You didn't build that


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2010
The other day the you didn't build that was brought up again In a forum. The phrase was made by obama in a speech which his point was if you have a buisness you didn't do it on your own. Meaning you couldn't do it without goverment. Okay well lets put it in real world terms. Without buisnesses paying goverment in taxes, the goverment wouldn't have the money to pay a buisness to build our roads. Goverment wouldn't have the money to pay teachers. Without small buisness the goverment couldn't pay the agencies that enforce the regulations on buisnesses. Which under obama is starting to kill small buisnesses. So obama and all of his blind followers should thank them and quit trying to take credit from hard working americans that pay america's bills.
The problem with Obama's "you didn't build that" statement was the implied assumption that only business owners are allowed to use our roads and bridges and that was what gave them the advantage over every other human being in America.

But since every other human being in America actually does have access to the same roads and bridges, then that tells us the business owners are successful for reasons entirely unrelated to the roads and bridges.
The other day the you didn't build that was brought up again In a forum. The phrase was made by obama in a speech which his point was if you have a buisness you didn't do it on your own. Meaning you couldn't do it without goverment. Okay well lets put it in real world terms. Without buisnesses paying goverment in taxes, the goverment wouldn't have the money to pay a buisness to build our roads. Goverment wouldn't have the money to pay teachers. Without small buisness the goverment couldn't pay the agencies that enforce the regulations on buisnesses. Which under obama is starting to kill small buisnesses. So obama and all of his blind followers should thank them and quit trying to take credit from hard working americans that pay america's bills.

So you admit that the government and the taxes used to fund the government have an important role in America's economy?

That was the president's point. Good to see that even the slow are finally getting it.
The other day the you didn't build that was brought up again In a forum. The phrase was made by obama in a speech which his point was if you have a buisness you didn't do it on your own. Meaning you couldn't do it without goverment. Okay well lets put it in real world terms. Without buisnesses paying goverment in taxes, the goverment wouldn't have the money to pay a buisness to build our roads. Goverment wouldn't have the money to pay teachers. Without small buisness the goverment couldn't pay the agencies that enforce the regulations on buisnesses. Which under obama is starting to kill small buisnesses. So obama and all of his blind followers should thank them and quit trying to take credit from hard working americans that pay america's bills.

So you admit that the government and the taxes used to fund the government have an important role in America's economy?

That was the president's point. Good to see that even the slow are finally getting it.

Since EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, then if you want more money, EVERYONE should pay "a little bit more".

When will you slow people ever get it?
The problem with Obama's "you didn't build that" statement was the implied assumption that only business owners are allowed to use our roads and bridges and that was what gave them the advantage over every other human being in America.

But since every other human being in America actually does have access to the same roads and bridges, then that tells us the business owners are successful for reasons entirely unrelated to the roads and bridges.

I think its more than that, he was off-prompter when he said that and whenever he has to ad lib his true beliefs come out.

the unsaid, but implied, message was that since you didn't build it by yourself, it is not yours and it belongs to all of us. Its callled marxist collectivism.
The other day the you didn't build that was brought up again In a forum. The phrase was made by obama in a speech which his point was if you have a buisness you didn't do it on your own. Meaning you couldn't do it without goverment. Okay well lets put it in real world terms. Without buisnesses paying goverment in taxes, the goverment wouldn't have the money to pay a buisness to build our roads. Goverment wouldn't have the money to pay teachers. Without small buisness the goverment couldn't pay the agencies that enforce the regulations on buisnesses. Which under obama is starting to kill small buisnesses. So obama and all of his blind followers should thank them and quit trying to take credit from hard working americans that pay america's bills.

So you admit that the government and the taxes used to fund the government have an important role in America's economy?

That was the president's point. Good to see that even the slow are finally getting it.

Since EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, then if you want more money, EVERYONE should pay "a little bit more".

When will you slow people ever get it?

Don't be an asshole.

The payroll tax expired. Almost everyone is paying more.
The other day the you didn't build that was brought up again In a forum. The phrase was made by obama in a speech which his point was if you have a buisness you didn't do it on your own. Meaning you couldn't do it without goverment. Okay well lets put it in real world terms. Without buisnesses paying goverment in taxes, the goverment wouldn't have the money to pay a buisness to build our roads. Goverment wouldn't have the money to pay teachers. Without small buisness the goverment couldn't pay the agencies that enforce the regulations on buisnesses. Which under obama is starting to kill small buisnesses. So obama and all of his blind followers should thank them and quit trying to take credit from hard working americans that pay america's bills.

