You Democrats CANNOT Allow This!


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
As you democrats know there is only one group of people I find lower then your party. But what you are doing to Sanders right now SCREAMS low life scum. At times through out history parties become so ruled by the person that all within the party lose rights. THIS is going on in YOUR party today.

Granted I do not like Sanders policy or platform but feel as a man he IS honest about his ideas. MANY conservatives here feel the same way but what you are ALLOWING to be done to a GOOD man is just well mentally abnormal. You are letting an HONEST man be slaughtered and you do and say nothing about it?

Simply put you do NOT have to be a Christian a Jew or a conservative to see first hand the moral and ethical issues going on here. It only REQUIRES you be human and hold SOME faith in truth, equality and justice.

The treatment of Sanders by Hillary and the DNC is horrid. ANYBODY running for president on the RNC side gets voter files sent to them but on the DNC only ones APPROVED by Debbie Wasserman Shultz? What the hell is up with that? How can you even say you support equality when you allow one person to make your parties choice?

Here you are selling America this line of horse shit you are a party about choice , FREE CHOICE and your own party members and LEADERS do not have any.
You really counting on selling the American voter when you do not practice it in your own party? Really?

You democrats are destroying a GOOD man an HONEST man for the blessing of ONE not for the benefit of ALL. Just like you destroyed Webb, a vet a medal winning VET. Sanders IS crazy as hell but he loves his country. Maybe that is why you hate him you cheat him?

When I was growing up my dad worked for Warren Magnuson and also did work for Henry Jackson and they did NOT mind him doing work for the other. They were Washington states greatest tag team. "Maggie" a Republican and "Scoop" a Democrat but they BOTH loved their country. Given the LAST seven years and this current crop of crap you are promoting you at least SEEM to be promoting who HATES America more.

Its not my words that convict you of selling out your freedoms, it your actions of selling out and lying and cheating your own members that IS doing it. "We The People" has a meaning and had it since day one. Here's MY take. "We The People" means the party no matter what party bows and is CONTROLLED by the people and is NEVER sacrificed or surrendered to the "party".

Because THAT is the very base from which a TYRANT will rise and abuse their powers. And the evidence of that abuse CAN be found in the way Sanders is being treated NOW. I'm an American and I was blessed by God to be born in a country that has no use for tyrants.

I as many others on this board were born in a country where our OWN family fought the tyrant King George or the tyrant democrats slavery. We have long bled and died FOR this country and the liberty, freedom and justice of CHOICE

And now you stand before us with your tyrant, your cheat your liar. And we watch as she cuts the throat of a GOOD man. And you do NOTHING. I guess if anything that sums up your morals and ethics, NOTHING.

For you folks looking for some more background on this here is a link..
Bernie Sanders and the DNC: It's war -

I NEVER thought I would see the day I would spend this much time DEFENDING a democrat. But then again I NEVER thought I would see the day democrats would out right HATE America so badly.

Check the updates at the top of the story. Access has be reinstated.
Oh goody! DWS decided to "APPROVE" Sanders again. The fucking list should never have been taken away!

They backed down after Sanders started initiating a lawsuit against them. Losing access to their datafile for a day or so isn't going to hurt his campaign.
Sanders has done this all by himself. He's claimed he's Independent but voted with Democrats 100% of the time. who the hell want's some unremarkable 80 year old man for President, who has sat in our congress for over 30 years and has nothing to show for it. but sucking a living off us taxpayers? But I shouldn't ask maybe. they put some nobody community agitator who only had A HALF TERM in our Congress in as our President.
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Check the updates at the top of the story. Access has be reinstated.
Oh goody! DWS decided to "APPROVE" Sanders again. The fucking list should never have been taken away!

They backed down after Sanders started initiating a lawsuit against them. Losing access to their datafile for a day or so isn't going to hurt his campaign.
Then YOU are missing the BIGGER picture so allow me to clue you in. Who the hell is in CONTROL of the DNC? Hillary Clinton and DWS or the members? Because from here the members look like they are being treated like shit.

And you want people to be happy because they gave access back?
Expand that FLAWED liberal logic a bit okay? Do you thank the person who steals your car because they brought it back? HELL NO, only an idiot would.

Be grateful/thankful/whatever my ass. Since when the hell do I thank someone for RETURNING a FREEDOM NEVER meant to be TAKEN/STOLEN?

Check the updates at the top of the story. Access has be reinstated.
Oh goody! DWS decided to "APPROVE" Sanders again. The fucking list should never have been taken away!

