You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes

to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

Dear DNC:
Don't open obvious phishing emails dumbasses.

Problem solved.

The end.

So you side with the criminals.

Big surprise.
You call obama's sanctions against Russia as playing ball with them ,,,,with more coming which probably chump will remove?

NO I CALL SELLING THEM NUCLEAR MATERIAL TO MAKE WARHEADS playing ball with them, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy. But of course that was alright with liberal shit.
The only reason you see this widespread siding with the Russians on this by American conservatives is their cultish dedication to their latest master,

Donald Trump.
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep
Apparently you do since there hasn't been a shred of credible evidence published that indicates it's true.
The only reason you see this widespread siding with the Russians on this by American conservatives is their cultish dedication to their latest master,

Donald Trump.
No one is siding with the Russians, you lying douche bag.
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

See now, you didn't even read the report, did you.

The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office. They expected her to win, just like me, just like you! They were going to use fake news to keep her on the ropes. Everyone was surprised Trump won, including you, me, and them. (most of all, Hilly and Obysmal)

By the way, who do you think Iran was rooting for-)
Probably Trump. A weak America, and a disbanded EU are huge wins for Russia and Iran. And with Trump threatening to disband NATO and lift the missile shield, Russia and Iran may get some bonuses.
Who would have been the big winners when Ongole illegally used our money to influence Israel's election? His buddies Muslim terrorists that is who. Idiots.
You call obama's sanctions against Russia as playing ball with them ,,,,with more coming which probably chump will remove?

NO I CALL SELLING THEM NUCLEAR MATERIAL TO MAKE WARHEADS playing ball with them, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy. But of course that was alright with liberal shit.

So you support Donald Trump kowtowing to Russia because you think the Democrats did it first.

Goddam that's funny.
The only reason you see this widespread siding with the Russians on this by American conservatives is their cultish dedication to their latest master,

Donald Trump.
No one is siding with the Russians, you lying douche bag.

You're an idiot. Trump is CLEARLY defending the Russians and his cult is right there with him.
Wrong, douche bag. He hasn't defended anyone. He's only pointed out that the left's claim about Russia hacking the election is a scam.
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered
That's a conclusion based on opinion, not a fact. Weak shit.
How much weight does YOUR conclusion based on YOUR opinion carry with the Chief Executive and the Congress? I'll put my money on the Agencies that prepared the assessments as they did all the work. But I'll leaving the naysayers to brood in their faulty self-centered and prejudiced preconceptions of correctness and error. Therein lies the weak fecal matter!
The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office.
Just what the Hell did you read? "The whole thing..." my dying ass! Read page 1 under, "Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election". It blows your assertion to shreds!
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

I read what it said, you must not comprehend to well. It said they were trying to make it so her administration would be questioned! As Trump lagged in the polls, they gave up and really started the fake news.

So let me ask you, oh sage of the board---------->if they gave up when Trump was lagging far behind, how did they cause Hilly to lose, hmmmm, cmon, spit it out-) Let me repeat the report.....they STOPPED! They decided to try a new approach.

So somewhere between then, and the election, the Hilly collapsed! When do you think that was?!?!?!?! How about project Veritas, and Comey reopening her e-mail scandal! Now who put James C in charge of the FB!? That is correct, YOUR GUY, so he again screwed the pooch, so cut it out. Everything Obysmal touches turns to doggy poo-poo, even his nominations; and when they help you guys lose, you gotta blame it on everyone else.

YOUR President did this, period! He did NOTHING earlier about the hacking, he put James C in power, he allowed Hilly to have the server instead of saving her from herself, and you blame Moe, Larry, and Curly! Typical blame shifting, far leftist!
Hey asshole, I'm not running out into the weeds to follow your misdirection and narrative change! YOU made the absurd assertion regarding the Russian invasion of our election process that "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." That is what you wrote, so either you wish to support and stand behind what you were shouting about before or you want to get out from under the weight of your bullshit passed on from your echo chamber minders! Which is it??

Here is just the first paragraph to which I referred you above, but now wish you go through such contortions to avoid even acknowledging exists;
"Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency."
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

How does just that single paragraph match up with your now totally debunked assertion that, "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." The goals were changing as the situation was changing! You are dead fucking wrong!

Look what it says-----------> and I quote----------> When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency.....unquote.

Ok, since you are the soothsayer, exactly when was that? You tell us! Because at that time, she was ahead; far enough ahead that they changed tactics. IS THAT NOT WHAT IT SAYS, yes or no! ANSWER is----->YES!

Therefore, since it was close at the end....if we are to TAKE THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THAT YOU SAY IS ACCURATE at their word, then it had to be when she was way ahead-) When was that? Want me to tell you there oh mr Gullible-)

So you see, what we have here is a case of you blaming them for her losing, but it wasn't that way, because when they stopped, she was way ahead. From that point forward, Obysmal and Mr C screwed her, and that is on you guys-) YOUR guys shot her in the foot, not the Russians-)
The only reason you see this widespread siding with the Russians on this by American conservatives is their cultish dedication to their latest master,

Donald Trump.
No one is siding with the Russians, you lying douche bag.

You're an idiot. Trump is CLEARLY defending the Russians and his cult is right there with him.

No, you are clearly blaming the Russians when it was Obysmal and Mr C who did it. If you want to say the Russians hacked, sure....we agree. But her utter failure came down to project Veritas, Obysmal, and Mr C from the FBI, no doubt about it, and the DNC turned in by American project Veritas, and Obysmal and Mr C are on you guys, period-)
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered
That's a conclusion based on opinion, not a fact. Weak shit.
How much weight does YOUR conclusion based on YOUR opinion carry with the Chief Executive and the Congress? I'll put my money on the Agencies that prepared the assessments as they did all the work. But I'll leaving the naysayers to brood in their faulty self-centered and prejudiced preconceptions of correctness and error. Therein lies the weak fecal matter!
You trust the intelligence agencies because the did all the work of trying to fool you?