So you admit that the government and the taxes used to fund the government have an important role in America's economy?

That was the president's point. Good to see that even the slow are finally getting it.

I realize and did before obama made that stupid comment that we need a limited goverment. Not the big goverment obama wants. Like I said without the hard work of buisness owners we don't have a running goverment.
So you admit that the government and the taxes used to fund the government have an important role in America's economy?

That was the president's point. Good to see that even the slow are finally getting it.

Since EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, then if you want more money, EVERYONE should pay "a little bit more".

When will you slow people ever get it?

Don't be an asshole.

The payroll tax expired. Almost everyone is paying more.

The payroll tax addresses payments into Medicare and SS. Are you admitting that those funds have been (and will continue to be) used for purposes other than those specifically stated?
So you admit that the government and the taxes used to fund the government have an important role in America's economy?

That was the president's point. Good to see that even the slow are finally getting it.

Since EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, then if you want more money, EVERYONE should pay "a little bit more".

When will you slow people ever get it?

Don't be an asshole.

The payroll tax expired. Almost everyone is paying more.

BWA-HA-HA! The payroll tax isn't for roads and bridges, you unbelievably ignorant fool!

And it was a payroll tax HOLIDAY that EXPIRED. Not a tax increase. Payroll taxes are no higher than when Obama took office!
So you admit that the government and the taxes used to fund the government have an important role in America's economy?

That was the president's point. Good to see that even the slow are finally getting it.

Since EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, then if you want more money, EVERYONE should pay "a little bit more".

When will you slow people ever get it?

Don't be an asshole.

The payroll tax expired. Almost everyone is paying more.

But did't obama promise that no one making under 250K would pay any more taxes? Yes, he did-------he LIED to you and you continue the blind worshipful support of him---amazing!
So you admit that the government and the taxes used to fund the government have an important role in America's economy?

That was the president's point. Good to see that even the slow are finally getting it.

Since EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, then if you want more money, EVERYONE should pay "a little bit more".

When will you slow people ever get it?

Don't be an asshole.

The payroll tax expired. Almost everyone is paying more.

That's for social security, not the general fund, or it isn't suppose to be.
The other day the you didn't build that was brought up again In a forum. The phrase was made by obama in a speech which his point was if you have a buisness you didn't do it on your own. Meaning you couldn't do it without goverment. Okay well lets put it in real world terms. Without buisnesses paying goverment in taxes, the goverment wouldn't have the money to pay a buisness to build our roads. Goverment wouldn't have the money to pay teachers. Without small buisness the goverment couldn't pay the agencies that enforce the regulations on buisnesses. Which under obama is starting to kill small buisnesses. So obama and all of his blind followers should thank them and quit trying to take credit from hard working americans that pay america's bills.

So you admit that the government and the taxes used to fund the government have an important role in America's economy?

That was the president's point. Good to see that even the slow are finally getting it.

I realize and did before obama made that stupid comment that we need a limited goverment. Not the big goverment obama wants. Like I said without the hard work of buisness owners we don't have a running goverment.

This is something the libs/progs might yet learn in our lifetime. Unfortunately, killing the goose that lays the golden eggs will drag all of us down into the same sewage.
If everyone likes the roads and bridges they didn't build, then EVERYONE should pay "a little bit more".

Obama's words. "A little bit more". He felt it would be painless for a hated class to pay "a little bit more". So why can't EVERYONE who uses roads and bridges pay "a little bit more" for them?

The dipshits have no rational answer because there isn't one.
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Since EVERYONE uses roads and bridges, then if you want more money, EVERYONE should pay "a little bit more".

When will you slow people ever get it?

Don't be an asshole.

The payroll tax expired. Almost everyone is paying more.

That's for social security, not the general fund, or it isn't suppose to be.

Indeed. however for the past 50+ years, any surplus in SS payments went into the general fund, and "bonds" were issued to SS, Thus creating the so called "surplus". The problem is these bonds are nothing more than IOU's.

Now we have a double wammy. SS is now in the red, so no more surplus, AND any deficit has to be made up by "Redeeming" the IOU's. Any guess where the money for that comes from?