They backed down after Sanders started initiating a lawsuit against them. Losing access to their datafile for a day or so isn't going to hurt his campaign.
Then YOU are missing the BIGGER picture so allow me to clue you in. Who the hell is in CONTROL of the DNC? Hillary Clinton and DWS or the members? Because from here the members look like they are being treated like shit.

And you want people to be happy because they gave access back?
Expand that FLAWED liberal logic a bit okay? Do you thank the person who steals your car because they brought it back? HELL NO, only an idiot would.

Be grateful/thankful/whatever my ass. Since when the hell do I thank someone for RETURNING a FREEDOM NEVER meant to be TAKEN/STOLEN?

Spare me the fake outrage. This is working out entirely to Sander's benefit.
Yes Sanders is an Independent but did anyone expect him to run for the Republican nomination?

Also, this is what the Clintons do: They clear the decks of ANY opposition in advance of what they want.

This time it isn't working so well for them because of all the attention (thank you Alternative Media)
Yes Sanders is an Independent but did anyone expect him to run for the Republican nomination?

Also, this is what the Clintons do: They clear the decks of ANY opposition in advance of what they want.

This time it isn't working so well for them because of all the attention (thank you Alternative Media)


It didn't work out well for them last time, either.
Check the updates at the top of the story. Access has be reinstated.
Oh goody! DWS decided to "APPROVE" Sanders again. The fucking list should never have been taken away!

They backed down after Sanders started initiating a lawsuit against them. Losing access to their datafile for a day or so isn't going to hurt his campaign.
Then YOU are missing the BIGGER picture so allow me to clue you in. Who the hell is in CONTROL of the DNC? Hillary Clinton and DWS or the members? Because from here the members look like they are being treated like shit.

And you want people to be happy because they gave access back?
Expand that FLAWED liberal logic a bit okay? Do you thank the person who steals your car because they brought it back? HELL NO, only an idiot would.

Be grateful/thankful/whatever my ass. Since when the hell do I thank someone for RETURNING a FREEDOM NEVER meant to be TAKEN/STOLEN?

Spare me the fake outrage. This is working out entirely to Sander's benefit.
The outrage is NOT fake. YOU want it to be so YOU can write it off. The theft was REAL and it DOES show the low life conniving of that "parties" front runner.

Theft is THEFT okay? I don't care WHO is stealing from WHO. Its theft its low life pond scum tactics alright?
Check the updates at the top of the story. Access has be reinstated.
Oh goody! DWS decided to "APPROVE" Sanders again. The fucking list should never have been taken away!

They backed down after Sanders started initiating a lawsuit against them. Losing access to their datafile for a day or so isn't going to hurt his campaign.
Then YOU are missing the BIGGER picture so allow me to clue you in. Who the hell is in CONTROL of the DNC? Hillary Clinton and DWS or the members? Because from here the members look like they are being treated like shit.

And you want people to be happy because they gave access back?
Expand that FLAWED liberal logic a bit okay? Do you thank the person who steals your car because they brought it back? HELL NO, only an idiot would.

Be grateful/thankful/whatever my ass. Since when the hell do I thank someone for RETURNING a FREEDOM NEVER meant to be TAKEN/STOLEN?

Spare me the fake outrage. This is working out entirely to Sander's benefit.
The outrage is NOT fake. YOU want it to be so YOU can write it off. The theft was REAL and it DOES show the low life conniving of that "parties" front runner.

Theft is THEFT okay? I don't care WHO is stealing from WHO. Its theft its low life pond scum tactics alright?

Nothing was "stolen". This was politics - a game, in a sense, and Bernie won it. The fact that you're outraged about it is an example of his victory - and I doubt you even have the slightest idea of what the data and lists actually represent.

Many of us voting for Bernie Sanders will not vote for the Democrats if he isn't running for president. All of the little jack asses that have decided that they are in the Hillary camp and are in Congress? We don't care. We know who they are.

The more games these little jackasses want to play the more that it will kick them in the ass. The Democrats don't see this coming. But, they will.
As I see it, the DNC said "Here's the database, take what you want" then accused Bernie of stealing. Which is impossible when you invite someone to take what they want.

The Lawsuit was the smartest thing to do because even if Bernie was in the wrong, these things have a tendency to bring OTHER not so nice facts to light during Pre-Trial Discovery.

Bernies right. The DNC is in the tank for Hillary. Just like the RNC is in the tank for JEB.
Oh goody! DWS decided to "APPROVE" Sanders again. The fucking list should never have been taken away!

