You do not understand what I understand.

Giving all of those things to someone requires that they (of the funds for them) be taken from a person who earned them.

I would grant all who need it mental health care. But I think most people can earn some sort of income to provide themselves with food and shelter. Even if the shelter is a group home setting. But spending money? Not sure that is anything but a luxury.
I strongly believe in Welfare State. I believe all humans should have a Positive Right to Food, Shelter, and Medical Care. Most people here would disagree.
I know I am below average, but I want to believe I am above average. I am still in denial.
You are not below average if only because you smell of attempted honesty and self deprecation .
Keep aspiring and occasionally try mixing with truly below average people because you will soon find that being kind and caring is one thing but mixing all the time with the the gullible and stupid is numbingly boring and futile . However tragic .
imho .
You are not below average if only because you smell of attempted honesty and self deprecation .
Keep aspiring and occasionally try mixing with truly below average people because you will soon find that being kind and caring is one thing but mixing all the time with the the gullible and stupid is numbingly boring and futile . However tragic .
imho .
Thank you.

Goodness and Badness are relative. Some people view Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao as Great Villains, others view them as Great Heroes.

Success and Failure are much less relative.
I would guess most American taxpayers are much more concerned with their own wealth and comfort then lives of their fellow citizens.

Thank goodness. There is a reason why the first motto on US currency was "Mind Your Own Business".

For fuck's sake....I know contractors who would kill for a man that showed-up ready for work every day even if it was just a helper.....And pay them damn good in the bargain.
American taxpayers have a lot of greed and little compassion for tens of millions of people who do not have help they need or about 100,000 people who die from overdose each year.

Why is it greed to want to keep my hard earned pay? And why is it not greed to want access to my money.
Regarding things like proneness to addiction, willingness to work hard in school, predilection to commit crimes ... even scores on IQ tests ... it's a mistake to look solely at the individual, even at his genome.

Look at the society the individual has been raised in, its rewards and punishments, what it takes for granted, its heroes and villains, its attitude to gainful employment, etc.

Where are the Chinese homeless? They used to have a big opium addiction problem ... what happened?

The US has a murder rate of about 6.5 per 100 000, just behind Afghanistan and tied with Tanzania. China has one of 0.5. Those Communists, lagging behind, as usual.

Also: w.r.t. 'averages' -- we need to look at distributions -- the standard deviation, for one thing, assuming our stats are what they called 'normally distributed' -- not just means. But the really illuminating thing is to see how other collections of human beings handle these problems.
I strongly believe in Welfare State. I believe all humans should have a Positive Right to Food, Shelter, and Medical Care. Most people here would disagree.

You can claim the right to free speech, to worship the deity of your choice (or not), to associate with whom you like (or not). You can have the right to be free in your person, houses, papers, for effects (except, apparently, when there's a pandemic).

However, you cannot claim a right to that which isn't owned by someone else... or require someone else to pay for that which you desire.
Only with the passage of time, if we can understand the passage of time.... will we realize that only time will tell about whats possible to understand.... at least this is how I understood it.
Insert a weird-ass cackle ^ and that post sounds like an AI chatbot imitation of Kamala “HeelsUp” Harris.
Case in point global warming guru Al Gore who has no scientific background.
1) Government has a right to tax its citizens.

2) In my opinion, Society has a duty to help people in need.

All the money is this nation goes to Special interest

Does Israel have a similar plan as Scandavenia nations
1) Government has a right to tax its citizens.

2) In my opinion, Society has a duty to help people in need.

Yes, the government can tax citizens.

In your case, you are capable of work of some type. Why should the government pay for you food, shelter, medical care, and spending money, when you refuse to help yourself?
Yes, the government can tax citizens.

In your case, you are capable of work of some type. Why should the government pay for you food, shelter, medical care, and spending money, when you refuse to help yourself?
Thank G-d and my parents -- I have everything without government.

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