugs will cover it ALL up and ANYONE who gets under the radar and posts about what's happening will be called a Conspiracy Theorist and be declared Guilty of Hate Speech and will be arrested and just basically disappeared.
Wow! The full state control on twitter has begun. We should all know after the first debate Slow Joe admitted himself on live tv he did illegal dealings with Hunter involved. Now it's in full throttle after the news reported more findings. The Biden Russia collusion is on.
Nothing illegal, the FBI has had these emails since 2019... they aren’t new. They are being used because there is an election next month. you’re full of shit

Hm, you apologists for Crooked Joe seem to be mighty insecure with less than a month coming up.
Not at all... I forecasted this months ago. Trump was obviously holding the Hunter card as his final play in the campaign. It makes me laugh. Y’all are treating it like a diamond, ewwwing and awwwwing over it. hilarious. But when pressed you got nothing. Keep trying though

Republicans are screaming FOUL as Twitter and Facebook censor them.
Hello? General Joe is on the line, "Is there a name, rank, and serial number for all this liberal-ass private bullshit? If it's really private or sergeant, that's one thing, but if it's something out of the NCO ranks fraternizing with City Hall, we're going have to clean house here in a major way..."

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Actually, the laptop was abandoned at a repair shop, where it became the property of the owner to cover the repairs...

And the owner turned it over to the FBI (after making copies of the emails and a rather raunchy video of Hunter smoking crack and having sex with a hooker)...

So, can anyone explain how someone can "hack" a computer that they OWN???

Mark Levin explained in detail why Dorcey and Zuckerberg pounced upon the information, shutting Americans out from seeing it entirely, the information is devastating to Biden, whose own impossibly stupid & loose lips have damned him beyond all doubt!

But the information is being looked into so it may come out yet..

How long will it take to get an NSA warrant for the communications chains? This is blowing up in their faces... No amount of censorship will keep this from becoming public...

No but Swamp creature back scratching probably will. It's the ONLY explanation for why Hillary, Comey, McCabe, ect. ect. aren't sitting in a jail cell right now......and Biden won't be either.
Yes they have a policy against spreading fake news.
You like using Trump's own catch-phrase ?
That's plagiarism isn't it?
You think Trump invented the term “Fake News”?!?! Haha, aww bless your soul
Trump popularized the catch-phrase.
You have to put words in people's mouths to not make a point ?

The Fake News is the alt-right media, which Trump embraced, and that is still the "fake news" to everyone but the Trump Cult. Faux News was the nickname the left has always had for FOX News. "Faux" (pronounced "pho") is French for "fake".

Trump has tried to turn it around on the MSM but he's never succeeded at all in doing so. When Trump calls someone "fake news", everyone except his cult knows that he means the mainstream media, which refuses to regurgitate his lies, conspiracy theories, or to promote his propaganda. The mainstream media has refused to let Trump bully them into lying on his behalf, so Trump's attempt to brand the MSM as "fake news" has failed. Those who Trump calls "fake news" are actually those who continue to hold Trump's feet to the fire for his criminal and unconstitutional behaviour.

The actual "fake news" are those working for Right Wing Billionaire media who want Republicans in the White House, to continue to cut their taxes. Always has been and always will be.
Now the Left loves the evil corporations.

My how times have changed.

I don't have an opinion on corporations. I take each company as it comes. I know in the US you tend to lump anything and anyone into one camp or the other. I don't. And I'm not a leftist. I just voted in my country's election. We get two votes, one for our party of choice and one for our local MP (your version of a congressman). I voted for the Labour (your Dem) party because I generally like a lot of their policies. My candidate vote went to our local National (your GoP) MP because she works hard for her constituency - and I happen to like a few of their policies too.

At the end of the day, the only people moaning about Biden and his son is the Neocon Uber Right Wingers in the press and on this board. Us normals know there is nothing to see here.

As for freedom of speech, go and have a chat to Natalie Maines and her Dixie Chick coworkers. See how that freedom of speech and repercussions work out.

At the end of the day, Twitter wants people to offer verified evidence of what Biden and/or his son allegedly did. Some butt hurt former Ukrainian prosecutor and lame conservative neocon whackadoodle talkback host conspiracy theorists in the US spouting the same shit from a dodgy source is not evidence. It's bullshit and Fake News.

Pretty sure Twitter would be liable for slander, so they are (rightfully) protecting their butts. Good for them.
Such nonsense.

ADMITS IT? HE’S FLAUNTING IT. Facebook Exec ADMITS Throttling NYP Story About Biden Burisma Corruption, While Twitter Blocks Access.

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