You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes

The only reason you see this widespread siding with the Russians on this by American conservatives is their cultish dedication to their latest master,

Donald Trump.
I hope trump destroys the the whole fucking world. That's the only way we can be sure to be rid of all you son of bitches.
Not surprising that a stain would find high crimes and treason funny. Not at all.
The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office.
Just what the Hell did you read? "The whole thing..." my dying ass! Read page 1 under, "Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election". It blows your assertion to shreds!
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

I read what it said, you must not comprehend to well. It said they were trying to make it so her administration would be questioned! As Trump lagged in the polls, they gave up and really started the fake news.

So let me ask you, oh sage of the board---------->if they gave up when Trump was lagging far behind, how did they cause Hilly to lose, hmmmm, cmon, spit it out-) Let me repeat the report.....they STOPPED! They decided to try a new approach.

So somewhere between then, and the election, the Hilly collapsed! When do you think that was?!?!?!?! How about project Veritas, and Comey reopening her e-mail scandal! Now who put James C in charge of the FB!? That is correct, YOUR GUY, so he again screwed the pooch, so cut it out. Everything Obysmal touches turns to doggy poo-poo, even his nominations; and when they help you guys lose, you gotta blame it on everyone else.

YOUR President did this, period! He did NOTHING earlier about the hacking, he put James C in power, he allowed Hilly to have the server instead of saving her from herself, and you blame Moe, Larry, and Curly! Typical blame shifting, far leftist!
Hey asshole, I'm not running out into the weeds to follow your misdirection and narrative change! YOU made the absurd assertion regarding the Russian invasion of our election process that "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." That is what you wrote, so either you wish to support and stand behind what you were shouting about before or you want to get out from under the weight of your bullshit passed on from your echo chamber minders! Which is it??

Here is just the first paragraph to which I referred you above, but now wish you go through such contortions to avoid even acknowledging exists;
"Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency."
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

How does just that single paragraph match up with your now totally debunked assertion that, "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." The goals were changing as the situation was changing! You are dead fucking wrong!

From you own post.

"Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

That statement is a non-starter. So what if the Russians "preferred" Trump, 10's of millions of people world wide did too. From that, all we can surmise is that people and nations are not allowed to have a preference on anything American


"...focused on undermining her expected presidency."

Keywords here are: her expected presidency.

Translation: We would prefer that Trump wins, but it looks like he won't so we'll try to make it difficult for Clinton during her presidency.

While it probably isn't kosher, countries the world over attempt the same thing with other countries they disagree with. Like the sanctions on Russia to try and undermine Putin's presidency.

Nowhere in your post did it say that Russia influenced the vote for President.
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to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

:cuckoo: ^^^ :rolleyes-41:

We ASSESS with HIGH CONFIDENCE, that putin did something. That is like OUR SOURCES SAY when you hear it from a damn liberal news source. I have no doubt Russia has hacked the US every day especially since the oshitscum administration agreed to give control of our internet access to the world players instead of closing it and controlling it in house. THE FACT is they put nothing in the report about a single email being manufactured, they also put nothing in there about anything changing the vote count, also put nothing in there about them having any other evidence that would lead to any conclusion other than they obtained and released factual information about the clintons OR that any of it had any influence on the outcome of the election. SO what if it did? So what if clinton would have won if not for the release of the TRUTH. (PP) "What difference, if any, does that make at this point"? The facts are that the News media in this country LIED extensively, broke many privacy laws, hacked and made public private documents and records ETC. of Trump to try to get the pile of shit murdering thieving treasonous bitch elected but the people saw her for what she was and SHE LOST BECAUSE OF WHAT SHE IS, Nothing MORE.

Until the oshitscum administrations appointed leaders in the intelligence community and the justice department are gone, I will not fully believe a damn thing they release because they have done too many political tasks for the oshit cartel to count.
The whole thing was to delegitimize her Presidency once she took office.
Just what the Hell did you read? "The whole thing..." my dying ass! Read page 1 under, "Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election". It blows your assertion to shreds!
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

I read what it said, you must not comprehend to well. It said they were trying to make it so her administration would be questioned! As Trump lagged in the polls, they gave up and really started the fake news.