They backed down after Sanders started initiating a lawsuit against them. Losing access to their datafile for a day or so isn't going to hurt his campaign.
Then YOU are missing the BIGGER picture so allow me to clue you in. Who the hell is in CONTROL of the DNC? Hillary Clinton and DWS or the members? Because from here the members look like they are being treated like shit.

And you want people to be happy because they gave access back?
Expand that FLAWED liberal logic a bit okay? Do you thank the person who steals your car because they brought it back? HELL NO, only an idiot would.

Be grateful/thankful/whatever my ass. Since when the hell do I thank someone for RETURNING a FREEDOM NEVER meant to be TAKEN/STOLEN?

Spare me the fake outrage. This is working out entirely to Sander's benefit.
The outrage is NOT fake. YOU want it to be so YOU can write it off. The theft was REAL and it DOES show the low life conniving of that "parties" front runner.

Theft is THEFT okay? I don't care WHO is stealing from WHO. Its theft its low life pond scum tactics alright?

Nothing was "stolen". This was politics - a game, in a sense, and Bernie won it. The fact that you're outraged about it is an example of his victory - and I doubt you even have the slightest idea of what the data and lists actually represent.
YOU are the one who has NO fucking idea about the "inside" of politics so lets break it down for you shall we? My dad worked for Maggie and Scoop. I as a ten year old was at their homes more times then I can count.

I used to play catch with Rick Bender in the halls of the state capital when Dan Evans was Gov. Rick is now a member of the house there.

I have worked FOR Booth Gardner on the ANWR project with Endicott industries. We met at a dinner held at the Smith tower in Seattle. You CAN'T even get politicos to PAY you and they bought MY dinner.

YOU WORKED for democrat party politics. I was BORN inside democrat party politics. BORN stupid, BORN. Ricks dad was Jim Bender and headed the cement masons. Check it out if you want. Seattle office. You want to talk about dirty politics between unions AND democrats? Do you?
As you democrats know there is only one group of people I find lower then your party. But what you are doing to Sanders right now SCREAMS low life scum. At times through out history parties become so ruled by the person that all within the party lose rights. THIS is going on in YOUR party today.

Granted I do not like Sanders policy or platform but feel as a man he IS honest about his ideas. MANY conservatives here feel the same way but what you are ALLOWING to be done to a GOOD man is just well mentally abnormal. You are letting an HONEST man be slaughtered and you do and say nothing about it?

Simply put you do NOT have to be a Christian a Jew or a conservative to see first hand the moral and ethical issues going on here. It only REQUIRES you be human and hold SOME faith in truth, equality and justice.

The treatment of Sanders by Hillary and the DNC is horrid. ANYBODY running for president on the RNC side gets voter files sent to them but on the DNC only ones APPROVED by Debbie Wasserman Shultz? What the hell is up with that? How can you even say you support equality when you allow one person to make your parties choice?

Here you are selling America this line of horse shit you are a party about choice , FREE CHOICE and your own party members and LEADERS do not have any.
You really counting on selling the American voter when you do not practice it in your own party? Really?

You democrats are destroying a GOOD man an HONEST man for the blessing of ONE not for the benefit of ALL. Just like you destroyed Webb, a vet a medal winning VET. Sanders IS crazy as hell but he loves his country. Maybe that is why you hate him you cheat him?

When I was growing up my dad worked for Warren Magnuson and also did work for Henry Jackson and they did NOT mind him doing work for the other. They were Washington states greatest tag team. "Maggie" a Republican and "Scoop" a Democrat but they BOTH loved their country. Given the LAST seven years and this current crop of crap you are promoting you at least SEEM to be promoting who HATES America more.

Its not my words that convict you of selling out your freedoms, it your actions of selling out and lying and cheating your own members that IS doing it. "We The People" has a meaning and had it since day one. Here's MY take. "We The People" means the party no matter what party bows and is CONTROLLED by the people and is NEVER sacrificed or surrendered to the "party".

Because THAT is the very base from which a TYRANT will rise and abuse their powers. And the evidence of that abuse CAN be found in the way Sanders is being treated NOW. I'm an American and I was blessed by God to be born in a country that has no use for tyrants.

I as many others on this board were born in a country where our OWN family fought the tyrant King George or the tyrant democrats slavery. We have long bled and died FOR this country and the liberty, freedom and justice of CHOICE

And now you stand before us with your tyrant, your cheat your liar. And we watch as she cuts the throat of a GOOD man. And you do NOTHING. I guess if anything that sums up your morals and ethics, NOTHING.

For you folks looking for some more background on this here is a link..
Bernie Sanders and the DNC: It's war -

I NEVER thought I would see the day I would spend this much time DEFENDING a democrat. But then again I NEVER thought I would see the day democrats would out right HATE America so badly.