Spoken like a true gullible leftwing moron.
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered
That's a conclusion based on opinion, not a fact. Weak shit.
How much weight does YOUR conclusion based on YOUR opinion carry with the Chief Executive and the Congress? I'll put my money on the Agencies that prepared the assessments as they did all the work. But I'll leaving the naysayers to brood in their faulty self-centered and prejudiced preconceptions of correctness and error. Therein lies the weak fecal matter!
But now it begins the thief in action

Liberals Unite
13 mins
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep
You don't know your bloated infected ass from a hole in the ground.
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered
That's a conclusion based on opinion, not a fact. Weak shit.
How much weight does YOUR conclusion based on YOUR opinion carry with the Chief Executive and the Congress? I'll put my money on the Agencies that prepared the assessments as they did all the work. But I'll leaving the naysayers to brood in their faulty self-centered and prejudiced preconceptions of correctness and error. Therein lies the weak fecal matter!
But now it begins the thief in action

Liberals Unite
13 mins

Liberals Unite <<<<and the result is a clusterfuck of epic proportion
The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office.
Just what the Hell did you read? "The whole thing..." my dying ass! Read page 1 under, "Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election". It blows your assertion to shreds!
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

I read what it said, you must not comprehend to well. It said they were trying to make it so her administration would be questioned! As Trump lagged in the polls, they gave up and really started the fake news.

So let me ask you, oh sage of the board---------->if they gave up when Trump was lagging far behind, how did they cause Hilly to lose, hmmmm, cmon, spit it out-) Let me repeat the report.....they STOPPED! They decided to try a new approach.

So somewhere between then, and the election, the Hilly collapsed! When do you think that was?!?!?!?! How about project Veritas, and Comey reopening her e-mail scandal! Now who put James C in charge of the FB!? That is correct, YOUR GUY, so he again screwed the pooch, so cut it out. Everything Obysmal touches turns to doggy poo-poo, even his nominations; and when they help you guys lose, you gotta blame it on everyone else.

YOUR President did this, period! He did NOTHING earlier about the hacking, he put James C in power, he allowed Hilly to have the server instead of saving her from herself, and you blame Moe, Larry, and Curly! Typical blame shifting, far leftist!
Hey asshole, I'm not running out into the weeds to follow your misdirection and narrative change! YOU made the absurd assertion regarding the Russian invasion of our election process that "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." That is what you wrote, so either you wish to support and stand behind what you were shouting about before or you want to get out from under the weight of your bullshit passed on from your echo chamber minders! Which is it??

Here is just the first paragraph to which I referred you above, but now wish you go through such contortions to avoid even acknowledging exists;
"Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency."
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

How does just that single paragraph match up with your now totally debunked assertion that, "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." The goals were changing as the situation was changing! You are dead fucking wrong!

Look what it says-----------> and I quote----------> When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency.....unquote.

Ok, since you are the soothsayer, exactly when was that? You tell us! Because at that time, she was ahead; far enough ahead that they changed tactics. IS THAT NOT WHAT IT SAYS, yes or no! ANSWER is----->YES!

Therefore, since it was close at the end....if we are to TAKE THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THAT YOU SAY IS ACCURATE at their word, then it had to be when she was way ahead-) When was that? Want me to tell you there oh mr Gullible-)

So you see, what we have here is a case of you blaming them for her losing, but it wasn't that way, because when they stopped, she was way ahead. From that point forward, Obysmal and Mr C screwed her, and that is on you guys-) YOUR guys shot her in the foot, not the Russians-)
Hey shit for brains, you were the one who wrote, "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." Was that, "The whole thing" that first paragraph addressed? PHUCK NO, shit for brains! Here, I'll paste it yet again so you can read more than just the last fucking sentence, but take in the other four goals noted;

"Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency."
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

If you can't seem to find anything but the last sentence, get some fucking help to read it all and to understand those few extra words and quit playing at STUPID!
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered
That's a conclusion based on opinion, not a fact. Weak shit.
How much weight does YOUR conclusion based on YOUR opinion carry with the Chief Executive and the Congress? I'll put my money on the Agencies that prepared the assessments as they did all the work. But I'll leaving the naysayers to brood in their faulty self-centered and prejudiced preconceptions of correctness and error. Therein lies the weak fecal matter!
You trust the intelligence agencies because the did all the work of trying to fool you?

Spoken like a true gullible leftwing moron.
NO ONE who believes rump should be president should call anyone a moron You nitwits have infested this country with thieves that will keep our ethics dept working OT for years

We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered
That's a conclusion based on opinion, not a fact. Weak shit.
How much weight does YOUR conclusion based on YOUR opinion carry with the Chief Executive and the Congress? I'll put my money on the Agencies that prepared the assessments as they did all the work. But I'll leaving the naysayers to brood in their faulty self-centered and prejudiced preconceptions of correctness and error. Therein lies the weak fecal matter!
You trust the intelligence agencies because the did all the work of trying to fool you?

Spoken like a true gullible leftwing moron.
NO ONE who believes rump should be president should call anyone a moron You nitwits have infested this country with thieves that will keep our ethics dept working OT for years
You stains have ethics? Since when? You mean getting a blow job in the oval office? You mean sending delegates from your admin to criminals funerals? You mean using an unsecured server and lying about it? Do you mean trying to undermine the president elects move into office? The list goes on and on....

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