You can't sabotage something and then say it's their fault. We know better.

Once again, baby trumpette threw a tantrum, tried to throw his food on his own Congress and missed. He likes it.

I agree. You can't destroy our health care industry with Obamacare and then blame Republicans
Obama fucked things up.
I didn't fuck anything up.
Thanks for playing.

Wrong again, you fucked up making a fallacy-free argument.

But in terms of policy, yes, it's true, you are an anonymous nobody and are not in much of a position to fix or fuck things up.

you fucked up making a fallacy-free argument.

I leave the fallacy to the liberals.

Except you JUST RIGHT NOW didn't and clearly committed a fallacy - anyone home at all?

Tell me more about how Obama didn't fuck up Iraq, Syria and Libya........
:rolleyes: Pathetic.

Back to the topic of the thread:


Now he is fucking up American Healthcare, disrupting the individual market and making insurance more expensive for both consumers and government.

Is blaming someone else.

:rolleyes: Pathetic.

I agree, Obama's foreign policy was pathetic.
Even worse than his domestic policy.


Obama promised every family would save $2500 every year.
He is failing': Trump strikes out solo as friends worry and enemies circle
As a report says he hates ‘everybody at the White House’, the president has taken his own radical steps on Iran and healthcare
Since taking office 10 months ago as the first US president with no previous political or military experience, Trump has been given a crash course in the workings of government and the delicate balance of power between the White House, Capitol Hill and the courts. That his writ only runs so far has come as a rude awakening. His executive orders can only achieve so much, and frustrations have sometimes spilled out in impetuous speeches and tweets.

The intervention, however, could backfire. It was condemned by Democrats including the House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, who told reporters: “The president single-handedly decided to raise America’s health premiums for no reason other than spite and cruelty.” Senator Chris Murphy tweeted: “Trump’s decision to stop ACA payments is nuclear grade bananas, a temper tantrum that sets the entire health system on fire. My god.”

Evan McMullin, a former CIA operative and independent presidential candidate, wrote via email: “I think the president’s actions on healthcare and Iran are the latest examples of his standing political strategy, which is to throw red meat to his base in order to maintain his base, as evidence of his unfitness and inability to govern mounts.

“If anything, his use of this tactic seems to be accelerating as it becomes increasingly clear, even to some of his closest friends and political allies, that he is failing.”

This acceleration coincides with reports of a darkening in Trump’s mood. A report in Vanity Fair magazine, citing two sources, claimed he had vented to his longtime security chief, Keith Schiller: “I hate everyone in the White House! There are a few exceptions, but I hate them!”

'He is failing': Trump strikes out solo as friends worry and enemies circle
Obama fucked things up.
I didn't fuck anything up.
Thanks for playing.

Wrong again, you fucked up making a fallacy-free argument.

But in terms of policy, yes, it's true, you are an anonymous nobody and are not in much of a position to fix or fuck things up.

you fucked up making a fallacy-free argument.

I leave the fallacy to the liberals.

Except you JUST RIGHT NOW didn't and clearly committed a fallacy - anyone home at all?

Tell me more about how Obama didn't fuck up Iraq, Syria and Libya........
:rolleyes: Pathetic.

Back to the topic of the thread:


Now he is fucking up American Healthcare, disrupting the individual market and making insurance more expensive for both consumers and government.

Is blaming someone else.

Obama care already did that.
Trump is sabotaging healthcare and then insisting it's the Democrats fault.

The American people know better.

You can't sabotage a nuclear agreement and then say it's Obama's fault.

The American people and the co-signers of the agreement, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China know the truth.

Why does Trump keep doing these things? Who does he think he's fooling?

His followers are fooled.
anyone who follows a party and blindly go with whatever they say is being fooled...
Trump is sabotaging healthcare and then insisting it's the Democrats fault.

The American people know better.

You can't sabotage a nuclear agreement and then say it's Obama's fault.

The only thing that sabotaged Obamacare was reality. You can't make broken policy doomed to fail, then blame it on the folks trying to fix things..

The American people and the co-signers of the agreement, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China know the truth.

Why does Trump keep doing these things? Who does he think he's fooling?

You can't sign a nuclear agreement in the name of the American people with disappearing ink...and call it good.

The only fools I see around here are those who thought Obama said 'change you can believe in when 'he clearly meant 'chains'..

Dedicated to Obama's 'Chain of Fools' - brought to you by the great Aretha Franklin. Enjoy! :2up:
Trump is sabotaging healthcare and then insisting it's the Democrats fault.

The American people know better.

You can't sabotage a nuclear agreement and then say it's Obama's fault.

The American people and the co-signers of the agreement, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China know the truth.

Why does Trump keep doing these things? Who does he think he's fooling?
President Trump stopped the pmts. because he believes in following our constitution.

Here’s a short explanation you won’t see on the fake news sites you like to parrot.....

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