Instead of investing any surplus in a real fund, SS just took IOU's from the federal government. Now it needs those IOU' s to stay solvent.
If everyone likes the roads and bridges they didn't build, then EVERYONE should pay "a little bit more".

Obama's words. "A little bit more". He felt it would be painless for a hated class to pay "a little bit more". So why can't EVERYONE who uses roads and bridges pay "a little bit more" for them?

The dipshits have no rational answer because there isn't one.

Like the people that get tax credits and get back thousands and pays zero.
Republicans need ideas that will move the country FORWARD.

Seems they STILL haven't LEARNED the lesson that all these trumped up nonsense like trying to pin "You didn't build that", the Benghazi incident and other issues on Obama as a negative to stop him is simply just. not. working.

When will you people get that through your thick RW skulls?

Put the shovels down already.


Republicans need ideas that will move the country FORWARD.

Seems they STILL haven't LEARNED the lesson that all these trumped up nonsense like trying to pin "You didn't build that", the Benghazi incident and other issues on Obama as a negative to stop him is simply just. not. working.

When will you people get that through your thick RW skulls?

Put the shovels down already.



The way FORWARD is to ban tax expenditures, lower tax rates and expand the base.

Better still, eliminate taxes on production (income and property taxes) and start taxing consumption.

Go with the Fair Tax. Everyone gets a prebate every month to offset the taxes on their necessities, then any consumption spending they do above and beyond that, the taxes come out of their own pockets.

Then, when someone demands the government provide free puppies, the government can happily oblige. "Sure! We can do that! We will just raise the Fair Tax another point."

Then when the moochers realize that will cut into their own income, they will think twice about asking the government to solve every goddam problem for them.

When everyone has skin in the game, and no one is allowed a writeoff or credit or subsidy or exemption or deduction, we can finally end this bullshit "gimme gimme gimme and make that guy over there pay for it" that is bankrupting us.

Obama's "you didn't build that" was a "gimme gimme gimme more stuff and make that rich guy pay for it" speech.

That is the fiscally irresponsible way BACKWARD that has been suffocating our country for too long.
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If everyone likes the roads and bridges they didn't build, then EVERYONE should pay "a little bit more".

Obama's words. "A little bit more". He felt it would be painless for a hated class to pay "a little bit more". So why can't EVERYONE who uses roads and bridges pay "a little bit more" for them?

The dipshits have no rational answer because there isn't one.

Like the people that get tax credits and get back thousands and pays zero.

The EIC, which is not earned and it is not income. There are non-profs that specialize in schooling these entitlement leeches in how maximize the amount the can cash out every year.
The Head of Household filing status is another boondoggle that's played.
The problem with Obama's "you didn't build that" statement was the implied assumption that only business owners are allowed to use our roads and bridges and that was what gave them the advantage over every other human being in America.

But since every other human being in America actually does have access to the same roads and bridges, then that tells us the business owners are successful for reasons entirely unrelated to the roads and bridges.

So true. We all have the same rights and equal opportunities, but some people make good choices while others just don't have their shit together.

The trucking companies and each driver on the road also pay taxes. If the businesses didn't hire them, they wouldn't be able to do their part to pay government and keep the country functioning.

Truth is that drug cartels use the highways, too, but they don't pay taxes like every other criminal.

Government dependents use the roads when they go out to spend money given to them by the government after it's stolen from the tax payers.

For some people, everything in life will be free. As for the rest of us, we have a burden that grows heavier by the day.

And Obama has the nerve to blame those who made the most of what we helped make available to us.
The other day the you didn't build that was brought up again In a forum. The phrase was made by obama in a speech which his point was if you have a buisness you didn't do it on your own. Meaning you couldn't do it without goverment. Okay well lets put it in real world terms. Without buisnesses paying goverment in taxes, the goverment wouldn't have the money to pay a buisness to build our roads. Goverment wouldn't have the money to pay teachers. Without small buisness the goverment couldn't pay the agencies that enforce the regulations on buisnesses. Which under obama is starting to kill small buisnesses. So obama and all of his blind followers should thank them and quit trying to take credit from hard working americans that pay america's bills.

The best thing about the "You didn't build that" speech was Mittens use of it. Keep up the good work conz.......

" Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive."

"The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

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