So let me ask you, oh sage of the board---------->if they gave up when Trump was lagging far behind, how did they cause Hilly to lose, hmmmm, cmon, spit it out-) Let me repeat the report.....they STOPPED! They decided to try a new approach.

So somewhere between then, and the election, the Hilly collapsed! When do you think that was?!?!?!?! How about project Veritas, and Comey reopening her e-mail scandal! Now who put James C in charge of the FB!? That is correct, YOUR GUY, so he again screwed the pooch, so cut it out. Everything Obysmal touches turns to doggy poo-poo, even his nominations; and when they help you guys lose, you gotta blame it on everyone else.

YOUR President did this, period! He did NOTHING earlier about the hacking, he put James C in power, he allowed Hilly to have the server instead of saving her from herself, and you blame Moe, Larry, and Curly! Typical blame shifting, far leftist!
Hey asshole, I'm not running out into the weeds to follow your misdirection and narrative change! YOU made the absurd assertion regarding the Russian invasion of our election process that "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." That is what you wrote, so either you wish to support and stand behind what you were shouting about before or you want to get out from under the weight of your bullshit passed on from your echo chamber minders! Which is it??

Here is just the first paragraph to which I referred you above, but now wish you go through such contortions to avoid even acknowledging exists;
"Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency."
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

How does just that single paragraph match up with your now totally debunked assertion that, "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." The goals were changing as the situation was changing! You are dead fucking wrong!

Look what it says-----------> and I quote----------> When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency.....unquote.

Ok, since you are the soothsayer, exactly when was that? You tell us! Because at that time, she was ahead; far enough ahead that they changed tactics. IS THAT NOT WHAT IT SAYS, yes or no! ANSWER is----->YES!

Therefore, since it was close at the end....if we are to TAKE THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THAT YOU SAY IS ACCURATE at their word, then it had to be when she was way ahead-) When was that? Want me to tell you there oh mr Gullible-)

So you see, what we have here is a case of you blaming them for her losing, but it wasn't that way, because when they stopped, she was way ahead. From that point forward, Obysmal and Mr C screwed her, and that is on you guys-) YOUR guys shot her in the foot, not the Russians-)
Hey shit for brains, you were the one who wrote, "The whole thing was to delegitimize her [Clinton] Presidency once she took office." Was that, "The whole thing" that first paragraph addressed? PHUCK NO, shit for brains! Here, I'll paste it yet again so you can read more than just the last fucking sentence, but take in the other four goals noted;

"Putin Ordered Campaign To Influence US Election
We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency."
~~ Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections | Wiki Leaks ~~

If you can't seem to find anything but the last sentence, get some fucking help to read it all and to understand those few extra words and quit playing at STUPID!

OK, so what? Here, "puss in booties," your guy did it, not Trump, nor anyone else, that is the point! Also........the only thing that is important from public perspective besides taking care of Russia for hacking is----->it didn't work! They GAVE UP, lol! She lost because Obysmal and Hilly screwed the pooch, you damn fool, lolol.

Here conservatives, here is this buffoons logic----------> we decide to go out and knock down the DNC headquarters. (wherever it is, I don't even know) So we go there with a bunch of hammers and start hitting the damn walls, and not much is happening. We hit it for about a week, or maybe a month, or maybe even a year, but it is not crumbling. Sooooooooo, we finally look at each other and say, "screw this, lets just tell everyone the building is ugly and see if we can get them to dislike it; maybe condemn the damn thing"

Two months later, Hilly goes into the DNC with her Glycerine pills for her bad heart, Bernie is there and being a Marxist, has a little nitro in his pocket, and of course....Donna Brazile is there with both of them!

So Bernie being an old Marxist, just kinda trips and his Nitro falls on Hillys purse. Inside Hilly's purse is her glycerine pills, and the nitro falls on them. Donna Brazile tries to help up Hilly, but because she is a little........ahem.....wide.........she ends up falling ass first down on Hilly's purse, and KA-BOOM, the DNC headquarters gets blown apart.

EPILOGUE-------> That brilliant investigator of the DNC....Thoughtcrimes appears, and after calling every cop helping names such as racist, homophobe, Russian lover, and of course deplorable, proclaims that in his brilliant opinion ........we knocked it down with our hammers, lolol.