I'll bet you thought that was political genius on your part, coming up with that, didn't you?
Sanders has done this all by himself. He's claimed he's Independent but voted with Democrats 100% of the time. who the hell want's some unremarkable 80 year old man for President, who has sat in our congress for over 30 years and has nothing to show for it. but sucking a living off us taxpayers? But I shouldn't ask maybe. they put some nobody community agitator who only had A HALF TERM in our Congress in as our President.
And what do you have to show for the time you have spent on this planet, oh rolling one? LOL
They backed down after Sanders started initiating a lawsuit against them. Losing access to their datafile for a day or so isn't going to hurt his campaign.
Then YOU are missing the BIGGER picture so allow me to clue you in. Who the hell is in CONTROL of the DNC? Hillary Clinton and DWS or the members? Because from here the members look like they are being treated like shit.

And you want people to be happy because they gave access back?
Expand that FLAWED liberal logic a bit okay? Do you thank the person who steals your car because they brought it back? HELL NO, only an idiot would.

Be grateful/thankful/whatever my ass. Since when the hell do I thank someone for RETURNING a FREEDOM NEVER meant to be TAKEN/STOLEN?

Spare me the fake outrage. This is working out entirely to Sander's benefit.
The outrage is NOT fake. YOU want it to be so YOU can write it off. The theft was REAL and it DOES show the low life conniving of that "parties" front runner.

Theft is THEFT okay? I don't care WHO is stealing from WHO. Its theft its low life pond scum tactics alright?

Nothing was "stolen". This was politics - a game, in a sense, and Bernie won it. The fact that you're outraged about it is an example of his victory - and I doubt you even have the slightest idea of what the data and lists actually represent.
YOU are the one who has NO fucking idea about the "inside" of politics so lets break it down for you shall we? My dad worked for Maggie and Scoop. I as a ten year old was at their homes more times then I can count.

I used to play catch with Rick Bender in the halls of the state capital when Dan Evans was Gov. Rick is now a member of the house there.

I have worked FOR Booth Gardner on the ANWR project with Endicott industries. We met at a dinner held at the Smith tower in Seattle. You CAN'T even get politicos to PAY you and they bought MY dinner.

YOU WORKED for democrat party politics. I was BORN inside democrat party politics. BORN stupid, BORN. Ricks dad was Jim Bender and headed the cement masons. Check it out if you want. Seattle office. You want to talk about dirty politics between unions AND democrats? Do you?
I have to agree, you were born stupid.
They backed down after Sanders started initiating a lawsuit against them. Losing access to their datafile for a day or so isn't going to hurt his campaign.
Then YOU are missing the BIGGER picture so allow me to clue you in. Who the hell is in CONTROL of the DNC? Hillary Clinton and DWS or the members? Because from here the members look like they are being treated like shit.

And you want people to be happy because they gave access back?
Expand that FLAWED liberal logic a bit okay? Do you thank the person who steals your car because they brought it back? HELL NO, only an idiot would.

Be grateful/thankful/whatever my ass. Since when the hell do I thank someone for RETURNING a FREEDOM NEVER meant to be TAKEN/STOLEN?

Spare me the fake outrage. This is working out entirely to Sander's benefit.
The outrage is NOT fake. YOU want it to be so YOU can write it off. The theft was REAL and it DOES show the low life conniving of that "parties" front runner.

Theft is THEFT okay? I don't care WHO is stealing from WHO. Its theft its low life pond scum tactics alright?

Nothing was "stolen". This was politics - a game, in a sense, and Bernie won it. The fact that you're outraged about it is an example of his victory - and I doubt you even have the slightest idea of what the data and lists actually represent.
YOU are the one who has NO fucking idea about the "inside" of politics so lets break it down for you shall we? My dad worked for Maggie and Scoop. I as a ten year old was at their homes more times then I can count.

I used to play catch with Rick Bender in the halls of the state capital when Dan Evans was Gov. Rick is now a member of the house there.

I have worked FOR Booth Gardner on the ANWR project with Endicott industries. We met at a dinner held at the Smith tower in Seattle. You CAN'T even get politicos to PAY you and they bought MY dinner.

YOU WORKED for democrat party politics. I was BORN inside democrat party politics. BORN stupid, BORN. Ricks dad was Jim Bender and headed the cement masons. Check it out if you want. Seattle office. You want to talk about dirty politics between unions AND democrats? Do you?


That's cute. I'm a professional campaign consultant who specializes in voter data and targeting.

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