Another phony-baloney, good time rock-n-roller leftist, spinning like Beanie and Cecil, and everyone else is just dumb as a box of rocks, because he says so!
The only reason you see this widespread siding with the Russians on this by American conservatives is their cultish dedication to their latest master,

Donald Trump.
I hope trump destroys the the whole fucking world. That's the only way we can be sure to be rid of all you son of bitches.
Roaches like you will always survive
The only reason you see this widespread siding with the Russians on this by American conservatives is their cultish dedication to their latest master,

Donald Trump.
I hope trump destroys the the whole fucking world. That's the only way we can be sure to be rid of all you son of bitches.
Roaches like you will always survive
Great. Then I can take all your stuff and eat your dead body.
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep
Why do posters always leave out whose watch these things happened under? it almost seems they don't care who is responsible and are just willing to turn a blind eye to it...does that make you sad as well?
The only reason you see this widespread siding with the Russians on this by American conservatives is their cultish dedication to their latest master,

Donald Trump.
I hope trump destroys the the whole fucking world. That's the only way we can be sure to be rid of all you son of bitches.
Roaches like you will always survive
Great. Then I can take all your stuff and eat your dead body.
my body is scotch filled The good stuff
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep
Why do posters always leave out whose watch these things happened under? it almost seems they don't care who is responsible and are just willing to turn a blind eye to it...does that make you sad as well?
yes it does Keep wondering how Hillary was responsible for repub war on Iraq
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep
Why do posters always leave out whose watch these things happened under? it almost seems they don't care who is responsible and are just willing to turn a blind eye to it...does that make you sad as well?
yes it does Keep wondering how Hillary was responsible for repub war on Iraq
She is just responsible for voting for it...that bogus war had her blessing...correct?
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep
Why do posters always leave out whose watch these things happened under? it almost seems they don't care who is responsible and are just willing to turn a blind eye to it...does that make you sad as well?
yes it does Keep wondering how Hillary was responsible for repub war on Iraq
She is just responsible for voting for it...that bogus war had her blessing...correct?
not for long
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep
Why do posters always leave out whose watch these things happened under? it almost seems they don't care who is responsible and are just willing to turn a blind eye to it...does that make you sad as well?
yes it does Keep wondering how Hillary was responsible for repub war on Iraq
She is just responsible for voting for it...that bogus war had her blessing...correct?
not for long
not sure what that means, what is "not for long"?
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep
Why do posters always leave out whose watch these things happened under? it almost seems they don't care who is responsible and are just willing to turn a blind eye to it...does that make you sad as well?
yes it does Keep wondering how Hillary was responsible for repub war on Iraq
She is just responsible for voting for it...that bogus war had her blessing...cor rect?
not for long
not sure what that means, what is "not for long"?
when she found she was hoodwinked she changed her feelings BUT her for or against is not the point It was a republican AH who pulled the trigger
Why do posters always leave out whose watch these things happened under? it almost seems they don't care who is responsible and are just willing to turn a blind eye to it...does that make you sad as well?
yes it does Keep wondering how Hillary was responsible for repub war on Iraq
She is just responsible for voting for it...that bogus war had her blessing...cor rect?
not for long
not sure what that means, what is "not for long"?
"when she found she was hoodwinked
Bush too

" she changed her feelings"
Bush too

" BUT her for or against is not the point"
It is when you ask "how"

" It was a republican AH who pulled the trigger"

But not until he got the votes, and hillary was never accused of pulling the trigger, just on voting to pull it.

See, this is what happens when you involve yourself in one of the Clinton webs, you have to run from pillar to post so often to explain the Clinton's screw ups that you lose track of what it is you are actually arguing/defending
to know Russia hacked into DNC with the prime purpose to hurt Clintons chances And trump wants to be buddy buddy with this KGB agent ? No feeling at all about a country wanting to influence our election process? Putin is a murderer and we'll have a president wanting to play ball with him ?? How sad for republican sheep

It appears Podesta wanted trump to win as well. How else do you explain using the word password as your password????

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